Admit It, You'd Like to Be in a Union Too

Of course. It really is just more vacation time, but if they said we want an additional 3 weeks vacation time on top of the 4 weeks we have, and the 13 days holiday's, the people would revolt. So they have to mislead and lie to get that perk.

Yeah, because all union workers use sick leave time as vacation time, :rolleyes: and non union employees are all sterling examples of people who work and never abuse sick leave, :rolleyes: name something that some union employees abuse and show where non union employees don't do the same.

Now I know you are talking out of your ass so do not bother respoonding to my other posts to you. a little research and see what percentage of sick leave is used by uunion employees compared to those iohn the private sector...

Then get back to me.
i know a guy who is afraid to get sick where he works.....he gets 3 days and thats it.....anything more you dont get paid.....or he is afraid he will get this a good thing?.....anyone can get the flu or lets say strep throat....just sayin....
If it meant getting a higher salary I would.

I can count the number of days I missed work in the past 10 years on one hand. I'd rather earn more so I could save more so I can retire earlier and richer than some lazy fuck who wants 3 weeks sick time a year.

And it's not envy. I don't envy lazy people who think 3 weeks sick time is reasonable.

3 weeks sick time is unreasonable to people until they really get sick, and everyone who thinks its reasonable are all lazy people, of course you have nothing in the way of proof to back this up, :rolleyes: These retarded broad stroke generalizations

3 weeks of "sick time" is nothing short of THEFT if you are not sick.

and if you get sick enough to be out for a few weeks and you only get 3 days.....what then?.....and it can happen to anyone....
I just save up all my sick leave just in case something happens, you don't need to use it before the fiscal year or anything.

I earn 4 hours sick leave each pay period which is less than 3 weeks a year, it averages out to 9.5 days of sick leave a year and I average about 14.25 days of vacation each year with slightly less than 15 years federal service because you earn vacation based on the years of service you have, we really are living it up and don't earn anything, :rolleyes:

wow i better not say what i get.....i might even have the Libs here throwing rocks at me....:redface:
I would like some proof the average federal employee makes $73K, until I see it I am going to assume that is not true.

Read through this USA today is in there somewhere.

Federal workers earning double their private counterparts -

I'll check it out, I work a government job now and there are people who make money like that but its hardly the norm around here.

that chart is federal civilian and even with my benefits i wont get what that chart says.....first you said 73K now this chart says this for management?.....i know a few Federal Employee workers and the PO is one of the better paid places.....we get 55K base salary Max.....and the new guys start in the low 40's i believe.....
3 weeks of "sick time" is nothing short of THEFT if you are not sick.

You're earned sick leave and abused sick leave are different things retard, not theft.

You EARN sick leave when you are sick, by being sick.
If you take sick leave when you are not sick, you are a THIEF.

in the real world most workers Union or not,have called in sick when they were not sick....
Look sick days are benefits, if you're out sick too bad, if you use em when you're not sick, good for you.
Most buisnesses help out if you have a serious illness. Again if your job sucks, change it. And it helps to have businesses growing instead of attacked.
But unions suck, why do they not want people compensated for merit? I mean a janitor that cleans the toilet for 30 years is going to bank more than a young buck who works his ass off in various jobs, just because he's been there longer, F that.
Bill Text - 112th Congress (2011-2012) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

Why oppose that legislation, or why do you need it in the first place?
You EARN sick leave when you are sick, by being sick.
If you take sick leave when you are not sick, you are a THIEF.

How can you earn sick leave when you are sick? that makes no damn sense.:eusa_eh:

He's a retard that knows nothing about the federal system. He's unaware that federal employees who run out of sick days don't get paid unless some other federal workers donates leave time from their own hours and when that runs out its leave without pay, which means sitting home sick with no income and no sick leave time, :rolleyes:

thats why you get some disability Ins......when i had my knee surgery and was kept off work for 3 came in handy.....
Actually when I worked for a private company I earned more money in bonuses and gift cards for special celebrations like Christmas, birthdays etc. shit I used to get a $350 bonus every 3 months, thats something you never see in the government sector.

my son worked for Blizzard Entertainment....WOW....he got around 15K every summer,profit sharing and around 8k at Christmas....nice....
Actually when I worked for a private company I earned more money in bonuses and gift cards for special celebrations like Christmas, birthdays etc. shit I used to get a $350 bonus every 3 months, thats something you never see in the government sector.

I work under the Army Working Capital Fund which means my salary is *NOT* directly paid for by an appropriation from Congress, ie, tax payers dollars, the organization I work for operates similar to and competes for contracts and work like a private organization and against private contractors, these retards have never heard of Working Capital funds that some federal workers work under, these funds operate based on revenue done by work meaning we earn our own.

I just think so many people hate Obama and the government their taking out their frustrations directly on government employee, just my opinion. :dunno:

i agree with you HG i have been neged quite a few times just for talking about what we are talking about here....i am a fed worker who is in a a bad sorry....
I work under the Army Working Capital Fund which means my salary is *NOT* directly paid for by an appropriation from Congress, ie, tax payers dollars, the organization I work for operates similar to and competes for contracts and work like a private organization and against private contractors, these retards have never heard of Working Capital funds that some federal workers work under, these funds operate based on revenue done by work meaning we earn our own.

I just think so many people hate Obama and the government their taking out their frustrations directly on government employee, just my opinion. :dunno:

i agree with you HG i have been neged quite a few times just for talking about what we are talking about here....i am a fed worker who is in a a bad sorry....

Just the person to ask then, what is the purpose of a government union?
Actually when I worked for a private company I earned more money in bonuses and gift cards for special celebrations like Christmas, birthdays etc. shit I used to get a $350 bonus every 3 months, thats something you never see in the government sector.

my son worked for Blizzard Entertainment....WOW....he got around 15K every summer,profit sharing and around 8k at Christmas....nice....

cool so was he union? And was he a skilled employee?
I just think so many people hate Obama and the government their taking out their frustrations directly on government employee, just my opinion. :dunno:

i agree with you HG i have been neged quite a few times just for talking about what we are talking about here....i am a fed worker who is in a a bad sorry....

Just the person to ask then, what is the purpose of a government union?

for me its someone who will get on postal management.....they treat people like shit.....they dont give flying fuck about you, your problems, your family, your welfare.....they can care less....most upper management in the Post Office are a bunch of motherfuckers.....and i am sure,very sure, you will get this response overwhelmingly from Carriers to clerks to mail handlers across the Country....upper Postal Managers care about one thing and one thing only.....themselves......and even though my Union has negatives like other Unions,they are the only ones who go to bat for us.....Dept of Labor?....they dont do shit against the PO.....fellow Dept....i got more....but i gotta get to bed....gotta deliver the nations mail tomorrow.....someone has to do it.....
Actually when I worked for a private company I earned more money in bonuses and gift cards for special celebrations like Christmas, birthdays etc. shit I used to get a $350 bonus every 3 months, thats something you never see in the government sector.

my son worked for Blizzard Entertainment....WOW....he got around 15K every summer,profit sharing and around 8k at Christmas....nice....

cool so was he union? And was he a skilled employee?

Blizzard is a Company that dont need a Union.....they actually take care of their people.....and the weeks when they need to get a game out and everyone is living there,and i mean it,they work double shifts and some guys sleep there....they take care of you when your son was a Quality Control Manager who had about 20 guys under him testing the games they would spend 1-2 grand a night feeding the guys who stayed the 2 shifts.....and this Economic Downturn did not effect them one bit....they stayed pretty dam healthy....good Company.....
my son worked for Blizzard Entertainment....WOW....he got around 15K every summer,profit sharing and around 8k at Christmas....nice....

cool so was he union? And was he a skilled employee?

Blizzard is a Company that dont need a Union.....they actually take care of their people.....and the weeks when they need to get a game out and everyone is living there,and i mean it,they work double shifts and some guys sleep there....they take care of you when your son was a Quality Control Manager who had about 20 guys under him testing the games they would spend 1-2 grand a night feeding the guys who stayed the 2 shifts.....and this Economic Downturn did not effect them one bit....they stayed pretty dam healthy....good Company.....

excellent, that's how it should be. Blizzard has alot of high skilled people that make products, like video games that command real wages, which is why they get paid alot more than a drive though hamburger flipper or even a guy on a factory line (and yeah I've dont that, doesnt take a lot of skill) and they get paid for.....merit....all those union folks dont understand how important that is. If he sucks, Blizzard will can him, if not, he'll be making bank.

But you're correct, people want to work there because of the reasons you stated (and who wouldnt want to make video games as a job, that's awesome)
i agree with you HG i have been neged quite a few times just for talking about what we are talking about here....i am a fed worker who is in a a bad sorry....

Just the person to ask then, what is the purpose of a government union?

for me its someone who will get on postal management.....they treat people like shit.....they dont give flying fuck about you, your problems, your family, your welfare.....they can care less....most upper management in the Post Office are a bunch of motherfuckers.....and i am sure,very sure, you will get this response overwhelmingly from Carriers to clerks to mail handlers across the Country....upper Postal Managers care about one thing and one thing only.....themselves......and even though my Union has negatives like other Unions,they are the only ones who go to bat for us.....Dept of Labor?....they dont do shit against the PO.....fellow Dept....i got more....but i gotta get to bed....gotta deliver the nations mail tomorrow.....someone has to do it.....

That's interesting. I think being a carrier is a bitch of a job. I have respect for people that do it. As for management, I agree that they do suck. The problem is because it's government they dont have an incentive to treat their employees well and dont care, also because if they suck, it's probably hard to fire them. I've seen horrible managers in companies I worked for get their ass canned and they should have been. That's why I dont like people who cant get fired, whether unions or affirmative action or tenure. You should alwasy have to worry a little about your job, so you can motivate yourself.
Have you talked to you local politicians or congressmen about those jackwagons?
I just think so many people hate Obama and the government their taking out their frustrations directly on government employee, just my opinion. :dunno:

i agree with you HG i have been neged quite a few times just for talking about what we are talking about here....i am a fed worker who is in a a bad sorry....

Just the person to ask then, what is the purpose of a government union?

First, you have to determine which government the union operates with. Federal unions cannot negotiate for pay or benefits, and cannot strike. (The reason the air traffic controllers got fired in the 80s.) They can negotiate for working conditions and grievance procedures, and they do operate as a voice for the employees of the represented group.

No one is required to join a federal union, but everyone in the represented group is entitled to union representation when they have a problem with management. In addition, regular meetings between the managers and the union officers smooth over rough edges before they begin to bite either side.

That system has worked for the federal government and federal workers for many years, and it will work for state and local workers who bemoan the loss of the ability to negotiate pay and benefits.
No, the question REALLY is:

For those who want to leave a union will they accept the kind of wages and benefits that are not protected by the efforts of the very unions they rebuke?

I have no problem with giving every employee the CHOICE to join a union or not. Hell, in secrecy even.

But, for those who choose to pass on the union should also be ineligible for every wage standard and benefit required by the current labor agreement. Don't find value in the union organization? fine! Enjoy your substandard wages and benefit package that are offered by the company for the value of what they think your labor is worth. Enjoy it!

but, that simple isn't the case when people opt out of unions when unions are present, which, obviously grants the eating of a cake which is had as well.
And at the same time, union members should leave alone those employees who opted out then outperform union members and get compensated accordingly.

I don't see that happening, however.

much like I don't see union hating scabs who enjoy the fruits of unions demanding to be paid less than what labor agreements define.

ho hum.
During violent labor disputes, how often are scabs injured or their property damaged? How often are union members injured or their property damaged?
Just the person to ask then, what is the purpose of a government union?

for me its someone who will get on postal management.....they treat people like shit.....they dont give flying fuck about you, your problems, your family, your welfare.....they can care less....most upper management in the Post Office are a bunch of motherfuckers.....and i am sure,very sure, you will get this response overwhelmingly from Carriers to clerks to mail handlers across the Country....upper Postal Managers care about one thing and one thing only.....themselves......and even though my Union has negatives like other Unions,they are the only ones who go to bat for us.....Dept of Labor?....they dont do shit against the PO.....fellow Dept....i got more....but i gotta get to bed....gotta deliver the nations mail tomorrow.....someone has to do it.....

That's interesting. I think being a carrier is a bitch of a job. I have respect for people that do it. As for management, I agree that they do suck. The problem is because it's government they dont have an incentive to treat their employees well and dont care, also because if they suck, it's probably hard to fire them. I've seen horrible managers in companies I worked for get their ass canned and they should have been. That's why I dont like people who cant get fired, whether unions or affirmative action or tenure. You should alwasy have to worry a little about your job, so you can motivate yourself.
Have you talked to you local politicians or congressmen about those jackwagons?

I agree. Good point.

No one should ever think they can't get lose their jobs.

Incentive to do a good job.
Funny how union slobs who walk off a job call people who actually want to work scabs.
Actually when I worked for a private company I earned more money in bonuses and gift cards for special celebrations like Christmas, birthdays etc. shit I used to get a $350 bonus every 3 months, thats something you never see in the government sector.

my son worked for Blizzard Entertainment....WOW....he got around 15K every summer,profit sharing and around 8k at Christmas....nice....

That is something you will NEVER see in a government job.

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