Administration ‘Proud’ of Afghanistan Withdrawal

Not sure just how the Biden administration could be proud of the Afghanistan withdrawal, but they are.
A lot went wrong that was on Biden, but......

John Kirby, coordinator for strategic communications at the National Security Council, said Thursday that the Biden administration is “proud” of its botched withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021.
Kirby appeared at a White House press briefing to discuss the administration’s newly released review of the chaotic withdrawal, which was marked by a suicide bombing at Kabul’s airport that killed 13 American service members and more than 100 Afghans.
That 12-page summary places much of the blame on the Trump administration, saying President Biden was “severely constrained” by former president Trump’s decisions. When Biden entered office, it says, “the Taliban were in the strongest military position that they had been in since 2001, controlling or contesting nearly half of the country.”

Biden canceled everything Trump put in place on his first day in office, but had to keep in place the date of withdrawal?????
They are proud that they didn't fuck it up worse
The Taliban are the ones running the show. The Afghan Gov are the pussies that are ran off and joined the Taliban.

You generally DO THAT when you are planning on PULLING OUT of a country, nimrod.

Because it wasn't until the NEXT YEAR yet before the pullout was actually scheduled, cupcake.

Refused to meet with the lying ASS who told Trump to SHUT UP during their debates?! Trump was in government four years, Biden the career grifter had been there HALF A FUCKING CENTURY. What possible need does Joe need of Trump's notes? Especially when it wasn't for another SEVEN MONTHS after his installment before the pullout was due, Gumdrop.

Lets face it

Trump threw a temper tantrum when he was soundly defeated in the election.

Rather than engage in a peaceful transition to the new President like every President had done for 200 years, Trump ordered his staff to refuse to meet with Biden’s staff and refused to meet with the new President on critical issues facing the nation.

Among those issues were

The release of the COVID vaccine and plans to distribute it
The withdrawal from Afghanistan
While they were trekking through the foothills of the Himalayas, Xi told PedoPete, "remember, USA stands for Unconditional Surrender of Afghanistan"
agreed on by everyone in the country, And according to a plan negotiated by Trump. Thanks for this and the Iraq War, GOP. And the 2008 World Depression
the ridiculously stupid GOP party who got us into this mess in the first place...

I agree. If not for the hapless, stupid, GOP not being able to keep up with all the cheating of the left, Trump would still be in office and Biden never would have been there in 2021 to totally FUCK UP the entire simple Afghan pullout into a monstrous disaster.
Trump didn't cause a shitshow. That was YOUR asshats.

Of course he did, by withdrawing over 10,000 troops without holding the Taliban to the Doha Accord conditions our withdrawals were supposed to be based on, and having already set a timetable on the ceasefire agreement. The real question is did he do it on purpose?
Biden didn't have to do a thing until the Taliban made good on their promises to the USA.... he did it because he thought it would make him popular with the people..... it backfired.... and 13 brave troops are dead....

Why didn't Trump enforce the agreement before he reduced our troop strength to the bare minimum? Do you think with that bare minimum force we could get the Taliban to start the peace talks that they failed to do in March of 2020? Could that terrorist been stopped if the Taliban had been forced to comply with the agreement? We'll never know, but redeploying tens of thousands of troops would have been necessary to enforce the agreement Trump failed to enforce. I dare say we would have lost more the 13 souls in that effort.
Why didn't Trump enforce the agreement before he reduced our troop strength to the bare minimum? Do you think with that bare minimum force we could get the Taliban to start the peace talks that they failed to do in March of 2020? Could that terrorist been stopped if the Taliban had been forced to comply with the agreement? We'll never know, but redeploying tens of thousands of troops would have been necessary to enforce the agreement Trump failed to enforce. I dare say we would have lost more the 13 souls in that effort.
The Taliban wasn't obeying accordingly per their signed agreement... and Trump said we aren't going anywhere till they do... remember the Taliban is not a disciplined military unit like the US Army for example... so for the leaders of the Taliban Like Akhundzada or Yaqoob and Haqqani signatories to Trump's plan to curtail all of their fighters takes time...
In some areas the Taliban wanted to keep fighting... mainly for the Opium trade... Biden screwed up and for him to now blame Trump should tell every American what kind of piece of cowardly shit we have for a leader....
The Taliban wasn't obeying accordingly per their signed agreement... and Trump said we aren't going anywhere till they do...
The Trump also claimed it was a 'conditional withdrawal'. But for some reason he forgot to enforce the conditions on the Taliban before he withdrew those 10 thousand troop in 2020. How is that Biden fault? Granted it was part of his problem he had to deal with but that was the position Benedict Donald put the CiC and our Military in. You simply can't say that non- enforcement didn't have something to do with the swiftness with which the Taliban took over as we abandoned territory.
I beg to differ.
When the Pentagon is paying for Drag Queen hour on their military installations....we are in the end times.
I didn't know they were paying for Drag Queen hour. Base commanders, I met, while I was aid to a CG were pretty conservative people, as were most senior field grade Officers, but of course that was back in the day. You are next door to the Screaming Eagles. Are they using base welfare and unit morale funds for those kinds of activities open to the families of the service members in the command?
I didn't know they were paying for Drag Queen hour. Base commanders, I met, while I was aid to a CG were pretty conservative people, as were most senior field grade Officers, but of course that was back in the day. You are next door to the Screaming Eagles. Are they using base welfare and unit morale funds for those kinds of activities open to the families of the service members in the command?

The hearing that dealt with it is on YouTube. Austin was squirming trying to not answer the questions.
The Trump also claimed it was a 'conditional withdrawal'. But for some reason he forgot to enforce the conditions on the Taliban before he withdrew those 10 thousand troop in 2020. How is that Biden fault? Granted it was part of his problem he had to deal with but that was the position Benedict Donald put the CiC and our Military in. You simply can't say that non- enforcement didn't have something to do with the swiftness with which the Taliban took over as we abandoned territory.
Wait a min... enforce the conditions?... if the Taliban leaders can't how could Trump?... diplomacy takes time for a reason... so fewer people will die that's why its a slow process that we should of stayed with and accepted... so fewer people will die.... Biden forgot about diplomacy just like he did before Ukraine was attacked....
agreed on by everyone in the country, And according to a plan negotiated by Trump. Thanks for this and the Iraq War, GOP. And the 2008 World Depression

Everyone agreed to an unconditional immediate surrender? Abandoning friend, allies and $85B in military hardware? Really?
The gifts left behind for the Taliban will pay dividends to America for years to come, as the Taliban continue to fight terrorists in their country.

It might have been different if America had included the women and little girls when bargaining with the Taliban for an uninterrupted retreat.
But war is war and it's not 'for' little girls
Biden didn't have to do a thing until the Taliban made good on their promises to the USA.... he did it because he thought it would make him popular with the people..... it backfired.... and 13 brave troops are dead....
President Biden looked around and thought to himself, SELF, my Masta Obama couldn't get us out of Afghanistan, President Trump didn't get us out, BY GOD, JOE BIDEN will get us out of Afghanistan come Hell or High Water!

Not only were 13 brave troops murdered but dozens of other civilians and since, hundreds of civilians who believed they would be protected after helping the US.
Wait a min... enforce the conditions?... if the Taliban leaders can't how could Trump?...
By not withdrawing our troops. The withdrawal of the US and our Allied forces was based on the Taliban adhering to the conditions they agreed to. It was clear within the first month of the 135 day implementation phase of the agreement, they were not going to comply with most all of the Conditions. When/if you do that it's no longer a conditional withdrawal. Feel free to blame Biden for all decisions he made after Jan 20th 2021, but don't ignore all the decisions that led us to that point and who made them.
Everyone agreed to an unconditional immediate surrender? Abandoning friend, allies

No, only Benedict Donald wanted that........

"Based on my advice and the advice of the commanders, then Secretary of Defense, Esper, submitted a memorandum on nine November recommending to maintain US forces at a level between about 2500 and 4500 in Afghanistan until conditions were met for further reduction. Two days later on 11, November, 2020, I received an unclassified signed order directing the United States military to withdraw all forces from Afghanistan no later than 15, January, 2021."

Gen. Milley: (32:48)

The after the Generals told him what a shit show that would be........"After further discussions regarding the risks associated with such a withdrawal, the order was rescinded. On 17 November we received a order, to reduce levels to 2,500 plus enabling forces no later than 15 January."
Biden did not write this report of course. We're damn glad to get out of there and I don't want to hear about any of this crap about this **** **** Republican disaster.
Of course, you don't want to hear about Afghanistan. It's a clusterf*** for Democrats. So we left billions of dollars in cash and materials left behind and now we're spending billions more sending the same thing to Ukraine for a proxy war with Russia to what end?

I agree. If not for the hapless, stupid, GOP not being able to keep up with all the cheating of the left, Trump would still be in office and Biden never would have been there in 2021 to totally FUCK UP the entire simple Afghan pullout into a monstrous disaster.
there is no evidence the election was stolen in any manner. no election fraud whatsoever. the Afghan pull out was going to be a disaster no matter what. Thanks for the Iraq War and the Afghan war and allowing 9/11 through sheer incompetence and thanks for the 2008 world depression and the worst pandemic reaction in the world and the worst brainwashed voters anywhere. You are out of your tiny little mind.

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