Adultry is costing Tiger about $180M a year

And, you know...........a lot of the companies (besides Nike) who sponsored Mr. Woods, were mainly investment companies like Accenture and the like.

Gillette (who also dropped him) was one of his other main ones.

Now......think about who have enough money to invest HAVE to consult their wives, because most of the people that Tiger's ads were geared to, would have prenup agreements, lawyers, etc.

Therefore, Accenture couldn't afford to have a philanderer as their spokesperson.

Who generally buys the consumables that come into the house? The wife. Gillette probably dropped him because they know that if their spokesperson is a philandering douche, the wife (who does the shopping generally), won't buy their products.

The men won't care, because generally, guys don't pay attention to crap like that. doesn't really put a woman's mind at ease when the slogan for their shaving products is "the best a man can get", and Tiger is sampling over 13 different varieties.

Some may have a bit of an inferiority over that.
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I just think that because of covert rascism Tigers fall from grace may be accelerated and slower to comeback out of it.

that is all I have been trying to say.

Actually, there may be something to this. Why? Simple.......before Tiger Woods, there were NO BLACK GOLFERS ON THE PGA. At least, none that were winning much.

Then came Tiger, and all the old white dudes got nervous, as the last bastion of old white men was golf, and it was now falling to a young Negro.

Most of them thought he should caddy rather than play. And yes, it was there at the beginning.

Then......Tiger started to win...........repeatedly. He then started to bring in a following of people who were watching this Cinderella story, which attracted people to watching the sport, as everyone wanted to watch Tiger. even moved from the off mainstream channels into prime time.

The old white guys were grateful for all the publicity, because it made them shitloads of money, but they still had a stick in their craw, because they were being beat on the golf course by someone that most of them considered inferior.

They waited, knowing that eventually, there would be a way to get him out of their hair, or at least, get him to agree to doing things their way. Whenever he wanted a discreet affair? People would procure a woman for him. If he met someone and wanted to keep it secret? He asked them to keep it between them and him.

Nobody knew anything about his private life. Why? Simple.......the conservative old white women would tell their husbands to boycott certain products if it was known what kind of whore dog Woods is, which would result in less ad revenues, which was less money to keep the old lady in the style she's accustomed to.

The reason he's quitting golf? I think it's a conspiracy of the PGA, because he bowed out of golf QUICK, as well as missed his first tournament, which WAS HIS! Was he set up perhaps?

Either way, Tiger is a douche and should be raked over the coals. Why so harsh? Simple......I don't like it when a fellow human being who puts their pants on one leg at a time, has the arrogance to tell the world that they are "perfect".

With all due respect since I don't know you is this for real or was this intended as humor?

Yea, it's amazing how his post demonstrates exactly how little he knows about the game or the business surrounding it........ or, it is just an attempt at trolling.

Hey sailor, between 1979 and 1986 there was an actual black golfer on tour that won 12 times in those 6 years, his name is Calvin Pete....... he was a truly great player that was fun to watch. A few other black golfers are Pete Brown, Jim Dent, Lee Elder and Charlie Sifford. Golf has never been very important to the black community, maybe it's not violent enough, maybe because it's not a reactive game....... it's a thinker's game. It doesn't have a bunch of people running back and forth across the TV screen so it doesn't keep most people's interest.......... kind of like a cat with a mouse or an insect. Most off it's appeal is to those that have actually played it.

Calvin Peete - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Calvin Peete (born July 18, 1943) is an American golfer. He was the most successful African-American on the PGA Tour, with 12 wins, before the emergence of Tiger Woods.
Peete was born in Detroit, Michigan. He played on the 1983 and 1985 U.S. Ryder Cup teams. He won the Vardon Trophy for lowest scoring average in 1984. He was in the top 10 of the Official World Golf Rankings for several weeks when they debuted in 1986.
Peete did not begin playing golf until he was in his 20's, but immediately excelled at a game most pros learn as young children. He learned the game while a migrant worker in Rochester, New York, playing on the public course at Genesee Valley Park. Growing up poor, Peete suffered a badly broken arm that was never properly set.[2] Subsequently, he never was a power player but became perhaps the most accurate player in pro golf.
Peete was inducted into the African American Ethnic Sports Hall of Fame in 2002.

Tiger wasn't a surprise to anyone that has been a fan of golf, he has been around since he was 2 years old and putted against Bob Hope on The Mike Douglas Show. His career as an amateur was stellar winning the U.S. Junior Amateur three times the U.S. Amateur three years in a row before finally turning pro while at Stanford. He has also had a history of threatening to quit golf, see the article below.

Google Image Result for


August 16 2009

Chaska, MN – Tiger Woods is without a doubt one of the most dominant athletes to ever live. Alongside greats such as Joe Montana, Wayne Gretzky, and Michael Jordan, Woods has come to define the sport and has firmly established himself as the
embodiment of golf itself. Once virtually undefeatable, Woods has begun to show his humanity in recent years with injuries and losses mounting in ways once unthinkable. Still though, Tiger Woods is likely the most dominant player that has ever and will ever pick up a golf club.

Seeming to regain some of the glory from his younger days, Woods showed total dominance at Hazeltine until the end when he was bested by the 110th ranked player in the world, Y.E. Yang. Aside from the embarrassment of losing to such an unheralded player, Woods has become increasingly uncomfortable with his appearance as a normal player and is reportedly considering dropping out of the PGA tour entirely if he continues to lose. Though many believe his the threat a knee jerk reaction to the startling loss, insiders indicate that the golfing great has been considering such radical action for a number of years now, and that this loss might just be his breaking point.
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How many titles has Woods won?

According to Wikipedia.......

PGA Tour 71 (3rd all time)
European Tour 38 (3rd all time)[2][3]
Japan Golf Tour 2
Asian Tour 1
PGA Tour of Australasia 1
Other 15 how the fuck does winning over 100 tours even put this dude that you'd posted about in the same fucking league, much less game.........

Hey sailor, between 1979 and 1986 there was an actual black golfer on tour that won 12 times in those 6 years, his name is Calvin Pete....... he was a truly great player that was fun to watch. A few other black golfers are Pete Brown, Jim Dent, Lee Elder and Charlie Sifford. Golf has never been very important to the black community, maybe it's not violent enough, maybe because it's not a reactive game....... it's a thinker's game. It doesn't have a bunch of people running back and forth across the TV screen so it doesn't keep most people's interest.......... kind of like a cat with a mouse or an insect. Most off it's appeal is to those that have actually played it.

Compared to Tiger, this fucker is a nobody, which is why he's sold so much stuff.

He's the first truly great black golfer. Besides, 1986 was a LONG time ago.
How many titles has Woods won?

According to Wikipedia.......

PGA Tour 71 (3rd all time)
European Tour 38 (3rd all time)[2][3]
Japan Golf Tour 2
Asian Tour 1
PGA Tour of Australasia 1
Other 15 how the fuck does winning over 100 tours even put this dude that you'd posted about in the same fucking league, much less game.........

Hey sailor, between 1979 and 1986 there was an actual black golfer on tour that won 12 times in those 6 years, his name is Calvin Pete....... he was a truly great player that was fun to watch. A few other black golfers are Pete Brown, Jim Dent, Lee Elder and Charlie Sifford. Golf has never been very important to the black community, maybe it's not violent enough, maybe because it's not a reactive game....... it's a thinker's game. It doesn't have a bunch of people running back and forth across the TV screen so it doesn't keep most people's interest.......... kind of like a cat with a mouse or an insect. Most off it's appeal is to those that have actually played it.

Compared to Tiger, this fucker is a nobody, which is why he's sold so much stuff.

He's the first truly great black golfer. Besides, 1986 was a LONG time ago.

What makes him a black golfer? He doesn't claim to be black, why do you?

Of course he has been a phenomenal player, he came along when the manufacturers had succeeded in creating equipment that could withstand the abuse of a swing like his. Shafts are strong enough to take advantage of his height and there have been huge advances in the upkeep of the actual golf courses. 30 years ago, Tiger would have been breaking shafts constantly or his swing wouldn't have been anything like you see today. It's doubtful he would have putted anywhere near as well with the shit golf balls and long slow greens.

The ball of today is so superior to the one that Nicklaus played with, it's a joke. A number of years ago, Nicklaus said that even at the age of 60, with a bad hip, he was hitting the ball further than he did in his prime(always one of the longest on tour).......... that is how advanced equipment has become.

Nicklaus is still the finest player to ever play the game, if he was playing today in his prime, Woods wouldn't have won half of the tournaments that he has. Nicklaus didn't just win 18 majors, he placed second 19 times, many by only one stroke. The golf ball he was using was total shit(Tourney), even for back then. If he would have been using a Titleist, he would have no doubt won many more.
We're not talking about his clubs, we're talking about the fact that he can't keep HIS club in his pants.

As well as the fact that a lot of people are dropping him.

Like I've said many times before, Mr. Woods' biggest mistake was going and hiding after the scandal broke. If he would have fessed up about one or two, the rest would have simply called him and asked for cash to keep quiet.

He would have been able to weather the storm.

But........because he shut down everything, it caused people to dig, and dig they did, coming up with little jewels that are now being shown to everyone.

Arrogant people piss me off. Tiger Woods is arrogant, so therefore, I'm happy he's getting his ass shredded.

He deserves it.
We're not talking about his clubs, we're talking about the fact that he can't keep HIS club in his pants.

As well as the fact that a lot of people are dropping him.

Like I've said many times before, Mr. Woods' biggest mistake was going and hiding after the scandal broke. If he would have fessed up about one or two, the rest would have simply called him and asked for cash to keep quiet.

He would have been able to weather the storm.

But........because he shut down everything, it caused people to dig, and dig they did, coming up with little jewels that are now being shown to everyone.

Arrogant people piss me off. Tiger Woods is arrogant, so therefore, I'm happy he's getting his ass shredded.

He deserves it.

LOL......... I remember when Palmer was on the Tonight Show and Carson asked him if his wife Winnie did anything special before he played in a tournament. He said that she kissed his balls before every tournament for luck.......... Johnny, as quick as he was, said..... "I bet that makes your putter stand on end!". Palmer was not amused and sued him. Snopes claims this isn't true but I remember it vividly, I was young but was watching to see my favorite golfer on the show.

Speaking of Palmer, he was easily the most exciting golfer to watch, he hit it a very long way and was very athletic. As great as he was, he was never arrogant, always ready to sign anything the fans gave him.

Palmer has always been a great role model. He has built a hospital, The Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children and Women in Orlando. A truly great man........ quite a contrast to Tiger.

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Hey thread monitor, shouldn't you play spell checker too and correct the thread title?
We're not talking about his clubs, we're talking about the fact that he can't keep HIS club in his pants.

As well as the fact that a lot of people are dropping him.

Like I've said many times before, Mr. Woods' biggest mistake was going and hiding after the scandal broke. If he would have fessed up about one or two, the rest would have simply called him and asked for cash to keep quiet.

He would have been able to weather the storm.

But........because he shut down everything, it caused people to dig, and dig they did, coming up with little jewels that are now being shown to everyone.

Arrogant people piss me off. Tiger Woods is arrogant, so therefore, I'm happy he's getting his ass shredded.

He deserves it.

Why are you concerned whether or not he can keep his 'club' in his pants. From where I sit, I don't see that as a concern for anyone other than his wife and other 'clubees'. Why is that important to you? Are you one of his 'clubees'?
We're not talking about his clubs, we're talking about the fact that he can't keep HIS club in his pants.

As well as the fact that a lot of people are dropping him.

Like I've said many times before, Mr. Woods' biggest mistake was going and hiding after the scandal broke. If he would have fessed up about one or two, the rest would have simply called him and asked for cash to keep quiet.

He would have been able to weather the storm.

But........because he shut down everything, it caused people to dig, and dig they did, coming up with little jewels that are now being shown to everyone.

Arrogant people piss me off. Tiger Woods is arrogant, so therefore, I'm happy he's getting his ass shredded.

He deserves it.

Why are you concerned whether or not he can keep his 'club' in his pants. From where I sit, I don't see that as a concern for anyone other than his wife and other 'clubees'. Why is that important to you? Are you one of his 'clubees'?

It's not so much that I'm concerned with who is swinging at his balls, I'm concerned for the same reason I was concerned about Michael Vick.

He was a role model.

Tiger Woods is in that same hyper visible spotlight, and as such, because of what he represents (fair play, family values, cool under pressure, etc.), whenever someone like that tries to duck an issue, that is being dishonest.

And, you can't be dishonest as a role model. Not in today's world.
Everyone is tempted. Character is when temptation is resisted. Lost of celebrities cheat. But very few with 15 women while their wife was preggers. He's scum.

Maybe she is the kind that turns into a totally whiny bitch when pregnant....
Palmer has always been a great role model. He has built a hospital, The Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children and Women in Orlando. A truly great man........ quite a contrast to Tiger.

And you know Palmer hasn't strayed with groupies?

No I don't, I doubt that he has but no I don't. Do you know whether Barry Obama has bedded down any of his male or female groupies?
Totally off topic......

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