Affirmative Action Needs to Be Banned (all 50 states)

Women don't realize being anti aa or union is hurting themselves
FALSE! Far more women suffer from AA than gain from it. Let's see if the ignorant liberals here can tell us why :laugh: (Note: they're ignorant because their liberal media doesn't tell them everything. Only what they want them to hear.)
What a dumb post. What do you mean "actually" ? Of course, millions upon millions of white males began to be displaced by blacks and women in 1964, and it's been that way ever since (except in 8 states where AA has been banned).
And why bring up voting ? That's not what AA is about. And a woman could get plenty more than a job as a secretary. She could get jobs white males couldn't get (because of AA) And YOU KNOW it.
As for reparations$$$$, after the last election, I'd say the chances for reparations in 2017, are looking pretty good. :biggrin:

In a struggling economy, you best believe that there will be no funding for reparations for some marginally skilled individual who could not figure out how to reinvent themselves after the field they were playing on became open to all people and decided to give up, because they believe that they were wronged 51 years ago, so don't hold you're breath.

You should be grateful for the pittance that you are currently receiving. That is what you earned, and that is all you are getting.

It is no ones fault but your own. You're not a victim of anything except your own laziness.

That being said, feel free to elaborate on what jobs a female could get in 1964 that a white male could not.

1. You don't have the foggiest idea of what "there will be" Can we go through your posts in USMB prior to November 2014, and find you saying that there will be a Republican landslide ?

2. You're a liar, and not even a very good one. You know damn well that AA has damaged millions of Whites, and racists like you are the cause. And it's racists like you, who should pay the reparations (no one else)

3. Any time since AA has been in force, there are many jobs that women got that were deliberately withheld from men, and YOU KNOW it.
You poor white male. My brother is a VP makes between half a mill to a mill a year I'm not sure because I don't ask. He got a masters from msu and rose to where he is. Only 45 years old. He's a white guy. Didn't hold him back.

Maybe you are competing for low skill labor jobs?

And remember back when our neighbors worried because guys like my immigrant dad was here taking all the good jobs? Look w
This guy talks as if we were in 1952 right now. Can you believe this dude ?

EARTH TO SEALYBOBO: YOU are the one without a clue.

1. I've worked at dozens of jobs, in 5 different states, over 50 years. I've NEVER seen a woman making less money than a man, doing the some job. And I've seen many lesser qualified women hired as supervisors over men more qualifies than them.

2. Blacks and women don't sit on any "bench". You've been watching too many movies.

3. There are less Blacks living in poverty (ghettos or wherever) than Whites, and the depth of poverty of the Whites is much worse.

4. 95% of hiring mangers ARE racist (against Whites), and they hire by affirmative action. And many of those hiring managers are Blacks, who got hired and promoted only because they're Black.

5. "Things aren't were they need to be" ? That's true. Blacks are getting the jobs. Are getting promoted over better qualified Whites. Have nice houses and new, shiny cars. And Whites are still getting discriminated against by AA (except in 8 states where it's banned)

6. When I went to my state Workforce office, before I retired, I saw about 2 dozen people working there > ALL BLACK. When I go to my VA hospital, I see only Blacks and Hispanics working there (+ a few white women) White males are about as common as a penguin in a Texas desert.

7. YOU, and the racism you display, are the perfect reason why we need to ban AA, all over America, because, without this national ban, you will continue to discriminate with it.

You say you are retired. While I can't completely disagree with the things you are saying you sound like an old white racist who probably wouldn't have liked it when my immigrant dad came over from Greece and "stole your job.

Reminds me of when we moved into a new sub. Woods all around us. We didn't understand why ppl didn't like our sub going up. But then we didn't like it that sub's went up all around us. Ruined the woods we grew up in.

America is now blacks mexicans Arabs indians asians not just european whites.

I remember whites didn't consider us americans. We werent white enough. Now that we have assimilated you want us to join you in fearing new comers.

Like I said I can't completely argue with you. Should be every man for himself.

Oh consider this. Us whites want a fair wage. Black and Mexicans will work for less. So will poor single moms.

1. I am 25% French-Italian, 50% Danish, and 25% Hispanic (Central America-Belize)

2. My mother was born in Denmark.

3. You're damn right I "wouldn't have liked I if your immigrant dad came over from Greece and stole my job. Or any other immigrant, from anywhere.

4. Everyone should have a fair wage. But immigrants shouldn't be here AT ALL.
We were all immigrants once. That was my point. You missed it.

And what do you care youre retired.
You must mean giving the people who were discriminated against something for that specific situation and not across the board because it affects you.

I think what you're looking for a payback...a reparation if you will, for those affected.

I like it

So if you like it, then start paying the reparations$$$ (to all the White victims of the past 51 years)

As soon as you pay for 400 years of blacks. No problem
That can't be because those Blacks are dead. The current Blacks are not victims of that 400 years. They are beneficiaries of AA (at the expense of Whites) - so now their perpetrators must pay reparations to the White victims of 1964-2015. And the current Whites haven't been slaveowners or Jim Crow perpetrators.
They don't need it because they're DEAD, you idiot. The time you're talking about is long past. The people living TODAY who have been discrimination victims are WHITES, not Blacks. You need to have this explained to you ?

When did racism die exactly?

It hasn't died. It's fully alive, every time another White person is denied another opportunity by AA.

Meh, its just that those whites arent skilled enough. Make yourself marketable

Stupid ass. You think you can pull that off, ? ....after how many times I've reiterated the discriminated against Whites Are BETTER QUALIFIED. Qualifications is ignored in AA, and YOU KNOW it, Stop lying.

NO, It's not a matter of skill at all. It's a matter of your racist, evil willingness to discriminate, and pretend it's OK.

They arent better qualified because they didnt get the job. They need to step it up and stop blaming others for their failure.
They're better qualified because that's what they are. Just like the 17 non-Blacks at my graduate school, who were ALL better qualified than the cheating 8 Blacks who got the goodies.
When did racism die exactly?

It hasn't died. It's fully alive, every time another White person is denied another opportunity by AA.

Meh, its just that those whites arent skilled enough. Make yourself marketable
Just imagine that if AA wasnt around they would hire more incompetent whites over other more deserving people.
Only in your deranged, delusional mind. And with all those many Black hiring managers out there, you think they would hire incompetent whites over other more deserving people ? HA HA. This is getting funny now.

No but the white managers will. HA HA. This is getting funny now
What White managers ? The managers are all Blacks, hired & promoted with AA.
When did racism die exactly?

It hasn't died. It's fully alive, every time another White person is denied another opportunity by AA.

Meh, its just that those whites arent skilled enough. Make yourself marketable
Just imagine that if AA wasnt around they would hire more incompetent whites over other more deserving people.
Only in your deranged, delusional mind. And with all those many Black hiring managers out there, you think they would hire incompetent whites over other more deserving people ? HA HA. This is getting funny now.
Without AA there would be no Black hiring managers. The white hiring managers always hired incompetent whites over Black people before AA. How do you think whites were able to stockpile the wealth and resources they now control?

By being >>

1. More intelligent than the dumhead Blacks.

2. By being willing to get up in the morning and go out and work, while the lazy Blacks were sound asleep, laying in their beds.
A very untrue and naive comment - they may not "bitch" about it, but all of us are hurt/angered by unfair treatment. Empathy is just a word to some, those who are too self absorbed to have compassion, aka, the Callous Conservative.
This is HYPOCRISY at its height. Blacks in 2015, do not need "compassion". They are no worse off than anyone else. That is a symptom of the 1950s. For the past 51 years, It has been Whites who needed the compassion, due to all the discrimination (affirmative action) against them by Callous Liberals.

Poor baby....Tell us how 51 years have got you all upset and you need help while claiming that blacks who were discriminated against for 400 years "dont need anything because its been 50 years".
They don't need it because they're DEAD, you idiot. The time you're talking about is long past. The people living TODAY who have been discrimination victims are WHITES, not Blacks. You need to have this explained to you ?

When did racism die exactly?
Sorry if from 1980 to now black people and women have it better than they did the 100 years before or as he calls them the good old days. Lol

I do believe though women make less because they leave the workforce to raise kids. Or they leave work for family emergencies or call in sick when their kids get sick
This is HYPOCRISY at its height. Blacks in 2015, do not need "compassion". They are no worse off than anyone else. That is a symptom of the 1950s. For the past 51 years, It has been Whites who needed the compassion, due to all the discrimination (affirmative action) against them by Callous Liberals.

Poor baby....Tell us how 51 years have got you all upset and you need help while claiming that blacks who were discriminated against for 400 years "dont need anything because its been 50 years".
They don't need it because they're DEAD, you idiot. The time you're talking about is long past. The people living TODAY who have been discrimination victims are WHITES, not Blacks. You need to have this explained to you ?

When did racism die exactly?

It hasn't died. It's fully alive, every time another White person is denied another opportunity by AA.

Why is it the same people who say "anyone who complains in America is just making excuses because it is the land of opportunity" are also the same people making excuses why they don't have a job?

You're basically saying a woman, black or foreigner took your job. I thought you guys said there are plenty of jobs? I thought you right wingers tell people to stop complaining and open their own business? Why are you complainers not taking your own advice?

I don't want any more foreigners to come in either legal or otherwise. I think corporations love flooding the market with workers because it keeps wages down.

We should all agree and petition our government no more immigration until the American middle class and poor problem is fixed.
You liberals are who is bringing them in, and then legalizing them, starting with Obama.
It hasn't died. It's fully alive, every time another White person is denied another opportunity by AA.

Meh, its just that those whites arent skilled enough. Make yourself marketable
Just imagine that if AA wasnt around they would hire more incompetent whites over other more deserving people.
Only in your deranged, delusional mind. And with all those many Black hiring managers out there, you think they would hire incompetent whites over other more deserving people ? HA HA. This is getting funny now.
Without AA there would be no Black hiring managers. The white hiring managers always hired incompetent whites over Black people before AA. How do you think whites were able to stockpile the wealth and resources they now control?

By being >>

1. More intelligent than the dumhead Blacks.

2. By being willing to get up in the morning and go out and work, while the lazy Blacks were sound asleep, laying in their beds.

So since you are not any of the above, are you niw admitting that the reason for your failing, is that you were either lazy, or not very intelligent? You cant have it both ways.
Women don't realize being anti aa or union is hurting themselves
FALSE! Far more women suffer from AA than gain from it. Let's see if the ignorant liberals here can tell us why :laugh: (Note: they're ignorant because their liberal media doesn't tell them everything. Only what they want them to hear.)
Women have benefitted more than blacks. You tell me why.

Oh and as far as republicans say low pay is a good thing. Why? Because then the company can hire more people. Your thinking is flawed.
In a struggling economy, you best believe that there will be no funding for reparations for some marginally skilled individual who could not figure out how to reinvent themselves after the field they were playing on became open to all people and decided to give up, because they believe that they were wronged 51 years ago, so don't hold you're breath.

You should be grateful for the pittance that you are currently receiving. That is what you earned, and that is all you are getting.

It is no ones fault but your own. You're not a victim of anything except your own laziness.

That being said, feel free to elaborate on what jobs a female could get in 1964 that a white male could not.

1. You don't have the foggiest idea of what "there will be" Can we go through your posts in USMB prior to November 2014, and find you saying that there will be a Republican landslide ?

2. You're a liar, and not even a very good one. You know damn well that AA has damaged millions of Whites, and racists like you are the cause. And it's racists like you, who should pay the reparations (no one else)

3. Any time since AA has been in force, there are many jobs that women got that were deliberately withheld from men, and YOU KNOW it.
You poor white male. My brother is a VP makes between half a mill to a mill a year I'm not sure because I don't ask. He got a masters from msu and rose to where he is. Only 45 years old. He's a white guy. Didn't hold him back.

Maybe you are competing for low skill labor jobs?

And remember back when our neighbors worried because guys like my immigrant dad was here taking all the good jobs? Look w
You say you are retired. While I can't completely disagree with the things you are saying you sound like an old white racist who probably wouldn't have liked it when my immigrant dad came over from Greece and "stole your job.

Reminds me of when we moved into a new sub. Woods all around us. We didn't understand why ppl didn't like our sub going up. But then we didn't like it that sub's went up all around us. Ruined the woods we grew up in.

America is now blacks mexicans Arabs indians asians not just european whites.

I remember whites didn't consider us americans. We werent white enough. Now that we have assimilated you want us to join you in fearing new comers.

Like I said I can't completely argue with you. Should be every man for himself.

Oh consider this. Us whites want a fair wage. Black and Mexicans will work for less. So will poor single moms.

1. I am 25% French-Italian, 50% Danish, and 25% Hispanic (Central America-Belize)

2. My mother was born in Denmark.

3. You're damn right I "wouldn't have liked I if your immigrant dad came over from Greece and stole my job. Or any other immigrant, from anywhere.

4. Everyone should have a fair wage. But immigrants shouldn't be here AT ALL.
We were all immigrants once. That was my point. You missed it.

And what do you care youre retired.
You must mean giving the people who were discriminated against something for that specific situation and not across the board because it affects you.

I think what you're looking for a payback...a reparation if you will, for those affected.

I like it

So if you like it, then start paying the reparations$$$ (to all the White victims of the past 51 years)

As soon as you pay for 400 years of blacks. No problem
That can't be because those Blacks are dead. The current Blacks are not victims of that 400 years. They are beneficiaries of AA (at the expense of Whites) - so now their perpetrators must pay reparations to the White victims of 1964-2015. And the current Whites haven't been slaveowners or Jim Crow perpetrators.

I keep asking you if the blacks who all experienced that racism are dead, then when did racism against black die? You act like blacks got voting rights and then everyone hugged black people and sung Kumbaya
When did racism die exactly?

It hasn't died. It's fully alive, every time another White person is denied another opportunity by AA.

Meh, its just that those whites arent skilled enough. Make yourself marketable

Stupid ass. You think you can pull that off, ? ....after how many times I've reiterated the discriminated against Whites Are BETTER QUALIFIED. Qualifications is ignored in AA, and YOU KNOW it, Stop lying.

NO, It's not a matter of skill at all. It's a matter of your racist, evil willingness to discriminate, and pretend it's OK.

They arent better qualified because they didnt get the job. They need to step it up and stop blaming others for their failure.
They're better qualified because that's what they are. Just like the 17 non-Blacks at my graduate school, who were ALL better qualified than the cheating 8 Blacks who got the goodies.

No they arent, they dont have the job.
It hasn't died. It's fully alive, every time another White person is denied another opportunity by AA.

Meh, its just that those whites arent skilled enough. Make yourself marketable
Just imagine that if AA wasnt around they would hire more incompetent whites over other more deserving people.
Only in your deranged, delusional mind. And with all those many Black hiring managers out there, you think they would hire incompetent whites over other more deserving people ? HA HA. This is getting funny now.

No but the white managers will. HA HA. This is getting funny now
What White managers ? The managers are all Blacks, hired & promoted with AA.

Wait, now I'm confused. All white applicants are better qualified yet all the managers who hire people are black?
1. You don't have the foggiest idea of what "there will be" Can we go through your posts in USMB prior to November 2014, and find you saying that there will be a Republican landslide ?

2. You're a liar, and not even a very good one. You know damn well that AA has damaged millions of Whites, and racists like you are the cause. And it's racists like you, who should pay the reparations (no one else)

3. Any time since AA has been in force, there are many jobs that women got that were deliberately withheld from men, and YOU KNOW it.
You poor white male. My brother is a VP makes between half a mill to a mill a year I'm not sure because I don't ask. He got a masters from msu and rose to where he is. Only 45 years old. He's a white guy. Didn't hold him back.

Maybe you are competing for low skill labor jobs?

And remember back when our neighbors worried because guys like my immigrant dad was here taking all the good jobs? Look w
1. I am 25% French-Italian, 50% Danish, and 25% Hispanic (Central America-Belize)

2. My mother was born in Denmark.

3. You're damn right I "wouldn't have liked I if your immigrant dad came over from Greece and stole my job. Or any other immigrant, from anywhere.

4. Everyone should have a fair wage. But immigrants shouldn't be here AT ALL.
We were all immigrants once. That was my point. You missed it.

And what do you care youre retired.
You must mean giving the people who were discriminated against something for that specific situation and not across the board because it affects you.

I think what you're looking for a payback...a reparation if you will, for those affected.

I like it

So if you like it, then start paying the reparations$$$ (to all the White victims of the past 51 years)

As soon as you pay for 400 years of blacks. No problem
That can't be because those Blacks are dead. The current Blacks are not victims of that 400 years. They are beneficiaries of AA (at the expense of Whites) - so now their perpetrators must pay reparations to the White victims of 1964-2015. And the current Whites haven't been slaveowners or Jim Crow perpetrators.

I keep asking you if the blacks who all experienced that racism are dead, then when did racism against black die? You act like blacks got voting rights and then everyone hugged black people and sung Kumbaya
Do you honestly think its ever going to completely go away?

We know it exists. Do something yourselves to better your situation as a black community. If the people we complain about were as good as you we wouldn't be complaining about them. And even if you came from a broken home you know its a key problem in our ghettos.

Want a great example how its not always because you are black but you guys think it is? Look at what kanye did to Taylor swift and beck. That's how you guys act and think. Like kanye.
You poor white male. My brother is a VP makes between half a mill to a mill a year I'm not sure because I don't ask. He got a masters from msu and rose to where he is. Only 45 years old. He's a white guy. Didn't hold him back.

Maybe you are competing for low skill labor jobs?

And remember back when our neighbors worried because guys like my immigrant dad was here taking all the good jobs? Look w
We were all immigrants once. That was my point. You missed it.

And what do you care youre retired.
You must mean giving the people who were discriminated against something for that specific situation and not across the board because it affects you.

I think what you're looking for a payback...a reparation if you will, for those affected.

I like it

So if you like it, then start paying the reparations$$$ (to all the White victims of the past 51 years)

As soon as you pay for 400 years of blacks. No problem
That can't be because those Blacks are dead. The current Blacks are not victims of that 400 years. They are beneficiaries of AA (at the expense of Whites) - so now their perpetrators must pay reparations to the White victims of 1964-2015. And the current Whites haven't been slaveowners or Jim Crow perpetrators.

I keep asking you if the blacks who all experienced that racism are dead, then when did racism against black die? You act like blacks got voting rights and then everyone hugged black people and sung Kumbaya
Do you honestly think its ever going to completely go away?

We know it exists. Do something yourselves to better your situation as a black community. If the people we complain about were as good as you we wouldn't be complaining about them. And even if you came from a broken home you know its a key problem in our ghettos.

Want a great example how its not always because you are black but you guys think it is? Look at what kanye did to Taylor swift and beck. That's how you guys act and think. Like kanye.

I was going to respond intelligently but you pick a star and claim all blacks are like him. Not Like Neil Degrasse Tyson, not like Ben Carson, Not like Pill (lol) Cosby....nope, you pick the most offensive person to you and claim all blacks act like that

AND THEN....have the fucking nerve to say that YOUR PERCEPTION of blacks isnt YOUR FAULT....ITS BLACKS FAULT YOU THINK THEY ARE ALL LIKE KANYE.

Can you remove yourself any fucking further from personal responsibility? Its like shooting a guy then saying "Then he went and got himself murdered"
It hasn't died. It's fully alive, every time another White person is denied another opportunity by AA.

Meh, its just that those whites arent skilled enough. Make yourself marketable
Just imagine that if AA wasnt around they would hire more incompetent whites over other more deserving people.
Only in your deranged, delusional mind. And with all those many Black hiring managers out there, you think they would hire incompetent whites over other more deserving people ? HA HA. This is getting funny now.
Without AA there would be no Black hiring managers. The white hiring managers always hired incompetent whites over Black people before AA. How do you think whites were able to stockpile the wealth and resources they now control?

By being >>

1. More intelligent than the dumhead Blacks.

2. By being willing to get up in the morning and go out and work, while the lazy Blacks were sound asleep, laying in their beds.
So why did you fail? You must have been lazier and less intelligent than any Black person that ever existed.
1. You don't have the foggiest idea of what "there will be" Can we go through your posts in USMB prior to November 2014, and find you saying that there will be a Republican landslide ?

2. You're a liar, and not even a very good one. You know damn well that AA has damaged millions of Whites, and racists like you are the cause. And it's racists like you, who should pay the reparations (no one else)

3. Any time since AA has been in force, there are many jobs that women got that were deliberately withheld from men, and YOU KNOW it.
You poor white male. My brother is a VP makes between half a mill to a mill a year I'm not sure because I don't ask. He got a masters from msu thatose to where he is. Only 45 years old. He's a white guy. Didn't hold him back.

Maybe you are competing for low skill labor jobs?

And remember back when our neighbors worried because guys like my immigrant dad was here taking all the good jobs? Look w
1. I am 25% French-Italian, 50% Danish, and 25% Hispanic (Central America-Belize)

2. My mother was born in Denmark.

3. You're damn right I "wouldn't have liked I if your immigrant dad came over from Greece and stole my job. Or any other immigrant, from anywhere.

4. Everyone should have a fair wage. But immigrants shouldn't be here AT ALL.
We were all immigrants once. That was my point. You missed it.

And what do you care youre retired.
You must mean giving the people who were discriminated against something for that specific situation and not across the board because it affects you.

I think what you're looking for a payback...a reparation if you will, for those affected.

I like it

So if you like it, then start paying the reparations$$$ (to all the White victims of the past 51 years)

As soon as you pay for 400 years of blacks. No problem
That can't be because those Blacks are dead. The current Blacks are not victims of that 400 years. They are beneficiaries of AA (at the expense of Whites) - so now their perpetrators must pay reparations to the White victims of 1964-2015. And the current Whites haven't been slaveowners or Jim Crow perpetrators.

I keep asking you if the blacks who all experienced that racism are dead, then when did racism against black die? You act like blacks got voting rights and then everyone hugged black people and sung Kumbaya
Arguing with that
It hasn't died. It's fully alive, every time another White person is denied another opportunity by AA.

Meh, its just that those whites arent skilled enough. Make yourself marketable
Just imagine that if AA wasnt around they would hire more incompetent whites over other more deserving people.
Only in your deranged, delusional mind. And with all those many Black hiring managers out there, you think they would hire incompetent whites over other more deserving people ? HA HA. This is getting funny now.

No but the white managers will. HA HA. This is getting funny now
What White managers ? The managers are all Blacks, hired & promoted with AA.

So let's get this straight. Your conspiracy theory is that there is this expansive network of black hiring managers who are not hiring more qualified white applicants, therefore proving your allegation that millions upon millions of workers(whites) are being . discriminated against and displaced and are owed reparations because this has been going on for 51 years?

In spite of the fact, as you have been told and provided credible information supporting the truth that white males by far earn more on average for the same job than any other demographic, withe exception of Asians.
You poor white male. My brother is a VP makes between half a mill to a mill a year I'm not sure because I don't ask. He got a masters from msu thatose to where he is. Only 45 years old. He's a white guy. Didn't hold him back.

Maybe you are competing for low skill labor jobs?

And remember back when our neighbors worried because guys like my immigrant dad was here taking all the good jobs? Look w
We were all immigrants once. That was my point. You missed it.

And what do you care youre retired.
You must mean giving the people who were discriminated against something for that specific situation and not across the board because it affects you.

I think what you're looking for a payback...a reparation if you will, for those affected.

I like it

So if you like it, then start paying the reparations$$$ (to all the White victims of the past 51 years)

As soon as you pay for 400 years of blacks. No problem
That can't be because those Blacks are dead. The current Blacks are not victims of that 400 years. They are beneficiaries of AA (at the expense of Whites) - so now their perpetrators must pay reparations to the White victims of 1964-2015. And the current Whites haven't been slaveowners or Jim Crow perpetrators.

I keep asking you if the blacks who all experienced that racism are dead, then when did racism against black die? You act like blacks got voting rights and then everyone hugged black people and sung Kumbaya
Arguing with that
Meh, its just that those whites arent skilled enough. Make yourself marketable
Just imagine that if AA wasnt around they would hire more incompetent whites over other more deserving people.
Only in your deranged, delusional mind. And with all those many Black hiring managers out there, you think they would hire incompetent whites over other more deserving people ? HA HA. This is getting funny now.

No but the white managers will. HA HA. This is getting funny now
What White managers ? The managers are all Blacks, hired & promoted with AA.

So let's get this straight. Your conspiracy theory is that there is this expansive network of black hiring managers who are not hiring more qualified white applicants, therefore proving your allegation that millions upon millions of workers(whites) are being . discriminated against and displaced and are owed reparations because this has been going on for 51 years?

In spite of the fact, as you have been told and provided credible information supporting the truth that white males by far earn more on average for the same job than any other demographic, withe exception of Asians.
Protectionist is a ranting idiot. It takes a couple of hours to wrap your mind around the idiocy he spouts.
So if you like it, then start paying the reparations$$$ (to all the White victims of the past 51 years)

As soon as you pay for 400 years of blacks. No problem
That can't be because those Blacks are dead. The current Blacks are not victims of that 400 years. They are beneficiaries of AA (at the expense of Whites) - so now their perpetrators must pay reparations to the White victims of 1964-2015. And the current Whites haven't been slaveowners or Jim Crow perpetrators.

I keep asking you if the blacks who all experienced that racism are dead, then when did racism against black die? You act like blacks got voting rights and then everyone hugged black people and sung Kumbaya
Arguing with that
Just imagine that if AA wasnt around they would hire more incompetent whites over other more deserving people.
Only in your deranged, delusional mind. And with all those many Black hiring managers out there, you think they would hire incompetent whites over other more deserving people ? HA HA. This is getting funny now.

No but the white managers will. HA HA. This is getting funny now
What White managers ? The managers are all Blacks, hired & promoted with AA.

So let's get this straight. Your conspiracy theory is that there is this expansive network of black hiring managers who are not hiring more qualified white applicants, therefore proving your allegation that millions upon millions of workers(whites) are being . discriminated against and displaced and are owed reparations because this has been going on for 51 years?

In spite of the fact, as you have been told and provided credible information supporting the truth that white males by far earn more on average for the same job than any other demographic, withe exception of Asians.
Protectionist is a ranting idiot. It takes a couple of hours to wrap your mind around the idiocy he spouts.

He's hilarious for sure. Actually, I think he even tops Squeezenut and Speeders, as the village idiot.

Those three should to take their show on the road. It takes practice to be that much of a screwball.
So if you like it, then start paying the reparations$$$ (to all the White victims of the past 51 years)

As soon as you pay for 400 years of blacks. No problem
That can't be because those Blacks are dead. The current Blacks are not victims of that 400 years. They are beneficiaries of AA (at the expense of Whites) - so now their perpetrators must pay reparations to the White victims of 1964-2015. And the current Whites haven't been slaveowners or Jim Crow perpetrators.

I keep asking you if the blacks who all experienced that racism are dead, then when did racism against black die? You act like blacks got voting rights and then everyone hugged black people and sung Kumbaya
Arguing with that
Just imagine that if AA wasnt around they would hire more incompetent whites over other more deserving people.
So if you like it, then start paying the reparations$$$ (to all the White victims of the past 51 years)

As soon as you pay for 400 years of blacks. No problem
That can't be because those Blacks are dead. The current Blacks are not victims of that 400 years. They are beneficiaries of AA (at the expense of Whites) - so now their perpetrators must pay reparations to the White victims of 1964-2015. And the current Whites haven't been slaveowners or Jim Crow perpetrators.

I keep asking you if the blacks who all experienced that racism are dead, then when did racism against black die? You act like blacks got voting rights and then everyone hugged black people and sung Kumbaya
Arguing with that
Just imagine that if AA wasnt around they would hire more incompetent whites over other more deserving people.
Only in your deranged, delusional mind. And with all those many Black hiring managers out there, you think they would hire incompetent whites over other more deserving people ? HA HA. This is getting funny now.

No but the white managers will. HA HA. This is getting funny now
What White managers ? The managers are all Blacks, hired & promoted with AA.

So let's get this straight. Your conspiracy theory is that there is this expansive network of black hiring managers who are not hiring more qualified white applicants, therefore proving your allegation that millions upon millions of workers(whites) are being . discriminated against and displaced and are owed reparations because this has been going on for 51 years?

In spite of the fact, as you have been told and provided credible information supporting the truth that white males by far earn more on average for the same job than any other demographic, withe exception of Asians.
Protectionist is a ranting idiot. It takes a couple of hours to wrap your mind around the idiocy he spouts.
Name-calling. The surest sign of DEFEAT. Of course. Because to support Affirmative Action, you are supporting racial discrimination. So do the racists who support it do ? They call names .
So if you like it, then start paying the reparations$$$ (to all the White victims of the past 51 years)

As soon as you pay for 400 years of blacks. No problem
That can't be because those Blacks are dead. The current Blacks are not victims of that 400 years. They are beneficiaries of AA (at the expense of Whites) - so now their perpetrators must pay reparations to the White victims of 1964-2015. And the current Whites haven't been slaveowners or Jim Crow perpetrators.

I keep asking you if the blacks who all experienced that racism are dead, then when did racism against black die? You act like blacks got voting rights and then everyone hugged black people and sung Kumbaya
Arguing with that
Just imagine that if AA wasnt around they would hire more incompetent whites over other more deserving people.
Only in your deranged, delusional mind. And with all those many Black hiring managers out there, you think they would hire incompetent whites over other more deserving people ? HA HA. This is getting funny now.

No but the white managers will. HA HA. This is getting funny now
What White managers ? The managers are all Blacks, hired & promoted with AA.

So let's get this straight. Your conspiracy theory is that there is this expansive network of black hiring managers who are not hiring more qualified white applicants, therefore proving your allegation that millions upon millions of workers(whites) are being . discriminated against and displaced and are owed reparations because this has been going on for 51 years?

In spite of the fact, as you have been told and provided credible information supporting the truth that white males by far earn more on average for the same job than any other demographic, withe exception of Asians.
Protectionist is a ranting idiot. It takes a couple of hours to wrap your mind around the idiocy he spouts.
Name -calling. Surest sign of DEFEAT. Sure. Because supporting AA, is supporting racial discrimination. So what do the racists who support affirmative action, do ? They call names.
You poor white male. My brother is a VP makes between half a mill to a mill a year I'm not sure because I don't ask. He got a masters from msu thatose to where he is. Only 45 years old. He's a white guy. Didn't hold him back.

Maybe you are competing for low skill labor jobs?

And remember back when our neighbors worried because guys like my immigrant dad was here taking all the good jobs? Look w
We were all immigrants once. That was my point. You missed it.

And what do you care youre retired.
You must mean giving the people who were discriminated against something for that specific situation and not across the board because it affects you.

I think what you're looking for a payback...a reparation if you will, for those affected.

I like it

So if you like it, then start paying the reparations$$$ (to all the White victims of the past 51 years)

As soon as you pay for 400 years of blacks. No problem
That can't be because those Blacks are dead. The current Blacks are not victims of that 400 years. They are beneficiaries of AA (at the expense of Whites) - so now their perpetrators must pay reparations to the White victims of 1964-2015. And the current Whites haven't been slaveowners or Jim Crow perpetrators.

I keep asking you if the blacks who all experienced that racism are dead, then when did racism against black die? You act like blacks got voting rights and then everyone hugged black people and sung Kumbaya
Arguing with that
Meh, its just that those whites arent skilled enough. Make yourself marketable
Just imagine that if AA wasnt around they would hire more incompetent whites over other more deserving people.
Only in your deranged, delusional mind. And with all those many Black hiring managers out there, you think they would hire incompetent whites over other more deserving people ? HA HA. This is getting funny now.

No but the white managers will. HA HA. This is getting funny now
What White managers ? The managers are all Blacks, hired & promoted with AA.

So let's get this straight. Your conspiracy theory is that there is this expansive network of black hiring managers who are not hiring more qualified white applicants, therefore proving your allegation that millions upon millions of workers(whites) are being . discriminated against and displaced and are owed reparations because this has been going on for 51 years?

In spite of the fact, as you have been told and provided credible information supporting the truth that white males by far earn more on average for the same job than any other demographic, withe exception of Asians.
What you tell is a joke. And I see no credible evidence whatsoever that white males by far earn more on average for the same job than any other demographic, withe exception of Asians. I see no evidence that this occurs even on any ONE single job. Just more leftist BS, designed to keep Blacks as a Democrat voting bloc (similar to the anti-police rhetoric nonsense)
Obviously, it is white males who are being victimized, by having their opportunities stolen from them by affirmative action, and you are ludicrously trying to deny that, which we all know.

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