Adam Smith was a Marxist

"Extreme inequality:

  • robs millions of people of better life chances[
  • so now you're a conservative who wants to create 40 million new jobs here tomorrow by eliminating the corporate tax and making unions and deficits illegal again? For good measure do you want 10 million more jobs by sending the illegals home. Do you want to stop the all out attack on schools and families too?
100 people starving to death is a good thing.

90 people eating rice and beans with 10 people eating steak is a very bad thing.
80 people with more wealth than half of humanity makes rice and beans a luxury for the next generation of "useless eaters."

For that to be true you would have to demonstrate that the wealth of the richest 80 people was obtained by confiscating it from half of humanity. That's a trick you just can't do.

not only that but if the libturds don't like Jobs and Gates having so much money they can stop buying their products rather than trying to steal their money back at the point of a gun!! Liberalism is always pure violence. No wonder it is essentially anti American
if the Communist Polit Buro does not like what you're doing with your "private" enterprise they will take it and give it to someone else.

that's true dear, but they do it very infrequently having learned the lessons from MIlton Friedman and Adam Smith and the massive elimination of poverty that came instantly with capitalism. Friedman spoke to them and they came here( Wen Jiaboa) to say they beleive in Adam Smith. They just gave awards the Edmund Phelps( Nobel Laureate) who wrote Mass Fourishings( about nature of Capitalism).

Two great books to begin your education:

"Capitalism With Chinese Characteristics"

"How China Became Capitalist"

Subj: China third plenum
The reform outline from the 18th Central Committee's Third Plenum includes expanded private property

Wu Jinglian, the country's leading free-market economist and a drafter of past reforms, told Caixin magazine that this plenum is most significant for its endorsement of the idea that market forces allocate resources more efficiently than government. This in turn justifies the need to construct open, competitive and orderly markets. That seems right and could make this plenum another watershed moment in China's emergence from its Maoist lost decades.

No need to feel like a liberal fool. Liberals wear foolishness like a badge of honor.
so now you're a conservative who wants to create 40 million new jobs here tomorrow by eliminating the corporate tax and making unions and deficits illegal again? For good measure do you want 10 million more jobs by sending the illegals home. Do you want to stop the all out attack on schools and families too?
Let's ask Bernie:
"Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is introducing a bill to spend $1 trillion over the next five years to boost the nation's transportation infrastructure.

"The measure, which has been dubbed 'Rebuild America Act,' comes as lawmakers have been discussing the possibility of raising the federal gas tax to help pay for a new round of transportation spending with prices at the pump having reached their lowest levels in years.

"Sanders did not suggest raising the gas tax to pay for his measure in an op-ed that was published in The Hill on Tuesday, but he said a large transportation funding package in Congress was long overdue."

Let's tax the rich, and pay millions of Americans to rebuild their country.

Sen. Sanders files 1T infrastructure bill TheHill
Let's tax the rich, and pay millions of Americans to rebuild their country.

Too stupid and liberal by 1000%!! We already tax the rich (top 1% now pay 40% of Federal taxes and 50% of State, bottom 55% pay nothing) and what do libturds want most: to tax the rich more as if doing something stupid over and over again will be helpful rather than merely evidence of insanity.

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance?? What other conclusion is possible?
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Let's tax the rich, and pay millions of Americans to rebuild their country.

too stupid and liberal by 1000% we already tax the rich( top 1% pay 40% of federal taxes and 50% of state) and what do libturds want most: to tax them more as if doing something stupid over and over again will helpful.

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance??

you cant believe Bernie is stupid any more than the Germans could believe Hitler was stupid!
so now you're a conservative who wants to create 40 million new jobs here tomorrow by eliminating the corporate tax and making unions and deficits illegal again? For good measure do you want 10 million more jobs by sending the illegals home. Do you want to stop the all out attack on schools and families too?
Let's ask Bernie:
"Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is introducing a bill to spend $1 trillion over the next five years to boost the nation's transportation infrastructure.

"The measure, which has been dubbed 'Rebuild America Act,' comes as lawmakers have been discussing the possibility of raising the federal gas tax to help pay for a new round of transportation spending with prices at the pump having reached their lowest levels in years.

"Sanders did not suggest raising the gas tax to pay for his measure in an op-ed that was published in The Hill on Tuesday, but he said a large transportation funding package in Congress was long overdue."

Let's tax the rich, and pay millions of Americans to rebuild their country.

Sen. Sanders files 1T infrastructure bill TheHill

Why would we ask a fool like Bernie Sanders?
Too stupid and liberal by 1000%!! We already tax the rich (top 1% now pay 40% of federal taxes and 50% of state, bottom 55% pay nothing) and what do libturds want most: to tax the rich more as if doing something stupid over and over again will be helpful rather than merely evidence of insanity.
Why are the rich richer today than they were in 1993?
"The gas tax, which predates the development of the Interstate Highway System, has been the traditional source for transportation projects since its inception in the 1930s.

"The tax, which has not been increased since 1993, brings in about $34 billion per year. The federal government typically spends about $50 billion per year on road and transit projects, and transportation advocates have maintained that the larger figure is only enough to maintain the current state of the U.S. infrastructure network.

"The current transportation funding bill, which authorizes the collection of the gas tax at its current rate, is scheduled to expire in May."

Sen. Sanders files 1T infrastructure bill TheHill
Too stupid and liberal by 1000%!! We already tax the rich (top 1% now pay 40% of federal taxes and 50% of state, bottom 55% pay nothing) and what do libturds want most: to tax the rich more as if doing something stupid over and over again will be helpful rather than merely evidence of insanity.
Why are the rich richer today than they were in 1993?
"The gas tax, which predates the development of the Interstate Highway System, has been the traditional source for transportation projects since its inception in the 1930s.

"The tax, which has not been increased since 1993, brings in about $34 billion per year. The federal government typically spends about $50 billion per year on road and transit projects, and transportation advocates have maintained that the larger figure is only enough to maintain the current state of the U.S. infrastructure network.

"The current transportation funding bill, which authorizes the collection of the gas tax at its current rate, is scheduled to expire in May."

Sen. Sanders files 1T infrastructure bill TheHill

too stupid lacked the IQ to respond to the futility of always taxing the rich more and more so tried to change the subject hoping no one would notice his low liberal IQ.
Spread the wealth or nearly everyone suffers.

No process in history has successfully spread wealth to the extent that capitalism has.

The lowest segments of society have reaped the greatest rewards in capitalism.
Spread the wealth or nearly everyone suffers.
the violent liberal way at the point of a gun or the conservative way by not buying stuff from Jobs and Gates in a free Republican country??.
Neither. You pay a fair and living wage to those at the bottom.
Spread the wealth or nearly everyone suffers.

No process in history has successfully spread wealth to the extent that capitalism has.

The lowest segments of society have reaped the greatest rewards in capitalism.
Spread the wealth or nearly everyone suffers.
the violent liberal way at the point of a gun or the conservative way by not buying stuff from Jobs and Gates in a free Republican country??.
Neither. You pay a fair and living wage to those at the bottom.

too stupid how do you do that if not at the point of a liberal gun!!

Paint is the idiot, lest we forget, who soid the Bubble Act applied to corporations that were much like modern corporations.
too stupid lacked the IQ to respond to the futility of always taxing the rich more and more so tried to change the subject hoping no one would notice his low liberal IQ.
Why are the richest one percent of Americans richer today than they were twenty years ago? Why shouldn't they pay taxes on their disposable income instead of gambling in Wall Street's casino?
80 people with more wealth than half of humanity makes rice and beans a luxury for the next generation of "useless eaters."

"Useless eaters" is a Communist term, da Comrade?

While envy is the only motive force in leftists, let us remind you that the poor are getting richer, and that the standard of living for the poor increased more under Ronald Reagan than any time in history.

You Communists howl that "the rich are getting richer." That's true - but then the poor are getting richer as well. But the rich are getting MORE RICHER FASTER - NO FAIR, WAHHHHH!

In the Communist nations you admire and seek to model us after, the poor literally starve to death in the streets. In America, the poor sometimes have to wait for their existing two year contract to expire to upgrade their iPhone 5 to an iPhone 6 - such harsh deprivation,

The fact is that you leftist would happily see American poor starve to death in the streets - as long as the "rich" starved along side them. You want nothing other than revenge on those who have done better than you, for the crime of doing better than you.
Smith was not a socialist, nor was he a ardent supporter of crony capitalism, just believed in the open and unobstructed free market forces, devoid of government, monarchical, political, and social constraints. His views were economic by nature not social nor did he subscribe to redistribution as Marx, or lets say punishing those that worked for the benefit of those that did not. He was also a fan of Darwinism, which is probably why the Humanist finds his papers so interesting. Read the Decent of Man for a taste.

Knowledge is the greatest impediment to the acceptance of Socialism.

The plan of the left is to pervert and corrupt knowledge in hopes of reinventing Socialism in a more attractive light. Distorting what Adam Smith wrote is one of many attempts to rewrite history. Notice that the forum Communists have tried (and failed) to re imagine Ronald Reagan as an earlier version of Barack Obama. Lies, distortion, and half-truth are the tools of the left. Fact is the counter which destroys them every time.
100% stupid and liberal of course. The pure beauty of Republican capitalism is that you have to offer the best products and jobs to survive. You should go over and over that with your mother until finally you understand you were as stupid as the great killer himself.


Please argue on the side of the Communists.

Smith was not a socialist, nor was he a ardent supporter of crony capitalism, just believed in the open and unobstructed free market forces, devoid of government, monarchical, political, and social constraints. His views were economic by nature not social nor did he subscribe to redistribution as Marx, or lets say punishing those that worked for the benefit of those that did not. He was also a fan of Darwinism, which is probably why the Humanist finds his papers so interesting. Read the Decent of Man for a taste.

Knowledge is the greatest impediment to the acceptance of Socialism.

The plan of the left is to pervert and corrupt knowledge in hopes of reinventing Socialism in a more attractive light. Distorting what Adam Smith wrote is one of many attempts to rewrite history. Notice that the forum Communists have tried (and failed) to re imagine Ronald Reagan as an earlier version of Barack Obama. Lies, distortion, and half-truth are the tools of the left. Fact is the counter which destroys them every time.
So Socialist nations are just stupid eh? I'll inform Sweden, and so many other European nations, all with higher standards of living than the US.

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