ADP Jobs data +296k jobs !!

Your jealousy makes me happy.

You are a traitor, you don't care about America at all, you only care about the GOP. Party over country, that's the GOP mantra and mentality. Your post proves this.

No republican has ever had a labor market this good and this strong, so you can make excuses all you want. Bush and Trump failed, they were failed presidents with failed results and trillions in debt. Biden is winning, with winning policies and winning results.
And yet you remain a dumb ass who would suck Biden's dick if given a chance.
ADP jobs data just blew the doors off and came in at +296k.

Its official Biden has the best and strongest labor market in US history, stronger than any other president ever.

Biden gets to take a much deserved jobs victory lap.

This is what happens when you invest in jobs and infrastructure instead of giving $trillions to the ultra wealthy, who then spend it on yachts made in Italy or other bullshit, like Bush and Trump did.

Biden invests in jobs, Bush and Trump and other republicans give hand outs and welfare to the ultra wealthy. That's the difference between democrats and republicans, and that is why the democrats will always outperform the republicans on the economy.

God Bless Joe Biden and God Bless his booming labor market, the strongest and best labor market in US history!

Only stupid inbred idiots like you brag about jobs when Potatohead's administration is $32 trillion in debt, has massive inflation, is artificially running up the cost of energy to historical high levels, is letting millions of Illegals flood into the country, increased welfare, weakened the military, raised taxes and decreased family income.

You Moon Bats are morons.
Only stupid inbred idiots like you brag about jobs when Potatohead's administration is $32 trillion in debt, has massive inflation, is artificially running up the cost of energy to historical high levels, is letting millions of Illegals flood into the country, increased welfare, weakened the military, raised taxes and decreased family income.

You Moon Bats are morons.
well too bad oil in the $60s, Biden has lowered the massive Trump deficit of $3.1T/yr down to $1T/yr, a huge drop (Trump gave us 25% of our total debt in just 4 years btw), Biden has given us the best labor and jobs market ever.

Everything you posted is a lie and there are no facts or links to support it at all. Trump gave us 25% of our total debt in just 4 years, so you can't complain about the debt at all.
Do you think that maybe Covid had just a little something to do with that?
What am I saying, of course you don't.
Ahhh the covid excuse, how typical. Excuse number 1,070,084,293 from the party of excuses.

Trump ramped up the deficit bigly precovid. The annual deficit was only $587B in 2016, Trump ramped that to $987B in 2019, and it was projected to be $1.3T in 2020 pre -covid.

Sorry, but your pathetic excuses don't work in the big boy world. Nice try bud
Ahhh the covid excuse, how typical. Excuse number 1,070,084,293 from the party of excuses.

Trump ramped up the deficit bigly precovid. The annual deficit was only $587B in 2016, Trump ramped that to $987B in 2019, and it was projected to be $1.3T in 2020 pre -covid.

Sorry, but your pathetic excuses don't work in the big boy world. Nice try bud
So Covid is a "pathetic excuse" that added NOTHING to the debt?
Reason #1,264,469 why no one takes your dumb ass seriously.
well too bad oil in the $60s, Biden has lowered the massive Trump deficit of $3.1T/yr down to $1T/yr, a huge drop (Trump gave us 25% of our total debt in just 4 years btw), Biden has given us the best labor and jobs market ever.

Everything you posted is a lie and there are no facts or links to support it at all. Trump gave us 25% of our total debt in just 4 years, so you can't complain about the debt at all.

You always get everything wrong you stupid little inbred Moon Bat.

Potatohead has been a disaster for this country. The worst President in the history of the Republic and you idiots pretending and lying he is not after stealing the election won't change anything.

Massive inflation, decreased family income, dismal economic growth, increased taxes, artifical high cost of energy, millions of illegals, more bloated government and a weakened military is what we got when you dumbass Leftest assholes stole the 2020 Presidential elction.
So Covid is a "pathetic excuse" that added NOTHING to the debt?
Reason #1,264,469 why no one takes your dumb ass seriously.
yea nice try.
but like I said, trump doubled the deficit precovid, you just make shit up and have no credibility at all because of it.

Worse still Trump signed all those bills and begged congress and the fed for more money. Trump owns the debt, its caused by his policies.

Try getting some facts, you look stupid
what was the rate of hriing for the last 4 years of Obama's presidency compared to trump's presidency??

Here's a hint, Obama had higher job griwth than Trump. You have no clue what is going on in America at all, all you care about is defending failed GOP policy that has given as all this debt and fake money printing.
so in other words you are no better than those you bad least you are an honest hypocrite banker....
Then let's just pick one for example: please elaborate on the "massive inflation" during the Trump admin.
Lack of intelligence does not help your case at all.
Trump and Xi's mishandling of Covid mitigation created the massive disruption of supply lines and ensuring world inflation. Next.
Trump and Xi's mishandling of Covid mitigation created the massive disruption of supply lines and ensuring world inflation. Next.
Also Trump's best buddy Putin Invaded Ukraine and the global commodity prices exploded 80-100% in 2 weeks. that will cause massive inflation everytime.

If that never happened inflation would have never gone up so much, the Fed would never have to raise rates as high, and the economy would be on overdrive like it was in 2021. Now we have to wait a little for that to happen.
ahh yea ok.
Enjoy Biden's booming labor market, much stronger than anything any republican has had.
I know you hate it
hey banker my question was about the economy during trumps first 2 years...not about obama.....and by pushing it aside you just became what you call everyone here that doesnt jump for joy with good news from biden....a fucking horrible American,,,,you yourself said eat shit asswipe....
hey banker my question was about the economy during trumps first 2 years...not about obama.....and by pushing it aside you just became what you call everyone here that doesnt jump for joy with good news from biden....a fucking horrible American,,,,you yourself said eat shit asswipe....
Trumps economy in his first 2 years was mediocre.
Trump had massive deficits and massive spending, but weak low GDP growth. Go look up his GDP growth, it was terrible. His job growth was fine, the same as Obama's

What is the point of even asking me that?? You embarrass yourself with every post you make.

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