Affirmative Action

Affirmative Action Has Helped White Women More Than Anyone

Their successes make the case not for abandoning affirmative action but for continuing it

Read more: Sally Kohn: Affirmative Action Helps White Women More Than Others |

While people of color, individually and as groups, have been helped by affirmative action in the subsequent years, data and studies suggest women — white women in particular — have benefited disproportionately. According to one study, in 1995, 6 million women, the majority of whom were white, had jobs they wouldn’t have otherwise held but for affirmative action.

Another study shows that women made greater gains in employment at companies that do business with the federal government, which are therefore subject to federal affirmative-action requirements, than in other companies — with female employment rising 15.2% at federal contractors but only 2.2% elsewhere. And the women working for federal-contractor companies also held higher positions and were paid better.

Read more: Sally Kohn: Affirmative Action Helps White Women More Than Others |
What this proves is a number of things:

1. AA doesn't discriminate against whites
2. AA isn't for blacks only
3. AA doesn't "destroy" the black community because the white women community Is just fine
4. You can finally stop pretending Affirmative Action is for blacks only. The 2nd group that benefits the most: Asian

In an effort to enlarge the class of those who suffered from perceived discrimination, white women were conveniently added to the list.
Case and point, many cities and states have in their laws regarding awarding of state and municipal contracts, set asides for minority and WOMEN owned businesses.
Additionally, black people have a disproportionally low participation rate. However, when applicable, blacks are shall we say, pushed to the front of the line.
Non one ever implied that AA was 'for blacks only"..BUT do not imply that blacks do not take full advantage of AA when ever possible.
Nice try though.
Troll thread. Case closed.

You name one person that ever opposed AA and ever mentioned white women. No one says it's black only but when we talk about AA blacks are the only group mentioned.

See? No, you're going to disagree just to be disagreeable
According to the United States Labor Department, the primary beneficiaries of affirmative action are white women. The Department of Labor estimated that 6 million women workers are in higher occupational classifications today than they would have been without affirmative action policies.

It hurts your position of it being racist. :lol::lol::lol:

I've also said it is sexist, and considering that blacks do benefit from it at the expense of whites, it is racist as well.
People who deal in absolutes make poor debaters, you are case in point.

the University of Texas made exceptions and admitted some students with lower grades and test scores than Fisher. Five of those students were black or Latino. Forty-two were white.

Yeah it helps blacks out 5 out of 42 times. How unfair.

As president of the Anti-Slavery Society, Benjamin Franklin wrote the most elegant proposal for affirmative action that I’ve ever read. It was one-half of a page (the best ideas are often not complicated). He understood that ending slavery was not enough … it was the obligation of our society to provide for and nurture people restored to freedom. We have not followed his advice and pay the price to this day.

Ultimately, affirmative-action programs are necessary to provide access for people who were prevented access by reasons of racism. They are a benefit to our entire society because increasing wealth for underrepresented groups increases wealth for all. Here’s a quick fact: Black households have one-tenth the wealth of white households in this country. If our society caught black households up it would be the equivalent of injecting the entire GDP of Japan into our economy. Who would benefit the most from this? White people. A rising tide lifts all boats, and there are more “white boats” in the bay.

Ask the White Guy: Affirmative Action Benefits Whites Too ... More Than You Think - DiversityInc

The others were due to economic reasons, and were only added as a salve to prevent the program from being ruled unconsitutional on its face. It still places a benefit that is not related to the merits of then person applying for the position.

And if you are going with the "rising tide lifts all boats" argument, then you are really stretching it. Basically "we fucked you over, but trust us, it will help you too!!"
He should feel like he doesn't know he was "passed up for someone else" and using that is a excuse for failure, maybe? Is that even possible? Yeah

I didn't say women aren't effected? Nice deflect tho

Good for Asian...Shame on blacks

Got it...its always different for blacks but but has NOTHING to do with racism. Just those blacks :lol:

Nice double talk to avoid admitting something there, slick.

So you can tell me that there is not a single person out there that was denied admission to a school because someone else using thier race as a qualifier got in due to an increased criteria score?

Because if thats the case, then yes, AA does not discriminate. If that is not the case, then it does discriminate, and a white male is the most likely victim of said discrimination.

Avoid admitting what? Some guy "FEELS" that he was passed over by some black person and what you're gonna hold his hand until the feelings go away. The only way that can be true is if that person KNEW. In that case he has a point. If he cant, its like believing the kid who loses a foot race because he claims his shoes were untied.

And if you are using the logic that because AA is not perfect than it should be shelved then you can also list all the other unperfect things you want to do away with that don't involve blacks.

It is garbage such as this that you libs use to further divide this country.
Have you no shame?
Avoid admitting what? Some guy "FEELS" that he was passed over by some black person and what you're gonna hold his hand until the feelings go away. The only way that can be true is if that person KNEW. In that case he has a point. If he cant, its like believing the kid who loses a foot race because he claims his shoes were untied.

FACT: white males have been passed over, otherwise, AA never worked.

you do realize uni's and colleges have a set admittance, they don't accept more people because of AA, they do NOT accept in order to make AA work

And if AA didnt exist in the first EVERYONE else would still be passed up for white males. I know which you prefer, I prefer more opportunity for all people not just white GUYS

That's an assumption on your part. We recognize that.
You should acknowledge this important factor when presenting your argument.
FACT: white males have been passed over, otherwise, AA never worked.

you do realize uni's and colleges have a set admittance, they don't accept more people because of AA, they do NOT accept in order to make AA work

And if AA didnt exist in the first EVERYONE else would still be passed up for white males. I know which you prefer, I prefer more opportunity for all people not just white GUYS

That's an assumption on your part. We recognize that.
You should acknowledge this important factor when presenting your argument.

Without AA, blacks would have had to stay in school and not smoke crack and spawn tons of lookouts, to get to whitey's level.
I've also said it is sexist, and considering that blacks do benefit from it at the expense of whites, it is racist as well.
People who deal in absolutes make poor debaters, you are case in point.

the University of Texas made exceptions and admitted some students with lower grades and test scores than Fisher. Five of those students were black or Latino. Forty-two were white.

Yeah it helps blacks out 5 out of 42 times. How unfair.

As president of the Anti-Slavery Society, Benjamin Franklin wrote the most elegant proposal for affirmative action that I’ve ever read. It was one-half of a page (the best ideas are often not complicated). He understood that ending slavery was not enough … it was the obligation of our society to provide for and nurture people restored to freedom. We have not followed his advice and pay the price to this day.

Ultimately, affirmative-action programs are necessary to provide access for people who were prevented access by reasons of racism. They are a benefit to our entire society because increasing wealth for underrepresented groups increases wealth for all. Here’s a quick fact: Black households have one-tenth the wealth of white households in this country. If our society caught black households up it would be the equivalent of injecting the entire GDP of Japan into our economy. Who would benefit the most from this? White people. A rising tide lifts all boats, and there are more “white boats” in the bay.

Ask the White Guy: Affirmative Action Benefits Whites Too ... More Than You Think - DiversityInc

The others were due to economic reasons, and were only added as a salve to prevent the program from being ruled unconsitutional on its face. It still places a benefit that is not related to the merits of then person applying for the position.

And if you are going with the "rising tide lifts all boats" argument, then you are really stretching it. Basically "we fucked you over, but trust us, it will help you too!!"

White women fucked you over? Or you back to blaming the 5 brown people not the 42 white people picked. Its soo unfair, it helped 5 whole minorities when it could've really helped 47 all white people. :mad:
And if AA didnt exist in the first EVERYONE else would still be passed up for white males. I know which you prefer, I prefer more opportunity for all people not just white GUYS

That's an assumption on your part. We recognize that.
You should acknowledge this important factor when presenting your argument.

Without AA, blacks would have had to stay in school and not smoke crack and spawn tons of lookouts, to get to whitey's level.

Hey Spoon, Is this guy talking about white women or black people.

No racism here right? :lol:
That's an assumption on your part. We recognize that.
You should acknowledge this important factor when presenting your argument.

Without AA, blacks would have had to stay in school and not smoke crack and spawn tons of lookouts, to get to whitey's level.

Hey Spoon, Is this guy talking about white women or black people.

No racism here right? :lol:

You're asking the wrong person.
It appears you are one of these hypersensitive libs who searches under every piece of furniture looking for racism. If that's your occupation, go for it.
the University of Texas made exceptions and admitted some students with lower grades and test scores than Fisher. Five of those students were black or Latino. Forty-two were white.

Yeah it helps blacks out 5 out of 42 times. How unfair.

Ask the White Guy: Affirmative Action Benefits Whites Too ... More Than You Think - DiversityInc

The others were due to economic reasons, and were only added as a salve to prevent the program from being ruled unconsitutional on its face. It still places a benefit that is not related to the merits of then person applying for the position.

And if you are going with the "rising tide lifts all boats" argument, then you are really stretching it. Basically "we fucked you over, but trust us, it will help you too!!"

White women fucked you over? Or you back to blaming the 5 brown people not the 42 white people picked. Its soo unfair, it helped 5 whole minorities when it could've really helped 47 all white people. :mad:

No, the politicans and the system fuck people over. I have no issue with people using the system if it exists, it does not make the system right.

It still places race/sex/economic class over merit, and is thus wrong, and probably unconsittuional due to equal protection, but as a lib you only care about the constitution when it suits you.
Without AA, blacks would have had to stay in school and not smoke crack and spawn tons of lookouts, to get to whitey's level.

Hey Spoon, Is this guy talking about white women or black people.

No racism here right? :lol:

You're asking the wrong person.
It appears you are one of these hypersensitive libs who searches under every piece of furniture looking for racism. If that's your occupation, go for it.

So this whole thread people have been blaming blacks and by coming into my own thread I'm looking under rocks? Blame the black guy again...why not.

I'm asking you because you said no one claimed it was blacks only. I point out a post that ONLY blames blacks and suddenly you don't care about what you just said anymore. :doubt: suuuuuure
Without AA, blacks would have had to stay in school and not smoke crack and spawn tons of lookouts, to get to whitey's level.

Hey Spoon, Is this guy talking about white women or black people.

No racism here right? :lol:

You're asking the wrong person.
It appears you are one of these hypersensitive libs who searches under every piece of furniture looking for racism. If that's your occupation, go for it.

I'm just talking about blacks. I noticed however that you didn't dispute what I said. :clap2:

PS The truth can't be racist.
Hey Spoon, Is this guy talking about white women or black people.

No racism here right? :lol:

You're asking the wrong person.
It appears you are one of these hypersensitive libs who searches under every piece of furniture looking for racism. If that's your occupation, go for it.

I'm just talking about blacks. I noticed however that you didn't dispute what I said. :clap2:

PS The truth can't be racist.


New besties
Hey Spoon, Is this guy talking about white women or black people.

No racism here right? :lol:

You're asking the wrong person.
It appears you are one of these hypersensitive libs who searches under every piece of furniture looking for racism. If that's your occupation, go for it.

So this whole thread people have been blaming blacks and by coming into my own thread I'm looking under rocks? Blame the black guy again...why not.

I'm asking you because you said no one claimed it was blacks only. I point out a post that ONLY blames blacks and suddenly you don't care about what you just said anymore. :doubt: suuuuuure

By pointing out what certain black people do is not placing blame.
It is pointing out what certain black people do.
Hey Spoon, Is this guy talking about white women or black people.

No racism here right? :lol:

You're asking the wrong person.
It appears you are one of these hypersensitive libs who searches under every piece of furniture looking for racism. If that's your occupation, go for it.

So this whole thread people have been blaming blacks and by coming into my own thread I'm looking under rocks? Blame the black guy again...why not.

I'm asking you because you said no one claimed it was blacks only. I point out a post that ONLY blames blacks and suddenly you don't care about what you just said anymore. :doubt: suuuuuure

who started the thread?
You're asking the wrong person.
It appears you are one of these hypersensitive libs who searches under every piece of furniture looking for racism. If that's your occupation, go for it.

So this whole thread people have been blaming blacks and by coming into my own thread I'm looking under rocks? Blame the black guy again...why not.

I'm asking you because you said no one claimed it was blacks only. I point out a post that ONLY blames blacks and suddenly you don't care about what you just said anymore. :doubt: suuuuuure

By pointing out what certain black people do is not placing blame.
It is pointing out what certain black people do.

There you go, Werent you talking to me? Suddenly when you called on your bullshit it stops being about me and now its about "certain blacks".

Stop the bullshit. You blame blacks for AA when they get the left overs. Some guy says racist shit, quotes me...I respond and you blame. The black guy.

Someone shits on the floor...I tell you about it and you'll blame the black guy. Where are the posts ranting about how white women are taking ur jobs?

There aint none but there are plenty of ones about blacks tho.
So this whole thread people have been blaming blacks and by coming into my own thread I'm looking under rocks? Blame the black guy again...why not.

I'm asking you because you said no one claimed it was blacks only. I point out a post that ONLY blames blacks and suddenly you don't care about what you just said anymore. :doubt: suuuuuure

By pointing out what certain black people do is not placing blame.
It is pointing out what certain black people do.

There you go, Werent you talking to me? Suddenly when you called on your bullshit it stops being about me and now its about "certain blacks".

Stop the bullshit. You blame blacks for AA when they get the left overs. Some guy says racist shit, quotes me...I respond and you blame. The black guy.

Someone shits on the floor...I tell you about it and you'll blame the black guy. Where are the posts ranting about how white women are taking ur jobs?

There aint none but there are plenty of ones about blacks tho.

then you are in favor of ending AA, since it mainly helps those underachieving white women?
So this whole thread people have been blaming blacks and by coming into my own thread I'm looking under rocks? Blame the black guy again...why not.

I'm asking you because you said no one claimed it was blacks only. I point out a post that ONLY blames blacks and suddenly you don't care about what you just said anymore. :doubt: suuuuuure

By pointing out what certain black people do is not placing blame.
It is pointing out what certain black people do.

There you go, Werent you talking to me? Suddenly when you called on your bullshit it stops being about me and now its about "certain blacks".

Stop the bullshit. You blame blacks for AA when they get the left overs. Some guy says racist shit, quotes me...I respond and you blame. The black guy.

Someone shits on the floor...I tell you about it and you'll blame the black guy. Where are the posts ranting about how white women are taking ur jobs?

There aint none but there are plenty of ones about blacks tho.

No..You insisted this was a racial issue pertaining to blacks with your OP.
This is not about just black people.
AA was put into place to assist minorities in the practice of hiring and receiving contracts.
In the effort to increase the size of the protected class, all women were included.
Black people are not to blame for AA.
You are all over the place. You are not making any sense whatsoever.
You post this thread and then duck chuck dodge and dive.
I'm done with this shit. Unsubscribing.......NOW
Good because you didnt understand the OP which was stop blaming blacks for AA there are other groups that get it more. For some reason you only understood that I said blacks and went for it. lol. A lot of words and stuff, I know

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