"Active Shooter" video game lets you be school shooter

This convo is more than just perception, my dear. It is statistics. It is reality.
You becoming an acolyte of 2AGuy? If you want to talk statistics, tell me about the 10,000+ who die every year from gun homicide. That is not acceptable to me. Sorry it is to you.
Is that honest?

I said that it's alright?

I'm not sure why you have such an emotional detachment from objectively analyzing a situation so that it can be properly addressed.

If homocides overall are DOWN, we can all agree that's a GOOD thing and start from there - YES?

Or - would it be better if homocides go BACK UP - but they're spread across a more even distribution of murder weapons?

Please answer both as honestly and as objectively as you can - I'm kind of at my limit here with your fingers in your ears and being personal thing.
I agree with you that our culture has decayed, deteriorated in the last decades, Mac.

But I want to suggest something really radical here --- don't be upset, it's just an idea.

Maybe this is a GOOD thing, a school shooter game, because then violent kids can do it virtually, but not in reality. I read years ago that rape attacks dropped after porn on the Internet became widely available. And that a lot of teens playing Grand Theft Auto (where they get points for running over people, I've heard) is good because then they aren't outside at night doing crimes.

People are naturally violent: man is man's wolf. So if they have an outlet for that violence that doesn't actually hurt anyone, maybe that's better than what's happening now.
I'm pretty sure they looked into that with child sex offenders to see if viewing child pornography on line would keep them off the streets. The results were that child sex offenders are NOT to go near it; it seems to lead from fantasy to eventual reality. These are people who already have a problem, much as the kids who play some of these video games do.
lol my girl - the reason child pornography has to be illegal is because WATCHING it produces the MONEY it takes to GET THE KIDS IN THE MOVIES. It's defacto molesting the kids by proxy with another person's genitals for your viewing pleasure. You're an accessory to a literal crime, DIRECTLY, by funding it.
I'm aware of that. I was speaking specifically to the suggestion that doing the shooting on line would keep people from doing it in real life.

It wouldn't keep them FROM, or CAUSE THEM TO - murder anybody. Doing that takes mental illness.

When son of sam was murdering people because his dog said so.....(the games are the dog in this analogy)..........................he wasnt killing anyone because the dog said so. He was killing them because he was psychotic.
No, it doesn't require mental illness. Pissed off people who are perfectly aware of what they're doing and that it is "wrong" shoot people every day.
But did a video game or movie cause them to lash out?
You are all over the place.
However illegal and abhorrent the acts depicted in the game might be, they're not actually harming anyone,
Ahh, so you also think conservatives are full of shit when they try to blame video games or rap music for crime? That’s good to hear.
Not sure where you're getting that.

I said that they're not harming anyone in that it's not a video of an actual act being carried out. No one is being killed/raped as a result of you playing that game or the game existing in the first place, so it's not aggressing someone directly.

The effects of that kind of thing on malleable brains is an entirely different argument. I think abhorrent behavior and interests begets more of the same. So yea, this kind of shit is in incredibly bad taste, and while it's impossible to completely quantify, has led to the degradation of our society to the point where too many kids get the idea and then carry out murdering their classmates at school.
it’s not a different argument. You said the games aren’t actually harming anyone.
Correct, they're not directly harming anyone. "No humans were harmed in the making of this video."

From there, it's a matter of opinion as to if and how much a given game or type of game contributes to a culture that could influence someone to commit an act that directly aggresses someone. I'm on the side that it's up to society (each individual more specifically) to live virtuously, and self police themselves into finding certain types of media abhorrent and therefore not pay people to create them. If there's no market, then there's no product.
If reasonable minds prevailed, let's say a movie is viewed by 20.6 MILLION people.

And two of those hear hidden messages and it programs them to go and kill.

Is that a function of the movie, or the brain-state of those 2 folks out of 20.6 million?

Throughout human history, EMOTIONALISM over PRAGMATIC SOLUTIONS has caused a great number of freedoms to be restricted for invalid reasons like this. It's actually disgusting.
However illegal and abhorrent the acts depicted in the game might be, they're not actually harming anyone,
Ahh, so you also think conservatives are full of shit when they try to blame video games or rap music for crime? That’s good to hear.
Not sure where you're getting that.

I said that they're not harming anyone in that it's not a video of an actual act being carried out. No one is being killed/raped as a result of you playing that game or the game existing in the first place, so it's not aggressing someone directly.

The effects of that kind of thing on malleable brains is an entirely different argument. I think abhorrent behavior and interests begets more of the same. So yea, this kind of shit is in incredibly bad taste, and while it's impossible to completely quantify, has led to the degradation of our society to the point where too many kids get the idea and then carry out murdering their classmates at school.
it’s not a different argument. You said the games aren’t actually harming anyone.
Correct, they're not directly harming anyone. "No humans were harmed in the making of this video."

From there, it's a matter of opinion as to if and how much a given game or type of game contributes to a culture that could influence someone to commit an act that directly aggresses someone. I'm on the side that it's up to society (each individual more specifically) to live virtuously, and self police themselves into finding certain types of media abhorrent and therefore not pay people to create them. If there's no market, then there's no product.
If reasonable minds prevailed, let's say a movie is viewed by 20.6 MILLION people.

And two of those hear hidden messages and it programs them to go and kill.

Is that a function of the movie, or the brain-state of those 2 folks out of 20.6 million?

Throughout human history, EMOTIONALISM over PRAGMATIC SOLUTIONS has caused a great number of freedoms to be restricted for invalid reasons like this. It's actually disgusting.
Oh yea, i agree. It's why we have gender neutral bathrooms to cater to a fraction of 1% of the population in the name of nothing but emotion.
I like both GT and OldLady. Can we all make love and make up?
I was careful to be respectful; G.T. doesn't know how. So, no.

GT be respectful. I'm totally trying to bang Old Lady.
Respect is earned on credits - when I can't happen to maybe, possibly! be correct ina chat without being called a knows everything - - -it's going to be seen as a tactic to dissuade dissenting information from being put onto the table. Sew crates don't play that shit
Ahh, so you also think conservatives are full of shit when they try to blame video games or rap music for crime? That’s good to hear.
Not sure where you're getting that.

I said that they're not harming anyone in that it's not a video of an actual act being carried out. No one is being killed/raped as a result of you playing that game or the game existing in the first place, so it's not aggressing someone directly.

The effects of that kind of thing on malleable brains is an entirely different argument. I think abhorrent behavior and interests begets more of the same. So yea, this kind of shit is in incredibly bad taste, and while it's impossible to completely quantify, has led to the degradation of our society to the point where too many kids get the idea and then carry out murdering their classmates at school.
it’s not a different argument. You said the games aren’t actually harming anyone.
Correct, they're not directly harming anyone. "No humans were harmed in the making of this video."

From there, it's a matter of opinion as to if and how much a given game or type of game contributes to a culture that could influence someone to commit an act that directly aggresses someone. I'm on the side that it's up to society (each individual more specifically) to live virtuously, and self police themselves into finding certain types of media abhorrent and therefore not pay people to create them. If there's no market, then there's no product.
If reasonable minds prevailed, let's say a movie is viewed by 20.6 MILLION people.

And two of those hear hidden messages and it programs them to go and kill.

Is that a function of the movie, or the brain-state of those 2 folks out of 20.6 million?

Throughout human history, EMOTIONALISM over PRAGMATIC SOLUTIONS has caused a great number of freedoms to be restricted for invalid reasons like this. It's actually disgusting.
Oh yea, i agree. It's why we have gender neutral bathrooms to cater to a fraction of 1% of the population in the name of nothing but emotion.
I have like 3 different takes on the gender-neutral bathrooms thing.

1st take - not forcing bathroom accommodations on a business, by law. Let the cooler business owners do that on their own, and let me not bother to go into a place that doesn't.

2nd take - if any are permitted by law, and the law also says to accommodate each sex..... and since transgender is a thing that exists in reality.........I'm alright AT THAT POINT with a 3rd option, but only begrudgingly because of point #1.

3rd take - is the cultural decay thing. It's a cultural ADVANCEMENT to remove the taboo off of these folks, and not the other way around, and that's a matter of opinion that one.
I have like 3 different takes on the gender-neutral bathrooms thing.

1st take - not forcing bathroom accommodations on a business, by law. Let the cooler business owners do that on their own, and let me not bother to go into a place that doesn't.

2nd take - if any are permitted by law, and the law also says to accommodate each sex..... and since transgender is a thing that exists in reality.........I'm alright AT THAT POINT with a 3rd option, but only begrudgingly because of point #1.

3rd take - is the cultural decay thing. It's a cultural ADVANCEMENT to remove the taboo off of these folks, and not the other way around, and that's a matter of opinion that one.
Disagree other than the point about letting businesses do what they want. But, that's a topic for another thread.
Well that’d be better than actually shooting and killing people.

You know, this is just a lawsuit waiting to happen. What would be the reaction if a kid bought the game, played it as a shooter repeatedly to try to figure out the best way to do a shooting, and used it as a simulator for the real thing? I think that they should be held liable if something like that happened.

Yeah.................I like violence in my movies and games just like the next fella, but something like this pushes boundaries in a very bad way.

And imagine if a kid had this game on his phone, and played it at school.
You becoming an acolyte of 2AGuy? If you want to talk statistics, tell me about the 10,000+ who die every year from gun homicide. That is not acceptable to me. Sorry it is to you.
Is that honest?

I said that it's alright?

I'm not sure why you have such an emotional detachment from objectively analyzing a situation so that it can be properly addressed.

If homocides overall are DOWN, we can all agree that's a GOOD thing and start from there - YES?

Or - would it be better if homocides go BACK UP - but they're spread across a more even distribution of murder weapons?

Please answer both as honestly and as objectively as you can - I'm kind of at my limit here with your fingers in your ears and being personal thing.
I'm pretty sure they looked into that with child sex offenders to see if viewing child pornography on line would keep them off the streets. The results were that child sex offenders are NOT to go near it; it seems to lead from fantasy to eventual reality. These are people who already have a problem, much as the kids who play some of these video games do.
lol my girl - the reason child pornography has to be illegal is because WATCHING it produces the MONEY it takes to GET THE KIDS IN THE MOVIES. It's defacto molesting the kids by proxy with another person's genitals for your viewing pleasure. You're an accessory to a literal crime, DIRECTLY, by funding it.
I'm aware of that. I was speaking specifically to the suggestion that doing the shooting on line would keep people from doing it in real life.

It wouldn't keep them FROM, or CAUSE THEM TO - murder anybody. Doing that takes mental illness.

When son of sam was murdering people because his dog said so.....(the games are the dog in this analogy)..........................he wasnt killing anyone because the dog said so. He was killing them because he was psychotic.
No, it doesn't require mental illness. Pissed off people who are perfectly aware of what they're doing and that it is "wrong" shoot people every day.
But did a video game or movie cause them to lash out?
You are all over the place.
I am arguing overall culture and the acceptance of gun homicide via portraying it as "fun" entertainment. It is one piece of the puzzle, not the entire answer.
Is that honest?

I said that it's alright?

I'm not sure why you have such an emotional detachment from objectively analyzing a situation so that it can be properly addressed.

If homocides overall are DOWN, we can all agree that's a GOOD thing and start from there - YES?

Or - would it be better if homocides go BACK UP - but they're spread across a more even distribution of murder weapons?

Please answer both as honestly and as objectively as you can - I'm kind of at my limit here with your fingers in your ears and being personal thing.
lol my girl - the reason child pornography has to be illegal is because WATCHING it produces the MONEY it takes to GET THE KIDS IN THE MOVIES. It's defacto molesting the kids by proxy with another person's genitals for your viewing pleasure. You're an accessory to a literal crime, DIRECTLY, by funding it.
I'm aware of that. I was speaking specifically to the suggestion that doing the shooting on line would keep people from doing it in real life.

It wouldn't keep them FROM, or CAUSE THEM TO - murder anybody. Doing that takes mental illness.

When son of sam was murdering people because his dog said so.....(the games are the dog in this analogy)..........................he wasnt killing anyone because the dog said so. He was killing them because he was psychotic.
No, it doesn't require mental illness. Pissed off people who are perfectly aware of what they're doing and that it is "wrong" shoot people every day.
But did a video game or movie cause them to lash out?
You are all over the place.
I am arguing overall culture and the acceptance of gun homicide via portraying it as "fun" entertainment. It is one piece of the puzzle, not the entire answer.
umm ok lol
Is that honest?

I said that it's alright?

I'm not sure why you have such an emotional detachment from objectively analyzing a situation so that it can be properly addressed.

If homocides overall are DOWN, we can all agree that's a GOOD thing and start from there - YES?

Or - would it be better if homocides go BACK UP - but they're spread across a more even distribution of murder weapons?

Please answer both as honestly and as objectively as you can - I'm kind of at my limit here with your fingers in your ears and being personal thing.
lol my girl - the reason child pornography has to be illegal is because WATCHING it produces the MONEY it takes to GET THE KIDS IN THE MOVIES. It's defacto molesting the kids by proxy with another person's genitals for your viewing pleasure. You're an accessory to a literal crime, DIRECTLY, by funding it.
I'm aware of that. I was speaking specifically to the suggestion that doing the shooting on line would keep people from doing it in real life.

It wouldn't keep them FROM, or CAUSE THEM TO - murder anybody. Doing that takes mental illness.

When son of sam was murdering people because his dog said so.....(the games are the dog in this analogy)..........................he wasnt killing anyone because the dog said so. He was killing them because he was psychotic.
No, it doesn't require mental illness. Pissed off people who are perfectly aware of what they're doing and that it is "wrong" shoot people every day.
But did a video game or movie cause them to lash out?
You are all over the place.
I am arguing overall culture and the acceptance of gun homicide via portraying it as "fun" entertainment. It is one piece of the puzzle, not the entire answer.
This is just...

How does it follow that you ACCEPT GUN HOMICIDE because you...depicted it in a movie?

Support that claim.
Well that’d be better than actually shooting and killing people.

You know, this is just a lawsuit waiting to happen. What would be the reaction if a kid bought the game, played it as a shooter repeatedly to try to figure out the best way to do a shooting, and used it as a simulator for the real thing? I think that they should be held liable if something like that happened.

Yeah.................I like violence in my movies and games just like the next fella, but something like this pushes boundaries in a very bad way.

And imagine if a kid had this game on his phone, and played it at school.

True, but it's still pretty bad.
I like both GT and OldLady. Can we all make love and make up?
I was careful to be respectful; G.T. doesn't know how. So, no.

GT be respectful. I'm totally trying to bang Old Lady.
Respect is earned on credits - when I can't happen to maybe, possibly! be correct ina chat without being called a knows everything - - -it's going to be seen as a tactic to dissuade dissenting information from being put onto the table. Sew crates don't play that shit
Pup nips too hard with all the insults you have thrown at me in this thread, pup is gonna get his nose slapped. Grow a pair.
I like both GT and OldLady. Can we all make love and make up?
I was careful to be respectful; G.T. doesn't know how. So, no.

GT be respectful. I'm totally trying to bang Old Lady.
Respect is earned on credits - when I can't happen to maybe, possibly! be correct ina chat without being called a knows everything - - -it's going to be seen as a tactic to dissuade dissenting information from being put onto the table. Sew crates don't play that shit
Pup nips too hard with all the insults you have thrown at me in this thread, pup is gonna get his nose slapped. Grow a pair.
If you're asking for a war with me, you're not going to get it. I don't have to think someone is the best representation of their intellectual capacity here.... in order to not have internet beefs with them. I recognize you're a good human, and that's enough. You're not Ding, and that's enough.

But if you keep mouthing off at the jibs, I seriously haven't even shown you the g.i. joe kung fu tiger grip I've got on my twin katana
A game that starts off with the premise is wrong, but then again what do you expect from the culture that embraced Grand Theft Auto..
My son was playing that when I went to visit my toddler granddaughter, and I BEGGED him to get rid of it, or at least not play it in the living room where she would be exposed to it. He completely ignored me. Reminded me it was just a game. And to her it was. I don't think she was much of a gamer, anyway--except for that one where you jump all around and play tennis and stuff--I can't remember what you call it.

OL, what was it you objected to in GTA? I haven't seen it at all, just heard rumors about a point system for hitting people with cars. Is that true? You would know better than I. I have been a gamer since the first computers, but some of these series, espec. Playstation games, I have entirely missed.
I'm aware of that. I was speaking specifically to the suggestion that doing the shooting on line would keep people from doing it in real life.

It wouldn't keep them FROM, or CAUSE THEM TO - murder anybody. Doing that takes mental illness.

When son of sam was murdering people because his dog said so.....(the games are the dog in this analogy)..........................he wasnt killing anyone because the dog said so. He was killing them because he was psychotic.
No, it doesn't require mental illness. Pissed off people who are perfectly aware of what they're doing and that it is "wrong" shoot people every day.
But did a video game or movie cause them to lash out?
You are all over the place.
I am arguing overall culture and the acceptance of gun homicide via portraying it as "fun" entertainment. It is one piece of the puzzle, not the entire answer.
This is just...

How does it follow that you ACCEPT GUN HOMICIDE because you...depicted it in a movie?

Support that claim.
Tacit approval by making it "fun."
It wouldn't keep them FROM, or CAUSE THEM TO - murder anybody. Doing that takes mental illness.

When son of sam was murdering people because his dog said so.....(the games are the dog in this analogy)..........................he wasnt killing anyone because the dog said so. He was killing them because he was psychotic.
No, it doesn't require mental illness. Pissed off people who are perfectly aware of what they're doing and that it is "wrong" shoot people every day.
But did a video game or movie cause them to lash out?
You are all over the place.
I am arguing overall culture and the acceptance of gun homicide via portraying it as "fun" entertainment. It is one piece of the puzzle, not the entire answer.
This is just...

How does it follow that you ACCEPT GUN HOMICIDE because you...depicted it in a movie?

Support that claim.
Tacit approval by making it "fun."
I found stephen king fun. I guess i approve of fathers killing their families, running over people with vehicles and gypsy curses
Im such a shitty person :/
It wouldn't keep them FROM, or CAUSE THEM TO - murder anybody. Doing that takes mental illness.

When son of sam was murdering people because his dog said so.....(the games are the dog in this analogy)..........................he wasnt killing anyone because the dog said so. He was killing them because he was psychotic.
No, it doesn't require mental illness. Pissed off people who are perfectly aware of what they're doing and that it is "wrong" shoot people every day.
But did a video game or movie cause them to lash out?
You are all over the place.
I am arguing overall culture and the acceptance of gun homicide via portraying it as "fun" entertainment. It is one piece of the puzzle, not the entire answer.
This is just...

How does it follow that you ACCEPT GUN HOMICIDE because you...depicted it in a movie?

Support that claim.
Tacit approval by making it "fun."
Man, that's a really harsh take on a person.

Seriously - I'd skin a fat dude's tits off and barbecue them in the Vegas Desert on a video game, and still get tears in my eyes at a school shooting. Perhaps we don't, one of us, know what approval means. I mean - - I understand the concept of tacit approval but I don't believe this qualifies because empirical data shows that games and movies don't increase violent crime.

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