Afghan villagers though Bergdahl was covert operator

Swiftboating indeed...a term invented by and for the RW. :D

You would laugh, scum.

"“Swift-boating,” as you may recall, is when critics tell the truth about someone’s military service when the truth is unhelpful to Democrats."

It?s come to this: White House aides now accusing Bergdahl?s squad of ?swift-boating? him « Hot Air

Welcome to Swiftvets.eRiposte.Com!

What is even more remarkable is that SBV's hate-filled mendacity is nothing other than a direct attack on the integrity of the American Armed Forces - something that Republicans like them claim to hold dear
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OK, my take. He thought he would be Jason Borne and go on a great adventure to which he could write about later. I am thinking he didn't think it would last 5 years. His release was probably predicated by the Taliban more then Obama, the Taliban setting the conditions and Obama agreeing.

Which, if I understand the law, which I am not pretending I do, he can't profit through a book if he committed a crime. So if he were AWOL then I am thinking he can't write a book.

I am not so quick to call him scum or anything like that. I think his head was f...ked up by his father. He obviously is pretty smart in learning languages.

The down side is that Obama gave his father his 15 minutes in the Rose Garden. And the Father spoke words from the Koran all the while Obama stood by beaming. Obama is nothing but a political animal devoid of any sense of right or wrong, in my opinion.
If he was in a bad place mentally or physically wht not go to his superior.
One of the guys talking to Hannity today was the company "Doc"...he stated Bergdahl never spoke about his family, and seemed distant, albeit he never went to the 'Doc' with any issues.

I am also of the understanding that he was rejected by the French Foreign he joined the Army...

Bowe Bergdahl is released after being the only U.S. soldier held by Taliban | Mail Online

Even Bergdahl’s devoted parents admit he made for a highly unconventional soldier. They home-schooled the boy, instilling in him their Christian values. He was outdoorsy, able to shoot a .22 rifle and ride a horse by the age of five. Later, he travelled around Europe and applied to join the French Foreign Legion but was turned down, reportedly because recruiters doubted his mental stability. Instead, he joined the U.S. Army, but from the start he kept apart from other soldiers, whom he saw as ill-disciplined and hopeless.

ooo hannity...thats legit source there.
Doesn't it seem a little curious as to why he was described as "walking in a haze" and it was only a half mile from the installation. Now, I don't know the terrain that he had to traverse, but say it was grueling, why would he turn down "bread and water"?

When have you ever heard of a Taliban lunatic who wasn't in a haze?

He turned down bread and water because among the Taliban, once you accept food/water (or give it) from a person, they are your family and you are obliged to protect them.

He was planning on turning over information to the Taliban...and do you know what they do to people who provide succor to Americans? If he went to them after being helped by the villagers they plan to kill, he would have been killed along with them as one of them.

He is an American soldier, if he was a HOSTAGE of the Taliban, how can he be Taliban?

I haven't heard of that custom; I'm not sure what you are saying is accurate. I have heard of the custom that if the villagers give you food and water, they are obligated to protect you (see Marcus Luttrell's book Lone Survivor).

Your last paragraph is conjecture, I think that there is a lot more to the story that we are hearing. Maybe he has some good intel for us.That said; if in fact he did desert, he should be subject of Court Martial for it, if in fact he did feed information to the Taliban he should be tried for Treason.
tip for you buddy, with Allie and Thomas603 ( name should ring a bell) conjuncture is mostly all they have.

Remove the speculation and the facts whittle down to very few.
Either kosher is pushing a lie by The Washington Post (no surprise) or Bergdahl apparently was nutso.

SO YOU are calling a left-wing rag a LIE? Really?

Starkey? YOU speak out of both sides of your friggin' mouth...:eusa_hand:

No wonder the leftists here applaud your lying ass.:eusa_hand:

YOU are no different than Obama...LIAR.

The TIMES are typically the left leaning, while the POSTs are right leaning....if you believe the meme
Swiftboating indeed...a term invented by and for the RW. :D

You would laugh, scum.

"“Swift-boating,” as you may recall, is when critics tell the truth about someone’s military service when the truth is unhelpful to Democrats."

It?s come to this: White House aides now accusing Bergdahl?s squad of ?swift-boating? him « Hot Air

Welcome to Swiftvets.eRiposte.Com!

What is even more remarkable is that SBV's hate-filled mendacity is nothing other than a direct attack on the integrity of the American Armed Forces - something that Republicans like them claim to hold dear

Hey Stupid? The SWIFTVETS were Viet Nam VETERANS that called John F'ing Kerry out on his bullshit.

When life gives YOU sour grapes? *MY* advice to you is make WHINE.

Sean Hannity...a trusted sources of factual information, LOL

Sean Hannity or Dan Rather? Who is more trusted? Who reported MS Word documents as 1972 official documents? It was Dan Rather and his obsessive hatred cost him his pillar in journalism and was put out to pasture by CBS.
Whatever this guy was....he didn't fall far from the nut tree. Did you watch his dad speak in arabic with Obama standing there like an idiot? WTF??
Maybe Obama was smiling because he know it would make the right wing go bat shit crazy. I know that's something I would do.
Whatever this guy was....he didn't fall far from the nut tree. Did you watch his dad speak in arabic with Obama standing there like an idiot? WTF??
YES, and I watched Obama's face...he was BEAMING with pride.

Only now? He and his band of lawbreakers cannot figure out why this crap is backfiring on them.

But then Obama is a malignant narcissist/Petulant child masquerading as the leader of the FREE WORLD because IDIOTS put him there.
This shit happened because Obama Administration needed a wag the dog scenario for the VA scandal. Problem is, they didn't count on it backfiring like it did. Which proves Obama is an idiot and his administration are morons.
Do any of you think that the US has any possibility of winning a war against terrorism? Regardless of Bergdahl or the five prisoners released, do any of you think that the US can actually defeat the jihad through military means?
This shit happened because Obama Administration needed a wag the dog scenario for the VA scandal. Problem is, they didn't count on it backfiring like it did. Which proves Obama is an idiot and his administration are morons.
That's true. He's done nothing but raised more questions of his judgement,compitence... LACK of responsibility, and lawlessness. And YES he broke the LAW with this swap. There's NO denying it.
Sean Hannity...a trusted sources of factual information, LOL

Sean Hannity or Dan Rather? Who is more trusted? Who reported MS Word documents as 1972 official documents? It was Dan Rather and his obsessive hatred cost him his pillar in journalism and was put out to pasture by CBS.

I believe if you poll the American people, as a whole, Rather.
Regardless of who the US President is, do any of you still think that the US has any possibility of winning the war on terror? After 13 years without any hint as to what victory actually is, the US is no closer to winning than when the war began. So now after both a Democrat and a Republican in charge and no advances in the war, do any of you still think that the US can win a war against an idea?
Regardless of who the US President is, do any of you still think that the US has any possibility of winning the war on terror? After 13 years without any hint as to what victory actually is, the US is no closer to winning than when the war began. So now after both a Democrat and a Republican in charge and no advances in the war, do any of you still think that the US can win a war against an idea?

We can't even win the war on drugs, and that's in our own country.
Sean Hannity...a trusted sources of factual information, LOL

Sean Hannity or Dan Rather? Who is more trusted? Who reported MS Word documents as 1972 official documents? It was Dan Rather and his obsessive hatred cost him his pillar in journalism and was put out to pasture by CBS.
And deserved. Dan Blather was a mouthpiece for the left.
Sean Hannity...a trusted sources of factual information, LOL

Sean Hannity or Dan Rather? Who is more trusted? Who reported MS Word documents as 1972 official documents? It was Dan Rather and his obsessive hatred cost him his pillar in journalism and was put out to pasture by CBS.
And deserved. Dan Blather was a mouthpiece for the left.
and Hannity is a bastion of moderation, :badgrin:

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