Admin officials brace for Trump announcement on Afghanistan. So lets bail here now?

Baz Ares

Gold Member
Feb 2, 2017
Administration officials brace for Trump announcement on Afghanistan - CNNPolitics
Officials throughout the Trump administration are bracing themselves for the President to make an announcement about the US presence in Afghanistan, similar to his declaration Wednesday that the US will withdraw the military from Syria, informed administration sources tell CNN.

:dunno: The Great Douche is going for the ENDGAME. Russia wins it all, see even the US can't win there. This is the start where the Great Douche is paying off foreign donors before IT can't.
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Administration officials brace for Trump announcement on Afghanistan - CNNPolitics
Officials throughout the Trump administration are bracing themselves for the President to make an announcement about the US presence in Afghanistan, similar to his declaration Wednesday that the US will withdraw the military from Syria, informed administration sources tell CNN.

:dunno: The Great Douche is going for the ENDGAME. Russia wins it all, see even the US can't win there. This is the start where the Great Douche is paying off foreign donors before IT can't.

So you’re for staying in Afghanistan forever?
Administration officials brace for Trump announcement on Afghanistan - CNNPolitics
Officials throughout the Trump administration are bracing themselves for the President to make an announcement about the US presence in Afghanistan, similar to his declaration Wednesday that the US will withdraw the military from Syria, informed administration sources tell CNN.

:dunno: The Great Douche is going for the ENDGAME. Russia wins it all, see even the US can't win there. This is the start where the Great Douche is paying off foreign donors before IT can't.
new castles or new cities. we should be making money not losing money; especially if it is not Important enough for wartime tax rates.
Administration officials brace for Trump announcement on Afghanistan - CNNPolitics
Officials throughout the Trump administration are bracing themselves for the President to make an announcement about the US presence in Afghanistan, similar to his declaration Wednesday that the US will withdraw the military from Syria, informed administration sources tell CNN.

:dunno: The Great Douche is going for the ENDGAME. Russia wins it all, see even the US can't win there. This is the start where the Great Douche is paying off foreign donors before IT can't.

So you’re for staying in Afghanistan forever?
We went in and leaving puts it right back to what it was.
We need bases, the fuel drones, and Seal Team support.
It only about 14K in troops, we pay these people to do somthang. Do we bring them
back to collect gobmint welfare? Even as military service is about 89% welfare for mostly useless people
who can't get a job. So if we terminate employment, and they can see if they can get back.
They can get 50% medical bills paid if they have a real wound from battle. No the self-inflicted ones.
WWII had real men, these today's are the bottom of the gene pool losers.
money off their ignorance.
These people in the army signed for stupid blind service for the top 3% corps to make money. Nothang else.

btw. Be funny if the Congress passes an impeachment tomorrow, just saying. To keep gobmint open. And troops where they are.
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I'd be right happy if we pulled out, my 2cents.
I'd be right happy if never went in. And took the trillions in money and made a 100 million drone force that will shoot
rockets at anyone with a gun. Let them settle their issue by hand. And use them on the GUN Nutters in the USA seen with semi/fully auto guns. Let see if they can take down drones.
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I'd be right happy if we pulled out, my 2cents.
I'd be right happy if never went in. And took the trillions in money and made a 100 million drone force that will shoot
rockets at anyone with a gun. Let them settle their issue by hand. And use them on the GUN Nutters in the USA seen with semi/fully auto guns. Let see if they can take down drones.

Not surprised to see a bed wetting piece of shit endorse using the military and weapons of war to exterminate citizens who exercise their freedom.

No surprise at all.

They just want us "safe" right? Then I get shit for pointing out that if we helicopter a few of these sociopath traitors we could save the lives of millions of innocent people.

Administration officials brace for Trump announcement on Afghanistan - CNNPolitics
Officials throughout the Trump administration are bracing themselves for the President to make an announcement about the US presence in Afghanistan, similar to his declaration Wednesday that the US will withdraw the military from Syria, informed administration sources tell CNN.

:dunno: The Great Douche is going for the ENDGAME. Russia wins it all, see even the US can't win there. This is the start where the Great Douche is paying off foreign donors before IT can't.

Russia wins what exactly?
Administration officials brace for Trump announcement on Afghanistan - CNNPolitics
Officials throughout the Trump administration are bracing themselves for the President to make an announcement about the US presence in Afghanistan, similar to his declaration Wednesday that the US will withdraw the military from Syria, informed administration sources tell CNN.

:dunno: The Great Douche is going for the ENDGAME. Russia wins it all, see even the US can't win there. This is the start where the Great Douche is paying off foreign donors before IT can't.

Afghans dont really want us there.... probably time to leave. Well past time. Whats the point in being there when the Terrorists are all moving to Great Britain? sort of a waste of time.
Administration officials brace for Trump announcement on Afghanistan - CNNPolitics
Officials throughout the Trump administration are bracing themselves for the President to make an announcement about the US presence in Afghanistan, similar to his declaration Wednesday that the US will withdraw the military from Syria, informed administration sources tell CNN.

:dunno: The Great Douche is going for the ENDGAME. Russia wins it all, see even the US can't win there. This is the start where the Great Douche is paying off foreign donors before IT can't.

We're going to need the troops here to fight the civil war.

Where do you think we should draw the line?

I say south down the east Ohio border and then east along the old Mason-Dixon line.
A brain dead oxygen thief said:
something stupid
We're going to need the troops here to fight the civil war.
Where do you think we should draw the line?
I say south down the east Ohio border and then east along the old Mason-Dixon line.

I say the Western Hemisphere. The euroweenies already have all sorts of nanny state shit in place. The parasites can go there and "coexist".

The people who say troops on our own border are a waste of money now say the sub humans in our military in Afghanistan should be grateful they have a job. Every time I think libs cant get any lower they prove me wrong.
The people who say troops on our own border are a waste of money now say the sub humans in our military in Afghanistan should be grateful they have a job. Every time I think libs cant get any lower they prove me wrong.
how serious can the right wing be, if they refuse to pay really really serious, wartime tax rates for their alleged wars.

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