Adam Smith on Republican Attitudes Toward The Wealthy and The Poor

Tax dollars aren't yours or anybody else's. Taxes belong to society as a whole. We vote to influence how those tax dollars are spent but that money belongs to the American civilization. I'm not a Democrat, but I see what social security has done to drastically reduce poverty among the elderly: evidence supports that. I see how medicare/medicade has done to help the health among the impoverished. As a kid I saw how government programs helped my mother feed, house, and clothe my brother and I until my mother was able to do it herself. It kept us off the streets and helped us eventually move into a house my mother was able to purchase with money she earned from her decent job. What do Republicans suggest to help poor people and those who have suffered unfortunate circumstances? Charity? It didn't work before and it doesn't work now. It helps, but on its own charity has never been enough. So what else? People get desperate and may eventually turn to crime to eat. Jailed parents don't raise their children.

That is the point right there that you just said. That Republicans and Conservatives are making.
Give them help until they can make it on their own just like your Mom did.
Instead we have whole generations of people on welfare who refuse to use it temporally and stay on the Government programs for their entire lives.

How many abuse government assistance versus those who are in actual need and desire to contribute? What are the percentages? Very small. Every group has some rot, but to screw over a great many good people because of some few bad apples makes no sense.

All of that is beside the point. Follow the link in the OP to see how conservatives perceive poor people. Watch Fox news to see how they perceive the wealthy.

If you add up the fraud and abuse in all of the programs, it would save almost 800 to 900 Billion each year.
No one wants to screw over anyone who really needs it.
Doing nothing will actually screw over everyone when theses programs go bankrupt.

Tell me where you think that we are going to get the money for these programs.
New Health Care Law 2.6 Trillion each year.

Social Security 16.5 Trillion
Prescription Drugs 21 Trillion
Medicare 86 Trillion
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That is the point right there that you just said. That Republicans and Conservatives are making.
Give them help until they can make it on their own just like your Mom did.
Instead we have whole generations of people on welfare who refuse to use it temporally and stay on the Government programs for their entire lives.

How many abuse government assistance versus those who are in actual need and desire to contribute? What are the percentages? Very small. Every group has some rot, but to screw over a great many good people because of some few bad apples makes no sense.

All of that is beside the point. Follow the link in the OP to see how conservatives perceive poor people. Watch Fox news to see how they perceive the wealthy.

If you add up the fraud and abuse in all of the programs, it would save almost 800 to 900 Billion each year.
No one wants to screw over anyone who really needs it.
Doing nothing will actually screw over everyone when theses programs go bankrupt.

Tell me where you think that we are going to get the money for these programs.
New Health Care Law 2.6 Trillion each year.

Social Security 16.5 Trillion
Prescription Drugs 21 Trillion
Medicare 86 Trillion

What's the conservative solution?
Exactly who are "The Wealthy."
Put a dollar amount on it.

You put a dollar amount on it. What does wealthy mean to you? How do you see millionaires? As successful, moral icons of American principles? How do you perceive the man in tattered carrharts in a '92 beat up Ford Ranger on his way to frame up a house or reroof it? Or a woman in Walmart clothes teaching kindergarten?

I asked YOU the question, stupid. You blather on about "The Wealthy." What do you define as wealthy? Someone who makes $50,000,000 a year - like John Kerry - or someone who makes $200,000 as in the average business owner.

And I answered with a question, so what? No reason to get personal. The OP was about Republican perceptions not mine. You might want to paint me as some communist who thinks wealth is $50k a year is all everyone should get handed to them by governement, but I'm not playing that game. I've been poor most of my life, my parents were poor most of theirs, my grandparents poor all of their lives. Not homeless but no one took vacations to Europe or was a member of a golf reort or yacht club. When something bad happened they were lucky not to end up on the street or bankrupt. John Kerry is wealthy. So is Mitt Romney, Donald Trump, the Bush Family, Herman Cain, Soros and the Hollywood "elites". My friends who run a pizza shop in Leadville, Colorado are not. Small business owners who own a $250k house, a couple of cars, work 80 hours a week, and have lots of debt as most small business owners do are not wealthy. Those that drive $100k cars, live in $1 million homes, and have their savings in offshore tax havens are wealthy. Somewhere between those two examples I would draw the line.

The poor are single parents who work so much that their children spend most of the time at daycare just so rent and bills get paid.
Conservative Solutions -
The free market system, competitive capitalism, and private enterprise create the greatest opportunity and the highest standard of living for all. Free markets produce more economic growth, more jobs and higher standards of living than those systems burdened by excessive government regulation.

Proof of this is where this has been applied anywhere in the World.
This ideology is exactly what has made us the wealthiest nation on Earth.
No other Nation in the world brings in 2.7 Trillion in Taxes.

School vouchers create competition and therefore encourage schools to improve performance. Vouchers will give all parents the right to choose good schools for their children, not just those who can afford private schools.
This program is working great where it has been implemented. Especially in Washington D.C. for the poor.

Oil, gas and coal are all good sources of energy and are abundant in the U.S. Oil drilling should be increased both on land and at sea. Increased domestic production creates lower prices and less dependence on other countries for oil. Support increased production of nuclear energy. Wind and solar sources will never provide plentiful, affordable sources of power. Support private ownership of gas and electric industries.

Coal pollution has been reduced by 86 to over 90% by using filters.
These filters are beginning to become even more effective through technology.
Energy plants themselves are experimenting with alternate types of cheap energy.

Support competitive, free market health care system. All Americans have access to health care. The debate is about who should pay for it. Free and low-cost government-run programs (socialized medicine) result in higher costs and everyone receiving the same poor-quality health care. Health care should remain privatized. The problem of uninsured individuals should be addressed and solved within the free market healthcare system – the government should not control healthcare.
This is working very well where it has been applied throughout the country.

Social Security must be made more efficient through privatization and/or allowing individuals to manage their own savings.

Oppose long-term welfare. Opportunities should be provided to make it possible for those in need to become self-reliant. It is far more compassionate and effective to encourage people to become self-reliant, rather than allowing them to remain dependent on the government for provisions.

Lower taxes and a smaller government with limited power will improve the standard of living for all. Lower taxes create more incentive for people to work, save, invest, and engage in entrepreneurial endeavors. Money is best spent by those who earn it, not the government.
This has worked wherever it has been applied.
It brings growth.
Higher taxes and a large Government stifles growth. Any Government that has done this does not have growth.
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Conservative Solutions -
The free market system, competitive capitalism, and private enterprise create the greatest opportunity and the highest standard of living for all. Free markets produce more economic growth, more jobs and higher standards of living than those systems burdened by excessive government regulation.

I agree. Excessive regulation is bad. Smart regulation, I would add, is good.

Proof of this is where this has been applied anywhere in the World.
This ideology is exactly what has made us the wealthiest nation on Earth.
No other Nation in the world brings in 2.7 Trillion in Taxes.


School vouchers create competition and therefore encourage schools to improve performance. Vouchers will give all parents the right to choose good schools for their children, not just those who can afford private schools.
This program is working great where it has been implemented. Especially in Washington D.C. for the poor.

These can help but are not a solution in and by themselves.

Oil, gas and coal are all good sources of energy and are abundant in the U.S. Oil drilling should be increased both on land and at sea. Increased domestic production creates lower prices and less dependence on other countries for oil. Support increased production of nuclear energy. Wind and solar sources will never provide plentiful, affordable sources of power. Support private ownership of gas and electric industries.

This will help wealthy energy companies to get wealthier and reduce energy bills for customers a little but would barely affect the lower classes.

Coal pollution has been reduced by 86 to over 90% by using filters.
These filters are beginning to become even more effective through technology.
Energy plants themselves are experimenting with alternate types of cheap energy.

As above. Alternative energy jobs pay just as well if not better than traditional energy companies.

Support competitive, free market health care system. All Americans have access to health care. The debate is about who should pay for it. Free and low-cost government-run programs (socialized medicine) result in higher costs and everyone receiving the same poor-quality health care. Health care should remain privatized. The problem of uninsured individuals should be addressed and solved within the free market healthcare system – the government should not control healthcare.

We tried that. Didn't work.

This is working very well where it has been applied throughout the country.

No, it didn't. Remeber what healthcare was costing this country? Something had to be done. Free market capitalism does't work with health or lives.

Social Security must be made more efficient through privatization and/or allowing individuals to manage their own savings.

Then it isn't security. Its gambling. Wall Street has proven itself untrustworthy. Remeber 2008?

Oppose long-term welfare. Opportunities should be provided to make it possible for those in need to become self-reliant. It is far more compassionate and effective to encourage people to become self-reliant, rather than allowing them to remain dependent on the government for provisions.

No such thing as long term welfare. What opportunities? Force employers to hire or should we educate people to make them employable? How about fair wages so people can earn enough to get out of poverty?

Lower taxes and a smaller government with limited power will improve the standard of living for all. Lower taxes create more incentive for people to work, save, invest, and engage in entrepreneurial endeavors. Money is best spent by those who earn it, not the government.
This has worked wherever it has been applied.
It brings growth.
Higher taxes and a large Government stifles growth. Any Government that has done this does not have growth.

Not everyone is an entrepreneur or wants or is suited to business. Some people want to be cops, or soldiers, or firefighters, or teachers, or charity workers, or civil servants, or whatever. People like that will never be wealthy or strive to be. Taxes don't make people quit working or demotivate them from following their dreams or attempting to accomplish their goals. Taxes are needed to maintain our civilization. Government is big because our civilization is big and our society complex. Get used to it but try to maintain that it is a government for the people by the people.

Lower taxes for the poor and middle class. They power the economy. Higher taxes on the wealthy. And we'll have a deal. Stop protecting the wealthy. They have the resources to protect themselves and do a damn fine job of it without your help. Protect the poor and middle classes who actually need it.
That is the point right there that you just said. That Republicans and Conservatives are making.
Give them help until they can make it on their own just like your Mom did.
Instead we have whole generations of people on welfare who refuse to use it temporally and stay on the Government programs for their entire lives.

How many abuse government assistance versus those who are in actual need and desire to contribute? What are the percentages? Very small. Every group has some rot, but to screw over a great many good people because of some few bad apples makes no sense.

All of that is beside the point. Follow the link in the OP to see how conservatives perceive poor people. Watch Fox news to see how they perceive the wealthy.

If you add up the fraud and abuse in all of the programs, it would save almost 800 to 900 Billion each year.
No one wants to screw over anyone who really needs it.
Doing nothing will actually screw over everyone when theses programs go bankrupt.

Tell me where you think that we are going to get the money for these programs.
New Health Care Law 2.6 Trillion each year.

Social Security 16.5 Trillion
Prescription Drugs 21 Trillion
Medicare 86 Trillion
You're saying there's 800 to 900 billion in fraud and abuse in the federal welfare programs? The total spending in all 83 programs is just over a trillion, 1.03 trillion for 2011.
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See the left is not hearing what the right is saying.
None on the left are looking into what is really working in this country.

Private Sectors in health Care are working.
You are thinking of us going back to the same way that did not work.
The ones that are working have been doing it differently and they are working.

The left are not addressing that these programs absolutely must be changed.
All they do is argue over any of the suggestions.
We have to cut back on them and they must be changed.
We need to try the changes.
If one way does not work then we should come up with other ways.
Big Government is not doing it very well at all.

We do not have 125 Trillion to pay for these large Social Programs over 75 years.
No one can fund this amount.

The left will not accept this and they just keep adding more to the unfunded programs.

It's either change the programs or go bankrupt.
If we go bankrupt we will have Government control and no freedom at all.
How well has all of the totalitarian Governments worked out for the people.
None. All it did was kill millions of their citizens.
How many abuse government assistance versus those who are in actual need and desire to contribute? What are the percentages? Very small. Every group has some rot, but to screw over a great many good people because of some few bad apples makes no sense.

All of that is beside the point. Follow the link in the OP to see how conservatives perceive poor people. Watch Fox news to see how they perceive the wealthy.

If you add up the fraud and abuse in all of the programs, it would save almost 800 to 900 Billion each year.
No one wants to screw over anyone who really needs it.
Doing nothing will actually screw over everyone when theses programs go bankrupt.

Tell me where you think that we are going to get the money for these programs.
New Health Care Law 2.6 Trillion each year.

Social Security 16.5 Trillion
Prescription Drugs 21 Trillion
Medicare 86 Trillion
You're saying there's 800 to 900 billion in fraud and abuse in the federal welfare programs? The total spending in all 83 programs is just over a trillion, 1.03 trillion for 2011.

No, Flopper, I said all of the programs.
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You put a dollar amount on it. What does wealthy mean to you? How do you see millionaires? As successful, moral icons of American principles? How do you perceive the man in tattered carrharts in a '92 beat up Ford Ranger on his way to frame up a house or reroof it? Or a woman in Walmart clothes teaching kindergarten?

I asked YOU the question, stupid. You blather on about "The Wealthy." What do you define as wealthy? Someone who makes $50,000,000 a year - like John Kerry - or someone who makes $200,000 as in the average business owner.

And I answered with a question, so what? No reason to get personal. The OP was about Republican perceptions not mine. You might want to paint me as some communist who thinks wealth is $50k a year is all everyone should get handed to them by governement, but I'm not playing that game. I've been poor most of my life, my parents were poor most of theirs, my grandparents poor all of their lives. Not homeless but no one took vacations to Europe or was a member of a golf reort or yacht club. When something bad happened they were lucky not to end up on the street or bankrupt. John Kerry is wealthy. So is Mitt Romney, Donald Trump, the Bush Family, Herman Cain, Soros and the Hollywood "elites". My friends who run a pizza shop in Leadville, Colorado are not. Small business owners who own a $250k house, a couple of cars, work 80 hours a week, and have lots of debt as most small business owners do are not wealthy. Those that drive $100k cars, live in $1 million homes, and have their savings in offshore tax havens are wealthy. Somewhere between those two examples I would draw the line.

The poor are single parents who work so much that their children spend most of the time at daycare just so rent and bills get paid.

Then I suggest you get an education and a desire to work so you don't end up a miserable failure too.
You put a dollar amount on it. What does wealthy mean to you? How do you see millionaires? As successful, moral icons of American principles? How do you perceive the man in tattered carrharts in a '92 beat up Ford Ranger on his way to frame up a house or reroof it? Or a woman in Walmart clothes teaching kindergarten?

I asked YOU the question, stupid. You blather on about "The Wealthy." What do you define as wealthy? Someone who makes $50,000,000 a year - like John Kerry - or someone who makes $200,000 as in the average business owner.

And I answered with a question, so what? No reason to get personal. The OP was about Republican perceptions not mine. You might want to paint me as some communist who thinks wealth is $50k a year is all everyone should get handed to them by governement, but I'm not playing that game. I've been poor most of my life, my parents were poor most of theirs, my grandparents poor all of their lives. Not homeless but no one took vacations to Europe or was a member of a golf reort or yacht club. When something bad happened they were lucky not to end up on the street or bankrupt. John Kerry is wealthy. So is Mitt Romney, Donald Trump, the Bush Family, Herman Cain, Soros and the Hollywood "elites". My friends who run a pizza shop in Leadville, Colorado are not. Small business owners who own a $250k house, a couple of cars, work 80 hours a week, and have lots of debt as most small business owners do are not wealthy. Those that drive $100k cars, live in $1 million homes, and have their savings in offshore tax havens are wealthy. Somewhere between those two examples I would draw the line.

The poor are single parents who work so much that their children spend most of the time at daycare just so rent and bills get paid.

The USA is Number one in the world of single parents thanks to the ideologies of the left.
How is the lefts policies helping to get the poor out of poverty working?

First of all, that is off topic. The OP isn't about progressive policies. Its about what seems to be the attitude of the right: that wealthy people deserve our highest regard and everything else they get seemingly no matter what, and that poor people are somehow lazy, ignorant, stupid, unethical, and possibly immoral. Conservatives seem to believe that poor people are only poor because they are too lazy to make more money or comfortable living on a few hundred dollars a month. That they have no personal ambition or drive to improve their quality of life, at least in a personal economic sense. Are there some who abuse welfare and other government programs? Sure, but the vast majority want to work a good job for good pay and provide for themselves and their families but face hardships which aren't easy overcome by simply working harder.

Being conservative, that isn't what I believe. It is however from my observations what liberals believe conservatives believe. They are close minded and refuse to hear what we say and mean.

Its willful for many,they know the truth but still keep pumping out the same old rhetoric because their base sucks it up like a Hover Vacuum.

Progressive/lib platform is the bigest lie to come down the pick in a very long time.
First of all, that is off topic. The OP isn't about progressive policies. Its about what seems to be the attitude of the right: that wealthy people deserve our highest regard and everything else they get seemingly no matter what, and that poor people are somehow lazy, ignorant, stupid, unethical, and possibly immoral. Conservatives seem to believe that poor people are only poor because they are too lazy to make more money or comfortable living on a few hundred dollars a month. That they have no personal ambition or drive to improve their quality of life, at least in a personal economic sense. Are there some who abuse welfare and other government programs? Sure, but the vast majority want to work a good job for good pay and provide for themselves and their families but face hardships which aren't easy overcome by simply working harder.

Being conservative, that isn't what I believe. It is however from my observations what liberals believe conservatives believe. They are close minded and refuse to hear what we say and mean.

Its willful for many,they know the truth but still keep pumping out the same old rhetoric because their base sucks it up like a Hover Vacuum.

Progressive/lib platform is the bigest lie to come down the pick in a very long time.
Which part of the platform are you talking about, or do you simply like to make stupid statements about nothing in particular?
“The disposition to admire, and almost to worship, the rich and the powerful, and to despise, or, at least, to neglect persons of poor and mean condition is the great and most universal cause of the corruption of our moral sentiments.”
–Adam Smith
Scottish political economist (1723-1790)

It seems to me to reflect some on this board:
Thanks for the Adam Smith quotation, which I've added to my collection.

As to its substance; I've only recently come to understand there is a category of Americans who indeed are predisposed to worshipfully admire excessive wealth and almost instinctually rise to defend it against criticism. And what I find most interesting about it is those who seem most passionate in their reverence for greedy acquisition probably haven't a pot to piss in and will never pay themselves out of debt. This is a behavioral phenomenon I do not understand but would like to.

One possibility that occurs to me is these minimum-wage defenders of opulence simply cannot conceive of monetary amounts past the second decimal point. In fact, to them, a jarful of quarters is "hoarding," and buying a ten thousand dollar used car with cash is great wealth. And because they think of themselves as someday being able to do that they react negatively to criticism of what is real opulence, which they simply have no conception of.
How is the lefts policies helping to get the poor out of poverty working?

Working out fine.

FDR created a middle class in this country.

We have had a middle class in this country since the 1800's. It was called the Victorian Middle Class. FDR did not create it.
We have more in poverty now than we did before President Johnson's war on poverty.
How is the lefts policies helping to get the poor out of poverty working?

Working out fine.

FDR created a middle class in this country.

We have had a middle class in this country since the 1800's. It was called the Victorian Middle Class. FDR did not create it.
We have more in poverty now than we did before President Johnson's war on poverty.
The "middle class" you speak of consisted of that category of public managers, such as the constabulary, tax collectors, and others who enjoyed some nominal level of privilege for functioning to impose civil order and maintain a distance between the upper (nobility) and lower (peasant) classes. While that category of exalted lackeys may be called a "middle class" it did in no way resemble or represent what is meant by middle class in the contemporary meaning of the term.

The present-day American Middle Class began with FDR's New Deal and the Union Movement and reached its most economically successful level during the period between the late 1940s and the early 1980s when the devious introduction of Reaganomics brought about its continuing decline.
How is the lefts policies helping to get the poor out of poverty working?

First of all, that is off topic. The OP isn't about progressive policies. Its about what seems to be the attitude of the right: that wealthy people deserve our highest regard and everything else they get seemingly no matter what, and that poor people are somehow lazy, ignorant, stupid, unethical, and possibly immoral. Conservatives seem to believe that poor people are only poor because they are too lazy to make more money or comfortable living on a few hundred dollars a month. That they have no personal ambition or drive to improve their quality of life, at least in a personal economic sense. Are there some who abuse welfare and other government programs? Sure, but the vast majority want to work a good job for good pay and provide for themselves and their families but face hardships which aren't easy overcome by simply working harder.

Sometimes before you get to work a good job for good pay you have to work a bad job for bad pay. Otherwise, you never get to the good job with good pay.

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