Affirmative Action - A Disastrous Liberal Scheme that Punishes Successs


Libertarian Republican
Oct 14, 2013
Just like other leftist policies, affirmative action is a classic example of a policy that discourages hard work and promotes laziness and socialism. Leftists' Marxist worldview makes them see success as a sign of "privilege" and downplays work that INDIVIDUALS do to make themselves better. They lump people into categories and claim that certain groups who don't perform up to snuff are "oppressed" as an excuse for their lousy scores.

Thanks to liberals' stupid policies, a black person gets a 230 point bump (with the new SAT's about a 345 point bump) on the test for the purposes of admission. That is treating people differently on the basis of their skin color.....which is, by definition, RACISM. So while leftists use that term to describe people who want to treat all people equally, like patriots Rand Paul and Ted Cruz, the truth is that leftists are the real racists.

And their policies take a devastating toll on one minority group that works hard, plays by the rules, and achieves success: Asian Americans.
I don't have link capabilities yet, so Google:
Affirmative Action Limits Opportunities For Asian Americans | Acton PowerBlog
Do Elite Colleges Discriminate Against Asians?

Compared to whites, Asians get the equivalent of 260 points(140 with old SAT) KNOCKED OFF of their SAT score. That means, compared to blacks, Asians are at a 345 + 260 = 605 point disadvantage. At my school, this would be the difference between the valedictorian(who would have an SAT of at least 2300) and someone between the 2nd and 3rd quintiles. There's no way the two are comparable at all academically, and the latter person has no business at a top university.
Google: NY Times Asians Too Smart for Their Own Good

The reason Asians are discriminated against is because their statistics are far better than the national average for grades, test scores, and conduct (fewer drop out, do drugs, or get arrested).

Liberals want to punish the success of a group and reward those groups with many people who fail to achieve success. This is classic socialist redistribution politics, which pits groups against another, foments class warfare, and discourages hard work. Liberals, do you realize how your policies are the modern day Jim-Crow, shoving countless hard-working people, especially Asians, out of America's best colleges and universities? You should be ashamed.
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This really says it all, doesn't it?

Martin Luther King dreamed of the day when people would be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

Too bad.....
While I definitely see your point, AA is a little racist, it was enacted as an attempt to get people of all ethnicities to be equal--specifically in regards to economics. When the US was founded, thousands of blacks were enslaved; and even after the civil war, oppression by white against blacks continued. For so many years blacks weren't allowed to attend as good schools as whites, which made it harder for them to get into college and get a well-paying job. After WWII most blacks were prevented from buying houses in the suburbs, and were forced to live in urban areas and rent apartments. Owning a house is a great way to earn money, whereas renting will never get you more money. Fast forward 50 years and there is a major Income Gap between blacks and whites (which has resulted in an even bigger Education Gap). With AA, it's not as much as being racist as helping those whose past family members have been oppressed. You have got to look at the big picture.
While I definitely see your point, AA is a little racist, it was enacted as an attempt to get people of all ethnicities to be equal--specifically in regards to economics. When the US was founded, thousands of blacks were enslaved; and even after the civil war, oppression by white against blacks continued. For so many years blacks weren't allowed to attend as good schools as whites, which made it harder for them to get into college and get a well-paying job. After WWII most blacks were prevented from buying houses in the suburbs, and were forced to live in urban areas and rent apartments. Owning a house is a great way to earn money, whereas renting will never get you more money. Fast forward 50 years and there is a major Income Gap between blacks and whites (which has resulted in an even bigger Education Gap). With AA, it's not as much as being racist as helping those whose past family members have been oppressed. You have got to look at the big picture.

I see what you're saying, but the vast majority of black people alive today were not born under discrimination. Success in life, as shown by a Brookings Study, or at least not falling into poverty, is determined by whether one:
1) Graduates high school
2) Doesn't have kids out of wedlock
3) Gets a full-time job

If one does these three things, their chances of poverty are only 2%. Personal responsibility is the cause of peoples' poor performance today, not societal oppression. And this applies to all INDIVIDUALS, regardless of race.

As a conservative/libertarian, I think all people should be treated as individuals. Liberals lump people into groups, which reflects their statist/authoritarian worldview that wants to de-emphasize individual success in favor of "communal" success.....however, this socialist mindset discourages individual initiative and destroys wealth and living conditions for all.

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