Advanced degrees

Does having an advanced degree make you intelligent?

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Do you believe that having an Advanced degree makes you intelligent?

Advanced degrees are evidence of education, not intelligence. Many high school grads and dropouts may be more intelligent, they just skipped the formal education. That hasn't anything to do with their intelligence, but may close off many opportunities down the road.
No. It means one completed the requirements for an educational program.

If one were stupid beforehand, it doesn't magically transform one into an intelligent being.


I have an advanced degree.

Don't you feel the magic?

If you say so.

Some time back, a right winger claimed to be an "electronics" expert. I ask him:

What does 10010010 x 10100111 equal?
And he said that was "gibberish". Hilarious.

I never met some with an "advanced" degree who makes fun of others with an "advanced" degree. Unless the "advanced" degree was in Bible Study or some such "nonsense". Just thought I would point that out.
Do you believe that having an Advanced degree makes you intelligent?

Advanced degrees are evidence of education, not intelligence. Many high school grads and dropouts may be more intelligent, they just skipped the formal education. That hasn't anything to do with their intelligence, but may close off many opportunities down the road.

It could be bad luck and "circumstances beyond their control". Unfortunately, it's not just them that loses out. It's the entire country. Most Republicans don't believe it, but we are all interconnected.
Do you believe that having an Advanced degree makes you intelligent?

Advanced degrees are evidence of education, not intelligence. Many high school grads and dropouts may be more intelligent, they just skipped the formal education. That hasn't anything to do with their intelligence, but may close off many opportunities down the road.

I don't know a lot of idiots that have advanced degrees.

They might have some ideas that I consider idiotic, but I consider someone with more education, more educateable.
Do you believe that having an Advanced degree makes you intelligent?

Advanced degrees are evidence of education, not intelligence. Many high school grads and dropouts may be more intelligent, they just skipped the formal education. That hasn't anything to do with their intelligence, but may close off many opportunities down the road.

It could be bad luck and "circumstances beyond their control". Unfortunately, it's not just them that loses out. It's the entire country. Most Republicans don't believe it, but we are all interconnected.


I KNOW I'm connected to you, rdean.
This is fucking hilarious!!!!!!!!

Just seven posts after I wrote the following:

or "a degree is just a piece of paper",

CG wrote: Conservatives generally recognize that a degree is just a piece of paper.

And then she writes: The left often appear to think that anyone without a degree is stupid, or less valuable.

And yet, it's the left who fight the right constantly to get an education for everyone, for ALL Americans. It's not the left thinking those without eduction are stupid and less valuable, it's the right believing those WITH an education are "stupid and less valuable".

Come on now. The truth is RIGHT THERE! You can't spin it anymore.

Progressives, on the other hand, think they prove something, even when the piece of paper was bought for $1000 dollars from a diploma mill. They then give the man who lists that piece of paper a job enforcing scientific standards based on his advanced knowledge and a report he wrote that does not meet any current scientific standards.

"Dr" Tran's PhD


A picture of Thornhill University.


And, as more evidence, proof that not only did CARB know that Tran was not qualified, they decided to implement his recommended standards anyway. Not to mention the fact that the liberal media elected to ignore the problem.

On Dec. 12, 2008, the California Air Resources Board unanimously approved groundbreaking new rules governing diesel emissions. Members rejected complaints from the trucking industry about their heavy cost and from some academics who said CARB grossly exaggerated the health risk posed by the emissions.
Soon afterward, a Union-Tribune editorial writer confirmed allegations that Hien T. Tran – the lead scientist and coordinator of the study used to justify the stringent new diesel regulations – had lied about holding a Ph.D. in statistics from the University of California Davis. Instead, it turned out, Tran had a mail-order Ph.D. sent to him from a “university” based at a mailbox at a UPS office in New York City – and that senior air board officials knew this before the Dec. 12 vote.
Incredibly enough, air board Chairwoman Mary Nichols has pretended this is a minor problem. Instead of suspending the diesel rules until the research they were based on was thoroughly investigated by an independent outside group, board officials never revealed Tran’s deceit to the public. This editorial page and The Bakersfield Californian have provided the only print media coverage since the scandal broke.

The air board

Please, tell me again how conservatives and/or Republicans are anti science, hate education, etc. Tell me again how a degree is more than just a piece of paper.

Better yet, tell me how the left does not think that piece of paper somehow makes you a better person, even when they know it is a fake piece of paper.


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You mean his "honorary" doctorate from "Liberty University"? Do we really have to? Cuz I will if you want. You know I want to so bad. Go ahead. Dare me!

I am not the one that is saying that advanced degrees prove you learned something, I have nothing to explain.

I suspect you have no idea what it takes to earn, yes, "earn" an "advanced" degree.

I would answer this, but I think you look something like this after reading my last post.

[ame=]YouTube - Scanners (1981) Head Explosion Shot[/ame]
Do you believe that having an Advanced degree makes you intelligent?

Advanced degrees are evidence of education, not intelligence. Many high school grads and dropouts may be more intelligent, they just skipped the formal education. That hasn't anything to do with their intelligence, but may close off many opportunities down the road.

It could be bad luck and "circumstances beyond their control". Unfortunately, it's not just them that loses out. It's the entire country. Most Republicans don't believe it, but we are all interconnected.

If only Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckenberg hadn't dropped out of college. They might have been able to start some huge companies and have billions of dollars to donate to help people, instead they are janitors somewhere.

Wait, :confused::confused:
Do you believe that having an Advanced degree makes you intelligent?

Advanced degrees are evidence of education, not intelligence. Many high school grads and dropouts may be more intelligent, they just skipped the formal education. That hasn't anything to do with their intelligence, but may close off many opportunities down the road.

I don't know a lot of idiots that have advanced degrees.

They might have some ideas that I consider idiotic, but I consider someone with more education, more educateable.

I generally agree with that. There are exceptions though, but they tend to prove the rule.
No. It means one completed the requirements for an educational program.

If one were stupid beforehand, it doesn't magically transform one into an intelligent being.


I have an advanced degree.

Don't you feel the magic?

If you say so.

Some time back, a right winger claimed to be an "electronics" expert. I ask him:

What does 10010010 x 10100111 equal?
And he said that was "gibberish". Hilarious.

I never met some with an "advanced" degree who makes fun of others with an "advanced" degree. Unless the "advanced" degree was in Bible Study or some such "nonsense". Just thought I would point that out.

Well, I know I feel much better now.

I'm always impressed by people who combine formal education with Real Life School of Hard Knocks Experience:

Dr. Tracy Andrus began Tracy Andrus Consulting in 1995 after being released from prison for check kiting. Since his release from prison, Dr. Andrus has earned his bachelor, master and Doctrate degrees in criminal and juvenile justice.

Our Background
No. It means one completed the requirements for an educational program.

If one were stupid beforehand, it doesn't magically transform one into an intelligent being.


I have an advanced degree.

Don't you feel the magic?

If you say so.

Some time back, a right winger claimed to be an "electronics" expert. I ask him:

What does 10010010 x 10100111 equal?
And he said that was "gibberish". Hilarious.

I never met some with an "advanced" degree who makes fun of others with an "advanced" degree. Unless the "advanced" degree was in Bible Study or some such "nonsense". Just thought I would point that out.

It is gibberish. Looking at the it could be binary, which would make it mean one thing, bit it could just as easily be hex, octal, or even decimal. Any honest person would know they need more information.
It is not the degree itself that makes one intelligent. A person can be intelligent and not even have a high school diploma depending on the situation. An advanced degree is only proof that someone undertook the endeavor to complete the coursework to get that degree.


Sorry, but obtaining an advanced degree is not like stacking wood. You have to have the brain power to complete the degree. It's not merely a matter of putting the elbow grease into it. Though that comes into play too.
Do you believe that having an Advanced degree makes you intelligent?

Yes. Learning is like lifting weights. The more you use your mind, the sharper you are.

It doesn't make someone automatically "smart" or more intelligent than someone without an education, but there is no denying that using your brain makes you smarter.

Do you believe it is possible to get an advanced degree without actually learning anything?


Do you?
Advanced degrees are evidence of education, not intelligence. Many high school grads and dropouts may be more intelligent, they just skipped the formal education. That hasn't anything to do with their intelligence, but may close off many opportunities down the road.

It could be bad luck and "circumstances beyond their control". Unfortunately, it's not just them that loses out. It's the entire country. Most Republicans don't believe it, but we are all interconnected.

If only Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckenberg hadn't dropped out of college. They might have been able to start some huge companies and have billions of dollars to donate to help people, instead they are janitors somewhere.

Wait, :confused::confused:

That's a non sequitur. As has been said, a lack of a degree doesn't equate to being "dumb" or relegate someone to poverty.

The question is, does a degree make a person smarter than they otherwise would have been.

Furthermore, none of those people you mentioned, despite all their money and accomplishment, can practice law or medicine. You have to have an advanced degree to do that. There is no other way to learn law or medicine then by going to law or medical school (with the exception being the state of California which doesn't require a JD to sit for the bar).
Yes. Learning is like lifting weights. The more you use your mind, the sharper you are.

It doesn't make someone automatically "smart" or more intelligent than someone without an education, but there is no denying that using your brain makes you smarter.

Do you believe it is possible to get an advanced degree without actually learning anything?


Do you?

As I asked another person, explain Glenn Beck.

Even if you insist on arbitrarily differentiating between an earned degree and an unearned one you cannot categorically state that all advanced degrees require either intelligence or learning.

Colleges and universities are for profit institutions, and, as such, will sell to the highest bidder.

I know there are some who will argue about this, but art psychotherapy is not a field.

MPhil & PhD in Art Psychotherapy, Goldsmiths, University of London

Then we have a PhD program in dance.

Grad Bulletin/Dance PhD

My personal favorite, Leisure Studies.

Grad Bulletin/Dance PhD

After that we can branch off into Astrology and Astrological therapy. which actually makes art therapy sound intelligent.

Astrological Therapist, Astrology Consultations, Psychological Astrology School Course, Glenn Perry

Do I think it is possible to get an advanced degree without learning anything? Definitely, especially if you pick a field that has nothing to teach you.

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