Actor Superglues Himself to Starbucks Counter to Protest Starbucks Charging Extra for Vegan Milk

Hopefully that earned him a lifetime ban.
If anything, what he did may only score him some kind of discount because he only brought the place even more attention. However, I won't be surprised if he does end up having to pay for any damage that may have come from whatever he did.

God bless you and him always!!!

Cromwell glued his hand to the counter at a Midtown, Manhattan location to call on Starbucks to stop charging extra for vegan milk.

“Democrats need to embrace Hollywood because this is where they need to come to learn how to tell a story."
-Michael Moore

Good for him! More actors need to glue themselves to something. I just read an article today where Bill Mayher attacked Hollywood for constantly glorifying gun violence in movies and then having the balls to clamor for gun control. He's right.
Cromwell glued his hand to the counter at a Midtown, Manhattan location to call on Starbucks to stop charging extra for vegan milk.

“Democrats need to embrace Hollywood because this is where they need to come to learn how to tell a story."
-Michael Moore

James Cromwell is a very talented actor, but even by Hollywood standards, he's a rather serious nutcase. Almost at the Randy Quaid level of nutcasery. (I actually did meet Randy Quaid, once, when I was working as an extra on one of his movies. That was a very long time ago, before he had fully cast off the melancholy burden of sanity.)

Obviously you are
No Fanny. It was an observation that the contrived political whining and stunt was a silly, petty weenie thing to do. Obviously, you’re wrong again. But then again, you did post; so that’s redundant.
I love James Cromwell as an actor but he now is just an old school hippie trying to recapture the glory days in the 60s and be relevant.

Starbucks is the last place worth making a stand about. That place is just for the upper class and upper side of middle class to buy expensive drinks at so they can have a smug sense of self satisfaction at having others see them carrying their cups around.

I think white castle and Dunkin donuts has better coffee.
Cromwell glued his hand to the counter at a Midtown, Manhattan location to call on Starbucks to stop charging extra for vegan milk.

Such a shame. And here I had so much respect for the guy who invented the space warp! How sad that now in his old age, be cannot afford an extra fee for vegan milk or to simply buy his own espresso machine and just stay home and shut up!
Vegan milk costs more. Suck it up buttercup.

Yes but progs feel they are entitled. They will pass a bill making the DOJ come down hard on coffee shops forcing them to provide soy milk at no extra change eating the cost otherwise be charged with discrimination against the lactose intolerant. :smoke:

Jealous of milk? Are you serious, fool? Have you priced the difference between plant based veggie milk and regular?

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Screen Shot 2022-06-12 at 5.36.01 PM.png

That's a whole extra .39¢ for a whole half gallon, or about an extra 1.3¢ extra cost per cup of coffee.

What the article doesn't tell you is that Starbucks has DROPPED the vegan charge in the UK, but are still charging US customers an extra .70¢--- enough to pay the difference on a whole gallon of the stuff.


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