Adam Schiff Gets John Durham to Admit Russia Helped Trump

  • 4 years and $6.5M and lost every case he took to court
  • The DOJ has a 95% win rate and Durham’s sham charges ended up winning zero times
  • Durham on record said the FBI should have investigated the Trump case
  • Durham found zero political interference and admitted as much
  • Durham admits Russia interfered, Trump asked for help, Trump campaign shared data with Russia, Jared and the trumps shouldn’t have taken meeting with Russians
  • Durham agrees with republican that Muller report doesnt support public statements Schiff made of Trump asking for help, sharing data, and accepting help then Schiff goes through each one and gets Durham to admit it actually did
  • The whole argument by Durham was simply the case was opened too fast.. not that it was actually opened and noted that it was a successful prosecution that lost zero time
It was an absolute blood bath. You’d have to be in fantasy land to have any other opinion.
well i get tired of seen the biden defenders say he didnt know his staff was taking that stuff and piling it in his garage.......yea right.....all those years and he never went over to see what was in those boxes?....trumps big mouth as usual made his situation worse....but for people to say biden was totally innocent of this is pretty pathetic....
Again...Both Biden and Pence made no attempt to hold on to those docs once they were discovered and neither lied or obstructed regarding them.

Trump did all that and more

Whether that satisfies you or not means nothing. It's for the Courts to decide. And again...the law considers INTENT
pretty much every post you make defends your republicans.
you are defending the republicans right now in this very thread, what a total fool.

Can you admit that what Trump did was significantly and substantially worse than what Biden did??? I doubt it.
banker fuck you.....a while ago you asked me if i would agree that trump lost the election i told you yes he did.....and yet in the next bunch of posts you said i cant even agree to i said yes again then you find something else to say i wont agree asked me who is worse the democrats or republicans....i said TO ME, they both suck equally this century,because i wont say the republicans are worse i am defending because i think both biden and trump broke the law with this classified shit....trumps big mouth once again made his situation worse,i am once again defending the GOP even though they havent been mentioned by me,just you......but as far as what was in either of the stuff they had?.....we dont know do we?....unlike you i wont listen to what the DOJ says because,i dont trust these people....we dont know what biden had in his do we,just by what they tell spite of you telling me how you think the democrats are not that good,you never seem to say anything against them....never......go ahead do your spin on this banker...
Again...Both Biden and Pence made no attempt to hold on to those docs once they were discovered and neither lied or obstructed regarding them.

Trump did all that and more

Whether that satisfies you or not means nothing. It's for the Courts to decide. And again...the law considers INTENT
and so you are saying biden never went over to see what all those boxes were in his garage right?....
banker fuck you.....a while ago you asked me if i would agree that trump lost the election i told you yes he did.....and yet in the next bunch of posts you said i cant even agree to i said yes again then you find something else to say i wont agree asked me who is worse the democrats or republicans....i said TO ME, they both suck equally this century,because i wont say the republicans are worse i am defending because i think both biden and trump broke the law with this classified shit....trumps big mouth once again made his situation worse,i am once again defending the GOP even though they havent been mentioned by me,just you......but as far as what was in either of the stuff they had?.....we dont know do we?....unlike you i wont listen to what the DOJ says because,i dont trust these people....we dont know what biden had in his do we,just by what they tell spite of you telling me how you think the democrats are not that good,you never seem to say anything against them....never......go ahead do your spin on this banker...

Just make sure to keep on defending and deflecting for your precious GOP. We know that Biden didn;t have nuclear secrets or war plans or the most serious and sensitive documents, and we also know that Biden gave them back. We also know that trump repeatedly lied and moved and hid the documents.

There is nothing you can say, the facts dictate all, get back to us when Biden and Pence lie and hide less sensitive material.
If Trump gave the documents back like Biden and Pence did, there would be no charge. If Biden or Pence lied and hid the documents, they would be in big trouble.
case closed, deal with it, which obviously you can't.
The instances of both Biden and Pence are considerably different than Trump.

Trump had years to return those docs and not only refused to do so but hid some and lied about others.

Neither Pence nor Biden did any of those things.

How many years did Trump have his documents?
How many years did Biden have his documents?
I have no idea.

I have boxes in my garage I haven't looked at in 7 years (last time we moved)
but you knew what was in them right?.....if biden walked over to see what those boxes were,and i am sure he must have done that at least once,why didnt he give those things back at that time?...

Just make sure to keep on defending and deflecting for your precious GOP. We know that Biden didn;t have nuclear secrets or war plans or the most serious and sensitive documents, and we also know that Biden gave them back. We also know that trump repeatedly lied and moved and hid the documents.

There is nothing you can say, the facts dictate all, get back to us when Biden and Pence lie and hide less sensitive material.
If Trump gave the documents back like Biden and Pence did, there would be no charge. If Biden or Pence lied and hid the documents, they would be in big trouble.
case closed, deal with it, which obviously you can't.
in other words you dont question anything,which is what i have been saying about you all only know what they tell us banker....and all you listen to is what the democrats tell you....something else i have said about you all dont give me this shit how you think the democrats aint that great,because we know you think their shit dont stink....
in other words you dont question anything,which is what i have been saying about you all only know what they tell us banker....and all you listen to is what the democrats tell you....something else i have said about you all dont give me this shit how you think the democrats aint that great,because we know you think their shit dont stink....
yea nice try at more spin.
You are so desperate.

Get back to us when you can finally admit and accept fact based reality, which you can't do. Have fun spinning and deflecting for your precious GOP.
Enjoy the best labor market in US history, obviously you hate it.

Get some accountability, it will help you a lot in life.
but you knew what was in them right?.....if biden walked over to see what those boxes were,and i am sure he must have done that at least once,why didnt he give those things back at that time?...
I assume I do...kinda. Haven't looked at them since they were stacked
What complete and utter Bullshit!

Way to destroy your own credibility!

Just like Schiff, you are pulling lies out of your ass. Durham completely shut Schiff down in his attempt to do what you are claiming.

"Are you aware, Mr. Durham, that [Robert] Mueller's and Congressional investigations also revealed that Don Jr. was informed that a Russian official was offering the Trump campaign 'very high-level and sensitive information" that would be incriminating of Hillary Clinton…?"

"Sure, people get phone calls all the time from individuals who claim to have information like that."

"Really? The son of a presidential candidate gets calls all the time from a foreign government offering dirt on their opponent. Is that what you're saying?"

"I don't think this is unique in your experience,"

(*IMO this is a 'dig' at Schiff who falsely claimed to have a non-,existent whistleblower with Hillary Hoax evidence against Trump.)

"So you have other instances of the Russian government offering dirt on a presidential candidate to the presidential candidate's son. Is that what you're saying?"

"I'm saying that people can make phone calls making claims all the time. Of that, you may have experience."

(*Another 'dig' at Schiff)

"Are you really trying to diminish the significance of what happened here, and the secret meeting that the president's son set up in Trump Tower receiving that incriminating information?"

"I'm not trying to diminish it at all, but I think the more complete story is that they met, it was a ruse, and they didn't talk about Mrs. Clinton. I don't think that was a well-advised thing to do."

"Oh, not well advised. That's the understatement of the year. So you think it's perfectly appropriate, or maybe just ill-advised, for a presidential campaign to secretly meet with a Russian delegation to get dirt on their opponent?"

(*FBI Director Comey offered a Russian $1 million for confirmed political dirt on Trump!)

"If you're asking would I do it, I hope I wouldn't do it. But it's not illegal."

Schiff suggested what happened was a crime.

Schiff claimed the Russians provided dirt on Hillary.

Schiff again tried to claim a crime was committed.

The ONLY ones who committed crimes were HILLARY with her 'Russian Collusion' HOAX & fake Russian dossier she paid for...


SCHIFF, who repeatedly lied about seeing and having direct evidence on Trump regarding Hillary's Hoax, his false claim to have a non-existent whistleblower, and being caught altering and authoring false evidence IOT overthrow the US govt by trying to illegally, treasonously remove a US president from office.

  • 4 years and $6.5M and lost every case he took to court
  • The DOJ has a 95% win rate and Durham’s sham charges ended up winning zero times
  • Durham on record said the FBI should have investigated the Trump case
  • Durham found zero political interference and admitted as much
  • Durham admits Russia interfered, Trump asked for help, Trump campaign shared data with Russia, Jared and the trumps shouldn’t have taken meeting with Russians
  • Durham agrees with republican that Muller report doesnt support public statements Schiff made of Trump asking for help, sharing data, and accepting help then Schiff goes through each one and gets Durham to admit it actually did
  • The whole argument by Durham was simply the case was opened too fast.. not that it was actually opened and noted that it was a successful prosecution that lost zero time
It was an absolute blood bath. You’d have to be in fantasy land to have any other opinion.
Durham proved the DOJ and FBI Russia collusion hoax was just that, a hoax.

Comey and several others perpetrated fraud on the court with every FISA application they signed using the debunked Hitlery paid for Russia disinformation dossier.
yea nice try at more spin.
You are so desperate.

Get back to us when you can finally admit and accept fact based reality, which you can't do. Have fun spinning and deflecting for your precious GOP.
Enjoy the best labor market in US history, obviously you hate it.

Get some accountability, it will help you a lot in life.
yea get back to us when you do your own thinking should rename yourself the spinbanker....
Durham proved the DOJ and FBI Russia collusion hoax was just that, a hoax.

Comey and several others perpetrated fraud on the court with every FISA application they signed using the debunked Hitlery paid for Russia disinformation dossier.
Did you listen to the hearing? I did. Durham called Mueller a hero and patriot. Said his investigation's conclusions were sound. Said that his prosecutions were successful. Said the investigation should have occured. Durham said his own investigation could have prosecuted anyone he found had acted illegally with respect to Mullers investigation and didnt find Comey, Biden, Obama, Hillary, Stroyka or anyone else had acted illegally other than one dude who put a comment on a single email.

His whole uproar was that he felt the FBI should have gone slower and worked harder to disprove stuff... he never contended that anything they actually did charge didnt occur. He said that Jared was wrong taking the meeting. He admitted Russia hacked the emails of the DNC after Trump publicly asked them too. The whole thing was an embarrassing ass whooping for him.
Did you listen to the hearing? I did. Durham called Mueller a hero and patriot. Said his investigation's conclusions were sound. Said that his prosecutions were successful. Said the investigation should have occured. Durham said his own investigation could have prosecuted anyone he found had acted illegally with respect to Mullers investigation and didnt find Comey, Biden, Obama, Hillary, Stroyka or anyone else had acted illegally other than one dude who put a comment on a single email.

His whole uproar was that he felt the FBI should have gone slower and worked harder to disprove stuff... he never contended that anything they actually did charge didnt occur. He said that Jared was wrong taking the meeting. He admitted Russia hacked the emails of the DNC after Trump publicly asked them too. The whole thing was an embarrassing ass whooping for him.
He said the Mueller investigation should have occurred, Simp.

He said the FBI Russia hoax investigation never had a predicate to even get started. He exposed the FBI as a corrupt, partisan outfit, so he didn't take an ass whooping, Dumbass.

He bitcshslapped Adumb Schifferbrains and that moron who ate fried chicken at a hearing for questioning his character.
The Congress NaziCons censuring Adam Schiff was a badge of honor for being a great American patriot.
Being a lying sack of shit and abusing his position makes him a hero to you?

What a clown.

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