Affirmative Action

Like I said, you're right as long as you dismiss every study, research etc etc etc

You quote studies, I refer to real people getting screwed over simply because of their sex and the color of thier skin. Studies are just that, studies, they are not hard facts, or real life occurences.

But keep running to the ivory tower data dumpers, it just weakens your position overall.

Personal anecdotes don't trump studies. I know you want it to be so but its not.

I told you earlier that you are right on everything as long as you dismiss reality. Now you are doing just that. Just like I said you would

That is one of the most idiotic statements I have ever heard. Its typical that you have to ignore the real damage AA does to people by ignoring real life events for studies and surveys, all things that seperate a person from the effects of what they support.
You quote studies, I refer to real people getting screwed over simply because of their sex and the color of thier skin. Studies are just that, studies, they are not hard facts, or real life occurences.

But keep running to the ivory tower data dumpers, it just weakens your position overall.

Personal anecdotes don't trump studies. I know you want it to be so but its not.

I told you earlier that you are right on everything as long as you dismiss reality. Now you are doing just that. Just like I said you would

That is one of the most idiotic statements I have ever heard. Its typical that you have to ignore the real damage AA does to people by ignoring real life events for studies and surveys, all things that seperate a person from the effects of what they support.

You're trying to do the feelings thing. Make up fanfiction horror stories of AA then pretend those made up tales trump reality. It doesn't. When you look at the studies they tell a different story than you "Once upon a time" bullshit.

So I guess the only way to be fair in your eyes is to believe whatever bullshit you type and ignore EVERYTHING else.

Yeah...That's the only way you can be correct. Ignore real shit
Personal anecdotes don't trump studies. I know you want it to be so but its not.

I told you earlier that you are right on everything as long as you dismiss reality. Now you are doing just that. Just like I said you would

That is one of the most idiotic statements I have ever heard. Its typical that you have to ignore the real damage AA does to people by ignoring real life events for studies and surveys, all things that seperate a person from the effects of what they support.

You're trying to do the feelings thing. Make up fanfiction horror stories of AA then pretend those made up tales trump reality. It doesn't. When you look at the studies they tell a different story than you "Once upon a time" bullshit.

So I guess the only way to be fair in your eyes is to believe whatever bullshit you type and ignore EVERYTHING else.

Yeah...That's the only way you can be correct. Ignore real shit

No, I am dealing with actual consequences of policy, YOU are ignoring real shit by quoting studies. In your world AA only helps those who have been "disadvantaged" by the system, with zero consequnces to anyone else. The truth is for every person AA helps, another real live person is hurt.

If you cant even admit that fact then you are a hack.
That is one of the most idiotic statements I have ever heard. Its typical that you have to ignore the real damage AA does to people by ignoring real life events for studies and surveys, all things that seperate a person from the effects of what they support.

You're trying to do the feelings thing. Make up fanfiction horror stories of AA then pretend those made up tales trump reality. It doesn't. When you look at the studies they tell a different story than you "Once upon a time" bullshit.

So I guess the only way to be fair in your eyes is to believe whatever bullshit you type and ignore EVERYTHING else.

Yeah...That's the only way you can be correct. Ignore real shit

No, I am dealing with actual consequences of policy, YOU are ignoring real shit by quoting studies. In your world AA only helps those who have been "disadvantaged" by the system, with zero consequnces to anyone else. The truth is for every person AA helps, another real live person is hurt.

If you cant even admit that fact then you are a hack.

Only the actual consequences that you make up not the real ones.

That's why you can take a study that says the opposite of what you do. Proclaim them as wrong for no explainable reason then conclude YOU and only YOU know better than everyone else.

If AA wasn't around minorities would still be hurt.


So its a choice I guess. Do I want MORE people of different backgrounds to have more opportunity or do I want MORE white guys to have more opportunity?

This is tough....Every other Race, Minority etc or White Guys? :lol:
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You're trying to do the feelings thing. Make up fanfiction horror stories of AA then pretend those made up tales trump reality. It doesn't. When you look at the studies they tell a different story than you "Once upon a time" bullshit.

So I guess the only way to be fair in your eyes is to believe whatever bullshit you type and ignore EVERYTHING else.

Yeah...That's the only way you can be correct. Ignore real shit

No, I am dealing with actual consequences of policy, YOU are ignoring real shit by quoting studies. In your world AA only helps those who have been "disadvantaged" by the system, with zero consequnces to anyone else. The truth is for every person AA helps, another real live person is hurt.

If you cant even admit that fact then you are a hack.

Only the actual consequences that you make up not the real ones.

That's why you can take a study that says the opposite of what you do. Proclaim them as wrong for no explainable reason then conclude YOU and only YOU know better than everyone else.

If AA wasn't around minorities would still be hurt.

So its a choice I guess. Do I want MORE people of different backgrounds to have more opportunity or do I want MORE white guys to have more opportunity?

This is tough....Every other Race, Minority etc or White Guys? :lol:

How about we judge everyone equally? GOD FOR FUCKING BID!!!

And you still wont admit AA hurts some people, i guess your 1984-esque doublethink mind wont allow that to happen.
How about we judge everyone equally?

Then AA wouldn't be needed.

Still can't admit it hurts people, cant ya?

If you dont admit it, I win the thread by default.

I already said do you expect me to side with white guys or everyone else who isn't a white guy?

I'll choose everyone else. If that hurts a white guy, sorry. That's the way life is...
How about we judge everyone equally?

Then AA wouldn't be needed.

Still can't admit it hurts people, cant ya?

If you dont admit it, I win the thread by default.

I already said do you expect me to side with white guys or everyone else who isn't a white guy?

I'll choose everyone else. If that hurts a white guy, sorry. That's the way life is...

and that makes you a racist, congratulations.

So hurting someone who never had anything to do with institutional racism (assuming college applications) is OK in your book as long as the person being hurt is white, and a male?

It also doesnt matter that said recipient of AA could be even more well off that said white male?

You are a fucking racist asshole, and should FOAD.
Still can't admit it hurts people, cant ya?

If you dont admit it, I win the thread by default.

I already said do you expect me to side with white guys or everyone else who isn't a white guy?

I'll choose everyone else. If that hurts a white guy, sorry. That's the way life is...

and that makes you a racist, congratulations.

So hurting someone who never had anything to do with institutional racism (assuming college applications) is OK in your book as long as the person being hurt is white, and a male?

It also doesnt matter that said recipient of AA could be even more well off that said white male?

You are a fucking racist asshole, and should FOAD.

That's not even close to what racist means.

No, if AA didn't exist then it would hurt more people than now. You are only interested in curing the hurt within ONE community, white guys. I'm concerned with the hurt of more than just one.

I guess that makes me a bad guy, helping the most people possible.

I knew all you wanted in the first place was to throw around cuss words and the racist label. You were about to burst.

Feel better now? Want a tissue because all your white women are using up the AA then stopped you from getting the job now she treats you like a bitch?

Oh, you weren't talking about the white women using AA. Wait, why aren't you Mr. Unracist? Why aren't you saying its sexist? Or maybe I'm PRO Asian because they are the 2nd highest group using AA.

Noooooo, I bet you are ONLY talking about blacks because white women and Asians getting picked over white guys is fine :lol::lol::lol:

Lets see you Moonwalk
I already said do you expect me to side with white guys or everyone else who isn't a white guy?

I'll choose everyone else. If that hurts a white guy, sorry. That's the way life is...

and that makes you a racist, congratulations.

So hurting someone who never had anything to do with institutional racism (assuming college applications) is OK in your book as long as the person being hurt is white, and a male?

It also doesnt matter that said recipient of AA could be even more well off that said white male?

You are a fucking racist asshole, and should FOAD.

That's not even close to what racist means.

No, if AA didn't exist then it would hurt more people than now. You are only interested in curing the hurt within ONE community, white guys. I'm concerned with the hurt of more than just one.

I guess that makes me a bad guy, helping the most people possible.

I knew all you wanted in the first place was to throw around cuss words and the racist label. You were about to burst.

Feel better now? Want a tissue because all your white women are using up the AA then stopped you from getting the job now she treats you like a bitch?

Oh, you weren't talking about the white women using AA. Wait, why aren't you Mr. Unracist? Why aren't you saying its sexist? Or maybe I'm PRO Asian because they are the 2nd highest group using AA.

Noooooo, I bet you are ONLY talking about blacks because white women and Asians getting picked over white guys is fine :lol::lol::lol:

Lets see you Moonwalk

What I want is race and sex to not be part of any decsion such as admittance to college, job applications, and other things. What you want is a system that rewards certain people and punishes others through no fault of thier own. You can be cavalier about it as much as you want, but it makes you the bigoted racist, not me. It also makes you sexist, not me.

You focus on the fact AA is being gamed by other groups when it was really meant to remove institutional racism against blacks, but you dont care, as long as "whitey gets the shaft." But you try to hide your asshatery in the blanket of being "fair"

Enjoy being a bigot.
and that makes you a racist, congratulations.

So hurting someone who never had anything to do with institutional racism (assuming college applications) is OK in your book as long as the person being hurt is white, and a male?

It also doesnt matter that said recipient of AA could be even more well off that said white male?

You are a fucking racist asshole, and should FOAD.

That's not even close to what racist means.

No, if AA didn't exist then it would hurt more people than now. You are only interested in curing the hurt within ONE community, white guys. I'm concerned with the hurt of more than just one.

I guess that makes me a bad guy, helping the most people possible.

I knew all you wanted in the first place was to throw around cuss words and the racist label. You were about to burst.

Feel better now? Want a tissue because all your white women are using up the AA then stopped you from getting the job now she treats you like a bitch?

Oh, you weren't talking about the white women using AA. Wait, why aren't you Mr. Unracist? Why aren't you saying its sexist? Or maybe I'm PRO Asian because they are the 2nd highest group using AA.

Noooooo, I bet you are ONLY talking about blacks because white women and Asians getting picked over white guys is fine :lol::lol::lol:

Lets see you Moonwalk

What I want is race and sex to not be part of any decsion such as admittance to college, job applications, and other things. What you want is a system that rewards certain people and punishes others through no fault of thier own. You can be cavalier about it as much as you want, but it makes you the bigoted racist, not me. It also makes you sexist, not me.

You focus on the fact AA is being gamed by other groups when it was really meant to remove institutional racism against blacks, but you dont care, as long as "whitey gets the shaft." But you try to hide your asshatery in the blanket of being "fair"

Enjoy being a bigot.

Whitey doesn't get the shaft they get the whole penis. White women are taking it more than any other group unless we're pretending white women don't count for whites. lol

What you want is some fantasy that has never happened. That's great, MLK had a dream so you can too. But its not and can never be real. I deal in reality
That's not even close to what racist means.

No, if AA didn't exist then it would hurt more people than now. You are only interested in curing the hurt within ONE community, white guys. I'm concerned with the hurt of more than just one.

I guess that makes me a bad guy, helping the most people possible.

I knew all you wanted in the first place was to throw around cuss words and the racist label. You were about to burst.

Feel better now? Want a tissue because all your white women are using up the AA then stopped you from getting the job now she treats you like a bitch?

Oh, you weren't talking about the white women using AA. Wait, why aren't you Mr. Unracist? Why aren't you saying its sexist? Or maybe I'm PRO Asian because they are the 2nd highest group using AA.

Noooooo, I bet you are ONLY talking about blacks because white women and Asians getting picked over white guys is fine :lol::lol::lol:

Lets see you Moonwalk

What I want is race and sex to not be part of any decsion such as admittance to college, job applications, and other things. What you want is a system that rewards certain people and punishes others through no fault of thier own. You can be cavalier about it as much as you want, but it makes you the bigoted racist, not me. It also makes you sexist, not me.

You focus on the fact AA is being gamed by other groups when it was really meant to remove institutional racism against blacks, but you dont care, as long as "whitey gets the shaft." But you try to hide your asshatery in the blanket of being "fair"

Enjoy being a bigot.

Whitey doesn't get the shaft they get the whole penis. White women are taking it more than any other group unless we're pretending white women don't count for whites. lol

What you want is some fantasy that has never happened. That's great, MLK had a dream so you can too. But its not and can never be real. I deal in reality

Your reality is punishing people via government policy who never benefitted from the previous polices. Your reality is not trying to create a fair society, it is to get back at those people you percive as causing the problem. The issue is none of them were alive to create the problem, so instead of working for a color and sex blind society you prefer to make those distinctions even more noticable. You also choose discrimination over true fairness.
What I want is race and sex to not be part of any decsion such as admittance to college, job applications, and other things. What you want is a system that rewards certain people and punishes others through no fault of thier own. You can be cavalier about it as much as you want, but it makes you the bigoted racist, not me. It also makes you sexist, not me.

You focus on the fact AA is being gamed by other groups when it was really meant to remove institutional racism against blacks, but you dont care, as long as "whitey gets the shaft." But you try to hide your asshatery in the blanket of being "fair"

Enjoy being a bigot.

Whitey doesn't get the shaft they get the whole penis. White women are taking it more than any other group unless we're pretending white women don't count for whites. lol

What you want is some fantasy that has never happened. That's great, MLK had a dream so you can too. But its not and can never be real. I deal in reality

Your reality is punishing people via government policy who never benefitted from the previous polices. Your reality is not trying to create a fair society, it is to get back at those people you percive as causing the problem. The issue is none of them were alive to create the problem, so instead of working for a color and sex blind society you prefer to make those distinctions even more noticable. You also choose discrimination over true fairness.

If that was true AA wouldn't be needed in the first place. The reality is is that its not fair. So of course your answer is to drop anything that could make it fair and replace it with hopes.

Fairness never existed, what is with you and this pretending that everything was all good until AA wrecked it? Either you're trolling or you're sniffing glue
Whitey doesn't get the shaft they get the whole penis. White women are taking it more than any other group unless we're pretending white women don't count for whites. lol

What you want is some fantasy that has never happened. That's great, MLK had a dream so you can too. But its not and can never be real. I deal in reality

Your reality is punishing people via government policy who never benefitted from the previous polices. Your reality is not trying to create a fair society, it is to get back at those people you percive as causing the problem. The issue is none of them were alive to create the problem, so instead of working for a color and sex blind society you prefer to make those distinctions even more noticable. You also choose discrimination over true fairness.

If that was true AA wouldn't be needed in the first place. The reality is is that its not fair. So of course your answer is to drop anything that could make it fair and replace it with hopes.

Fairness never existed, what is with you and this pretending that everything was all good until AA wrecked it? Either you're trolling or you're sniffing glue

My solution is to get the government out of trying to enforce fairness. It was needed in the 60's-80's. it is not needed now. Right now the government has policies that are racist, but are racist against the "proper" people.

Enjoy your support of state mandated bigotry.
your reality is punishing people via government policy who never benefitted from the previous polices. Your reality is not trying to create a fair society, it is to get back at those people you percive as causing the problem. The issue is none of them were alive to create the problem, so instead of working for a color and sex blind society you prefer to make those distinctions even more noticable. You also choose discrimination over true fairness.

if that was true aa wouldn't be needed in the first place. The reality is is that its not fair. So of course your answer is to drop anything that could make it fair and replace it with hopes.

Fairness never existed, what is with you and this pretending that everything was all good until aa wrecked it? Either you're trolling or you're sniffing glue

my solution is to get the government out of trying to enforce fairness. It was needed in the 60's-80's. It is not needed now. Right now the government has policies that are racist, but are racist against the "proper" people.

Enjoy your support of state mandated bigotry.

why the fuck do you keep saying racist?!?! White women are eating up aa more than anyone. How is that racist?
if that was true aa wouldn't be needed in the first place. The reality is is that its not fair. So of course your answer is to drop anything that could make it fair and replace it with hopes.

Fairness never existed, what is with you and this pretending that everything was all good until aa wrecked it? Either you're trolling or you're sniffing glue

my solution is to get the government out of trying to enforce fairness. It was needed in the 60's-80's. It is not needed now. Right now the government has policies that are racist, but are racist against the "proper" people.

Enjoy your support of state mandated bigotry.

why the fuck do you keep saying racist?!?! White women are eating up aa more than anyone. How is that racist?

fine, Ill add sexist to the list. Feel better?
Affirmative Action was created because blacks can't compete otherwise, mainly because they're just too dumb as a whole.
if that was true aa wouldn't be needed in the first place. The reality is is that its not fair. So of course your answer is to drop anything that could make it fair and replace it with hopes.

Fairness never existed, what is with you and this pretending that everything was all good until aa wrecked it? Either you're trolling or you're sniffing glue

my solution is to get the government out of trying to enforce fairness. It was needed in the 60's-80's. It is not needed now. Right now the government has policies that are racist, but are racist against the "proper" people.

Enjoy your support of state mandated bigotry.

why the fuck do you keep saying racist?!?! White women are eating up aa more than anyone. How is that racist?

white women are oppressing you :eusa_boohoo:
If AA allowed a percentage of blacks to achieve jobs, why didn't it do the same for whites? In major college or pro basketball, shouldn't there be no more than 14% black? If the blacks got other jobs even though they were less qualified, shouldn't the same be true for whites in basketball?

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