"Active Shooter" video game lets you be school shooter

A game that starts off with the premise is wrong, but then again what do you expect from the culture that embraced Grand Theft Auto..
My son was playing that when I went to visit my toddler granddaughter, and I BEGGED him to get rid of it, or at least not play it in the living room where she would be exposed to it. He completely ignored me. Reminded me it was just a game. And to her it was. I don't think she was much of a gamer, anyway--except for that one where you jump all around and play tennis and stuff--I can't remember what you call it.

OL, what was it you objected to in GTA? I haven't seen it at all, just heard rumors about a point system for hitting people with cars. Is that true? You would know better than I. I have been a gamer since the first computers, but some of these series, espec. Playstation games, I have entirely missed.
I saw a woman get run over for points. That was plenty for me.
No, it doesn't require mental illness. Pissed off people who are perfectly aware of what they're doing and that it is "wrong" shoot people every day.
But did a video game or movie cause them to lash out?
You are all over the place.
I am arguing overall culture and the acceptance of gun homicide via portraying it as "fun" entertainment. It is one piece of the puzzle, not the entire answer.
This is just...

How does it follow that you ACCEPT GUN HOMICIDE because you...depicted it in a movie?

Support that claim.
Tacit approval by making it "fun."
I found stephen king fun. I guess i approve of fathers killing their families, running over people with vehicles and gypsy curses
Im such a shitty person :/
Well, thank you for liking Stephen King, him being a Mainer and all.
what part of our culture is degenerate in your opinion? Let's compare us to history, aspect to aspect, and see how we measure up....

Don't get me started................

I can remember when black music was the best in the world -- doo-wop, rock and roll invention and innovation --- and now it's just jungle-rhythms rap with grossly violent lyrics celebrating killing women and police. Now, THAT is degenerate.

I can remember when art was something interesting to look at. Now it's a bullwhip in a homosexual's anus, it's a bull in formaldehyde, it's American flags tacked down to the floor so the audience for this "art" has to walk on it. Degenerate in the extreme.

Literature is doing fine --- because it has a very strong profit track these days. When it was controlled by the types who thought Philip Roth's masturbation fantasies were somehow great literature, then it was degenerate, but that aspect of the culture has recovered.

The news media is worse than degenerate: it has wholly died, for the most part. There is some clear business news still (profit track again) but the rest is the most vicious opinion expressed with hyperbole and obscenity. Right now on Google News (5/30, 9 AM) OPINION: Trump is not a liar, he's a madman: Washington Post. OPINION: RED ALERT: Electing the Trump Resistance: New York Times. That's not even degenerate: it's just gone. I suppose what used to be news is all amateur propaganda now, trying to promote civil war.
Oh, so this isn't empirically true it's just a feeling that old people get?

Because let's start with music.

Due to the age of information, independent music as an industry is larger than literally ever - and not only are there hundreds of genres of NEW music.....from folk, to rock, to hard rock, to classic rock, to classical, to symphony............................but the lyrics vary from tame, to lame, to raw and unapologetic. You blame an entire culture for your inability to be imaginative enough to go and do a damn search for what you like? That's a degeneracy of your brain.

Also, it's a much more enlightened view to suck the power out of harmful/abusive language. That is the optimistic view of obscene lyrics. Language is simply a means to communicate - and the folks who invented "bad words" as being a taboo thing were unenlightened in the sense that they themselves gave those words their power. Today's culture is literally taking the power away from bad words - and that's a step in the right direction from an optimists' perspective and so....again, today is better IMO.

Art? I hope you're joking. See my prior lines regarding music. There's literally not a single form or style of art that you can claim to me, here and now, doesn't get practiced. I'd dare you to try, so that was quite the baffling case you presented.

News media has not degenerated, it's done exactly what Capitalism has guided it towards: the profit motive. If you don't like its direction, you're supposed to use your voice by not watching it - - - and if enough folks take that level of responsibility and then begin watching when it represents objective journalism, like you'd like, then it'd be fine. You could also browse the internet for fair and objective sources and help them grow their business by using it.

Today's art, music, etc. is more advanced than any time in Cultural history. That's through diversity - literally anything you can imagine? Exists. You couldn't make an objective case that it isn't better by that fact alone.

You lure me into what I thought was a discussion of an interesting issue, and I do discuss it, with no insults against you. You reply with gross insult after insult --- I wonder why you think it's all right to do that.

This forum is one of the best examples of the serious degeneration of our culture, so many here treating it not as a discussion forum but as a battleground. Predators like you trying to get someone's attention purely so they can smash them.

Why do people think they are entitled to say ANYTHING to anybody? It's a boundary issue: people don't get to insult me up one side and down the other and still associate with me, because I won't do it. I guess you are entitled to vomit obscenity insults in great streams at me and others because this is all really bad people can do, and they are allowed to do it here. And no doubt you will, but I'll never read another word of it because I'm putting you on ignore this moment.
But did a video game or movie cause them to lash out?
You are all over the place.
I am arguing overall culture and the acceptance of gun homicide via portraying it as "fun" entertainment. It is one piece of the puzzle, not the entire answer.
This is just...

How does it follow that you ACCEPT GUN HOMICIDE because you...depicted it in a movie?

Support that claim.
Tacit approval by making it "fun."
I found stephen king fun. I guess i approve of fathers killing their families, running over people with vehicles and gypsy curses
Im such a shitty person :/
Well, thank you for liking Stephen King, him being a Mainer and all.
Shouldnt you be bashing me for my tacit approval on vehicular murder and domestic violence?
OL, what was it you objected to in GTA? I haven't seen it at all, just heard rumors about a point system for hitting people with cars. Is that true? You would know better than I. I have been a gamer since the first computers, but some of these series, espec. Playstation games, I have entirely missed.
I saw a woman get run over for points. That was plenty for me.[/QUOTE]

Omigod, so it's true. Okay, thanx a lot.
what part of our culture is degenerate in your opinion? Let's compare us to history, aspect to aspect, and see how we measure up....

Don't get me started................

I can remember when black music was the best in the world -- doo-wop, rock and roll invention and innovation --- and now it's just jungle-rhythms rap with grossly violent lyrics celebrating killing women and police. Now, THAT is degenerate.

I can remember when art was something interesting to look at. Now it's a bullwhip in a homosexual's anus, it's a bull in formaldehyde, it's American flags tacked down to the floor so the audience for this "art" has to walk on it. Degenerate in the extreme.

Literature is doing fine --- because it has a very strong profit track these days. When it was controlled by the types who thought Philip Roth's masturbation fantasies were somehow great literature, then it was degenerate, but that aspect of the culture has recovered.

The news media is worse than degenerate: it has wholly died, for the most part. There is some clear business news still (profit track again) but the rest is the most vicious opinion expressed with hyperbole and obscenity. Right now on Google News (5/30, 9 AM) OPINION: Trump is not a liar, he's a madman: Washington Post. OPINION: RED ALERT: Electing the Trump Resistance: New York Times. That's not even degenerate: it's just gone. I suppose what used to be news is all amateur propaganda now, trying to promote civil war.
Oh, so this isn't empirically true it's just a feeling that old people get?

Because let's start with music.

Due to the age of information, independent music as an industry is larger than literally ever - and not only are there hundreds of genres of NEW music.....from folk, to rock, to hard rock, to classic rock, to classical, to symphony............................but the lyrics vary from tame, to lame, to raw and unapologetic. You blame an entire culture for your inability to be imaginative enough to go and do a damn search for what you like? That's a degeneracy of your brain.

Also, it's a much more enlightened view to suck the power out of harmful/abusive language. That is the optimistic view of obscene lyrics. Language is simply a means to communicate - and the folks who invented "bad words" as being a taboo thing were unenlightened in the sense that they themselves gave those words their power. Today's culture is literally taking the power away from bad words - and that's a step in the right direction from an optimists' perspective and so....again, today is better IMO.

Art? I hope you're joking. See my prior lines regarding music. There's literally not a single form or style of art that you can claim to me, here and now, doesn't get practiced. I'd dare you to try, so that was quite the baffling case you presented.

News media has not degenerated, it's done exactly what Capitalism has guided it towards: the profit motive. If you don't like its direction, you're supposed to use your voice by not watching it - - - and if enough folks take that level of responsibility and then begin watching when it represents objective journalism, like you'd like, then it'd be fine. You could also browse the internet for fair and objective sources and help them grow their business by using it.

Today's art, music, etc. is more advanced than any time in Cultural history. That's through diversity - literally anything you can imagine? Exists. You couldn't make an objective case that it isn't better by that fact alone.

You lure me into what I thought was a discussion of an interesting issue, and I do discuss it, with no insults against you. You reply with gross insult after insult --- I wonder why you think it's all right to do that.

This forum is one of the best examples of the serious degeneration of our culture, so many here treating it not as a discussion forum but as a battleground. Predators like you trying to get someone's attention and purely so they can smash them.

Why do people think they are entitled to say ANYTHING to anybody? It's a boundary issue: people don't get to insult me up one side and down the other and still associate with me, because I won't do it. I guess you are entitled to vomit obscenity insults in great streams at me and others because this is all really bad people can do, and they are allowed to do it here. And no doubt you will, but I'll never read another word of it because I'm putting you on ignore this moment.
Geez, if those are insults then you should see the flame-zone!~ I was just being straight forward with how I see it, I always am. I don't allow excuses for intellectual laziness in a forum designed to iron out ideas. Myself, my kids, my family - - - we are all subject to the Voters' whims and when people can't even bother to think past this tip of their biases.....it's lazy, inefficient and it effects a lot of other people.

I'm very anti whatever the fuck leads to cognitive dissonance, and lack of reason-ability. I'm not going to apologize, but - hey, I could have taken that one down a little and probably gotten the same point across. Sure.
I like both GT and OldLady. Can we all make love and make up?
I was careful to be respectful; G.T. doesn't know how. So, no.

GT be respectful. I'm totally trying to bang Old Lady.
Respect is earned on credits - when I can't happen to maybe, possibly! be correct ina chat without being called a knows everything - - -it's going to be seen as a tactic to dissuade dissenting information from being put onto the table. Sew crates don't play that shit
Pup nips too hard with all the insults you have thrown at me in this thread, pup is gonna get his nose slapped. Grow a pair.
If you're asking for a war with me, you're not going to get it. I don't have to think someone is the best representation of their intellectual capacity here.... in order to not have internet beefs with them. I recognize you're a good human, and that's enough. You're not Ding, and that's enough.

But if you keep mouthing off at the jibs, I seriously haven't even shown you the g.i. joe kung fu tiger grip I've got on my twin katana
Getting me to stop mouthing off is completely simple. STOP giving me shit.

You are very smart, funny, restless mind and warm spirit. Let's leave it there. I have given you a concession this morning which you and TN completely ignored. Pity that. You might have enlightened me more if you hadn't decided to personally insult me.
Damn girl... I dont even know how to respond to that logic.
Reading Stephen King is the equivalent of going in the Haunted House at the fair or the Haunted Hayride at Halloween. It's meant to be scary.

And sitting in front of a screen playing a video game is the equivalent of sitting in front of a screen playing a video game.
I gave this some thought yesterday and approaching it from this angle actually made me question if these games were as bad as I thought. You had to approach me through books, and then the wheels started turning.
Ultimately, I still think it is dead wrong to have first person shooter games, but I understand why people have "fun" with them. Maybe banning them is not the answer, except in the same way Roseanne was just "banned," by private industry saying it's bad business to hire a racist. We'll see what happens; seems whatever business put this game forward has no social conscience.
Greed has a way of doing that. Capitalism and ambition can bring out the worst in people.
Well, if i was able to make a game like this and possibly get rich, i might do it too. IDK Seems shitty but people love it. Especially games built around new ideas.
For many years, I've had an idea for a driving video game. Nothing gets killed (well, maybe the turkey vultures). I think it would be fun and challenging. Does it HAVE to involve shooting people for it to be fun for you?

Actually, that's the commonest model. I'm playing Prey right now and you normally only kill spidery/humanoid vague black alien monsters that look like permutations of Tarbaby. Oh, and "corrupted operators," which are floating boxy machines.

Killing non-humans is the usual in most games --- dragons, aliens, ghosts, Hollow Men, zombies of course, skeletons. The people-shooters are less common, but apparently pretty potent.
It's funny that people can call something I partake in, the culture of today, "degenerate" and then get called old and take offense. This is why the internet isn't for everybody, or at the very least - the judge not unless you wanna be judged thing should be in full-effect for the sensitive.
I was careful to be respectful; G.T. doesn't know how. So, no.

GT be respectful. I'm totally trying to bang Old Lady.
Respect is earned on credits - when I can't happen to maybe, possibly! be correct ina chat without being called a knows everything - - -it's going to be seen as a tactic to dissuade dissenting information from being put onto the table. Sew crates don't play that shit
Pup nips too hard with all the insults you have thrown at me in this thread, pup is gonna get his nose slapped. Grow a pair.
If you're asking for a war with me, you're not going to get it. I don't have to think someone is the best representation of their intellectual capacity here.... in order to not have internet beefs with them. I recognize you're a good human, and that's enough. You're not Ding, and that's enough.

But if you keep mouthing off at the jibs, I seriously haven't even shown you the g.i. joe kung fu tiger grip I've got on my twin katana
Getting me to stop mouthing off is completely simple. STOP giving me shit.

You are very smart, funny, restless mind and warm spirit. Let's leave it there. I have given you a concession this morning which you and TN completely ignored. Pity that. You might have enlightened me more if you hadn't decided to personally insult me.
Ok, I'm going to drop this discussion then but let me give you one last food for thought....

It's really, on an actual & not just name calling level........insulting to make me akin to a venomous murderer by saying that I tacitly approve of homicide visa-vie playing a dang game. Perhaps the venom and counter venom and rah rah all comes from how ideas are being received, here.
Well that’d be better than actually shooting and killing people.

That's the radical possibility: that it stops real shootings because the kids can take out their hates on virtual enemies.

The OTHER side of that is that such games (and violent movies and books, etc.) desensitize us all to killing people.

You know, there could be research done on this question. It's pretty important.
No, it doesn't require mental illness. Pissed off people who are perfectly aware of what they're doing and that it is "wrong" shoot people every day.
But did a video game or movie cause them to lash out?
You are all over the place.
I am arguing overall culture and the acceptance of gun homicide via portraying it as "fun" entertainment. It is one piece of the puzzle, not the entire answer.
This is just...

How does it follow that you ACCEPT GUN HOMICIDE because you...depicted it in a movie?

Support that claim.
Tacit approval by making it "fun."
Man, that's a really harsh take on a person.

Seriously - I'd skin a fat dude's tits off and barbecue them in the Vegas Desert on a video game, and still get tears in my eyes at a school shooting. Perhaps we don't, one of us, know what approval means. I mean - - I understand the concept of tacit approval but I don't believe this qualifies because empirical data shows that games and movies don't increase violent crime.
Can you share a link with me? Or are you just referring to the correlation between violent video games coming on the market and the falling homicide rate?
But did a video game or movie cause them to lash out?
You are all over the place.
I am arguing overall culture and the acceptance of gun homicide via portraying it as "fun" entertainment. It is one piece of the puzzle, not the entire answer.
This is just...

How does it follow that you ACCEPT GUN HOMICIDE because you...depicted it in a movie?

Support that claim.
Tacit approval by making it "fun."
Man, that's a really harsh take on a person.

Seriously - I'd skin a fat dude's tits off and barbecue them in the Vegas Desert on a video game, and still get tears in my eyes at a school shooting. Perhaps we don't, one of us, know what approval means. I mean - - I understand the concept of tacit approval but I don't believe this qualifies because empirical data shows that games and movies don't increase violent crime.
Can you share a link with me? Or are you just referring to the correlation between violent video games coming on the market and the falling homicide rate?
1 of these relies on a perception - but I'm sure there's data to back it up:

That's that violent games and movies saw their first real "boon" in the 80s and its carried on from there.

the homocide rate in the 80s was 9.5 per 100, 000
today, it is around 5.
what part of our culture is degenerate in your opinion? Let's compare us to history, aspect to aspect, and see how we measure up....

Don't get me started................

I can remember when black music was the best in the world -- doo-wop, rock and roll invention and innovation --- and now it's just jungle-rhythms rap with grossly violent lyrics celebrating killing women and police. Now, THAT is degenerate.

I can remember when art was something interesting to look at. Now it's a bullwhip in a homosexual's anus, it's a bull in formaldehyde, it's American flags tacked down to the floor so the audience for this "art" has to walk on it. Degenerate in the extreme.

Literature is doing fine --- because it has a very strong profit track these days. When it was controlled by the types who thought Philip Roth's masturbation fantasies were somehow great literature, then it was degenerate, but that aspect of the culture has recovered.

The news media is worse than degenerate: it has wholly died, for the most part. There is some clear business news still (profit track again) but the rest is the most vicious opinion expressed with hyperbole and obscenity. Right now on Google News (5/30, 9 AM) OPINION: Trump is not a liar, he's a madman: Washington Post. OPINION: RED ALERT: Electing the Trump Resistance: New York Times. That's not even degenerate: it's just gone. I suppose what used to be news is all amateur propaganda now, trying to promote civil war.
Oh, so this isn't empirically true it's just a feeling that old people get?

Because let's start with music.

Due to the age of information, independent music as an industry is larger than literally ever - and not only are there hundreds of genres of NEW music.....from folk, to rock, to hard rock, to classic rock, to classical, to symphony............................but the lyrics vary from tame, to lame, to raw and unapologetic. You blame an entire culture for your inability to be imaginative enough to go and do a damn search for what you like? That's a degeneracy of your brain.

Also, it's a much more enlightened view to suck the power out of harmful/abusive language. That is the optimistic view of obscene lyrics. Language is simply a means to communicate - and the folks who invented "bad words" as being a taboo thing were unenlightened in the sense that they themselves gave those words their power. Today's culture is literally taking the power away from bad words - and that's a step in the right direction from an optimists' perspective and so....again, today is better IMO.

Art? I hope you're joking. See my prior lines regarding music. There's literally not a single form or style of art that you can claim to me, here and now, doesn't get practiced. I'd dare you to try, so that was quite the baffling case you presented.

News media has not degenerated, it's done exactly what Capitalism has guided it towards: the profit motive. If you don't like its direction, you're supposed to use your voice by not watching it - - - and if enough folks take that level of responsibility and then begin watching when it represents objective journalism, like you'd like, then it'd be fine. You could also browse the internet for fair and objective sources and help them grow their business by using it.

Today's art, music, etc. is more advanced than any time in Cultural history. That's through diversity - literally anything you can imagine? Exists. You couldn't make an objective case that it isn't better by that fact alone.

You lure me into what I thought was a discussion of an interesting issue, and I do discuss it, with no insults against you. You reply with gross insult after insult --- I wonder why you think it's all right to do that.

This forum is one of the best examples of the serious degeneration of our culture, so many here treating it not as a discussion forum but as a battleground. Predators like you trying to get someone's attention purely so they can smash them.

Why do people think they are entitled to say ANYTHING to anybody? It's a boundary issue: people don't get to insult me up one side and down the other and still associate with me, because I won't do it. I guess you are entitled to vomit obscenity insults in great streams at me and others because this is all really bad people can do, and they are allowed to do it here. And no doubt you will, but I'll never read another word of it because I'm putting you on ignore this moment.
GT's not a bad person. Despite my patient role modeling, he has not learned how to discuss an issue without giving his opponent an elbow in the ribs and a shove down the stairs. LOL
Ok, no names, but it’s obvious that it’s Melania and Ivanka.

Or, what about a game where you rape little girls? You ok with not banning that?

Whoa........good.......when discussing ethical issues, always go straight to the axe murderer; it saves time. Now THIS is a discussion.

If such a virtual reality stopped the maltreatment of real little girls -- if they did research that SHOWED this worked to lessen real-life abuse, that would be quite a question.

I think we'd have to be sure that virtual pedophile rape doesn't just pump up the perverts' appetites for real children, however.

But this is the premise behind Westworld, the wonderful original and the HBO thing that got too violent fast for me. They are just robots, so...........why not abuse them at will?

The Ivanka/Melania thing is coming up fast, I bet. Next year? Sports players are already sueing because games are making their faces recognizable in the games. So Ivanka and Melania abuse can't be far behind.
GT be respectful. I'm totally trying to bang Old Lady.
Respect is earned on credits - when I can't happen to maybe, possibly! be correct ina chat without being called a knows everything - - -it's going to be seen as a tactic to dissuade dissenting information from being put onto the table. Sew crates don't play that shit
Pup nips too hard with all the insults you have thrown at me in this thread, pup is gonna get his nose slapped. Grow a pair.
If you're asking for a war with me, you're not going to get it. I don't have to think someone is the best representation of their intellectual capacity here.... in order to not have internet beefs with them. I recognize you're a good human, and that's enough. You're not Ding, and that's enough.

But if you keep mouthing off at the jibs, I seriously haven't even shown you the g.i. joe kung fu tiger grip I've got on my twin katana
Getting me to stop mouthing off is completely simple. STOP giving me shit.

You are very smart, funny, restless mind and warm spirit. Let's leave it there. I have given you a concession this morning which you and TN completely ignored. Pity that. You might have enlightened me more if you hadn't decided to personally insult me.
Ok, I'm going to drop this discussion then but let me give you one last food for thought....

It's really, on an actual & not just name calling level........insulting to make me akin to a venomous murderer by saying that I tacitly approve of homicide visa-vie playing a dang game. Perhaps the venom and counter venom and rah rah all comes from how ideas are being received, here.
G.T., is that where you're coming from? OMG. Why would you take my words so personally when I was referring to a cultural phenomenon? Especially after conceding this morning that I get why a lot of players think it is fun?
GT's not a bad person. Despite my patient role modeling, he has not learned how to discuss an issue without giving his opponent an elbow in the ribs and a shove down the stairs. LOL

Let's agree to disagree about that. I think he's a very bad person and probably mentally ill. There are a lot of crazies on these forums, because they don't have much to do all day but spew venom on normal people.

I have come to think it's a boundary issue to let people talk with me who insult me or yell obscenities at me. People can't say anything they want and still get me to talk with them. I've come to think that's weak. I like discussion, but how much do we need it? Enough to allow someone to seriously abuse us?? Darn.

That's my decision. YMMV.
2016 is the latest data the fbi has as they're still working to release 2017.

The overall homocide rate was 5.4 in 2017.

The consumers of violent movies and video game are the middle class, by majority.

The homocide rate in suburban (middle class) areas was 3.2, or 2.2 less than the overall homicide rate.

So, more consumption of violent games and movies led to less homicides, and that's per capita.....which means it's adjusted for population.

Then, take the OVERALL Country's consumption of violence as entertainment. Any objective human would say that consumption has gone up exponentially as a country since the 80s, and the homicide rate in the 80s was 9.5

Table 11

The statistics show that there's no viable argument to be made that violence in movies and games causes an increase in homicide, i.e. it's not desensitizing anyone to the point of killing but in fact, it could be argued it's had the opposite effect.

facts, data...facts...data
Respect is earned on credits - when I can't happen to maybe, possibly! be correct ina chat without being called a knows everything - - -it's going to be seen as a tactic to dissuade dissenting information from being put onto the table. Sew crates don't play that shit
Pup nips too hard with all the insults you have thrown at me in this thread, pup is gonna get his nose slapped. Grow a pair.
If you're asking for a war with me, you're not going to get it. I don't have to think someone is the best representation of their intellectual capacity here.... in order to not have internet beefs with them. I recognize you're a good human, and that's enough. You're not Ding, and that's enough.

But if you keep mouthing off at the jibs, I seriously haven't even shown you the g.i. joe kung fu tiger grip I've got on my twin katana
Getting me to stop mouthing off is completely simple. STOP giving me shit.

You are very smart, funny, restless mind and warm spirit. Let's leave it there. I have given you a concession this morning which you and TN completely ignored. Pity that. You might have enlightened me more if you hadn't decided to personally insult me.
Ok, I'm going to drop this discussion then but let me give you one last food for thought....

It's really, on an actual & not just name calling level........insulting to make me akin to a venomous murderer by saying that I tacitly approve of homicide visa-vie playing a dang game. Perhaps the venom and counter venom and rah rah all comes from how ideas are being received, here.
G.T., is that where you're coming from? OMG. Why would you take my words so personally when I was referring to a cultural phenomenon? Especially after conceding this morning that I get why a lot of players think it is fun?
Because you continued with the same claim, and even said so directly: it's a tacit approval. You said it!
Can you share a link with me? Or are you just referring to the correlation between violent video games coming on the market and the falling homicide rate?

I am referring to the falling homicide rate (which could be entirely independent of anything about video games, for all we know now) but can't give you a link for anything ----- the idea that porn makes real rapes LESS likely knocked me over when someone speculated that a few years ago, no reference, sorry. Because, he said, they are sitting in their computer room with the porn doing it all there, and they aren't prowling the streets looking for women walking alone.

Yow, it made sense. It's at least a possibility to consider: I really don't know whether violent games and porn make real crime MORE or LESS likely.

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