Actor Jason Bigg( from American PIE) tweets vile messages on twitter

How's this?

Biggs’s Twitter account is currently being promoted by kid’s channel Nickelodeon, and in May Mollen tweeted “My husband is up for a Teen Choice Award which means tons of 8th grader pussy! Please make sure your kids vote!”

Nickelodeon, with a viewership of kids 10 to 17, still has made no comment about the couple’s tweets.

Read more: Wife of Jason Biggs Jokes about Child Rape; Defends Husband
There's no tweet on her twitter feed that says that.
there was . they deleted it!! Im glad you people on the left condone this kind of language about children! shows what low lives you really are.

Oh shut up already
The kid who blew two loads in his shorts in a movie scene said some raunchy things about Mrs. Romney and Mrs. Ryan therefor you are all hypocrites and Sarah Palin is now automatically President for life.

This was eloquent, and only the practical minded would understand how come.
The kid who blew two loads in his shorts in a movie scene said some raunchy things about Mrs. Romney and Mrs. Ryan therefor you are all hypocrites and Sarah Palin is now automatically President for life.

shit, you can't quit a for life position at half-time, can you?
Hi, you have received -195 reputation points from Lovebears65.
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I am glad you support pedophile speech.


Hi, you have received -195 reputation points from Lovebears65.
Reputation was given for this post.

I am glad you support pedophile speech.



This tweet was from Biggs wife “My husband is up for a Teen Choice Award which means tons of 8th grader pussy! Please make sure your kids vote!”

If that is not a pedophile speech then what is..
Hi, you have received -195 reputation points from Lovebears65.
Reputation was given for this post.

I am glad you support pedophile speech.



This tweet was from Biggs wife “My husband is up for a Teen Choice Award which means tons of 8th grader pussy! Please make sure your kids vote!”

If that is not a pedophile speech then what is..

Since you made up the term I guess you get to define it anyway you see fit there stubby. :lol:
It should have already been merged with the other thread I already linked to but Oddball's too busy arguing with del or something. :dunno:
About Ann Romney and Paul Ryans wife and the left wing media is quiet.. Rush limbaugh says something about Sandra FLUKE and it is on the news for weeks. And they say there is no Bias in the MSM .. What makes this sad is Biggs is the voice over to a childrens show on Nickelodeon and they often direct children to his twitter page..

American Pie Actor Jason Biggs Attacks Ann Romney, Janna Ryan in Sexually Charged Tweets |

The main stream media does not think it's an issue.
He doesn't have 15 million followers, just little children.
What a hateful jerk.

funny, i didn't see you offended by ted nugent.

now stop whining and piss off.

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