Affordable Care Act: A Child's Garden Of Lies And Distortions


Handsome Devil
Feb 10, 2010
Affordable Care Act: A Child's Garden Of Lies And Distortions

Frum was correct. The Obama administration was more than willing to deal. The more liberal imaginings of universal health care -- in the form of single-payer, or a National Health-style system -- were dealt off the table from jump. The White House wanted all parties to add on, have input, play a part in shaping the policy. So much so that the president eventually embraced a concept with a Heritage Foundation pedigree. If anything, it should have been the Democrats spitting hot fire on the proceedings.

But the Republicans weren't willing to do much in the way of deal-making and negotiating. What they were willing to do, was develop any number of wonderful, ornate lies about a health care reform plan that was cooked up in their own laboratories and celebrated as a Republican accomplishment only a short time ago, during the 2008 primary season. At least, in this effort, they truly excelled. But as Frum noted, in this column that preceded his own banishment for apostasy, it was a missed opportunity to craft a policy with that stamp of "bipartisanship," that everyone says is important.

The lies still continue, mainly that this is socialism, it doesn't matter that the plan helps more people rather than jurts people.
Oh this is a kind of socialistic response, without doubt.

Given that it forces people to buy a product from a for-profit insurance corporation I'd suggest that the kind of socialistic law this is leans toward the FASCIST form of socialism.

A much better socialistic approach would have eliminated the insurance companies from the mix entirely, and simply paid the for-profit health care providers for the services they provide.
The name Affordable Care Act is misleading.

Forcing people to buy health insurance will do nothing to make health care more affordable. In fact if everyone has to buy insurance then insurance companies have no need to compete and because they won't have to compete prices of insurance will most likely rise.

In Assachussetts health insurance costs have risen 30% faster than the rest of the country so what makes any of you idiots think that the same thing won't happen with the misnamed Affordable Care Act?
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The name Affordable Care Act is misleading.

Forcing people to buy health insurance will do nothing to make health care more affordable. In fact if everyone has to buy insurance then insurance companies have no need to compete and because they won't have to compete prices of insurance will most likely rise.

In Assachussetts health insurance costs have risen 30% faster than the rest of the country so what makes any of you idiots think that the same thing won't happen with the misnamed Affordable Car Act?

Aside from if the act is right or wrong,

The requirement that everyone needs to buy it doesn't eliminate the need for insurance companies to compete. That makes zero sense. People still have to choose which insurance company on the open market, price will be a deciding factor.
The name Affordable Care Act is misleading.

Forcing people to buy health insurance will do nothing to make health care more affordable. In fact if everyone has to buy insurance then insurance companies have no need to compete and because they won't have to compete prices of insurance will most likely rise.

In Assachussetts health insurance costs have risen 30% faster than the rest of the country so what makes any of you idiots think that the same thing won't happen with the misnamed Affordable Car Act?

Aside from if the act is right or wrong,

The requirement that everyone needs to buy it doesn't eliminate the need for insurance companies to compete. That makes zero sense. People still have to choose which insurance company on the open market, price will be a deciding factor.

No it won't.

I used to live in Assachusetts when they didn't allow out of state auto insurance companies to compete in the market. You could call 10 different companies and their rates were all virtually identical.
Let us know when countries with socialist medical systems come running to our model for efficiency.

But why would they do that when their model is half as expensive as ours.

Why do conservatives feel the need to protect the insurance companies and their profits over their own best interests, or more importantly, the best interests of Americans who would LIKE the option of a single payer system? Does our working together for all our best interests FRIGHTEN AND CONFUSE YOU?
The name Affordable Care Act is misleading.

Forcing people to buy health insurance will do nothing to make health care more affordable. In fact if everyone has to buy insurance then insurance companies have no need to compete and because they won't have to compete prices of insurance will most likely rise.

In Assachussetts health insurance costs have risen 30% faster than the rest of the country so what makes any of you idiots think that the same thing won't happen with the misnamed Affordable Car Act?

Aside from if the act is right or wrong,

The requirement that everyone needs to buy it doesn't eliminate the need for insurance companies to compete. That makes zero sense. People still have to choose which insurance company on the open market, price will be a deciding factor.

No it won't.

I used to live in Assachusetts when they didn't allow out of state auto insurance companies to compete in the market. You could call 10 different companies and their rates were all virtually identical.

Couldn't be that they were all using the same MATH and actuarial tables , could it?
Nah. Too logical. Conspiracy.

Boy, if that's the case, perhaps you could post some pictures of other countries around the world, documenting their horrible wait times and conditions?

I'll wait while you don't.
How many countries are RUSHING toward our system?

What does that tell you? That you're right and everyone else that is paying HALF AS MUCH as you and getting BETTER CARE is wrong?

Yeah. That makes sense.
Aside from if the act is right or wrong,

The requirement that everyone needs to buy it doesn't eliminate the need for insurance companies to compete. That makes zero sense. People still have to choose which insurance company on the open market, price will be a deciding factor.

No it won't.

I used to live in Assachusetts when they didn't allow out of state auto insurance companies to compete in the market. You could call 10 different companies and their rates were all virtually identical.

Couldn't be that they were all using the same MATH and actuarial tables , could it?
Nah. Too logical. Conspiracy.

Then why the day that out of state companies entered the market did my premiums drop by 30%? I was still the same age and had the same driving record as I did before out of state companies were allowed to compete.
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Affordable Care Act: A Child's Garden Of Lies And Distortions

Frum was correct. The Obama administration was more than willing to deal. The more liberal imaginings of universal health care -- in the form of single-payer, or a National Health-style system -- were dealt off the table from jump. The White House wanted all parties to add on, have input, play a part in shaping the policy. So much so that the president eventually embraced a concept with a Heritage Foundation pedigree. If anything, it should have been the Democrats spitting hot fire on the proceedings.

But the Republicans weren't willing to do much in the way of deal-making and negotiating. What they were willing to do, was develop any number of wonderful, ornate lies about a health care reform plan that was cooked up in their own laboratories and celebrated as a Republican accomplishment only a short time ago, during the 2008 primary season. At least, in this effort, they truly excelled. But as Frum noted, in this column that preceded his own banishment for apostasy, it was a missed opportunity to craft a policy with that stamp of "bipartisanship," that everyone says is important.

The lies still continue, mainly that this is socialism, it doesn't matter that the plan helps more people rather than jurts people.

The only negotiations were the Cornhusker Kickback, the Louisiana Purchase, and the abortion fake-out.
Republicans were never in on negotiations.
"If you like your doctor, you can keep him."
"If you like your health insurance, you can keep it."
Which liar uttered those words.

Boy, if that's the case, perhaps you could post some pictures of other countries around the world, documenting their horrible wait times and conditions?

I'll wait while you don't.
How many countries are RUSHING toward our system?

What does that tell you? That you're right and everyone else that is paying HALF AS MUCH as you and getting BETTER CARE is wrong?

Yeah. That makes sense.

BBC NEWS | Health | NHS waiting time 'underestimated'

Now why don't you STFU?
Affordable Care Act: A Child's Garden Of Lies And Distortions

Frum was correct. The Obama administration was more than willing to deal. The more liberal imaginings of universal health care -- in the form of single-payer, or a National Health-style system -- were dealt off the table from jump. The White House wanted all parties to add on, have input, play a part in shaping the policy. So much so that the president eventually embraced a concept with a Heritage Foundation pedigree. If anything, it should have been the Democrats spitting hot fire on the proceedings.

But the Republicans weren't willing to do much in the way of deal-making and negotiating. What they were willing to do, was develop any number of wonderful, ornate lies about a health care reform plan that was cooked up in their own laboratories and celebrated as a Republican accomplishment only a short time ago, during the 2008 primary season. At least, in this effort, they truly excelled. But as Frum noted, in this column that preceded his own banishment for apostasy, it was a missed opportunity to craft a policy with that stamp of "bipartisanship," that everyone says is important.

The lies still continue, mainly that this is socialism, it doesn't matter that the plan helps more people rather than jurts people.

The only negotiations were the Cornhusker Kickback, the Louisiana Purchase, and the abortion fake-out.
Republicans were never in on negotiations.
"If you like your doctor, you can keep him."
"If you like your health insurance, you can keep it."
Which liar uttered those words.

Mr Askhenazi is at again, wy do you feel the need to lie?
The only people who will make out in this clusterfuck of a bill are those that didn't have insurance to begin with.

The folks getting insurance will pay higher premiums to cover the cost of those without. If you buy your own insurance you will be paying up the ass for it.

This bill never addressed the real problem with HC, The cost.

Anyone who thinks this clusterfuck of a bill will make anything cheaper is a fool and has blinders on.
The only people who will make out in this clusterfuck of a bill are those that didn't have insurance to begin with.

The folks getting insurance will pay higher premiums to cover the cost of those without. If you buy your own insurance you will be paying up the ass for it.

This bill never addressed the real problem with HC, The cost.

Anyone who thinks this clusterfuck of a bill will make anything cheaper is a fool and has blinders on.

You dumb facktard, the system is broke and Americans have the highest costs for health care, yet you're ok with that. HC costs are projected to go down, get facking educated about the specifics of the bill. Facking imbecile
Hell, when I was living in Japan back in the mid-90's most dentists weren't even wearing gloves! And the operatories were shitholes.

Ditto with the hospitals.
You dumb facktard, the system is broke and Americans have the highest costs for health care, yet you're ok with that. HC costs are projected to go down, get facking educated about the specifics of the bill. Facking imbecile

When a Republican is elected in November and your food stamps are cut off - boy, are you gonna whine, assbreath.
The only people who will make out in this clusterfuck of a bill are those that didn't have insurance to begin with.

The folks getting insurance will pay higher premiums to cover the cost of those without. If you buy your own insurance you will be paying up the ass for it.

This bill never addressed the real problem with HC, The cost.

Anyone who thinks this clusterfuck of a bill will make anything cheaper is a fool and has blinders on.

You dumb facktard, the system is broke and Americans have the highest costs for health care, yet you're ok with that. HC costs are projected to go down, get facking educated about the specifics of the bill. Facking imbecile

as usual, you are the dumb fucktard...

Medicare Actuary: Obamacare Will Triple the Growth Rate of Net Insurance Costs - Forbes
Medicare Actuary: Obamacare Will Triple the Growth Rate of Net Insurance Costs
Well, the Office of the Actuary in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services recently put out its annual projections of national health care spending. And, contrary to the President, the actuaries find that Obamacare will dramatically increase the near-term growth rate of health care costs. In 2014, the actuaries find that growth in the net cost of health insurance will increase by nearly 14 percent, compared to 3.5% if PPACA had never passed. The growth rate of private insurance costs will rise to 9.4 percent, from 5.0 percent under prior law: an 88% increase.
What I think about Obama's Healthcare Plan and the blind, ignorant fools (mostly welfare cases already) who follow him blindly....

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The only people who will make out in this clusterfuck of a bill are those that didn't have insurance to begin with.

The folks getting insurance will pay higher premiums to cover the cost of those without. If you buy your own insurance you will be paying up the ass for it.

This bill never addressed the real problem with HC, The cost.

Anyone who thinks this clusterfuck of a bill will make anything cheaper is a fool and has blinders on.

You dumb facktard, the system is broke and Americans have the highest costs for health care, yet you're ok with that. HC costs are projected to go down, get facking educated about the specifics of the bill. Facking imbecile

And Americans also have the highest income.
They also have an average of more cars than anyonbe else.
And more TV's.
And more iPads
And more cell phones.

Cant have all of the wants without your needs being more expensive.

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