Advice for Democrats in 2018


May 23, 2014
“My advice to you is to begin drinking heavily.” Trump supporters are on top now.
With open borders as a campaign platform the dems will not be seeing a blue wave...

64 billion dollars a year just to care for the people entering illegally at the southern border...from medical to food and housing.....

So the dems have take the guns away and open the borders with full amnesty and hatred for Trump and his family......


This border sympathy ploy is just another Wellstone memorial for the dems.....
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With open borders as a campaign platform the dems will not be seeing a blue wave...

64 billion dollars a year just to care for the people entering illegally at the southern border...from medical to food and housing.....

So the dems have take the guns away and open the borders with full amnesty and hatred for Trump and his family......


This border sympathy ploy is just another Wellstone memorial for the dems.....
Nah republicunts are screwed this November. Writing's on the wall, boy.
With open borders as a campaign platform the dems will not be seeing a blue wave...

64 billion dollars a year just to care for the people entering illegally at the southern border...from medical to food and housing.....

So the dems have take the guns away and open the borders with full amnesty and hatred for Trump and his family......


This border sympathy ploy is just another Wellstone memorial for the dems.....

if those numbers are true, Trump has to have his team and surrogates promote them over and over. Any debate about a mere $25B for a secure wall has been debunked long ago, the costs to taxpayers for illegal immigration dwarf this. It has to be presented honestly, "this is how much it is costing, you, the taxpayer"

You have a legal process to enter America, not this illegal method.
With open borders as a campaign platform the dems will not be seeing a blue wave...

64 billion dollars a year just to care for the people entering illegally at the southern border...from medical to food and housing.....

So the dems have take the guns away and open the borders with full amnesty and hatred for Trump and his family......


This border sympathy ploy is just another Wellstone memorial for the dems.....

if those numbers are true, Trump has to have his team and surrogates promote them over and over. Any debate about a mere $25B for a secure wall has been debunked long ago, the costs to taxpayers for illegal immigration dwarf this. It has to be presented honestly, "this is how much it is costing, you, the taxpayer"

You have a legal process to enter America, not this illegal method.

And think about this; if you go state by state and add the costs of welfare... food stamps and medical as well as free education....

The dems are building a voting constituency with our tax dollars and calling us bigots for trying to stop it.....
Well let’s see, 66% were appalled by separating families.
Also, 58% of Americans are against Trump’s wall. It looks like Trump is losing the PR battle on immigration.
We're getting our first bits of evidence that Republicans are rallying around Trump's family-separation policy

And to top things off, what the GOP thought was going to carry them going into November, doesn’t look like that isn’t happening.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Trump, Republicans' Tax Reform Law

Then there’s the fact that despite their large majority, nothing gets done.

I’m not saying that I guarantee a Blue or Red Wave. But Trump is getting weirder and weirder, that could play into November in an interesting and entertaining way
Seriously, stay away from the class envy, redistribution of wealth, everyone outside the Democrat Party is racist, war on women, open borders bullshit and Democrats win.

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