Adult Children of Gay Couples Suffer Poorer Outcomes

His findings, funding, and motives sound rather suspect.

"Regnerus doubled down on his conclusions and filed an amicus brief against gay marriage in federal court."
The judge threw out his testimony:
"Citing widespread criticism of NFSS methodology, Judge Bernard A. Friedman rejected Regnerus' testimony, alleging the arguments derived from methodologically flawed data were "not worthy of serious consideration" and served rather to please the conservative organizations (Witherspoon Institute and Bradley Foundation) that underwrote the survey research project."

"Regnerus misclassified a significant number of children as being raised in same-sex households"
A “reality check” for the Regnerus study on gay parenting [UPDATED]

Regnerus Fallout

"Major academic organizations including the American Sociological Association, American Academy of Pediatrics and American Medical Association dispute the validity of Regnerus' data and conclusions reached thereof, arguing that unlike previous studies, the statistically tiny number of same sex couples in a study whose sample group largely consisted of failed heterosexual marriages where one of the parents was allegedly homosexual, make it impossible to extrapolate any information about same sex parenting."

Mark Regnerus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I wouldn't be touting this study as the conclusive evidence you are looking for to disparage the gay community.
He's worse than I thought but I hadn't bothered to look him up. Typical homophobe.
I don't know whether he suffers from homophobia or not. What IS clear is his study concerned the children of failed heterosexual marriages and not the children of same sex couples.
Funny, the children of uneducated Rednecks among the worst of all.

The children of liberal blood sucking leeches on society overwhelmingly turn out to be liberal blood sucking leeches on society. Makes you think doesn't it?


Log Cabin Republicans | Keynote Address from Mary Cheney at the Log Cabin Republicans 2014 Spirit of Lincoln Event
Good speech...but I feel sorry for her having to be the daughter of Darth Vader.

It's probably the LCRs that have kept her 'normal'. It certainly wasn't growing up with that 'straight' thing that is her father.

Wow. Cheney Derangement Syndrome and a real bad case.

Seek professional help.
As if no one could have predicted it, the largest study to date of adult children of same sex couples shows that they suffer poorer outcomes than adult chidlren of traditional couples. This would be a big "Duh" except the Gayhaddis kept quoting small selective studies that showed the opposite. But politicized science and small samples are no match for a broad wide range study. And the results are just what you would expect.
Cue "bigoted Texans"meme in 3...2...1....
Adult Children of Parents in Same-Sex Relationships Report Varied Outcomes
Call us in ten years. Even the author admits he can't show cause and effect, and that the same things can likely be said of any single-mother household.

Saying homosexual parents (two of them) are equal to Single mother house holds is not a good thing, you realize that right?
ADULT children of gay parents. That means they were raised in the much more anti-gay environment of 20 years ago or more.

As I said. Putting anyone on the other side of the debate in the position of proving a negative.

Solid move there NY.
As if no one could have predicted it, the largest study to date of adult children of same sex couples shows that they suffer poorer outcomes than adult chidlren of traditional couples. This would be a big "Duh" except the Gayhaddis kept quoting small selective studies that showed the opposite. But politicized science and small samples are no match for a broad wide range study. And the results are just what you would expect.
Cue "bigoted Texans"meme in 3...2...1....
Adult Children of Parents in Same-Sex Relationships Report Varied Outcomes
Call us in ten years. Even the author admits he can't show cause and effect, and that the same things can likely be said of any single-mother household.

Saying homosexual parents (two of them) are equal to Single mother house holds is not a good thing, you realize that right?
He studied single mothers who were homosexual, not intact homosexual couples. That's why soon enough you guys are fucked because the kids will have the same outcomes based on either one or two parents, gay or straight won't matter but two will always be better than one in most cases.

"Most of the young adults in the survey with gay or lesbian parents experienced divorce or other household disruption as children, and their outcomes were thus more similar to those of children from heterosexual stepfamilies and single-parent households."
Adult Children of Parents in Same-Sex Relationships Report Varied Outcomes
Mark Regberus 'study' was torn to shreds in court and by peer-reviews:

"The Regnerus study placed participants (individuals between the age of 18 and 39) into one of eight categories, six of which were defined by the family structure in which they grew up — e.g., married biological parents, divorced parent, divorced but remarried parent, etc. There was no category for “same-sex couple.”

"The data does not show whether the perceived romantic relationship ever in fact occurred; nor whether the parent self-identified as gay or lesbian; nor whether the same sex relationship was continuous, episodic, or one-time only; nor whether the individual in these categories was actually raised by a homosexual parent (children of gay fathers are often raised by their heterosexual mothers following divorce), much less a parent in a long-term relationship with a same-sex partner. Indeed, most of the participants in these groups spent very little, if any, time being raised by a “same-sex couple"
Mark Regberus study was torn to shreds in court and by peer-reviews:

"The Regnerus study placed participants (individuals between the age of 18 and 39) into one of eight categories, six of which were defined by the family structure in which they grew up — e.g., married biological parents, divorced parent, divorced but remarried parent, etc. There was no category for “same-sex couple.”

"The data does not show whether the perceived romantic relationship ever in fact occurred; nor whether the parent self-identified as gay or lesbian; nor whether the same sex relationship was continuous, episodic, or one-time only; nor whether the individual in these categories was actually raised by a homosexual parent (children of gay fathers are often raised by their heterosexual mothers following divorce), much less a parent in a long-term relationship with a same-sex partner. Indeed, most of the participants in these groups spent very little, if any, time being raised by a “same-sex couple"
This guy jumped so many sharks he got down to jellyfish...
As if no one could have predicted it, the largest study to date of adult children of same sex couples shows that they suffer poorer outcomes than adult chidlren of traditional couples. This would be a big "Duh" except the Gayhaddis kept quoting small selective studies that showed the opposite. But politicized science and small samples are no match for a broad wide range study. And the results are just what you would expect.
Cue "bigoted Texans"meme in 3...2...1....
Adult Children of Parents in Same-Sex Relationships Report Varied Outcomes
Imagine being Rosie O"s and her dikes kid... Good lord what nasty nightmare.

Hashtag sickness of America
As if no one could have predicted it, the largest study to date of adult children of same sex couples shows that they suffer poorer outcomes than adult chidlren of traditional couples. This would be a big "Duh" except the Gayhaddis kept quoting small selective studies that showed the opposite. But politicized science and small samples are no match for a broad wide range study. And the results are just what you would expect.
Cue "bigoted Texans"meme in 3...2...1....
Adult Children of Parents in Same-Sex Relationships Report Varied Outcomes
Imagine being Rosie O"s and her dikes kid... Good lord what nasty nightmare.

Hashtag sickness of America
How often do you "imagine" it?
As if no one could have predicted it, the largest study to date of adult children of same sex couples shows that they suffer poorer outcomes than adult chidlren of traditional couples. This would be a big "Duh" except the Gayhaddis kept quoting small selective studies that showed the opposite. But politicized science and small samples are no match for a broad wide range study. And the results are just what you would expect.
Cue "bigoted Texans"meme in 3...2...1....
Adult Children of Parents in Same-Sex Relationships Report Varied Outcomes
Imagine being Rosie O"s and her dikes kid... Good lord what nasty nightmare.

Hashtag sickness of America
Being filthy rich and having 2 parents that love terrible.
As if no one could have predicted it, the largest study to date of adult children of same sex couples shows that they suffer poorer outcomes than adult chidlren of traditional couples. This would be a big "Duh" except the Gayhaddis kept quoting small selective studies that showed the opposite. But politicized science and small samples are no match for a broad wide range study. And the results are just what you would expect.
Cue "bigoted Texans"meme in 3...2...1....
Adult Children of Parents in Same-Sex Relationships Report Varied Outcomes
Imagine being Rosie O"s and her dikes kid... Good lord what nasty nightmare.

Hashtag sickness of America
Being filthy rich and having 2 parents that love terrible.
Well, you know, it's all about your physical appearance to them.
As if no one could have predicted it, the largest study to date of adult children of same sex couples shows that they suffer poorer outcomes than adult chidlren of traditional couples. This would be a big "Duh" except the Gayhaddis kept quoting small selective studies that showed the opposite. But politicized science and small samples are no match for a broad wide range study. And the results are just what you would expect.
Cue "bigoted Texans"meme in 3...2...1....
Adult Children of Parents in Same-Sex Relationships Report Varied Outcomes were raised by a gay couple? "Poorer outcomes" is most certainly such a vague statement, and without a doubt whatever you are certainly falls into the category. But there are alot of things that could constitute "poorer outcomes" that have no business being alleged to have some kind of direct causal relationship to the sexual orientation of one's parents.

For example, hiring Americans to perform tech jobs is a good outcome. Firing them and importing foreigners is a poorer outcome. Should we blame the CEO's decision on being raised by a gay couple? Probably not.

Being American and loving America is a good outcome. Hating America so much that you want to eradicate Americans with an influx of foreigners driving Americans out of their homes and leaving them to starve....feeling that way is a bad outcome. If someone wants that, should we blame it on his/her parents being gay? Or should we blame it on his/her parents being siblings?
ADULT children of gay parents. That means they were raised in the much more anti-gay environment of 20 years ago or more.

As I said. Putting anyone on the other side of the debate in the position of proving a negative.

Solid move there NY.

Do you dispute that society's general attitude towards gays was measurably more negative in 1990 than it is now?
ADULT children of gay parents. That means they were raised in the much more anti-gay environment of 20 years ago or more.

As I said. Putting anyone on the other side of the debate in the position of proving a negative.

Solid move there NY.

Do you dispute that society's general attitude towards gays was measurably more negative in 1990 than it is now?

I dispute the idea that society is the source of their problems.
The real problem for these homophobes is in short order the kids will be the same, then what will they use to beat on the homos with? It'll be back to the bible again...
How do they do compared to single-parent children or orphans?
this supposed concern for the well being of children is coming from the guy (rabbi) who believes it is terribly oppressive government intrusion into family privacy if their pediatrician inquires and informs them about firearm safety in the home...

In 47 states, a parent can leave a loaded, unlocked gun on a dining room table or a nightstand and face no legal rebuke for leaving that gun within a child’s reach. The danger of children accessing loaded, unlocked guns is very real. According to a January 13, 2014, report by Diane Sawyer entitled Kids and Guns: By the Numbers, 31 percent of U.S. households in 2012 had at least one child and one gun in the home, and 1.7 million kids in 2002 lived in homes with a loaded, unlocked firearm. The American Academy of Pediatrics adds sobering statistics around the issue of gun access and child safety. Guns cause twice as many deaths in young people as cancer, five times as many deaths as heart disease, and fifteen times as many deaths as infections.

Several states have taken steps to protect children from tragic gun accidents.

Kids and Gun Safety | Children's Rights Litigation | ABA Section of Litigation

that said, the American Academy of Pediatrics supports ALL families...

To promote optimal health and well-being of all children, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) supports access for all children to (1) civil marriage rights for their parents and (2) willing and capable foster and adoptive parents, regardless of the parents’ sexual orientation. The AAP has always been an advocate for, and has developed policies to support, the optimal physical, mental, and social health and well-being of all infants, children, adolescents, and young adults. In so doing, the AAP has supported families in all their diversity...

Children may be born to, adopted by, or cared for temporarily by married couples, nonmarried couples, single parents, grandparents, or legal guardians, and any of these may be heterosexual, gay or lesbian, or of another orientation. Children need secure and enduring relationships with committed and nurturing adults to enhance their life experiences for optimal social-emotional and cognitive development. Scientific evidence affirms that children have similar developmental and emotional needs and receive similar parenting whether they are raised by parents of the same or different genders.

Promoting the Well-Being of Children Whose Parents Are Gay or Lesbian
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As if no one could have predicted it, the largest study to date of adult children of same sex couples shows that they suffer poorer outcomes than adult chidlren of traditional couples. This would be a big "Duh" except the Gayhaddis kept quoting small selective studies that showed the opposite. But politicized science and small samples are no match for a broad wide range study. And the results are just what you would expect.
Cue "bigoted Texans"meme in 3...2...1....
Adult Children of Parents in Same-Sex Relationships Report Varied Outcomes
Imagine being Rosie O"s and her dikes kid... Good lord what nasty nightmare.

Hashtag sickness of America
How often do you "imagine" it?
I try not too, it's like gawking at a car wreck... Everyone does.

There is an Indian phrase for it(spoken only, no written form)
Basically it means a nation(tribe) past a point of no return... We are there now.

Embrace the suck

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