Advances In Parasite Technology


Sep 23, 2010
Elvira Fernandez Hasty over at Canada Free Press wrote a great piece about the poor, charity and Jesus. She begins well:

Why are priests and ministers preaching salvation via charity towards the poor? They would probably disagree with my statement but today the message coming across from many Christian churches is one of “love the poor” instead of the traditional message of redemption.

I only wish Ms. Hasty would have clearly identified Socialist priests alongside the others. Socialist priests are the ones who benefit the most from coerced charity. She does touch on Socialist priests in the next excerpt:

Not only are church leaders wrong in elevating charity over redemption, but their efforts to alleviate poverty have been counterproductive. We find today social programs being sponsored by church leaders that are part of the Marxist doctrine of Alinsky’s community organizing efforts for “social justice.” The latest “love the poor” message is being introduced in many Catholic churches here in Florida and elsewhere in our country as a special program to reach out to the poor, one being called Just Faith. What could be wrong with this message? The deeper one researches Just Faith and other similar programs, one finds they are related to the Marxist/Alinsky’s message. (Check the links below).

This type of “love the poor” is nothing more than smoke and mirrors for an agenda of power and control over individual liberties. Redistribution of wealth results in poverty for everyone, except those doing the redistribution. This is the reason every country that has had a Marxist government has ended up in poverty for all its citizens except for the government elite.

Love the Poor
By Elvira Fernandez Hasty Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Love the Poor

Two observations:

1. Socialist priests redistribute poverty not wealth. Their political power comes from envy; i.e., the tyranny of numbers: If everyone cannot be rich then everyone except us should be poor.

2. Every country in the history of the world was destroyed by tyrants looking out for the poor. Let me paraphrase Plato to make my point:

Parasites always have some champion whom they set over them and nurse into greatness. . . . This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears he is a cornucopia.

Marxism is nothing more than the latest machinery for manufacturing tyranny, or should I say ‘the latest technology’ since advances in parasite technology always stay abreast of advances in scientific technology.

Finally, there is much truth in “The love of money is the root of all evil” when it is applied to Socialist priests, parasites, and love the poor economically —— or else.

The greatest evil of all is found in destroying the only form of government that ever rewarded those who got rich by voluntarily contributing to society. In short: Socialism rewards parasites for loving money while it enslaves everyone else.

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