Actual gun control that will work...Chicago might finally get it...

Longer sentences!! :eusa_doh: of course! Why didn't we think of this before?? It's not that we have a gun culture with firearms glorified 24/7 with easy access --- we just weren't keepin' 'em locked up quite long enough! Why let's put this into action tomorrow and the earth will smell of roses forevermore!

Brilliant, problem solved, huzzah, yay us.

okay moron...we aren't locking up gun criminals....they get short sentences and are released to use guns again....the example I chicago we had 3 guys, 2 with previous gun convictions...sentenced to 3 years, given "Boot Camp" alternative, and were out in 18 months.....and in less than a month they shot up a park full of people....had they been in for 10 years they wouldn't have shot up the park and the word would get around to not use or carry guns.....

And when they were released --- it was to exactly the same world that generated them.

But ya know what, let's just extend the time, do the same thing and expect different results. There's a plan.

We'll see how full of piss and vinegar they are when they get out of prison and they're in their sixties.

Are you a fiscal conservative? Do you know how much it costs - food, clothing, shelter, health care and employment costs - to incarcerate a person for 40 years? Seems a high cost to provide welfare to the gun industry.
Longer sentences!! :eusa_doh: of course! Why didn't we think of this before?? It's not that we have a gun culture with firearms glorified 24/7 with easy access --- we just weren't keepin' 'em locked up quite long enough! Why let's put this into action tomorrow and the earth will smell of roses forevermore!

Brilliant, problem solved, huzzah, yay us.

okay moron...we aren't locking up gun criminals....they get short sentences and are released to use guns again....the example I chicago we had 3 guys, 2 with previous gun convictions...sentenced to 3 years, given "Boot Camp" alternative, and were out in 18 months.....and in less than a month they shot up a park full of people....had they been in for 10 years they wouldn't have shot up the park and the word would get around to not use or carry guns.....

And when they were released --- it was to exactly the same world that generated them.

But ya know what, let's just extend the time, do the same thing and expect different results. There's a plan.

We'll see how full of piss and vinegar they are when they get out of prison and they're in their sixties.

Are you a fiscal conservative? Do you know how much it costs - food, clothing, shelter, health care and employment costs - to incarcerate a person for 40 years? Seems a high cost to provide welfare to the gun industry.

What about the three strikes and you're out rule? Thats fair,if you're dumb enough to get three felonies you should do 40 years.
We're looking at the repeat violent offenders,not a dude selling a dime bags.
Longer sentences!! :eusa_doh: of course! Why didn't we think of this before?? It's not that we have a gun culture with firearms glorified 24/7 with easy access --- we just weren't keepin' 'em locked up quite long enough! Why let's put this into action tomorrow and the earth will smell of roses forevermore!

Brilliant, problem solved, huzzah, yay us.

okay moron...we aren't locking up gun criminals....they get short sentences and are released to use guns again....the example I chicago we had 3 guys, 2 with previous gun convictions...sentenced to 3 years, given "Boot Camp" alternative, and were out in 18 months.....and in less than a month they shot up a park full of people....had they been in for 10 years they wouldn't have shot up the park and the word would get around to not use or carry guns.....

And when they were released --- it was to exactly the same world that generated them.

But ya know what, let's just extend the time, do the same thing and expect different results. There's a plan.

We'll see how full of piss and vinegar they are when they get out of prison and they're in their sixties.

Are you a fiscal conservative? Do you know how much it costs - food, clothing, shelter, health care and employment costs - to incarcerate a person for 40 years? Seems a high cost to provide welfare to the gun industry.

What about the three strikes and you're out rule? Thats fair,if you're dumb enough to get three felonies you should do 40 years.
We're looking at the repeat violent offenders,not a dude selling a dime bags.

Three strikes and use a gun go to prison are two reasons why CA got into fiscal trouble. There are others, most related to the Republican Party in CA. Being fiscally conservative is a political plus, but it is not and never has been fiscally responsible.
okay moron...we aren't locking up gun criminals....they get short sentences and are released to use guns again....the example I chicago we had 3 guys, 2 with previous gun convictions...sentenced to 3 years, given "Boot Camp" alternative, and were out in 18 months.....and in less than a month they shot up a park full of people....had they been in for 10 years they wouldn't have shot up the park and the word would get around to not use or carry guns.....

And when they were released --- it was to exactly the same world that generated them.

But ya know what, let's just extend the time, do the same thing and expect different results. There's a plan.

We'll see how full of piss and vinegar they are when they get out of prison and they're in their sixties.

Are you a fiscal conservative? Do you know how much it costs - food, clothing, shelter, health care and employment costs - to incarcerate a person for 40 years? Seems a high cost to provide welfare to the gun industry.

What about the three strikes and you're out rule? Thats fair,if you're dumb enough to get three felonies you should do 40 years.
We're looking at the repeat violent offenders,not a dude selling a dime bags.

Three strikes and use a gun go to prison are two reasons why CA got into fiscal trouble. There are others, most related to the Republican Party in CA. Being fiscally conservative is a political plus, but it is not and never has been fiscally responsible.

So what are you going to do with these violent criminals?
You cant have em roaming the streets,the cops cant shoot em and you dont want to jail them.
How exactly are you going to rehabilitate these hardened criminals?
How does that stop those who are not criminals until they actually commit a crime?
No law can prevent people from committing crimes with guns because because it is impossible to enact a law that will prevent crime.
You agreed to this, before you ran away from our honest and open debate on gun control.
Are you a fiscal conservative? Do you know how much it costs - food, clothing, shelter, health care and employment costs - to incarcerate a person for 40 years? Seems a high cost to provide welfare to the gun industry.
Oh look... anti-gun loon level dishonesty.
Longer sentences!! :eusa_doh: of course! Why didn't we think of this before?? It's not that we have a gun culture with firearms glorified 24/7 with easy access, it's not that we have an economic underclass wallowing in hopelessness --- we just weren't keepin' 'em locked up quite long enough! Why, let's put this baby into action tomorrow, all the shooting will stop and the earth will smell of roses forevermore!

Brilliant, problem solved, huzzah, yay us.

Say brite boi, doesn't Chicago have among the toughest and most restrictive laws in the nation against 2nd Amendment rights?

Since reducing liberty is your answer (to everything,) explain why the greatly reduced liberty in Chicago hasn't made it far safer than Dallas, which has far more liberty favorable laws?

I mean, you say that we must not have civil rights, for our own good. Okay, so Chicago residents have been stripped of rights, why are they not safe?
Whatever -- if sarcasm is over your head, maybe you should, y'know, quit ducking. :eusa_hand:

But again illustrative is your obsession with hanging labels on others (that you refuse to define) as well as hanging emotions that were never articulated. You really should seek professional help with that authoritarian complex.

My eight year old daughter understands, and uses, sarcasm better than you ever will.

Put her on the board then, because apparently talent skips a generation.
Three strikes and use a gun go to prison are two reasons why CA got into fiscal trouble. There are others, most related to the Republican Party in CA. Being fiscally conservative is a political plus, but it is not and never has been fiscally responsible.


The fucking lies you piles of shit tell.

There IS NO FUCKING REPUBLICAN PARTY in California - it is 100% ruled with an iron fist by the democrats.

Take responsibility motherfucker.
After out shooting gallery of a weekend...12 dead and over 50 shot....the Chicago authorities might actually be on to how to stop the gang violence......I heard a news conference on the Roe Conn Show on WGN and 2 proposals are all they need...the parenting classes are crap.....the real solutions...

1) longer sentences for gun crimes

2) Charge them with domestic terrorism and get them federal time...

Finally...gun control that will work....Roe mentioned putting these guys in the federal system does one thing...moves them into the federal prison system...and out of state....away from family and gang support systems......

It will take a few convictions to get the point across...but these are two gun control measures will work...
A person that uses a gun to commit a violent crime should be executed, as should any convicted felon caught possessing a gun.

Add a ten year sentence for parents of juvenile who commit violent crimes with a handgun, and the point would be made quickly.

Hey that should work. Just look at how the death penalty has so dramatically decreased murder.

Oh wait...
Whatever -- if sarcasm is over your head, maybe you should, y'know, quit ducking. :eusa_hand:

But again illustrative is your obsession with hanging labels on others (that you refuse to define) as well as hanging emotions that were never articulated. You really should seek professional help with that authoritarian complex.

My eight year old daughter understands, and uses, sarcasm better than you ever will.

Put her on the board then, because apparently talent skips a generation.

Naaaah, she looks at posts, like yours, rolls her head, pats me on the back and say's, "whatever dad, I'm going to play with my Pokemon!"
Hey that should work. Just look at how the death penalty has murder.

Oh wait...

Pogo, you're a partisan hack and dumb as a dog turd.


Say, doesn't that show a rapid decline on homicide since the application of "swift and sure" in 1990? :dunno:
Whatever -- if sarcasm is over your head, maybe you should, y'know, quit ducking. :eusa_hand:

But again illustrative is your obsession with hanging labels on others (that you refuse to define) as well as hanging emotions that were never articulated. You really should seek professional help with that authoritarian complex.

My eight year old daughter understands, and uses, sarcasm better than you ever will.

Put her on the board then, because apparently talent skips a generation.

Naaaah, she looks at posts, like yours, rolls her head, pats me on the back and say's, "whatever dad, I'm going to play with my Pokemon!"

See what I mean? She knows better than to contradict solid logic. You don't.
Three strikes and use a gun go to prison are two reasons why CA got into fiscal trouble. There are others, most related to the Republican Party in CA. Being fiscally conservative is a political plus, but it is not and never has been fiscally responsible.


The fucking lies you piles of shit tell.

There IS NO FUCKING REPUBLICAN PARTY in California - it is 100% ruled with an iron fist by the democrats.

Take responsibility motherfucker.

Ah, more proof that Pothead can only argue from dishonesty, ignorance or, as here, emotion.

And when they were released --- it was to exactly the same world that generated them.

But ya know what, let's just extend the time, do the same thing and expect different results. There's a plan.

We'll see how full of piss and vinegar they are when they get out of prison and they're in their sixties.

Are you a fiscal conservative? Do you know how much it costs - food, clothing, shelter, health care and employment costs - to incarcerate a person for 40 years? Seems a high cost to provide welfare to the gun industry.

What about the three strikes and you're out rule? Thats fair,if you're dumb enough to get three felonies you should do 40 years.
We're looking at the repeat violent offenders,not a dude selling a dime bags.

Three strikes and use a gun go to prison are two reasons why CA got into fiscal trouble. There are others, most related to the Republican Party in CA. Being fiscally conservative is a political plus, but it is not and never has been fiscally responsible.

So what are you going to do with these violent criminals?
You cant have em roaming the streets,the cops cant shoot em and you dont want to jail them.
How exactly are you going to rehabilitate these hardened criminals?

Some can be rehabilitated, some cannot. What we have done is create a system which makes no pretense to rehabilitate, and in fact hardens juveniles offenders and light weight offenders by placing them in custody where they need to fit in or suffer.

I could go into all that is wrong with our criminal justice system, and how it changed for the very worst during my 32 year career. But few will read it, and most simply want retribution even though those laws and policies perpetuate failure.

Here's a few bullet points:

  • Have every first time offender evaluated in a comprehensive Pre-Sentence Report (look that up if you're curious);
  • Expand Probation Services, lower the size of caseloads, establish work furlough programs (look that up too) and provide a job for those who have no experience;
  • Keep juvenile offenders away from the influence of gang members;
  • Eliminate determinant sentencing and return to indeterminate sentencing (Most felonies were at minimum five to life; to be paroled required the offender to follow rules and learn a job skill, at minimum);
  • Expand Parole (if you don't know the difference between parole and probation, look it up) and parole can be for the length of the original sentence, life; any violation of the parole contract can be used to return the offender to prison, sans a court trial (See: Morrissey v. Brewer, 408 U.S. 471 (1972);
  • Use half-way houses for drug and alcohol addicts, not jails
  • Use locked psychiatric hospitals (L-facilities) for violent offenders suffering from mental illness (not jails)
Much of this has been done in the past, however, they are the first to go when the economy slows. We need elected officials who are fiscally responsible, not fiscal conservatives.
Some can be rehabilitated, some cannot. What we have done is create a system which makes no pretense to rehabilitate, and in fact hardens juveniles offenders and light weight offenders by placing them in custody where they need to fit in or suffer.

I could go into all that is wrong with our criminal justice system, and how it changed for the very worst during my 32 year career. But few will read it, and most simply want retribution even though those laws and policies perpetuate failure.

Here's a few bullet points:

  • Have every first time offender evaluated in a comprehensive Pre-Sentence Report (look that up if you're curious);
  • Expand Probation Services, lower the size of caseloads, establish work furlough programs (look that up too) and provide a job for those who have no experience;
  • Keep juvenile offenders away from the influence of gang members;
  • Eliminate determinant sentencing and return to indeterminate sentencing (Most felonies were at minimum five to life; to be paroled required the offender to follow rules and learn a job skill, at minimum);
  • Expand Parole (if you don't know the difference between parole and probation, look it up) and parole can be for the length of the original sentence, life;
  • Use half-way houses for drug and alcohol addicts, not jails
  • Use locked psychiatric hospitals (L-facilities) for violent offenders suffering from mental illness (not jails)
Much of this has been done in the past, however, they are the first to go when the economy slows. We need elected officials who are fiscally responsible, not fiscal conservatives.

The fault must be those POWERFUL REPUBLICANS in California, who run, uh, um - OBAMA AKBAR..

Seriously, WHY would anyone pay heed to a total fucking liar like you? :dunno:
We'll see how full of piss and vinegar they are when they get out of prison and they're in their sixties.

Are you a fiscal conservative? Do you know how much it costs - food, clothing, shelter, health care and employment costs - to incarcerate a person for 40 years? Seems a high cost to provide welfare to the gun industry.

What about the three strikes and you're out rule? Thats fair,if you're dumb enough to get three felonies you should do 40 years.
We're looking at the repeat violent offenders,not a dude selling a dime bags.

Three strikes and use a gun go to prison are two reasons why CA got into fiscal trouble. There are others, most related to the Republican Party in CA. Being fiscally conservative is a political plus, but it is not and never has been fiscally responsible.

So what are you going to do with these violent criminals?
You cant have em roaming the streets,the cops cant shoot em and you dont want to jail them.
How exactly are you going to rehabilitate these hardened criminals?

Some can be rehabilitated, some cannot. What we have done is create a system which makes no pretense to rehabilitate, and in fact hardens juveniles offenders and light weight offenders by placing them in custody where they need to fit in or suffer.

I could go into all that is wrong with our criminal justice system, and how it changed for the very worst during my 32 year career. But few will read it, and most simply want retribution even though those laws and policies perpetuate failure.

Here's a few bullet points:

  • Have every first time offender evaluated in a comprehensive Pre-Sentence Report (look that up if you're curious);
  • Expand Probation Services, lower the size of caseloads, establish work furlough programs (look that up too) and provide a job for those who have no experience;
  • Keep juvenile offenders away from the influence of gang members;
  • Eliminate determinant sentencing and return to indeterminate sentencing (Most felonies were at minimum five to life; to be paroled required the offender to follow rules and learn a job skill, at minimum);
  • Expand Parole (if you don't know the difference between parole and probation, look it up) and parole can be for the length of the original sentence, life; any violation of the parole contract can be used to return the offender to prison, sans a court trial (See: Morrissey v. Brewer, 408 U.S. 471 (1972);
  • Use half-way houses for drug and alcohol addicts, not jails
  • Use locked psychiatric hospitals (L-facilities) for violent offenders suffering from mental illness (not jails)
Much of this has been done in the past, however, they are the first to go when the economy slows. We need elected officials who are fiscally responsible, not fiscal conservatives.

So how do you keep kids away from gang members? Mike Browns dad was in a gang and his neighborhood was full of em.
First time offenders rarely go to jail unless the crime is to great to ignore.
And who's going to hire these newly minted felons?
Way to many holes in your plan.
Three strikes and use a gun go to prison are two reasons why CA got into fiscal trouble. There are others, most related to the Republican Party in CA. Being fiscally conservative is a political plus, but it is not and never has been fiscally responsible.


The fucking lies you piles of shit tell.

There IS NO FUCKING REPUBLICAN PARTY in California - it is 100% ruled with an iron fist by the democrats.

Take responsibility motherfucker.

Fuck you asshole, not only are you stupid and an asshole, you're one ignorant piece of shit. Or maybe you've never heard of Reagan, Deukmejian, Wilson, Schwarzenegger
32 years of Republican Governors.

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