Adios, New York City!

Its hard to understand how city dwellers could keep voting for democrats without at least trying a GOP admin to see if things could improve??????
The GOP stance on cities is that they need to stop existing
No the stance is many of them have been run by democrats for decades and are shitholes
It's all deliberate. It's their brainwashed hatred in America and any leader that in any way preaches or TAKE ACTUAL ACTION benefitting America is IMMEDIATELY seen labeled racist or "NATIONALIST."

Their skinny negro saul alinsky disciple marxist made deals that weakened our trade position, emboldened America's traditional enemies (Iran and China etc) and was propagated and propagandized as a hero.

It is amazing how propaganda works and how saturated we are with the divide and conquer strategy.

Let's think about this. They have actually made it so that if anyone says all lives matter, it is the same thing as saying HEIL HITLER!!!

Think about that. Really. Sit there and contemplate that. What is amazing is how the actual words by MLK are ignored. How the actual words by Malcolm X are ignored when he called out how pathetic white liberals are. How Booker T Washington's quote is ignored, who was an actual slave. How Muhammad Alis quote about being against forced integration is ignored. How the quote from Bob Marley who said we must EMANCIPATE OURSELVES FROM MENTAL SLAVERY is ignored.

You need to understand how crucial it is for the democrats that all minorities NEED TO BELIEVE they are victims of America.

You need to understand how crucial it is for the democrats that all minorities NEED TO BELIEVE they are victims of America.

If minorities didn't believe it, their entire platform would disintegrate and they know it all too well.
And this is why democrats hate trump and his supporters... They tell it like it is.. Trump gave the people of color real change and the ability to have their dreams come true. Those who took advantage are growing and the freedom is spreading like wild fire... Trump taught them that they are not victims but responsible for their own outcomes... The more that figure it out the more the democrats fight to keep them enslaved..

It is truly sad...

The Republican theory is a rising tide lifts all boats, instead of trying to lift one boat at a time. I hope that a higher percentage of blacks realize that under Trump, they experienced the lowest unemployment rate for their people since records began using that method.

There is no reason to treat any group of Americans like short bus people.
Its hard to understand how city dwellers could keep voting for democrats without at least trying a GOP admin to see if things could improve??????
The GOP stance on cities is that they need to stop existing
No the stance is many of them have been run by democrats for decades and are shitholes
It's all deliberate. It's their brainwashed hatred in America and any leader that in any way preaches or TAKE ACTUAL ACTION benefitting America is IMMEDIATELY seen labeled racist or "NATIONALIST."

Their skinny negro saul alinsky disciple marxist made deals that weakened our trade position, emboldened America's traditional enemies (Iran and China etc) and was propagated and propagandized as a hero.

It is amazing how propaganda works and how saturated we are with the divide and conquer strategy.

Let's think about this. They have actually made it so that if anyone says all lives matter, it is the same thing as saying HEIL HITLER!!!

Think about that. Really. Sit there and contemplate that. What is amazing is how the actual words by MLK are ignored. How the actual words by Malcolm X are ignored when he called out how pathetic white liberals are. How Booker T Washington's quote is ignored, who was an actual slave. How Muhammad Alis quote about being against forced integration is ignored. How the quote from Bob Marley who said we must EMANCIPATE OURSELVES FROM MENTAL SLAVERY is ignored.

You need to understand how crucial it is for the democrats that all minorities NEED TO BELIEVE they are victims of America.

You need to understand how crucial it is for the democrats that all minorities NEED TO BELIEVE they are victims of America.

If minorities didn't believe it, their entire platform would disintegrate and they know it all too well.
And this is why democrats hate trump and his supporters... They tell it like it is.. Trump gave the people of color real change and the ability to have their dreams come true. Those who took advantage are growing and the freedom is spreading like wild fire... Trump taught them that they are not victims but responsible for their own outcomes... The more that figure it out the more the democrats fight to keep them enslaved..

It is truly sad...

The Republican theory is a rising tide lifts all boats, instead of trying to lift one boat at a time. I hope that a higher percentage of blacks realize that under Trump, they experienced the lowest unemployment rate for their people since records began using that method.

There is no reason to treat any group of Americans like short bus people.
Group Think and conformity is strong. The left own the culture war. They own the mass media, the educational institutions, and entertainment industry.

It is the way of the world. The devil rules it and unfortunately the tribulations are going to need to happen.

Hate to sound gloom and doom, but it isn't. Take joy that you are on the right side.
I love NY! It's alive, 24/7!

Wouldnt want to live there now though i lived in Brooklyn for several years off and on during childhood....

I just love visiting the city! The food variety in grocery stores, the fruit markets, the Delis, the restaurants....especially the veal chop :), bagels, hot pastrami on Rye, Pizza is the best in world, cheesecake is the best in world as well....Broadway and off broadway shows, Macy's on 34th St, shopping, radio city music hall, museums galore, madison sq garden, knicks, mets, yankees etc, the lifting and lighting of the Christmas tree in early December- Rockefeller Square....

The problem with it, is you have to be a millionaire, to enjoy it all....

So, I've settled for peace and quiet and deer, squirrels, chipmunks, birds, raccoons, skunks, porcupines etc that I've named, as my daily friends...
Its hard to understand how city dwellers could keep voting for democrats without at least trying a GOP admin to see if things could improve??????

When you tell yourself every day that you live in the cultural center of The Universe and this makes you better than every other Human in the world.

Then you're reminded constantly that lesser folks, who don't live in "The City" ...deplorable folks that live in "fly-over states" ... vote Republican.

Well, what would you do?

" I don't know, George. I was hoping you would say no. I was hoping you would say that you and your wife don't really belong in New York. That you wanted to live the rest of your life in Ohio. That you never wanted to see a big city again as long as you live. That you didn't want to live here or in, uh, Chicago, or San Francisco, or New Orleans or Paris or any other place where people have to live on top of each other, and they don't have enough room to walk or to breathe or to smile at each other. That you don't want to step on garbage in the streets, or be attacked by dogs or have to give away watches in the middle of your sleep to men in black capes. That you were through traveling on trains that had no place to sit & no food to eat. And you didn't want to fly in airplanes that have no place to land, and no luggage for you when you land there. That you wish you never came here, and the only thing in the world you really wanted was to pick up your wife and carry her to the airport and fly home... and live happily ever after. That's what I was hoping you would say, George."

"That's funny... that's what I told him, word for word."

-- "The Out-of-Towners" (1970)
Its hard to understand how city dwellers could keep voting for democrats without at least trying a GOP admin to see if things could improve??????
The GOP stance on cities is that they need to stop existing
No the stance is many of them have been run by democrats for decades and are shitholes
The GOP must have a real crappy message, if they can't even win in shitholes run by democrats, as you claim.

People who are not very bright vote Democrat no matter what. Trust me, I live in Cleveland which has been run by Democrats for the last several decades. The Mayor and his family are all crooks. They are running the city into the ground, and the voters in Cleveland keep electing the guy, along with the rest of his Council election after election.

Several years ago they passed a 2 million dollar bill to create a dirt bike park. In spite of a decreasing police department, the entire city only having one detective, police cars over ten years old, why spend money on a dirt bike park? Because the Mayors grandson got busted a couple of times riding his dirt bike on the streets. The voters kept on electing the same people.
Maybe you need an AOC type candidate, in the sense of walking the neighborhood, door to door, face to face, meeting your new candidate, and hearing his one on one message and solutions, to their problems?

Running only in the main stream of media or the internet, is too nasty...And impossible to be straight forward heard...imo.

We don't need a ditz like her. She's a college graduate in economics, and the best job she could get was a bartender. That kind of tells you something right there. Ether she wasn't smart enough to enter a field in demand, only took economics because it was one of the easier courses, or nobody would hire her after talking to her for a half-hour. Mind you, she has minority status which should have landed her a job almost immediately, especially in a huge lib area like NYC.
You've missed the boat...

I said you need a candidate like her IN THE SENSE of walking the neighborhood to campaign face to face, with constituents.

I said nothing about her stances or political views.....

She beat the unbeatable that way...

We had Rudy who was a breath of fresh air and turned NYC around. The next NY Mayor will be a Republican
I love NY! It's alive, 24/7!

Wouldnt want to live there now though i lived in Brooklyn for several years off and on during childhood....

I just love visiting the city! The food variety in grocery stores, the fruit markets, the Delis, the restaurants....especially the veal chop :), bagels, hot pastrami on Rye, Pizza is the best in world, cheesecake is the best in world as well....Broadway and off broadway shows, Macy's on 34th St, shopping, radio city music hall, museums galore, madison sq garden, knicks, mets, yankees etc, the lifting and lighting of the Christmas tree in early December- Rockefeller Square....

The problem with it, is you have to be a millionaire, to enjoy it all....

So, I've settled for peace and quiet and deer, squirrels, chipmunks, birds, raccoons, skunks, porcupines etc that I've named, as my daily friends...

That's so wrong about having to be a millionaire. I recently realized how poor we were growing up in the Bronx. But we still had the best time! We could go to Yankee Stadium and watch Ron Guidry pitch, I saw Led Zeppelin 2 or three times, saw the original Pippin with Ben Vereen. It's the variety and diversity, the arts, the street scene that make NYC what it is.

For some reason Mayors like Dinkins and DeBlasio must absolutely hate everything about it and seek to destroy it
I love NY! It's alive, 24/7!

Wouldnt want to live there now though i lived in Brooklyn for several years off and on during childhood....

I just love visiting the city! The food variety in grocery stores, the fruit markets, the Delis, the restaurants....especially the veal chop :), bagels, hot pastrami on Rye, Pizza is the best in world, cheesecake is the best in world as well....Broadway and off broadway shows, Macy's on 34th St, shopping, radio city music hall, museums galore, madison sq garden, knicks, mets, yankees etc, the lifting and lighting of the Christmas tree in early December- Rockefeller Square....

The problem with it, is you have to be a millionaire, to enjoy it all....

So, I've settled for peace and quiet and deer, squirrels, chipmunks, birds, raccoons, skunks, porcupines etc that I've named, as my daily friends...

That's so wrong about having to be a millionaire. I recently realized how poor we were growing up in the Bronx. But we still had the best time! We could go to Yankee Stadium and watch Ron Guidry pitch, I saw Led Zeppelin 2 or three times, saw the original Pippin with Ben Vereen. It's the variety and diversity, the arts, the street scene that make NYC what it is.

For some reason Mayors like Dinkins and DeBlasio must absolutely hate everything about it and seek to destroy it
As a child, it was awesome! Of course, the heck with the Yankees, we had the Mets!!! :)

But as an adult, 4 times a year, I was in NYC for Market, FFANY, for about 10 days each visit to market... and us Buyers were treated to the good life, every night by the vendors trying to sell to us... finest restaurants, latest Broadway Shows, sold out Madison Sq Garden events, buggy rides through the Park, etc..... you name it, we were treated to it....

I made pretty good money at the time, but would never have been able to afford those things for my husband and me, every night of the week or even once a week, without hitting what we plan to save in retirement funds....

And, as an adult, living in a highrise penthouse facing Central Park, is what I would have wanted, if living there full time..... :D
So, I've settled for peace and quiet and deer, squirrels, chipmunks, birds, raccoons, skunks, porcupines etc that I've named, as my daily friends...

We have all that in the city and more. Now coyotes are here although I haven't seen one in person, however my neighbors have. Every now and then you see hawks flying overhead. I have a groundhog (or two) that made their home under one of my porches.

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