Admin frets for humanity of children raised by white parents


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
  • A University of Colorado, Denver administrator is worried that white children may “forfeit their humanity” if they aren’t raised by sufficiently progressive parents.
Admin frets for 'humanity' of children raised by white parents

You Trump haters/Lefties make you and your college aged kids look real stupid the more you idiots do this bs the more mentally ill you come off looking. Gawd help this nation of degenerate mental cases.
Last edited:
  • A University of Colorado, Denver administrator is worried that white children may “forfeit their humanity” if they aren’t raised by sufficiently progressive parents.
Admin frets for 'humanity' of children raised by white parents

You Trump haters/Lefties are make you and your college aged kids look real stupid the more you idiots do this bs the more mentally ill you come off looking. Gawd help this nation of degenerate mental cases.

These people are incredibly Arrogant to think they have a special grasp on Humanity itself based on their political beliefs. How the hell is a little white kid "ward off whiteness"? It's amazing how those of us here who have often said we prefer more of a color blind society where people respect each other as human beings are told thats not enough. We have to grovel on our knees, professing our self hatred for what people did before we were born. It's quite amazing the level of mental illness we are witnessing.

Quote from article:
In a recent academic journal article, Naomi Nishi calls for "critical race parenting" of white children "to ward off white identity and whiteness before children succumb and forfeit their humanity in order to join the oppressor."

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