Affirmative Action Needs to Be Banned (all 50 states)

white women don't need AA

they are not the one's bitchng and screaming about it

A very untrue and naive comment - they may not "bitch" about it, but all of us are hurt/angered by unfair treatment. Empathy is just a word to some, those who are too self absorbed to have compassion, aka, the Callous Conservative.
This is HYPOCRISY at its height. Blacks in 2015, do not need "compassion". They are no worse off than anyone else. That is a symptom of the 1950s. For the past 51 years, It has been Whites who needed the compassion, due to all the discrimination (affirmative action) against them by Callous Liberals.

Poor baby....Tell us how 51 years have got you all upset and you need help while claiming that blacks who were discriminated against for 400 years "dont need anything because its been 50 years".
They don't need it because they're DEAD, you idiot. The time you're talking about is long past. The people living TODAY who have been discrimination victims are WHITES, not Blacks. You need to have this explained to you ?

When did racism die exactly?
Sorry if from 1980 to now black people and women have it better than they did the 100 years before or as he calls them the good old days. Lol

I do believe though women make less because they leave the workforce to raise kids. Or they leave work for family emergencies or call in sick when their kids get sick. Or they ask us guys to do heavy lifting they can't do.
Receptionist maid hooker....

Women should complain they only make 70 cents for every dollar a guy makes.

Blacks and women can play on the field but the rules are different. If they are just as good they still sit the bench.

I'd love to have you be born in a ghetto and send you to a ghetto school then send you out to get a job where 95% of hiring managers are blacks who are racist like you and then call you lazy because you haven't achieved.

You haven't a clue. I don't like how black society is but I'm not so dumb I don't get it that things aren't where they need to be.

We still need to make sure whites aren't hiring all white staffs because they don't like black people like clearly you don't. You are the perfect reason why we still need aa. Too many of you think blacks are lazy.

This guy talks as if we were in 1952 right now. Can you believe this dude ?

EARTH TO SEALYBOBO: YOU are the one without a clue.

1. I've worked at dozens of jobs, in 5 different states, over 50 years. I've NEVER seen a woman making less money than a man, doing the some job. And I've seen many lesser qualified women hired as supervisors over men more qualifies than them.

2. Blacks and women don't sit on any "bench". You've been watching too many movies.

3. There are less Blacks living in poverty (ghettos or wherever) than Whites, and the depth of poverty of the Whites is much worse.

4. 95% of hiring mangers ARE racist (against Whites), and they hire by affirmative action. And many of those hiring managers are Blacks, who got hired and promoted only because they're Black.

5. "Things aren't were they need to be" ? That's true. Blacks are getting the jobs. Are getting promoted over better qualified Whites. Have nice houses and new, shiny cars. And Whites are still getting discriminated against by AA (except in 8 states where it's banned)

6. When I went to my state Workforce office, before I retired, I saw about 2 dozen people working there > ALL BLACK. When I go to my VA hospital, I see only Blacks and Hispanics working there (+ a few white women) White males are about as common as a penguin in a Texas desert.

7. YOU, and the racism you display, are the perfect reason why we need to ban AA, all over America, because, without this national ban, you will continue to discriminate with it.

You say you are retired. While I can't completely disagree with the things you are saying you sound like an old white racist who probably wouldn't have liked it when my immigrant dad came over from Greece and "stole your job.

Reminds me of when we moved into a new sub. Woods all around us. We didn't understand why ppl didn't like our sub going up. But then we didn't like it that sub's went up all around us. Ruined the woods we grew up in.

America is now blacks mexicans Arabs indians asians not just european whites.

I remember whites didn't consider us americans. We werent white enough. Now that we have assimilated you want us to join you in fearing new comers.

Like I said I can't completely argue with you. Should be every man for himself.

Oh consider this. Us whites want a fair wage. Black and Mexicans will work for less. So will poor single moms.

1. I am 25% French-Italian, 50% Danish, and 25% Hispanic (Central America-Belize)

2. My mother was born in Denmark.

3. You're damn right I "wouldn't have liked I if your immigrant dad came over from Greece and stole my job. Or any other immigrant, from anywhere.

4. Everyone should have a fair wage. But immigrants shouldn't be here AT ALL.

A. So you are a mut. I happen to be a pure bred. 100% Greek.

B. It was your country that accepts my grandparents and my dad. If you don't want america accepting immigrants then you should tell your congressman. But once the immigrant is here and becomes a legal citizen he has every right to apply for any job you can apply for. If you lose out to a foreigner that's your problem.

I think another poster laid into you perfectly. You are blaming others for your failures for sure and you don't know how the real world works. We make foreigners US citizens every day. If you want them to stop tell your representative.

I don't want anymore Muslims in either.

I tell my Congressman all the time. Senators too. And the point is not what rights an immigrant has after becoming a citizen, it is the fact that no immigrants should be coming here at all.
Not right now anyways.
What a dumb post. What do you mean "actually" ? Of course, millions upon millions of white males began to be displaced by blacks and women in 1964, and it's been that way ever since (except in 8 states where AA has been banned).
And why bring up voting ? That's not what AA is about. And a woman could get plenty more than a job as a secretary. She could get jobs white males couldn't get (because of AA) And YOU KNOW it.
As for reparations$$$$, after the last election, I'd say the chances for reparations in 2017, are looking pretty good. :biggrin:

In a struggling economy, you best believe that there will be no funding for reparations for some marginally skilled individual who could not figure out how to reinvent themselves after the field they were playing on became open to all people and decided to give up, because they believe that they were wronged 51 years ago, so don't hold you're breath.

You should be grateful for the pittance that you are currently receiving. That is what you earned, and that is all you are getting.

It is no ones fault but your own. You're not a victim of anything except your own laziness.

That being said, feel free to elaborate on what jobs a female could get in 1964 that a white male could not.
Receptionist maid hooker....

Women should complain they only make 70 cents for every dollar a guy makes.

Blacks and women can play on the field but the rules are different. If they are just as good they still sit the bench.

I'd love to have you be born in a ghetto and send you to a ghetto school then send you out to get a job where 95% of hiring managers are blacks who are racist like you and then call you lazy because you haven't achieved.

You haven't a clue. I don't like how black society is but I'm not so dumb I don't get it that things aren't where they need to be.

We still need to make sure whites aren't hiring all white staffs because they don't like black people like clearly you don't. You are the perfect reason why we still need aa. Too many of you think blacks are lazy.

This guy talks as if we were in 1952 right now. Can you believe this dude ?

EARTH TO SEALYBOBO: YOU are the one without a clue.

1. I've worked at dozens of jobs, in 5 different states, over 50 years. I've NEVER seen a woman making less money than a man, doing the some job. And I've seen many lesser qualified women hired as supervisors over men more qualifies than them.

2. Blacks and women don't sit on any "bench". You've been watching too many movies.

3. There are less Blacks living in poverty (ghettos or wherever) than Whites, and the depth of poverty of the Whites is much worse.

4. 95% of hiring mangers ARE racist (against Whites), and they hire by affirmative action. And many of those hiring managers are Blacks, who got hired and promoted only because they're Black.

5. "Things aren't were they need to be" ? That's true. Blacks are getting the jobs. Are getting promoted over better qualified Whites. Have nice houses and new, shiny cars. And Whites are still getting discriminated against by AA (except in 8 states where it's banned)

6. When I went to my state Workforce office, before I retired, I saw about 2 dozen people working there > ALL BLACK. When I go to my VA hospital, I see only Blacks and Hispanics working there (+ a few white women) White males are about as common as a penguin in a Texas desert.

7. YOU, and the racism you display, are the perfect reason why we need to ban AA, all over America, because, without this national ban, you will continue to discriminate with it.

Feel free to post any facts that you can obtain, besides the nonsense you are imagining and spouting out of thin air, proving that on a per capita basis more whites are living in poverty than blacks. Secondly, I don't have a reason to lie to some nutcase in an anonymous forum. Now you are obsessed with women being selected over white men, when just a few posts ago, you were stating that "for. Every white female helped by AA, 100 are harmed by it". Now you are claiming that "95% of ALL hiring managers are racists".

Is there no end to your "poor me" pity party?

Furthermore, the majority of salary surveys conducted in America, have one common denominator, and that is that the higher wages on average go men over women, and in just anout all cases it is white males who earn the most on average of any demographic.

You are so blinded by your bitterness over failing that you have become delusional.

Lastly, no I am not a racist, because I do not believe that race is a determinant in how intelligent or skilled one happens to be.

Those who passed the legislation which brought AA into effect, simply introduced a program to ensure that everyone had an equal chance. If you were capable or competent in first place, AA would have not made one bit of difference in your success or lack of.

When you come to terms with that, you will be on your way to getting on your feet.

Until There are no reparations in the cards for you because you were not wronged.

1. You ask me for sources, and then flatly make statements without any sources. I won't ask for them. I know they're out there, but just presenting a source doesn't matter much. some are right. Some are wrong. Many are total BS.

2. Your insult MO ("nutcase, imagining, bitterness, delusional") is useless. Abou tall it does is confirm your inability to discuss the issue meaningfully, and if anything, helps my case.

3. Your racism doesn't come from "determinant in how intelligent or skilled one happens to be", it comes from your acceptance of discrimination against Whites (in AA).

4. I can't believe your next paragraph. It's so wacky, I almost can't respond. "Equal chance" ? AA takes away an equal chance, and make Whites have a LESSER chance (or none at all)

5. Whether you were capable or competent in first place, makes no difference. AA makes all the sdifference in the world about your success or lack of. It stops you (a White person) cold, even if you are better qualified (like the 17 better qualified non-Blacks who were denied assistantships in my graduate school)

6. Your posts are preposterous. I can't believe you could be this deranged. You appear to be just lying, and doing a horrendously bad job of it.

"Translation"......You will not post a fact based on research because you can't, because there are none to support your ignorant, misinformed ranting.

This link identifies poverty rates by race.

This link identifies the wage gap between white males and every other demographic.

How Does Race Affect the Gender Wage Gap AAUW Empowering Women Since 1881

Now you have some actual facts to contemplate.

This is the last time that I spoon feed you.
A very untrue and naive comment - they may not "bitch" about it, but all of us are hurt/angered by unfair treatment. Empathy is just a word to some, those who are too self absorbed to have compassion, aka, the Callous Conservative.
This is HYPOCRISY at its height. Blacks in 2015, do not need "compassion". They are no worse off than anyone else. That is a symptom of the 1950s. For the past 51 years, It has been Whites who needed the compassion, due to all the discrimination (affirmative action) against them by Callous Liberals.

Poor baby....Tell us how 51 years have got you all upset and you need help while claiming that blacks who were discriminated against for 400 years "dont need anything because its been 50 years".
They don't need it because they're DEAD, you idiot. The time you're talking about is long past. The people living TODAY who have been discrimination victims are WHITES, not Blacks. You need to have this explained to you ?

When did racism die exactly?

Well, it really didn't die, it seems that racism currently exists as white men are now being denied the use of public water fountains and public rest rooms, are made to sit in the back of public buses and street cars. When did this occur? Glad you asked, it is a product of the Civil Rights Act, for sure, but the its roots are right there in the COTUS.. The law of the land which was sullied by allowing blacks to vote, women to vote and no longer requires a voter to own property or have the money to pay a poll tax.

that's true there are laws on the books right now that require blacks to sit not sit at lunch counters, deny them use of public drinking fountains, public rest rooms, the back of the bus etc

Meanwhile it is a requirement of affirmative action that blacks do everything they can to close the achievement gap, hire whites, have white recruitment fairs, have white only college scholarships, office of white education excellence, and so on.
This is HYPOCRISY at its height. Blacks in 2015, do not need "compassion". They are no worse off than anyone else. That is a symptom of the 1950s. For the past 51 years, It has been Whites who needed the compassion, due to all the discrimination (affirmative action) against them by Callous Liberals.

Poor baby....Tell us how 51 years have got you all upset and you need help while claiming that blacks who were discriminated against for 400 years "dont need anything because its been 50 years".
They don't need it because they're DEAD, you idiot. The time you're talking about is long past. The people living TODAY who have been discrimination victims are WHITES, not Blacks. You need to have this explained to you ?

When did racism die exactly?

It hasn't died. It's fully alive, every time another White person is denied another opportunity by AA.

Meh, its just that those whites arent skilled enough. Make yourself marketable

that explians the black unemployment rate in a nutshell
What a dumb post. What do you mean "actually" ? Of course, millions upon millions of white males began to be displaced by blacks and women in 1964, and it's been that way ever since (except in 8 states where AA has been banned).
And why bring up voting ? That's not what AA is about. And a woman could get plenty more than a job as a secretary. She could get jobs white males couldn't get (because of AA) And YOU KNOW it.
As for reparations$$$$, after the last election, I'd say the chances for reparations in 2017, are looking pretty good. :biggrin:

In a struggling economy, you best believe that there will be no funding for reparations for some marginally skilled individual who could not figure out how to reinvent themselves after the field they were playing on became open to all people and decided to give up, because they believe that they were wronged 51 years ago, so don't hold you're breath.

You should be grateful for the pittance that you are currently receiving. That is what you earned, and that is all you are getting.

It is no ones fault but your own. You're not a victim of anything except your own laziness.

That being said, feel free to elaborate on what jobs a female could get in 1964 that a white male could not.

1. You don't have the foggiest idea of what "there will be" Can we go through your posts in USMB prior to November 2014, and find you saying that there will be a Republican landslide ?

2. You're a liar, and not even a very good one. You know damn well that AA has damaged millions of Whites, and racists like you are the cause. And it's racists like you, who should pay the reparations (no one else)

3. Any time since AA has been in force, there are many jobs that women got that were deliberately withheld from men, and YOU KNOW it.
You poor white male. My brother is a VP makes between half a mill to a mill a year I'm not sure because I don't ask. He got a masters from msu and rose to where he is. Only 45 years old. He's a white guy. Didn't hold him back.

Maybe you are competing for low skill labor jobs?

And remember back when our neighbors worried because guys like my immigrant dad was here taking all the good jobs? Look w
This guy talks as if we were in 1952 right now. Can you believe this dude ?

EARTH TO SEALYBOBO: YOU are the one without a clue.

1. I've worked at dozens of jobs, in 5 different states, over 50 years. I've NEVER seen a woman making less money than a man, doing the some job. And I've seen many lesser qualified women hired as supervisors over men more qualifies than them.

2. Blacks and women don't sit on any "bench". You've been watching too many movies.

3. There are less Blacks living in poverty (ghettos or wherever) than Whites, and the depth of poverty of the Whites is much worse.

4. 95% of hiring mangers ARE racist (against Whites), and they hire by affirmative action. And many of those hiring managers are Blacks, who got hired and promoted only because they're Black.

5. "Things aren't were they need to be" ? That's true. Blacks are getting the jobs. Are getting promoted over better qualified Whites. Have nice houses and new, shiny cars. And Whites are still getting discriminated against by AA (except in 8 states where it's banned)

6. When I went to my state Workforce office, before I retired, I saw about 2 dozen people working there > ALL BLACK. When I go to my VA hospital, I see only Blacks and Hispanics working there (+ a few white women) White males are about as common as a penguin in a Texas desert.

7. YOU, and the racism you display, are the perfect reason why we need to ban AA, all over America, because, without this national ban, you will continue to discriminate with it.

You say you are retired. While I can't completely disagree with the things you are saying you sound like an old white racist who probably wouldn't have liked it when my immigrant dad came over from Greece and "stole your job.

Reminds me of when we moved into a new sub. Woods all around us. We didn't understand why ppl didn't like our sub going up. But then we didn't like it that sub's went up all around us. Ruined the woods we grew up in.

America is now blacks mexicans Arabs indians asians not just european whites.

I remember whites didn't consider us americans. We werent white enough. Now that we have assimilated you want us to join you in fearing new comers.

Like I said I can't completely argue with you. Should be every man for himself.

Oh consider this. Us whites want a fair wage. Black and Mexicans will work for less. So will poor single moms.

1. I am 25% French-Italian, 50% Danish, and 25% Hispanic (Central America-Belize)

2. My mother was born in Denmark.

3. You're damn right I "wouldn't have liked I if your immigrant dad came over from Greece and stole my job. Or any other immigrant, from anywhere.

4. Everyone should have a fair wage. But immigrants shouldn't be here AT ALL.
We were all immigrants once. That was my point. You missed it.

And what do you care youre retired.
You must mean giving the people who were discriminated against something for that specific situation and not across the board because it affects you.

I think what you're looking for a payback...a reparation if you will, for those affected.

I like it

So if you like it, then start paying the reparations$$$ (to all the White victims of the past 51 years)

As soon as you pay for 400 years of blacks. No problem

this doesn'r make sense
In a struggling economy, you best believe that there will be no funding for reparations for some marginally skilled individual who could not figure out how to reinvent themselves after the field they were playing on became open to all people and decided to give up, because they believe that they were wronged 51 years ago, so don't hold you're breath.

You should be grateful for the pittance that you are currently receiving. That is what you earned, and that is all you are getting.

It is no ones fault but your own. You're not a victim of anything except your own laziness.

That being said, feel free to elaborate on what jobs a female could get in 1964 that a white male could not.

1. You don't have the foggiest idea of what "there will be" Can we go through your posts in USMB prior to November 2014, and find you saying that there will be a Republican landslide ?

2. You're a liar, and not even a very good one. You know damn well that AA has damaged millions of Whites, and racists like you are the cause. And it's racists like you, who should pay the reparations (no one else)

3. Any time since AA has been in force, there are many jobs that women got that were deliberately withheld from men, and YOU KNOW it.
You poor white male. My brother is a VP makes between half a mill to a mill a year I'm not sure because I don't ask. He got a masters from msu and rose to where he is. Only 45 years old. He's a white guy. Didn't hold him back.

Maybe you are competing for low skill labor jobs?

And remember back when our neighbors worried because guys like my immigrant dad was here taking all the good jobs? Look w
You say you are retired. While I can't completely disagree with the things you are saying you sound like an old white racist who probably wouldn't have liked it when my immigrant dad came over from Greece and "stole your job.

Reminds me of when we moved into a new sub. Woods all around us. We didn't understand why ppl didn't like our sub going up. But then we didn't like it that sub's went up all around us. Ruined the woods we grew up in.

America is now blacks mexicans Arabs indians asians not just european whites.

I remember whites didn't consider us americans. We werent white enough. Now that we have assimilated you want us to join you in fearing new comers.

Like I said I can't completely argue with you. Should be every man for himself.

Oh consider this. Us whites want a fair wage. Black and Mexicans will work for less. So will poor single moms.

1. I am 25% French-Italian, 50% Danish, and 25% Hispanic (Central America-Belize)

2. My mother was born in Denmark.

3. You're damn right I "wouldn't have liked I if your immigrant dad came over from Greece and stole my job. Or any other immigrant, from anywhere.

4. Everyone should have a fair wage. But immigrants shouldn't be here AT ALL.
We were all immigrants once. That was my point. You missed it.

And what do you care youre retired.
You must mean giving the people who were discriminated against something for that specific situation and not across the board because it affects you.

I think what you're looking for a payback...a reparation if you will, for those affected.

I like it

So if you like it, then start paying the reparations$$$ (to all the White victims of the past 51 years)

As soon as you pay for 400 years of blacks. No problem

this doesn'r make sense
Lots of things dont make sense to you monkeys. I'm not surprised.
1. You don't have the foggiest idea of what "there will be" Can we go through your posts in USMB prior to November 2014, and find you saying that there will be a Republican landslide ?

2. You're a liar, and not even a very good one. You know damn well that AA has damaged millions of Whites, and racists like you are the cause. And it's racists like you, who should pay the reparations (no one else)

3. Any time since AA has been in force, there are many jobs that women got that were deliberately withheld from men, and YOU KNOW it.
You poor white male. My brother is a VP makes between half a mill to a mill a year I'm not sure because I don't ask. He got a masters from msu and rose to where he is. Only 45 years old. He's a white guy. Didn't hold him back.

Maybe you are competing for low skill labor jobs?

And remember back when our neighbors worried because guys like my immigrant dad was here taking all the good jobs? Look w
1. I am 25% French-Italian, 50% Danish, and 25% Hispanic (Central America-Belize)

2. My mother was born in Denmark.

3. You're damn right I "wouldn't have liked I if your immigrant dad came over from Greece and stole my job. Or any other immigrant, from anywhere.

4. Everyone should have a fair wage. But immigrants shouldn't be here AT ALL.
We were all immigrants once. That was my point. You missed it.

And what do you care youre retired.
You must mean giving the people who were discriminated against something for that specific situation and not across the board because it affects you.

I think what you're looking for a payback...a reparation if you will, for those affected.

I like it

So if you like it, then start paying the reparations$$$ (to all the White victims of the past 51 years)

As soon as you pay for 400 years of blacks. No problem

this doesn'r make sense
Lots of things dont make sense to you monkeys. I'm not surprised.

typical retort for an inferior african american
You poor white male. My brother is a VP makes between half a mill to a mill a year I'm not sure because I don't ask. He got a masters from msu and rose to where he is. Only 45 years old. He's a white guy. Didn't hold him back.

Maybe you are competing for low skill labor jobs?

And remember back when our neighbors worried because guys like my immigrant dad was here taking all the good jobs? Look w
We were all immigrants once. That was my point. You missed it.

And what do you care youre retired.
You must mean giving the people who were discriminated against something for that specific situation and not across the board because it affects you.

I think what you're looking for a payback...a reparation if you will, for those affected.

I like it

So if you like it, then start paying the reparations$$$ (to all the White victims of the past 51 years)

As soon as you pay for 400 years of blacks. No problem

this doesn'r make sense
Lots of things dont make sense to you monkeys. I'm not surprised.

typical retort for an inferior african american
Let me know when you ever meet any Black person inferior to you. Cryptozoologists world wide have been looking for one.
So if you like it, then start paying the reparations$$$ (to all the White victims of the past 51 years)

As soon as you pay for 400 years of blacks. No problem

this doesn'r make sense
Lots of things dont make sense to you monkeys. I'm not surprised.

typical retort for an inferior african american
Let me know when you ever meet any Black person inferior to you. Cryptozoologists world wide have been looking for one.

look in the mirror mr muggs
As soon as you pay for 400 years of blacks. No problem

this doesn'r make sense
Lots of things dont make sense to you monkeys. I'm not surprised.

typical retort for an inferior african american
Let me know when you ever meet any Black person inferior to you. Cryptozoologists world wide have been looking for one.

look in the mirror mr muggs
Inferior not superior. You do know the difference right? Time for you fur shaving. I can see the heat is affecting how you think.
this doesn'r make sense
Lots of things dont make sense to you monkeys. I'm not surprised.

typical retort for an inferior african american
Let me know when you ever meet any Black person inferior to you. Cryptozoologists world wide have been looking for one.

look in the mirror mr muggs
Inferior not superior. You do know the difference right? Time for you fur shaving. I can see the heat is affecting how you think.
meanwhile you post all day every day

get a fucking job 8th grader
Lots of things dont make sense to you monkeys. I'm not surprised.

typical retort for an inferior african american
Let me know when you ever meet any Black person inferior to you. Cryptozoologists world wide have been looking for one.

look in the mirror mr muggs
Inferior not superior. You do know the difference right? Time for you fur shaving. I can see the heat is affecting how you think.
meanwhile you post all day every day

get a fucking job 8th grader
Thats what superior people get to do. We dont have to get a job. That would make other people wealthy. Cave monkeys such as yourself need to learn that so you dont blame your failures on AA. :laugh:
typical retort for an inferior african american
Let me know when you ever meet any Black person inferior to you. Cryptozoologists world wide have been looking for one.

look in the mirror mr muggs
Inferior not superior. You do know the difference right? Time for you fur shaving. I can see the heat is affecting how you think.
meanwhile you post all day every day

get a fucking job 8th grader
Thats what superior people get to do. We dont have to get a job. That would make other people wealthy. Cave monkeys such as yourself need to learn that so you dont blame your failures on AA. :laugh:

what failures?
Let me know when you ever meet any Black person inferior to you. Cryptozoologists world wide have been looking for one.

look in the mirror mr muggs
Inferior not superior. You do know the difference right? Time for you fur shaving. I can see the heat is affecting how you think.
meanwhile you post all day every day

get a fucking job 8th grader
Thats what superior people get to do. We dont have to get a job. That would make other people wealthy. Cave monkeys such as yourself need to learn that so you dont blame your failures on AA. :laugh:

what failures?
Your inability to get a job even with the odds in your favor. That way you wont be jealous of me being able to post all day long. Everyone can tell. You got all emotional about it and cursed at me.
look in the mirror mr muggs
Inferior not superior. You do know the difference right? Time for you fur shaving. I can see the heat is affecting how you think.
meanwhile you post all day every day

get a fucking job 8th grader
Thats what superior people get to do. We dont have to get a job. That would make other people wealthy. Cave monkeys such as yourself need to learn that so you dont blame your failures on AA. :laugh:

what failures?
Your inability to get a job even with the odds in your favor. That way you wont be jealous of me being able to post all day long. Everyone can tell. You got all emotional about it and cursed at me.

Poor baby....Tell us how 51 years have got you all upset and you need help while claiming that blacks who were discriminated against for 400 years "dont need anything because its been 50 years".
They don't need it because they're DEAD, you idiot. The time you're talking about is long past. The people living TODAY who have been discrimination victims are WHITES, not Blacks. You need to have this explained to you ?

When did racism die exactly?

It hasn't died. It's fully alive, every time another White person is denied another opportunity by AA.

Meh, its just that those whites arent skilled enough. Make yourself marketable

that explians the black unemployment rate in a nutshell

That plus one other thing >> Laziness.
In a struggling economy, you best believe that there will be no funding for reparations for some marginally skilled individual who could not figure out how to reinvent themselves after the field they were playing on became open to all people and decided to give up, because they believe that they were wronged 51 years ago, so don't hold you're breath.

You should be grateful for the pittance that you are currently receiving. That is what you earned, and that is all you are getting.

It is no ones fault but your own. You're not a victim of anything except your own laziness.

That being said, feel free to elaborate on what jobs a female could get in 1964 that a white male could not.
Receptionist maid hooker....

Women should complain they only make 70 cents for every dollar a guy makes.

Blacks and women can play on the field but the rules are different. If they are just as good they still sit the bench.

I'd love to have you be born in a ghetto and send you to a ghetto school then send you out to get a job where 95% of hiring managers are blacks who are racist like you and then call you lazy because you haven't achieved.

You haven't a clue. I don't like how black society is but I'm not so dumb I don't get it that things aren't where they need to be.

We still need to make sure whites aren't hiring all white staffs because they don't like black people like clearly you don't. You are the perfect reason why we still need aa. Too many of you think blacks are lazy.

This guy talks as if we were in 1952 right now. Can you believe this dude ?

EARTH TO SEALYBOBO: YOU are the one without a clue.

1. I've worked at dozens of jobs, in 5 different states, over 50 years. I've NEVER seen a woman making less money than a man, doing the some job. And I've seen many lesser qualified women hired as supervisors over men more qualifies than them.

2. Blacks and women don't sit on any "bench". You've been watching too many movies.

3. There are less Blacks living in poverty (ghettos or wherever) than Whites, and the depth of poverty of the Whites is much worse.

4. 95% of hiring mangers ARE racist (against Whites), and they hire by affirmative action. And many of those hiring managers are Blacks, who got hired and promoted only because they're Black.

5. "Things aren't were they need to be" ? That's true. Blacks are getting the jobs. Are getting promoted over better qualified Whites. Have nice houses and new, shiny cars. And Whites are still getting discriminated against by AA (except in 8 states where it's banned)

6. When I went to my state Workforce office, before I retired, I saw about 2 dozen people working there > ALL BLACK. When I go to my VA hospital, I see only Blacks and Hispanics working there (+ a few white women) White males are about as common as a penguin in a Texas desert.

7. YOU, and the racism you display, are the perfect reason why we need to ban AA, all over America, because, without this national ban, you will continue to discriminate with it.

Feel free to post any facts that you can obtain, besides the nonsense you are imagining and spouting out of thin air, proving that on a per capita basis more whites are living in poverty than blacks. Secondly, I don't have a reason to lie to some nutcase in an anonymous forum. Now you are obsessed with women being selected over white men, when just a few posts ago, you were stating that "for. Every white female helped by AA, 100 are harmed by it". Now you are claiming that "95% of ALL hiring managers are racists".

Is there no end to your "poor me" pity party?

Furthermore, the majority of salary surveys conducted in America, have one common denominator, and that is that the higher wages on average go men over women, and in just anout all cases it is white males who earn the most on average of any demographic.

You are so blinded by your bitterness over failing that you have become delusional.

Lastly, no I am not a racist, because I do not believe that race is a determinant in how intelligent or skilled one happens to be.

Those who passed the legislation which brought AA into effect, simply introduced a program to ensure that everyone had an equal chance. If you were capable or competent in first place, AA would have not made one bit of difference in your success or lack of.

When you come to terms with that, you will be on your way to getting on your feet.

Until There are no reparations in the cards for you because you were not wronged.

1. You ask me for sources, and then flatly make statements without any sources. I won't ask for them. I know they're out there, but just presenting a source doesn't matter much. some are right. Some are wrong. Many are total BS.

2. Your insult MO ("nutcase, imagining, bitterness, delusional") is useless. Abou tall it does is confirm your inability to discuss the issue meaningfully, and if anything, helps my case.

3. Your racism doesn't come from "determinant in how intelligent or skilled one happens to be", it comes from your acceptance of discrimination against Whites (in AA).

4. I can't believe your next paragraph. It's so wacky, I almost can't respond. "Equal chance" ? AA takes away an equal chance, and make Whites have a LESSER chance (or none at all)

5. Whether you were capable or competent in first place, makes no difference. AA makes all the sdifference in the world about your success or lack of. It stops you (a White person) cold, even if you are better qualified (like the 17 better qualified non-Blacks who were denied assistantships in my graduate school)

6. Your posts are preposterous. I can't believe you could be this deranged. You appear to be just lying, and doing a horrendously bad job of it.

"Translation"......You will not post a fact based on research because you can't, because there are none to support your ignorant, misinformed ranting.

This link identifies poverty rates by race.

This link identifies the wage gap between white males and every other demographic.

How Does Race Affect the Gender Wage Gap AAUW Empowering Women Since 1881

Now you have some actual facts to contemplate.

This is the last time that I spoon feed you.
Dopey liberals come in here with skewed, invalid reports that don't examine # hours worked. The Blacks make less, because they're lazy and work less hours, you dolt. You illustrious "research" happened to conveniently bypass that little item. Stupid liberals.
A very untrue and naive comment - they may not "bitch" about it, but all of us are hurt/angered by unfair treatment. Empathy is just a word to some, those who are too self absorbed to have compassion, aka, the Callous Conservative.
This is HYPOCRISY at its height. Blacks in 2015, do not need "compassion". They are no worse off than anyone else. That is a symptom of the 1950s. For the past 51 years, It has been Whites who needed the compassion, due to all the discrimination (affirmative action) against them by Callous Liberals.

Poor baby....Tell us how 51 years have got you all upset and you need help while claiming that blacks who were discriminated against for 400 years "dont need anything because its been 50 years".
They don't need it because they're DEAD, you idiot. The time you're talking about is long past. The people living TODAY who have been discrimination victims are WHITES, not Blacks. You need to have this explained to you ?

When did racism die exactly?

I do believe though women make less because they leave the workforce to raise kids. Or they leave work for family emergencies or call in sick when their kids get sick. Or they ask us guys to do heavy lifting they can't do.
Tell katsteve that. He's still in the dark.

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