Add Another 'Loss' To That 1,000+ For Democrats....

The GOP didn't gain a seat here. You people are insane.
/---- The OP didn't say we gained a seat. He said you LOST. I know grown up words are confusing to public school kids like you.
View attachment 121422

You're an idiot:

Back-to-back historic, record-setting losses
1,000+ political positions lost in 8 years
...and add 1 more:

That's what the OP said, that the Democrats lost one more 'position'. They didn't lose the position because it wasn't theirs to begin with. It hasn't been theirs for 20+ years.
If Republicans could barely edge out a win....
Key word there is 'WIN' in 'The Democrats LOSE ANOTHER ONE...' :p

Jesus, you really are dumber than a pile of rocks.

If this election truly was a political foreboding you can kiss Arizona and Nevada seats goodbye in 2018 and along with them a majority in the Senate.

Trump won the district by 27 points. Pompeo won the seat by 29 points.

Historical precedent - in 2005 the Democrats started outperforming the GOP in special/off year elections...

...2006, Democratic landslide.
'Back-to-back historic, record-setting losses / 1,000+ political positions lost in 8 years / ...and add 1 more:' That's what the OP said, that the Democrats lost one more 'position'. They didn't lose the position because it wasn't theirs to begin with. It hasn't been theirs for 20+ years.

Technically true. This was just another ELECTION the Democrats have lost. Thank you for clarifying / making that accurate point.
Historical precedent - in 2005 the Democrats started outperforming the GOP in special/off year elections......2006, Democratic landslide.
Yeah, how has that worked out for the Democrats after Barry took over?

1,000+ seats lost...
2 historical, record-setting elections lost...
...and another election lost, albeit nothing historical or record-setting about this one...

It's puzzling to me how so many Democrats STILL praise the man, refer to him as some kind of 'savior', when he so evidently brought destruction and decline to the DNC...
The Republicans, despite spending heavily against Democrats who spent little, saw their support crater compared to previous elections.

And look, the Trumptards are actually trying to spin that portent of doom as a great victory.

You know the flopsweat is dripping off of the Trumptard snowflakes here. They're terrified. Good.
Historical precedent - in 2005 the Democrats started outperforming the GOP in special/off year elections......2006, Democratic landslide.
Yeah, how has that worked out for the Democrats after Barry took over?

1,000+ seats lost...
2 historical, record-setting elections lost...
...and another election lost, albeit nothing historical or record-setting about this one...

What record setting election? Trump's record for winning while losing the vote by a record margin?
The Republicans, despite spending heavily against Democrats who spent little, saw their support crater compared to previous elections.

And look, the Trumptards are actually trying to spin that portent of doom as a great victory.

You know the flopsweat is dripping off of the Trumptard snowflakes here. They're terrified. Good.

You know these people. You could have written their posts in this thread for them last night. You've seen their act.
The Republicans, despite spending heavily against Democrats who spent little, saw their support crater compared to previous elections.
Are you SERIOUS? You do know how much the DNC and Hillary spent on this last election, right? Compared to what Trump spent? The liberal Fake News All-In media could not hand Trump enough FREE press time fast enough. (Thanks for that, BTW, snowflakes! :p )
'Back-to-back historic, record-setting losses / 1,000+ political positions lost in 8 years / ...and add 1 more:' That's what the OP said, that the Democrats lost one more 'position'. They didn't lose the position because it wasn't theirs to begin with. It hasn't been theirs for 20+ years.

Technically true. This was just another ELECTION the Democrats have lost. Thank you for clarifying / making that accurate point.

The Democrat only lost the popular vote.

What record setting election? Trump's record for winning while losing the vote by a record margin?
Ask CNN what they meant. I believe they were referring to how badly Trump kicked Hillary's ass despite the entire Lefty Snowflake Fake News All-In media projecting Hillary would win in a landslide....

Are you SERIOUS? You do know how much the DNC and Hillary spent on this last election, right? Compared to what Trump spent?

About the same, but we're talking about this election, snowflake. On this election, the national Republicans spent a buttload, the national Democrats spent nothing. Yet you're still trying to spin the complete cratering of Republican support as a great victory.

It's not working. The hysteria in your voice gives it away.


The liberal Fake News All-In media could not hand Trump enough FREE press time fast enough.

Well yes, we know the entire national media smooched Trump's ass constantly, and were effectively his paid shills. Good of you to finally admit just how biased against Clinton the media was. What brought on that sudden fit of honesty, which is so very unlike your normal behavior?
Well yes, we know the entire national media smooched Trump's ass constantly, and were effectively his paid shills. Good of you to finally admit just how biased against Clinton the media was. What brought on that sudden fit of honesty, which is so very unlike your normal behavior?

'How BIASED against Clinton the media was'?


Please let me remind you, Oh 'triggered' ranting snowflake, how much of a LIE that statement was:

The media wasn't biased AGAINST Hillary. As CNN points out, it did everything it could to help her win.

The free publicity for Trump was not about trying to help Trump win - it was about 'RATINGS'. In their greed for ratings and money they gave away free publicity to Trump. While doing so, they unintentionally F*ed themselves and Hillary.


Stupid snowflakes....
'How BIASED against Clinton the media was'?

Yet you slipped up and admitted it. You need to stop doing that, letting honest statements slip out. Your party disapproves of such honesty.

The media wasn't biased AGAINST Hillary. As CNN points out, it did everything it could to help her win.

Don't be absurd. That was a joke by one guy during the primaries. You're flailing desperately.

What the media did do was deliberately bury the story of Trump's Russian ties. They knew he was a traitor, and turfed the story.

Tell us, how is that favoring Clinton, turfing the story that would have destroyed Trump, and then spinning around pushing every fake news story about Clinton?

It's not. Even you know that, which is why you let it slip out. You know how helpless you'd be without our nutty conservative national media shilling for the Republicans, which is why you spin so hard that it's not happening.
Yet you slipped up and admitted it.

I did not admit anything except that the stupid snowflake media, while doing everything they could to help Hillary win, was giving Trump tons of free press so they could get high ratings.

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