Affirmative Action abuses, success stories, non-stories


Feb 14, 2011
Post 'em if you got 'em. (p.s., this is not a subject about race, since AA applies to more than just race)

A few examples:


Frank Ricci has been a firefighter here for 11 years, and he would do just about anything to advance to lieutenant.

The last time the city offered a promotional exam, he said in a sworn statement, he gave up a second job and studied up to 13 hours a day. Mr. Ricci, who is dyslexic, paid an acquaintance more than $1,000 to read textbooks onto audiotapes. He made flashcards, took practice tests, worked with a study group and participated in mock interviews.

Mr. Ricci did well, he said, coming in sixth among the 77 candidates who took the exam. But the city threw out the test, because none of the 19 African-American firefighters who took it qualified for promotion. ....

Justices to Hear White Firefighters’ Bias Claims -

Success story (at least to those who consider Obama a success and not a joke which liberals played on America):

Barack Obama

(unless people can come up with a whole lot more evidence than I have heard so far):

Herman Cain
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An example of an abuse which was corrected:

Boston Fire Dept. Ordered to END Racial Quotas!!!

On August 25, 2003 U.S. District Judge Richard Stearns ordered the Boston Fire Department to HIRE five white firefighters who had been rejected in 2000 because they are white! The department had been operating under a federal racial-quota order (known as the Beecher decree) since 1974 which required the Boston FD to hire 1 minority firefighter for every 1 white firefighter.

[Lawyer for the plaintiffs argued] that new census figures show the fire department has met its racial quota and that the racial preferences are no longer necessary. Blacks and Hispanic firefighters make up 38.7 percent of the fire department which is more than their percentage in the city.

Massachusetts: Reverse Discrimination against Police, Firefighters and Municipal Employees.
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Post 'em if you got 'em. (p.s., this is not a subject about race, since AA applies to more than just race)
But, AA does discriminate against just one race.

Really? By which you mean caucasian?

I thought it also discriminated against Asians.

But anyway, it's still about more than race: "race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation or national origin".
With blacks having by far the highest unemployment rate, I would say Affirmative Action has been a failure.
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With blacks having by far the highest unemployment rate, I would say Affirmative Action has been a failure.

I agree to a large degree. It has been compellingly argued that lowering standards in an attempt to increase diversity has harmed the populations which AA legislation was intended to help.
With blacks having by far the highest unemployment rate, I would say Affirmative Action has been a failure.

I agree to a large degree. It has been compellingly argued that lowering standards in an attempt to increase diversity has harmed the populations which AA legislation was intended to help.
AA is demeaning, and treats certain people as second class citizens.
[ame=]Affirmative Action explained - YouTube[/ame]
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Dayton's News Source :: Top Stories - Civil Service Board Announces Police Recruit Scores

The Dayton Police Department is lowering its testing standards for recruits.

It's a move required by the U.S. Department of Justice after it says not enough African-Americans passed the exam.

This example was so bad that even the NAACP disagreed with it.

“The NAACP does not support individuals failing a test and then having the opportunity to be gainfully employed,” agreed Dayton NAACP President Derrick Foward.
But if the standards for Police Officer are not lowered how will blacks get the job?
But if the standards for Police Officer are not lowered how will blacks get the job?

By studying, and by not being failed by their schools lowering standards as part of the continuing misapplication of the ideals of affirmative action.
But if the standards for Police Officer are not lowered how will blacks get the job?

By studying, and by not being failed by their schools lowering standards as part of the continuing misapplication of the ideals of affirmative action.
Do you think blacks study less then others?
But if the standards for Police Officer are not lowered how will blacks get the job?

By studying, and by not being failed by their schools lowering standards as part of the continuing misapplication of the ideals of affirmative action.
Do you think blacks study less then others?

Supposedly that is the case for males in some black communities. The peer pressure seems heavily against doing well in school.

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