Affirmative Action


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
Affirmative Action Has Helped White Women More Than Anyone

Their successes make the case not for abandoning affirmative action but for continuing it

Read more: Sally Kohn: Affirmative Action Helps White Women More Than Others |

While people of color, individually and as groups, have been helped by affirmative action in the subsequent years, data and studies suggest women — white women in particular — have benefited disproportionately. According to one study, in 1995, 6 million women, the majority of whom were white, had jobs they wouldn’t have otherwise held but for affirmative action.

Another study shows that women made greater gains in employment at companies that do business with the federal government, which are therefore subject to federal affirmative-action requirements, than in other companies — with female employment rising 15.2% at federal contractors but only 2.2% elsewhere. And the women working for federal-contractor companies also held higher positions and were paid better.

Read more: Sally Kohn: Affirmative Action Helps White Women More Than Others |
What this proves is a number of things:

1. AA doesn't discriminate against whites
2. AA isn't for blacks only
3. AA doesn't "destroy" the black community because the white women community Is just fine
4. You can finally stop pretending Affirmative Action is for blacks only. The 2nd group that benefits the most: Asian
3. AA doesn't "destroy" the black community because the white women community Is just fine

More white women getting divorces. More single parent white women. More white women on food stamps.

Yep, the white women are doing just fine.
Affirmative Action Has Helped White Women More Than Anyone

Their successes make the case not for abandoning affirmative action but for continuing it

Read more: Sally Kohn: Affirmative Action Helps White Women More Than Others |

While people of color, individually and as groups, have been helped by affirmative action in the subsequent years, data and studies suggest women — white women in particular — have benefited disproportionately. According to one study, in 1995, 6 million women, the majority of whom were white, had jobs they wouldn’t have otherwise held but for affirmative action.

Another study shows that women made greater gains in employment at companies that do business with the federal government, which are therefore subject to federal affirmative-action requirements, than in other companies — with female employment rising 15.2% at federal contractors but only 2.2% elsewhere. And the women working for federal-contractor companies also held higher positions and were paid better.

Read more: Sally Kohn: Affirmative Action Helps White Women More Than Others |
What this proves is a number of things:

1. AA doesn't discriminate against whites
2. AA isn't for blacks only
3. AA doesn't "destroy" the black community because the white women community Is just fine
4. You can finally stop pretending Affirmative Action is for blacks only. The 2nd group that benefits the most: Asian

1. AA allows others to pass over people who may be more qualified in certain catagories. Unless these people are additional and not put in front of the rest of the people in line, then there is discrimination, and it is usually against white males. So some white males who WOULD have made it in, now do not.

2. It was designed for african americans, other ethnic groups just jumped along for the ride, and the creators couldnt seem racist by limiting it to blacks only, which they wanted to do.

3. Not sure where you are going with this one.

4. By side effect, not by design.
Affirmative Action Has Helped White Women More Than Anyone

Their successes make the case not for abandoning affirmative action but for continuing it

Read more: Sally Kohn: Affirmative Action Helps White Women More Than Others |

While people of color, individually and as groups, have been helped by affirmative action in the subsequent years, data and studies suggest women — white women in particular — have benefited disproportionately. According to one study, in 1995, 6 million women, the majority of whom were white, had jobs they wouldn’t have otherwise held but for affirmative action.

Another study shows that women made greater gains in employment at companies that do business with the federal government, which are therefore subject to federal affirmative-action requirements, than in other companies — with female employment rising 15.2% at federal contractors but only 2.2% elsewhere. And the women working for federal-contractor companies also held higher positions and were paid better.

Read more: Sally Kohn: Affirmative Action Helps White Women More Than Others |
What this proves is a number of things:

1. AA doesn't discriminate against whites
2. AA isn't for blacks only
3. AA doesn't "destroy" the black community because the white women community Is just fine
4. You can finally stop pretending Affirmative Action is for blacks only. The 2nd group that benefits the most: Asian

1. AA allows others to pass over people who may be more qualified in certain catagories. Unless these people are additional and not put in front of the rest of the people in line, then there is discrimination, and it is usually against white males. So some white males who WOULD have made it in, now do not.

2. It was designed for african americans, other ethnic groups just jumped along for the ride, and the creators couldnt seem racist by limiting it to blacks only, which they wanted to do.

3. Not sure where you are going with this one.

4. By side effect, not by design.

Even I'm impressed when you aren't able to disagree with me.
Affirmative Action Has Helped White Women More Than Anyone

Their successes make the case not for abandoning affirmative action but for continuing it

Read more: Sally Kohn: Affirmative Action Helps White Women More Than Others |

While people of color, individually and as groups, have been helped by affirmative action in the subsequent years, data and studies suggest women — white women in particular — have benefited disproportionately. According to one study, in 1995, 6 million women, the majority of whom were white, had jobs they wouldn’t have otherwise held but for affirmative action.

Another study shows that women made greater gains in employment at companies that do business with the federal government, which are therefore subject to federal affirmative-action requirements, than in other companies — with female employment rising 15.2% at federal contractors but only 2.2% elsewhere. And the women working for federal-contractor companies also held higher positions and were paid better.

Read more: Sally Kohn: Affirmative Action Helps White Women More Than Others |
What this proves is a number of things:

1. AA doesn't discriminate against whites
2. AA isn't for blacks only
3. AA doesn't "destroy" the black community because the white women community Is just fine
4. You can finally stop pretending Affirmative Action is for blacks only. The 2nd group that benefits the most: Asian

1. AA allows others to pass over people who may be more qualified in certain catagories. Unless these people are additional and not put in front of the rest of the people in line, then there is discrimination, and it is usually against white males. So some white males who WOULD have made it in, now do not.

2. It was designed for african americans, other ethnic groups just jumped along for the ride, and the creators couldnt seem racist by limiting it to blacks only, which they wanted to do.

3. Not sure where you are going with this one.

4. By side effect, not by design.

it was necessary then, however, not now. scotus is already slowly eroding AA because states/feds no longer have a compelling interest to discriminate against or for certain classes of people.
The successes of white women make a case not for abandoning affirmative action but for continuing it. As the numbers in the Senate and the Fortune 500 show, women still face barriers to equal participation in leadership roles. Of course, the case for continuing affirmative action for people of color is even greater. The median wealth of white households is 20 times that of black households. Researchers found that the same résumé for the same job application will get twice as many callbacks for interviews if the name on the résumé is Greg instead of Jamal. School districts spend more on predominantly white schools than predominantly black schools. The fact that black workers earn, on average, 35% less than white workers in the same job isn’t erased by the election of an African-American President — one who, by the way, openly praises the role of affirmative action in his life and accomplishments.

Read more: Sally Kohn: Affirmative Action Helps White Women More Than Others |

I always notice how people say AA programs aren't needed anymore because its all good. what about Women's rights programs? or is it ONLY a problem when its race?
What this proves is a number of things:

1. AA doesn't discriminate against whites
2. AA isn't for blacks only
3. AA doesn't "destroy" the black community because the white women community Is just fine
4. You can finally stop pretending Affirmative Action is for blacks only. The 2nd group that benefits the most: Asian

1. AA allows others to pass over people who may be more qualified in certain catagories. Unless these people are additional and not put in front of the rest of the people in line, then there is discrimination, and it is usually against white males. So some white males who WOULD have made it in, now do not.

2. It was designed for african americans, other ethnic groups just jumped along for the ride, and the creators couldnt seem racist by limiting it to blacks only, which they wanted to do.

3. Not sure where you are going with this one.

4. By side effect, not by design.

Even I'm impressed when you aren't able to disagree with me.

Your points arent concrete enough to discrimiate agreement are disagreement. The only thing you get out of it is 'whites shouldnt be butthurt about AA because of X"

Tell me, what should the white male student who lost thier slot into College X feel beacuse someone passed over them because of thier race?

If women arent affected, why did the current lawsuit that occur originate from a female?

Asians are gaming the system, good for them.
3. AA doesn't "destroy" the black community because the white women community Is just fine

More white women getting divorces. More single parent white women. More white women on food stamps.

Yep, the white women are doing just fine.

white women do better in SAT scores than blacks and Hispanics

how are they benefiting at the expense of some other group and not by merit?
1. AA allows others to pass over people who may be more qualified in certain catagories. Unless these people are additional and not put in front of the rest of the people in line, then there is discrimination, and it is usually against white males. So some white males who WOULD have made it in, now do not.

2. It was designed for african americans, other ethnic groups just jumped along for the ride, and the creators couldnt seem racist by limiting it to blacks only, which they wanted to do.

3. Not sure where you are going with this one.

4. By side effect, not by design.

Even I'm impressed when you aren't able to disagree with me.

Your points arent concrete enough to discrimiate agreement are disagreement. The only thing you get out of it is 'whites shouldnt be butthurt about AA because of X"

Tell me, what should the white male student who lost thier slot into College X feel beacuse someone passed over them because of thier race?

If women arent affected, why did the current lawsuit that occur originate from a female?

Asians are gaming the system, good for them.

He should feel like he doesn't know he was "passed up for someone else" and using that is a excuse for failure, maybe? Is that even possible? Yeah

I didn't say women aren't effected? Nice deflect tho

Good for Asian...Shame on blacks

Got it...its always different for blacks but but has NOTHING to do with racism. Just those blacks :lol:
CC: why do you think AA is necessary now? in your own words. it has already worked, let us end it and have all citizens be on equal ground.
CC: why do you think AA is necessary now? in your own words. it has already worked, let us end it and have all citizens be on equal ground.

No one said that. Read the article. I'm not your babysitter. I even quoted why
Even I'm impressed when you aren't able to disagree with me.

Your points arent concrete enough to discrimiate agreement are disagreement. The only thing you get out of it is 'whites shouldnt be butthurt about AA because of X"

Tell me, what should the white male student who lost thier slot into College X feel beacuse someone passed over them because of thier race?

If women arent affected, why did the current lawsuit that occur originate from a female?

Asians are gaming the system, good for them.

He should feel like he doesn't know he was "passed up for someone else" and using that is a excuse for failure, maybe? Is that even possible? Yeah

I didn't say women aren't effected? Nice deflect tho

Good for Asian...Shame on blacks

Got it...its always different for blacks but but has NOTHING to do with racism. Just those blacks :lol:

Nice double talk to avoid admitting something there, slick.

So you can tell me that there is not a single person out there that was denied admission to a school because someone else using thier race as a qualifier got in due to an increased criteria score?

Because if thats the case, then yes, AA does not discriminate. If that is not the case, then it does discriminate, and a white male is the most likely victim of said discrimination.
Your points arent concrete enough to discrimiate agreement are disagreement. The only thing you get out of it is 'whites shouldnt be butthurt about AA because of X"

Tell me, what should the white male student who lost thier slot into College X feel beacuse someone passed over them because of thier race?

If women arent affected, why did the current lawsuit that occur originate from a female?

Asians are gaming the system, good for them.

He should feel like he doesn't know he was "passed up for someone else" and using that is a excuse for failure, maybe? Is that even possible? Yeah

I didn't say women aren't effected? Nice deflect tho

Good for Asian...Shame on blacks

Got it...its always different for blacks but but has NOTHING to do with racism. Just those blacks :lol:

Nice double talk to avoid admitting something there, slick.

So you can tell me that there is not a single person out there that was denied admission to a school because someone else using thier race as a qualifier got in due to an increased criteria score?

Because if thats the case, then yes, AA does not discriminate. If that is not the case, then it does discriminate, and a white male is the most likely victim of said discrimination.

Avoid admitting what? Some guy "FEELS" that he was passed over by some black person and what you're gonna hold his hand until the feelings go away. The only way that can be true is if that person KNEW. In that case he has a point. If he cant, its like believing the kid who loses a foot race because he claims his shoes were untied.

And if you are using the logic that because AA is not perfect than it should be shelved then you can also list all the other unperfect things you want to do away with that don't involve blacks.
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He should feel like he doesn't know he was "passed up for someone else" and using that is a excuse for failure, maybe? Is that even possible? Yeah

I didn't say women aren't effected? Nice deflect tho

Good for Asian...Shame on blacks

Got it...its always different for blacks but but has NOTHING to do with racism. Just those blacks :lol:

Nice double talk to avoid admitting something there, slick.

So you can tell me that there is not a single person out there that was denied admission to a school because someone else using thier race as a qualifier got in due to an increased criteria score?

Because if thats the case, then yes, AA does not discriminate. If that is not the case, then it does discriminate, and a white male is the most likely victim of said discrimination.

Avoid admitting what? Some guy "FEELS" that he was passed over by some black person and what you're gonna hold his hand until the feelings go away. The only way that can be true is if that person KNEW. In that case he has a point. If he cant, its like believing the kid who loses a foot race because he claims his shoes were untied.

FACT: white males have been passed over, otherwise, AA never worked.

you do realize uni's and colleges have a set admittance, they don't accept more people because of AA, they do NOT accept in order to make AA work
CC: why do you think AA is necessary now? in your own words. it has already worked, let us end it and have all citizens be on equal ground.

No one said that. Read the article. I'm not your babysitter. I even quoted why

odd...asking for YOUR opinion is too much for you, asking for YOUR words is too much for you.

my bad, i thought you could debate the issue

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