Advice for the hurricane.


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2015

I keep a butane burner, ten cans of butane, solar garden lights, three cases of water, instant packages of food ( rotate every few months that includes pancake mix, mashed potatoes and rice ) canned meats and a medical kit that is an entire backpack with medical supplies ranging from alcohol swabs to suture kit in case I need to sew someone up...

After Harvey I am no longer playing...

Also moved away from the coast...
Advice for the hurricane.

Move to someplace that doesn't have hurricanes........ Like the midwest.........


Oh well........

Howzabout the southwest?


Uuummmmm, the far north?


At least they have hot tubs..........
I say don't worry about things you can't do a damn thing about. I'm doing laundry, and got 2 bags of ice for the fridge.

Several jugs of water, fill the bath tub with water. I have about 4 Harbor Freight free lights on my fridge. Oh! and a new spotlight that should be charged. Cut some wood and put it up under the porch.

And hold on to your ass! It could be a serious thing!

Tell ya what I'm not doing: Rushing to Walmart, or rushing to Walmart to buy cases of bottled water. :eusa_naughty:

I've been going through hurricanes since we used to use kerosene lamps.
Still have them and plenty of oil and wicks.
Why do hurricanes get names, but tornadoes and earthquakes do not?

God bless you always!!!

Why do hurricanes get names, but tornadoes and earthquakes do not?

God bless you always!!!


Because they can't see tornadoes and earthquakes coming, Mrs. Holly. :)

Hurricanes spawn unnamed tornadoes. Not as big as midwest ones, but they do damage.
Beware windblown snowflakes.

Them suckers tend to bite your ankles in a vain effort to keep from blowing away.

Oh, and never, ever, feed 'em.
One of the more popular food items in hurricane country is pop-tarts. They last for months in the pantry and you don't have to cook them.

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