Adam Smith was a Marxist

Smith was okay with the rich paying more than their share, since they got more out of society,
The rich also have a tendency to gamble with their disposable income once tax rates fall below a 50% marginal rate. It would seem the very rich require heavy taxation for economies to prosper and for the wages of workers to rise. When taxes for the rich are cut, workers suffer, and the economy turns into a casino.
Spread the wealth or nearly everyone suffers.
1) China is communist you inconsistent pack of shit.

Here are two widely acclaimed books on the subject to get the illiterate liberals his ABC's:

"Capitalism With Chinese Characteristics"

"How China Became Capitalist"

Yup, I'm sure the Chinese Communist Party read those books....

Meanwhile...China is communist.

What part of state owned enterprises and production quotas and fixed wage floors and ceilings etc is not communist?
Most corporations in China are privately owned. The government doesn't have production quotas, fixed wage floors or ceilings. China even has a stock market. What could be a better symbol of capitalism than that?
No process in history has successfully spread wealth to the extent that capitalism has.

The lowest segments of society have reaped the greatest rewards in capitalism.
"Oxfam's vision is a world free from injustice and poverty. Yet today, just 80 people now own as much wealth as half the world's population, while nearly a billion people can barely afford to feed their families.

"And inequality is rising: the combined wealth of the richest 1 per cent will overtake that of the other 99 per cent of people next year unless the current trend is checked."

Inequality and poverty Oxfam GB
Yup, I'm sure the Chinese Communist Party read those books....

too stupid our subject is not whether the communist party read those books but whether anyone on earth denies that China is hugely privatizing its businesses rather than communizing them. How slow are you??

China doesn't have privatized "businesses" except in the idea that a person is leased a business from the State in order to make a profit from it.

That's like saying a "tax farmer" is the Emperor, no, he just is given the right to collect taxes on behalf of the emperor an in exchange for efficiency he can keep the rest.

China still owns ALL capital on behalf of ALL the Chinese, in China if the Communist Polit Buro does not like what you're doing with your "private" enterprise they will take it and give it to someone else.

That's 100% dead wrong.
Most corporations in China are privately owned. The government doesn't have production quotas, fixed wage floors or ceilings. China even has a stock market. What could be a better symbol of capitalism than that?

Clean coal?
"Oxfam's vision is a world free from injustice and poverty. Yet today, just 80 people now own as much wealth as half the world's population, while nearly a billion people can barely afford to feed their families.

"And inequality is rising: the combined wealth of the richest 1 per cent will overtake that of the other 99 per cent of people next year unless the current trend is checked."

Inequality and poverty Oxfam GB

In what substitutes for a mind in a leftist;

100 people starving to death is a good thing.

90 people eating rice and beans with 10 people eating steak is a very bad thing.

Leftism is predicated on envy, the lust to deprive others is so powerful they would starve the world.
100 people starving to death is a good thing.

90 people eating rice and beans with 10 people eating steak is a very bad thing.
80 people with more wealth than half of humanity makes rice and beans a luxury for the next generation of "useless eaters."

For that to be true you would have to demonstrate that the wealth of the richest 80 people was obtained by confiscating it from half of humanity. That's a trick you just can't do.
Smith was not a socialist, nor was he a ardent supporter of crony capitalism, just believed in the open and unobstructed free market forces, devoid of government, monarchical, political, and social constraints. His views were economic by nature not social nor did he subscribe to redistribution as Marx, or lets say punishing those that worked for the benefit of those that did not. He was also a fan of Darwinism, which is probably why the Humanist finds his papers so interesting. Read the Decent of Man for a taste.
Smith was okay with the rich paying more than their share, since they got more out of society,
The rich also have a tendency to gamble with their disposable income once tax rates fall below a 50% marginal rate. It would seem the very rich require heavy taxation for economies to prosper and for the wages of workers to rise. When taxes for the rich are cut, workers suffer, and the economy turns into a casino.
Spread the wealth or nearly everyone suffers.

I have read all your posts in order to determine what type of jobs you are qualified to do.

The results are in.

I recommend you apply at Walmart for the position of janitor at the men's bathrooms . I really believe you have a knack for removing pubic hairs from toilet seats.

Don't be absent or tardy. Become a useful citizen for a change. If you don't like the job, learn a marketable skills that pays more. I hope the new job will keep you busy enough so that you wont come to USMB to post communist bullshit.


the working-day contains the full 24 hours,

100% stupid and liberal of course. The pure beauty of Republican capitalism is that you have to offer the best products and jobs to survive. You should go over and over that with your mother until finally you understand you were as stupid as the great killer himself.
For that to be true you would have to demonstrate that the wealth of the richest 80 people was obtained by confiscating it from half of humanity. That's a trick you just can't do.
"Such extreme economic inequality is threatening to undo much of the progress made over the past 20 years in making sure millions more people have food on the table, a decent education and health care.

"It is as unfair as it is uneven. This stark inequality is the result of political and economic choices. We're not on a level playing field. So whilst the wealth of a powerful minority grows greater, the poorest people get left behind.

"Extreme inequality:

  • robs millions of people of better life chances
  • fuels crime, corruption and violent conflict
  • widens the gap between women and men
  • damages nations' economic growth
  • and is one of the biggest barriers to ending global poverty."
Inequality and poverty Oxfam GB

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