Active Shooter

I just read where the man he murdered was from B'ham Al. His family was notified.
Let’s immediately start a witch hunting emotional uproar on why the police had to use lethal force on a murderer
Lib 101
The victim.
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:( Sure would like to know why.
Clinton Douglas Street. From Birmingham. I guess he sold real estate in Walton Ounty. Destin. That is a home he bought for his mom.
Nice guy murdered and the crocodile tears are all flowing one way-for the murderer
Nice guy murdered and the crocodile tears are all flowing one way-for the murderer
Liberals support crime. It's why we have so much of it. We were all told at the prison that on average, each convict locked up here had been arrested 8 to 11 times before they ever went to prison.
Who cares, not me. Go on down there with your gun. Remember it takes a good guy with a gun to beat a bad guy with a gun. LOL.
Would you like to bet on who stops him? I bet it's someone with a gun.

Someone like a COP. Yes I imagine so.
So a good guy with a gun? What happens when a bad guy with a gun is breaking into your home and no cops are sleeping over that night? Maybe you could use some of your lefty mumbo jumbo to convince him to not to rob, rape and kill your family?
I'm weighing the odds that my home is invaded and I'm raped vs. I shoot my own foot off accidentally. Hmm. It's close. I do have a gun though. That's how I know I'm a masculine male with big ol balls.
When the criminal is pointing the gun at you just proclaim-” I love illegals, criminals, losers, government dependents, homos, nut cases”
It works every time and he will shoot someone else not so enlightened.
If you can comfortably hand a loaded gun to a crazed homeless person or a ruthless thug in a dark alley, then sure gun laws are fine.
Who cares, not me. Go on down there with your gun. Remember it takes a good guy with a gun to beat a bad guy with a gun. LOL.

That was very inappropriate Penelope, considering Willow Tree is/was so near to that situation.
She's a hateful skank like all of them. Stay safe OP.

This is him Kevin Holroyd, not sure when picture taken but he looks psychotic and off his meds, the eyes:


Article says the victim he shot named Clinton Street, so if that was Kevin Holroyd's um wife then he was Homo yes? In this thread someone said he was on the run because he had shot his wife, no mention of shooting a woman though only Clinton Street who was a man.

Suspect in Panama City shooter situation confirmed dead

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