Actor forbids ‘bigots and homophobes’ from watching his work following Supreme Court ruling

You really should.
Read the book. I tried to watch the movie once but it was boring. My mother "abridged" the book with a pair of scissors and white electrical tape. Cut out all the screwing and bad language. It then did the rounds of all the "mothers" and kids in our friendship circle; it was an excellent read.

I picked up a copy later in life and "read" a few passages that mum had "cut". They were crap anyway.

But Putin owns Biden
So you're saying that Biden is Putin's master?

You're really not smart.
Wingnuts cried their eyes out when Sarah "The Pig" Sanders was refused service at that Virginia restaurant. But they want to deny services to whomever triggers them, under the guise of "religion".
Don't act like you loons don't celebrate when someone on the right is denied service and throw tantrums when you can't force people to think the way you demand.
It hasn't taken long for the tit-fo-tat to open up over the SCOTUS decision on Colorado's public accommodations law. With the court now deciding that a product involving creative expression can be withheld if the creator doesn't like the buyer's lifestyle choices, why should an actor not also have a right to deny people access to their work as well?

There are a growing contingent of "Americans" who seem to think that the only way for a society to be free is to descend into endless tit-for-tat pokes in the eye every time someone doesn't like something about someone else. In the end, it can only lead to the disintegration of American society into little more than a tribal confederation, and that's only if it manages to avoid devolving entirely into petty city-states.

You cannot claim to believe in America as the greatest nation-state in the world, and that America should seek to remain the greatest, strongest, most powerful nation-state on God's green earth, while at the same time longing for it to devolve into a weak collection of loosely associated chiefdoms. China is rising and we are sinking. If you want to drive us down further then you aren't a patriot.

I’ve decided to forbid bigots and homophobes from watching The Sopranos, The White Lotus, Goodfellas or any movie or tv show I’ve been in,” Imperioli said in the caption of a post on his Instagram page Saturday, adding “Thank you Supreme Court for allowing me to discriminate and exclude those who I don’t agree with and am opposed to. USA! USA!”
because he doesn’t own the work. All he has done is exposed how dumb he is
I have a question for those upset over this ruling as well as these actors getting all worked up.

If a website designer or cake baker is required by law to create something against their religion or personal morals. Can an actor be forced to do gay porn? Can this movie tough Italian mob actor be forced to kneel down and suck a cock in the name of inclusion and under Colorado law must apply his acting trade as the customer demands?

If he refuses that would be bigoted and homophobic at least. And we apparently can’t have that. So while the baker is making a cake and the website designer is doing the new site this actor should be doing a gay porn film right?

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