Admit It, You'd Like to Be in a Union Too

I earn 4 hours sick leave each pay period which is less than 3 weeks a year, it averages out to 9.5 days of sick leave a year and I average about 14.25 days of vacation each year with slightly less than 15 years federal service because you earn vacation based on the years of service you have, we really are living it up and don't earn anything, :rolleyes:

Yup 4 hours every pay period is the standard, I earn 6 hours annual leave due to my prior Military service.
Personnel jacked up my Service Computation Date. I enlisted in 1991 and served 20, naturally, they pick March 2010 as my SCD. I'm still getting only 4 hrs AL PPP. :cool: My boss keeps telling me they'll fix it and I'll be getting 8 hrs retroactive to my sign-on date. I'll believe it when I see it.

Folks, this is how the government operates. And some people want the gov to handle their healthcare?! :cuckoo:

They did that shit with me too, after a few months I just went up to Personnel and had them change it. Unless you push the issue those clowns won't change anything.
[ame=]The Most Disappointed Barrett Supporter In Wisconsin - YouTube[/ame]


I dont know............just never get tired of watching this Im living the hoot of that night all over again!!!:2up:

Who wants to take a bet this limpwrister didnt go home and bend the cat over for a gorgan poke??
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Just the person to ask then, what is the purpose of a government union?

for me its someone who will get on postal management.....they treat people like shit.....they dont give flying fuck about you, your problems, your family, your welfare.....they can care less....most upper management in the Post Office are a bunch of motherfuckers.....and i am sure,very sure, you will get this response overwhelmingly from Carriers to clerks to mail handlers across the Country....upper Postal Managers care about one thing and one thing only.....themselves......and even though my Union has negatives like other Unions,they are the only ones who go to bat for us.....Dept of Labor?....they dont do shit against the PO.....fellow Dept....i got more....but i gotta get to bed....gotta deliver the nations mail tomorrow.....someone has to do it.....

That's interesting. I think being a carrier is a bitch of a job. I have respect for people that do it. As for management, I agree that they do suck. The problem is because it's government they dont have an incentive to treat their employees well and dont care, also because if they suck, it's probably hard to fire them. I've seen horrible managers in companies I worked for get their ass canned and they should have been. That's why I dont like people who cant get fired, whether unions or affirmative action or tenure. You should alwasy have to worry a little about your job, so you can motivate yourself.
Have you talked to you local politicians or congressmen about those jackwagons?

Managers can get fired.....but usually they just stick them someplace else.....and the Politicians can make noise about them....but the District Manager usually just reassigns them to another area so they can fuck with people there......the Postmaster of Fullerton Ca. being an example....this guy rode people so hard the Carriers and Clerks assembled outside and refused to go inside unless something was done about this jerk....the news media was there, Rep.Loretta Sanchez was there as well as another Congress guy from that area.....people were telling the news this guy is why people have gone nuts and shot people.....the PO pulled him out of there.....and reassigned him to be the guy who taught Post Masters how to handle the Union and "Disgruntled" employees....i kid you not....the District Manager should have been canned for doing that......just for the contempt he has shown for those working under him....but he wasnt.....he got moved to better and higher position shortly afterwards....the Postal Managers of today.....the ones who run the show and make the decisions....are horrible....the Post Master General being a prime example.....this is why the PO is going downhill......pathetic Management....but they will blame the Workers and their benefits.....
Companies do not usually fire their best and most productive employess. Companies promote them. Only unions maintain the continued employment of the worst and most unproductive employees which results in an eventual degredation of the whole company.

So using your logic; those who are unemployed were not the "best" or "most productive" or "union" employees? Interesting.


Victims of a downturn in business...

But yes...the most productive, efficient, dedicated workers are the last to lose their jobs.

DO you not see the logic in it?

In theory that is how it should work. In reality; that isn't the case at all. The local health authority, for example, has almost as many persons it itself--the LHA--identifies as supervisor, manager, director, or lead than it has persons who are being

or lead by the lead

One of the nurses who works for the LHA herself has 3 different supervisors she answers to depending upon the day and their availability. Ironically, the nurse was recently laid off (she was hired back susequently) and she was one of the nurses who responded to many public health responses which is how I came to know her.
Companies do not usually fire their best and most productive employess. Companies promote them. Only unions maintain the continued employment of the worst and most unproductive employees which results in an eventual degredation of the whole company.

So using your logic; those who are unemployed were not the "best" or "most productive" or "union" employees? Interesting.
Did you hurt yourself with that stretch?

Just going by what you've stated.
What else do Unions really have to offer besides Name Calling and Violence?


They protect the least ambitious...the lowest acceptable work ethic....

Total bullshit. Why do you asswipes paint all union people as devils?

Because they come in and force you to do join, when you don't want to,
You are forced to take them to court in order to get them to stop.
Then they force you to pay dues,then those dues go to candidates you don't support.
You get it?
No choice, no choice what so ever.
What else do Unions really have to offer besides Name Calling and Violence?


They protect the least ambitious...the lowest acceptable work ethic....

Total bullshit. Why do you asswipes paint all union people as devils?

Apparantly you can't read asswipe.

He didn't say all. He said the least ambitious and the lowest acceptable work ethic.

The union protects the slackers, drunks,druggies and thieves right along with the workers who actually work.
So using your logic; those who are unemployed were not the "best" or "most productive" or "union" employees? Interesting.


Victims of a downturn in business...

But yes...the most productive, efficient, dedicated workers are the last to lose their jobs.

DO you not see the logic in it?

In theory that is how it should work. In reality; that isn't the case at all. The local health authority, for example, has almost as many persons it itself--the LHA--identifies as supervisor, manager, director, or lead than it has persons who are being

or lead by the lead

One of the nurses who works for the LHA herself has 3 different supervisors she answers to depending upon the day and their availability. Ironically, the nurse was recently laid off (she was hired back susequently) and she was one of the nurses who responded to many public health responses which is how I came to know her.

Such is different in private industry CC. One basic rule of thumb in private industry is to never have more cheifs than indians.

But what you describe is one of the biggest issues with unions....tenure.

Someone has tenure, they keep their jobs no matter how close to the "lowest acceptable work ethic" they may be...and per union contract, they move up the pay scale AND the "ladder" based stritly on years of service...not qulity of service

And what happens? The one with less years gets fired...even if the work ethic is much better than the one with tenure.

What you described CC is exactly what is wrong withj unions.
What else do Unions really have to offer besides Name Calling and Violence?


They protect the least ambitious...the lowest acceptable work ethic....

Total bullshit. Why do you asswipes paint all union people as devils?


I didnt do anything of the kind.

Here is my point...plain and simple...

One who belongs to a union and does a great job, has an outstanding attendance record, is efficent...does what the emplpoyer expects......DOES NOT NEED THE UNION TO PROTECT HIM OR HER.

Union protection is only for those that are borderline employees.

Victims of a downturn in business...

But yes...the most productive, efficient, dedicated workers are the last to lose their jobs.

DO you not see the logic in it?

In theory that is how it should work. In reality; that isn't the case at all. The local health authority, for example, has almost as many persons it itself--the LHA--identifies as supervisor, manager, director, or lead than it has persons who are being

or lead by the lead

One of the nurses who works for the LHA herself has 3 different supervisors she answers to depending upon the day and their availability. Ironically, the nurse was recently laid off (she was hired back susequently) and she was one of the nurses who responded to many public health responses which is how I came to know her.

Such is different in private industry CC. One basic rule of thumb in private industry is to never have more cheifs than indians.

But what you describe is one of the biggest issues with unions....tenure.

Someone has tenure, they keep their jobs no matter how close to the "lowest acceptable work ethic" they may be...and per union contract, they move up the pay scale AND the "ladder" based stritly on years of service...not qulity of service

And what happens? The one with less years gets fired...even if the work ethic is much better than the one with tenure.

What you described CC is exactly what is wrong withj unions.

Yup. Seniority is all in the union.

You can be as dumb as a box o rocks and have no ability at all but as long as you have seniority your in.
The rights entire argument is based on stereotypes and exceptions.

The right heard that a bus driver made $200k once. End the UNIONS!
The right heard that a janitor took 400 days off in a year. End the UNIONS!

The right uses a problem that exists to make an argument to end everything they do not like. No company has no problems, but they never make an argument to end companies (except green ones). Funny how that works huh
The rights entire argument is based on stereotypes and exceptions.

The right heard that a bus driver made $200k once. End the UNIONS!
The right heard that a janitor took 400 days off in a year. End the UNIONS!

The right uses a problem that exists to make an argument to end everything they do not like. No company has no problems, but they never make an argument to end companies (except green ones). Funny how that works huh


I have never ONCE mentioned anything about a bus driver or a janitor...or the salary of any individual in a union.

My argument is actually based on the facts presented by the unions and their supporters (such as you).

The unions protect the employee. With VERY FEW EXCEPTIONS, a union protects the ones with controversial employment situations...such as attendance issues, work ethic issues, etc.

It admnittedly protects those with tenure...even when those with tenure have poor records. The ones with great records? Dont need the unions to protect them

Seems you prefer to deabte things that are not wiodespread issues so you can say "they are not widespread issues"...

But you dont want to address the real issues with unions.

But I bet if you were one of those WITHOUT tenure that was fired becuase someone with tenure got to keep their job even thoujgh their work ethic was well below would be on a soapbox claiming "foul".
The rights entire argument is based on stereotypes and exceptions.

The right heard that a bus driver made $200k once. End the UNIONS!
The right heard that a janitor took 400 days off in a year. End the UNIONS!

The right uses a problem that exists to make an argument to end everything they do not like. No company has no problems, but they never make an argument to end companies (except green ones). Funny how that works huh

No one is saying end the unions.
They are saying, end the unions ability to force over blowen retirement packages.
End their ability to force Americans to do things that they don't want.
We are saying give the American worker freedom to chose.
The Gov, of WI did that, and look how many left.
America is about Freedom not communistic ideology,like some of the Union leaders are.
Whats fucking funny is how all these message board labor relations people claim to know how every govt worker conducts their business at work, they know everyone of them are lazy, belong to unions and makes unreasonable demands, :rolleyes: you guys are fucking clueless.
They protect the least ambitious...the lowest acceptable work ethic....

Total bullshit. Why do you asswipes paint all union people as devils?


I didnt do anything of the kind.

Here is my point...plain and simple...

One who belongs to a union and does a great job, has an outstanding attendance record, is efficent...does what the emplpoyer expects......DOES NOT NEED THE UNION TO PROTECT HIM OR HER.

Union protection is only for those that are borderline employees.
One who does all those things can still do whatever the fuck they want and its none of your business so shut the fuck up. If you don't belong to a union and get the same negotiated salaries as a union member you don't fucking complain and bitch.

By that logic, one who hasn't been robbed or assaulted doesn't need to purchase weapons for protection, but has that stop you dumb fucking rightwingers and your pro gun talk and all that 2nd Amendment bullshit?
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Whats fucking funny is how all these message board labor relations people claim to know how every govt worker conducts their business at work, they know everyone of them are lazy, belong to unions and makes unreasonable demands, :rolleyes: you guys are fucking clueless.

Not everyone, some.
Don't forget that even Dems in three Calif. cities changed how the unions pensions worked, because they are not affordable.
Even the far left City of San Francisco had to deal with unfunded pensions.

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