Adam Schiff Gets John Durham to Admit Russia Helped Trump

MAGA garbage live in a perpetual state of tears, whining, and crying over everything in life.
You weaklings are never not crying about something.

Oh no.....that's not MAGA

That's the Rats like you!:wink_2:
believe me i dont know that jerk personally.....but i know of him....more than most here...he aint a good guy...
I yield the point. You probably know him or of him better than I. When it comes to Lawyers, the difference between slick and slimy is not worth quibbling over.
I have a lawyer's card in my wallet, right behind my carry permit. I like him. He's slick.:D

Republicans thought John Durham would score points on Adam Schiff during a Judiciary hearing on Wednesday. It ended up going the other way.

Thank you Adam Schiff. It took some effort - but Durham finally admitted that Russia helped Trump. That was thoroughly proven in the Mueller Report. What do you think?

then the hillary camp turns around and uses the Russian brand to help hillary.
So what's your point

Republicans thought John Durham would score points on Adam Schiff during a Judiciary hearing on Wednesday. It ended up going the other way.

Thank you Adam Schiff. It took some effort - but Durham finally admitted that Russia helped Trump. That was thoroughly proven in the Mueller Report. What do you think?

It could also be pointed out that the Russians helped Hillary. The Steele Dossier was largely Russian disinformation.

Of course I realize whatever Hillary does is perfectly OK in our wonderful banana republic today as Democrats like Hillary are totally above the rule of law.


Steele was working for Vladimir Putin-linked oligarch Oleg Deripaska before, during, and after his time targeting Trump (who was then a candidate), and the former MI6 agent was hired to put the dossier together by an opposition research firm, Fusion GPS, which was simultaneously working for Kremlin-linked lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya who attended the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting that was billed as a chance to offer dirt on the Clinton campaign. Hillary Clinton’s campaign, through Marc Elias, hired Fusion in 2016.

Steele’s main source, Russian national Igor Danchenko, allegedly relied upon a network of Russian contacts, undermined key collusion claims when interviewed by the FBI, and had previously been investigated as a possible threat to national security due to Russian intelligence contacts. And, according to Durham, Danchenko anonymously sourced a claim about Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort to longtime Hillary Clinton ally Chuck Dolan, who spent many years, including 2016, doing work for Russian businesses and the Russian government.

According to a DOJ review in 2020, declassified footnotes show that a 2017 report relayed information “outlining an inaccuracy in a limited subset of Steele’s reporting about the actions of Michael Cohen.” The redacted source of this information “stated that it did not have high confidence in the subset of Steele’s reporting and assessed that the referenced subset was part of a Russian disinformation campaign to denigrate U.S. foreign relations.”
It's hilarious to watch you NaziCon clowns try to deflect to Hillary.

oh shut the fuck up you fucking is a tidbit for you banker....another asshole whos area i lived next to, darrel issa....another fucking slimeball....go ahead say im defending the GOP for that .....lets see you say something about one the assholes you defend without question.....i bet you wont....
That’s all you have. Personal attacks
Durham was obliterated. Over the course of his nearly two-year-long probe, special counsel Robert Mueller and his team of prosecutors indicted 34 individuals and three Russian businesses on charges ranging from computer hacking to conspiracy and financial crimes. Those indictments led to 7 guilty pleas and 5 people in prison.

Durham investigated that investigation and and had one low level agent plea guilty to altering one email. Nothing else. No Clinton charges, no Mueller charges, no Stroyk charges, no Obama charges, no Joe Biden charges nor any charges to anyone in their circles. The two cases he brought were laughed out of court with not guilty verdicts in speed record short deliberations.

Durham demonstrated his hack partisan investigation with a laughably outrageous attempt to allude to finding something when the courts said he didn’t and his report didn’t have in it. Matt Gaetz even said he found nothing cuz even he’s not that dumb to believe Durham found something.

The reason right wingers are so over the top general is that they lack material facts supporting anything remotely demonstrating illegal activity from the Mueller investigation whom Durham calls an American hero and patriot.
More GASLIGHT THEATRE from the demented avenger subverted demoralized Stalinist piglet zombies to affirm to themselves the Sacred Fable of Trump Russia Collusion.
Believe. BELIEVE!!!!!!!!!!!
I yield the point. You probably know him or of him better than I. When it comes to Lawyers, the difference between slick and slimy is not worth quibbling over.
I have a lawyer's card in my wallet, right behind my carry permit. I like him. He's slick.:D
yea slick like a slime ball....
and yet when asked you cant show me one example of me defending the GOP ....but yet you claim you aint a DNC fan but yet do nothing but defend them....and i can show you dozens of examples of you just doing that.....come on banker we have been in enough threads together show me that elusive example....
there are 10000000+ examples of you defending the GOP
You can't even hold Trump accountable for his extremely serious crime as you have repeatedly and wrongly tried to claim what he did was the same as Biden, when it isn't even remotely close. All you do is defend the failed record of your GOP, all you do is defend the failed fiscal policy of your GOP.

All you do is spin everything and deflect everything to defend your precious republicans that you love so much.
Did the McCarthy NaziCons think that censuring Schiff would defect from Durham's nothing burger?

You have already destroyed what little credibility you had left with this thread - no one is listening to you anymore.

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