Administration ‘Proud’ of Afghanistan Withdrawal

Happy it happened. But they botched the withdraw.
It was way, way beyond botched. It was and is a major catastrophe. President Trump had everything under control until President Biden took over. How did it change anything except make things far, far worse? We left billions in materials and weapons in Afghanistan and it has returned to a barbaric, third-century existence,

Could things get worse? Of course. Russia saw its chance with a weak United States President who had given tacit approval for him to invade Ukraine. Now we are in a proxy war with Russia and worse, Biden had pushed Russia and China together in an alliance formed in Hell.





All governments play politics. The best indicator of the impression of this pull out would be the comments and responses from U.S allies to the withdrawal. Regardless, it had to be done at some point and to a large degree. How was the only question that needed to be answered...
Not sure just how the Biden administration could be proud of the Afghanistan withdrawal

Obviously, it was the biggest, worst, most embarrassing, botched military pullout in the history of the country, a total failure. Joe must really beam with pride.


It became everything Joe assured us it would never be.
It was way, way beyond botched. It was and is a major catastrophe. President Trump had everything under control until President Biden took over. How did it change anything except make things far, far worse? We left billions in materials and weapons in Afghanistan and it has returned to a barbaric, third-century existence,

Could things get worse? Of course. Russia saw its chance with a weak United States President who had given tacit approval for him to invade Ukraine. Now we are in a proxy war with Russia and worse, Biden had pushed Russia and China together in an alliance formed in Hell.





Most of that is nonsense....

But the withdraw was botched. Thats on Joe. Obama should have ordered everyone home the day after he got Bin Laden.
$80 billion of new weapons to Zionist Fascist people fraud "Islamic Terrorists" in total control of Afghan since W sided with Taliban over TNA in the Afghan civil war in 2002.

Horray for the Zionist Fascist - they are armed allies in control of another country, right on Iran's border...

The Taliban are Zionist Fascist ?

Who is 'danger tourist' Miles Routledge and where did he go?​

Jihadi blues: Taliban bureaucrats lament office life, miss the old days of waging jihad​

I would find everything that comes out of that place heartbreaking news, if the folks that spoke English, didn't post and write crap, that sounds like it is coming like a story from the Onion or the Babylon Bee. At this point? It all sounds, like they are LARPing, it is one giant psyop, or it is satire, I can't tell what.

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Not sure just how the Biden administration could be proud of the Afghanistan withdrawal, but they are.
A lot went wrong that was on Biden, but......

John Kirby, coordinator for strategic communications at the National Security Council, said Thursday that the Biden administration is “proud” of its botched withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021.
Kirby appeared at a White House press briefing to discuss the administration’s newly released review of the chaotic withdrawal, which was marked by a suicide bombing at Kabul’s airport that killed 13 American service members and more than 100 Afghans.
That 12-page summary places much of the blame on the Trump administration, saying President Biden was “severely constrained” by former president Trump’s decisions. When Biden entered office, it says, “the Taliban were in the strongest military position that they had been in since 2001, controlling or contesting nearly half of the country.”

Biden canceled everything Trump put in place on his first day in office, but had to keep in place the date of withdrawal?????
he said there was a lot to be proud of which is true ****. Yes he had to go by the treaty with the Taliban, although he did get them to delay it for a couple of months for more military preparation. the CIA and our intelligence was absolutely 100% totally wrong. and ISIS killed our 13 servicemen and and they are enemies of the Taliban. Just little details I'm sure.
Biden canceled everything Trump put in place on his first day in office, but had to keep in place the date of withdrawal?????

He didnt, he pushed it back 5 months so he could have a made for TV moment on 9/11.

Had he kept the date the Taliban would have still been half the country away.

The fucked up withdrawal is 100% on Biden.
The gifts left behind for the Taliban will pay dividends to America for years to come, as the Taliban continue to fight terrorists in their country.

It might have been different if America had included the women and little girls when bargaining with the Taliban for an uninterrupted retreat.
But war is war and it's not 'for' little girls
Perhap you can answer why Trump withdrew over 10,000 troops without holding the Taliban to the Doha Accord conditions our withdrawals were supposed to be based on?

Trump didn't cause a shitshow. That was YOUR asshats.

After nearly 20 years, Biden got us out of the Afghanistan quagmire
He successfully withdrew 125,000 people from the country

But left tens of thousands behind to be murdered at will by the Taliban.

After nearly 20 years, Biden got us out of the Afghanistan quagmire
He successfully withdrew 125,000 people from the country
Trump had a reduced number of troops there only to provide aircover and logistics... Biden did not have to pullout when he did... he fucked up.... if you can't even admit that there must be something wrong with you....
Trump didn't cause a shitshow. That was YOUR asshats.

Trump also allowed the 5000 worst Taliban prisoners to be let out of prison. great job! biden had to go by the treaty that Trump negotiated with the Taliban, although he did get a two month delay for more preparation- the intelligence was 100% wrong,, and the killers of our servicemen and 170 afghans was the ISIS, enemies of the Taliban.

republicans gave us 911 through sheer incompetence, the Afghan and Iraq wars the worst stupidest of all time, and destroyed the world economy in 2008 with another corrupt deregulation bubble and bust. It's amazing you people even can show your faces in polite society. not to mention all your crap propaganda Absolute garbage
Trump didn't cause a shitshow. That was YOUR asshats.


But left tens of thousands behind to be murdered at will by the Taliban.

Linky, linky
stupidest longest war ever, except for Iraq. great job GOP always the best. thanks for 911 through sheer incompetence too, And the World Depression with your corrupt deregulation as always
No troops were dying or in danger of dying... they were all behind walls in the green zone and at Bagram Airbase and the Afghan troops were keeping the Taliban at bay with our help... do you know how many civilians have died since we pulled out?.... do you know that Americans are still there trapped... you may want to look it up if you can find it....
Trump had a reduced number of troops there only to provide aircover and logistics... Biden did not have to pullout when he did... he fucked up.... if you can't even admit that there must be something wrong with you....

Sure, he could have increased troop strength and we would still be there today.
Trump made the deal of the Afghanistan withdrawal and Biden played the hand he was dealt
What Trump did

Made a deal with the Taliban without consulting the Afghan Govt
Dropped our troop strength down from 14,000 to 2,500
Made no provisions to evacuate US equipment
Made no provisions to evacuate Afghan citizens
Refused to meet with Biden to transition his Afghan plan
Sure, he could have increased troop strength and we would still be there today.
Trump made the deal of the Afghanistan withdrawal and Biden played the hand he was dealt
Biden didn't have to do a thing until the Taliban made good on their promises to the USA.... he did it because he thought it would make him popular with the people..... it backfired.... and 13 brave troops are dead....

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