Actor Kirk Cameron Has Been Denied A Library Story Hour Deal.

I don’t like bigots. That’s it. I don’t see bigotry as being an essential part of religion. I guess that’s where we disagree.

Practice your religion. Please. Go for it. Enjoy. That doesn’t mean you get to be a bigot.
Everyone is a bigot in some way. Buuuuuuut to understand that, you need a brain.
I don’t like bigots. That’s it. I don’t see bigotry as being an essential part of religion. I guess that’s where we disagree.

Practice your religion. Please. Go for it. Enjoy. That doesn’t mean you get to be a bigot.

You are a bigot, but you don't accept that others have the ability to think differently than you, so you don't see it.

So again, we can force Catholic priests to perform SSM ceremonies?
You are a bigot, but you don't accept that others have the ability to think differently than you, so you don't see it.

So again, we can force Catholic priests to perform SSM ceremonies?
I accept others. I have no problem with Christians. Christianity is a fine religion that helps many people find comfort. They think differently than me, and that’s just fine.

Some of them think being gay is a sin and I accept them living their lives according to their own moral guide. They’re straight because that’s what they want to be. Good for them.
I accept others. I have no problem with Christians. Christianity is a fine religion that helps many people find comfort. They think differently than me, and that’s just fine.

Some of them think being gay is a sin and I accept them living their lives according to their own moral guide. They’re straight because that’s what they want to be. Good for them.

But if they decide to act on those beliefs, or even express them publicly?

But if they decide to act on those beliefs, or even express them publicly?
It's expressing them publicly that is targeted. You can be as biased and bigoted as you want, and act on those beliefs, as long as you keep your mouth shut and don't say why.
But if they decide to act on those beliefs, or even express them publicly?
Yes. Go ahead and act on their beliefs. Marry someone of the opposite sex. Congrats! I’m happy for you. Go out with them in public. Wonderful! Hold hands, hug or kiss them in public in front of children. Hooray!
Yes. Go ahead and act on their beliefs. Marry someone of the opposite sex. Congrats! I’m happy for you. Go out with them in public. Wonderful! Hold hands, hug or kiss them in public in front of children. Hooray!

I'm talking about being forced to bake a cake, or persecuted if you express your belief that marriage is between one man and one woman.

Those are free exercise issues as well.
I'm talking about being forced to bake a cake, or persecuted if you express your belief that marriage is between one man and one woman.

Those are free exercise issues as well.
Baking a cake doesn’t make you gay. Refusing to bake a cake for a gay couple makes you a bigot.

Live your life according to your moral code. Leave the rest of us alone. That’s all we are asking.
Is disagreeing with Nazis being bigoted to their viewpoints?
Well, at least I’m consistent here. I only have a problem with bigots. You, on the other hand, defend some bigots and condemn some bigots.

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