Affirmative action - Obama picks jewish female to replace bernanke as fed chief

Janet Yellen gets the nod. Has there ever been a Fed chief who was not jewish? Paul Volker, though that was like a million years ago. Jews run banking and that means they run america.

Being female, Yellen is a dummy and can barely add a column of numbers but then, obozo can't do that either.

Janet Yellen to be named Fed chair on Wednesday: White House

I wasn't aware of her religious affiliation or beliefs, and, frankly, I don't care nor do I see it as germane.

I do care that obama picked Summers originally, which I sppted, but was submarined by the presidents own party and we will wind up with another loosey goosey QE Queen.....
more than 20% of the USA is Roman Catholic.

We have had one single RC President, back in 1963.

whats up with that?
I would bet anything that her religion had zero influence on her appointment.
Wow you are so naive! lol

got any proof that her religion played a roll in her selection?
Do you think maybe powerful campaign contributors exert some influence?

Barack Obama's Bundlers

The Jews of Mother Jones' top 100 Democratic and Republican campaign contributors

How about some fairness? Don't be fooled.
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She got it because the liberals wanted a female who wasn't Larry Summers.

And she's really smart.

Like all females, she's a dummy who can't even add up a column of numbers. She's prolly good with words but that means nothing for a banker. All she's qualified to be is a social worker. At least bernanke is smart.
I see the censors here at USMB sent this from the Politics board where it belongs to the Economy dungeon. No criticism of the great obozo is allowed.

Time for USMB to merge with DU.

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