Actual African vs "African American"

Great work, she runs the Press Conference and demands a certain decorum

If you refuse to follow, she will cut you off

She got all flustered by a question she couldn't honestly answer and literally stomped away like a little spoiled brat kid. She very immaturely left the room because she couldn't answer a simple question.

She got all flustered by a question she couldn't honestly answer and literally stomped away like a little spoiled brat kid. She very immaturely left the room because she couldn't answer a simple question.

She got pissed that the guy kept interrupting while she tried to answer

At times, the press acts like children and she needs to maintain control of the conference

She did well
Pre -merican
Joe Biden claims he was arrested in Africa when he went to march with Mandela.

Does that make Joe an African, a South African, or an African American?


(Or a Puerto Rican African American, since he claims he was raised in a Puerto Rican community...?)
It's so refreshing to visit other countries where people of other ethnicity don't run around with a chip on their shoulder and bemoan the constant victim mentality that you see in this country every day. It's all a big scam perpetrated by dems to keep people of color voting D year after year, not to mention the money it generates certain race baiters and sham orgs like BLM. Black people in other countries are not like black Americans, they haven't been raised with the veil of discrimination taught to them since birth. There are certainly plenty of black Americans that have figured the scam out, but there are an equal proportion that still believe the lies they are sold and use it as an excuse to be the 'victim'.

What an unreal embarrassment those people are in this country.

My wife and I have a couple friends. They are mother and daughter. They are from Africa and both are good people The Father and brother both were murdered in front of the two women. The brother had a tire strapped around him and lit on fire. This wasn't war, this was their life. I have crossed path with tens of thousands of people over my life and you know I can't ever recall any two ever being the same. Don't ever call me a supremist, a racist or any of those vile words. I don't think I even know one.

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