Adolph Hitler's Lies

There are hundreds of Democrats in today's crop of politicians, who could teach Hitler and Goebbels a thing or two about lying. And it seems like the biggest liars occupy the highest positions.
The first thing a totalitarian regime does is to take over the media. The German people didn't know because their sources of information were restricted to Nazi propaganda. Bad things can also happen when the media becomes the willing propaganda arm of a political party in a free society.
In another 20 years or so, it MAY become possible to discuss Nazi Germany in more objective terms. Hitler's rise to power was a predictable response to the punitive "peace" terms imposed by the British and French (and acceded to by U.S. President Woodrow Wilson) after WW1. Hitler associated the Jews with Communists, international bankers, and others whom he blamed for undermining Germany. Except for that distinction, Nazi propaganda was little different from that of the other belligerent countries.

The rationale for the mass murder of concentration camp inmates during 1943-1945 is still somewhat murky. Based on voluminous documentation, Hitler seems to have had little or no personal involvement in its planning or implementation. His fanatical underlings, however, must have felt that they were carrying out the ultimate expression of Nazi ideology. This may have been blended with the Norse/German concept of Gotterdammerung, since the tide of WW2 was already turning against Germany. For the leaders of the Third Reich, the handwriting was on the wall and they may have wanted to take as many others as possible with them.
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In another 20 years or so, it MAY become possible to discuss Nazi Germany in more objective terms. Hitler's rise to power was a predictable response to the punitive "peace" terms imposed by the British and French (and acceded to by U.S. President Woodrow Wilson) after WW1. Hitler associated the Jews with Communists, international bankers, and others whom he blamed for undermining Germany. Except for that distinction, Nazi propaganda was little different from that of the other belligerent countries.

The rationale for the mass murder of concentration camp inmates during 1943-1945 is still somewhat murky. Based on voluminous documentation, Hitler seems to have had little or no personal involvement in its planning or implementation. His fanatical underlings, however, must have felt that they were carrying out the ultimate expression of Nazi ideology. This may have been blended with the Norse/German concept of Gotterdammerung, since the tide of WW2 was already turning against Germany. For the leaders of the Third Reich, the handwriting was on the wall and they may have wanted to take as many others as possible with them.
The first thing a totalitarian regime does is to take over the media. The German people didn't know because their sources of information were restricted to Nazi propaganda. Bad things can also happen when the media becomes the willing propaganda arm of a political party in a free society.

Yep. Hitler shut down 90% of the newspapers and purged the German government of Socialists, Communists, Jews and Democrats in 1933.
Both were Jews so it was hardly unexpected . So many of the top ranking SS were Jewish .-- and the army -- but that is kept hidden . Now there is a surprise
Every poster here should watch the video the greatest story never told,it exposes all the lies of World War Two,stalin,fdr and Churchill were the mass murderers who sought world domination not’s the hardest thing for the world to accept.that was why Patton was killed,he spoke the truth thst America should have gone after stalin and took him out,he was murdered just a few weeks later after that,Eisenhower and fdr both had a huge hand in it.

Our textbooks in our history classes never tell the real history of what happened,the victors always get to rewrite history,just look at the jfk assassination,they are still lying about thst today.
The first thing a totalitarian regime does is to take over the media. The German people didn't know because their sources of information were restricted to Nazi propaganda. Bad things can also happen when the media becomes the willing propaganda arm of a political party in a free society.
Hitler shut down 90% of German newspapers.
In another 20 years or so, it MAY become possible to discuss Nazi Germany in more objective terms. Hitler's rise to power was a predictable response to the punitive "peace" terms imposed by the British and French (and acceded to by U.S. President Woodrow Wilson) after WW1. Hitler associated the Jews with Communists, international bankers, and others whom he blamed for undermining Germany. Except for that distinction, Nazi propaganda was little different from that of the other belligerent countries.

The rationale for the mass murder of concentration camp inmates during 1943-1945 is still somewhat murky. Based on voluminous documentation, Hitler seems to have had little or no personal involvement in its planning or implementation. His fanatical underlings, however, must have felt that they were carrying out the ultimate expression of Nazi ideology. This may have been blended with the Norse/German concept of Gotterdammerung, since the tide of WW2 was already turning against Germany. For the leaders of the Third Reich, the handwriting was on the wall and they may have wanted to take as many others as possible with them.

If they thought they were doing the right thing, they wouldn't have done most of the killing in camps outside of Germany and then dismantled them and covered over the sites with farms and trees.
The first thing a totalitarian regime does is to take over the media. The German people didn't know because their sources of information were restricted to Nazi propaganda. Bad things can also happen when the media becomes the willing propaganda arm of a political party in a free society.

They used slave labor in the factories, where plenty of German workers saw them being slowly starved to death, not just Jews but Russian war captives as well. They knew, it just wasn't anything they felt like dying for. Of course Jews and Russians wouldn't have done anything either if the shoe was on the other foot, so selective Pity Parties aren't really worth the effort.
The New York Times accused Hitler of pioneering fake news. :spinner:

That's fucking hilarious.

Hitler closed 90% of German newspapers and crushed anyone with enough education to call bullshit on his demagogue rhetoric.

It should be perfectly easy to see why the Adolf Hitler’s “National Socialists” had nothing to do with socialism, just as it should be easy to see why Kim Jong-Un’s “Democratic People’s Republic of Korea” has nothing to do with democracy or republicanism. After all, what do socialists stand for? Well, a few core principles are:
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