Afghan villagers though Bergdahl was covert operator

Do any of you think that the US has any possibility of winning a war against terrorism? Regardless of Bergdahl or the five prisoners released, do any of you think that the US can actually defeat the jihad through military means?
As long as people like Obama gladhand them? NO...and that includes YOU supporting Obama.:eusa_hand:

If he was in a bad place mentally or physically wht not go to his superior.
Those with mental problems often do not recognize the fact, by definition. Walking in a "haze" & refusing bread and water add to the evidence he CRACKED, was a NUTCASE, how ever one chooses to term it. May have believed he could end the fighting by "talking to them".
If he was in a bad place mentally or physically wht not go to his superior.
Those with mental problems often do not recognize the fact, by definition. Walking in a "haze" & refusing bread and water add to the evidence he CRACKED, was a NUTCASE, how ever one chooses to term it. May have believed he could end the fighting by "talking to them".

That is highly unlikely.
If he was in a bad place mentally or physically wht not go to his superior.
Those with mental problems often do not recognize the fact, by definition. Walking in a "haze" & refusing bread and water add to the evidence he CRACKED, was a NUTCASE, how ever one chooses to term it. May have believed he could end the fighting by "talking to them".

Yeah, that's it.


The guys who who served with him don't say he was crazy. They say he's a fucking traitor.

I believe them. Peddle your crap somewhere else. Scum sympathize with traitors.
Whatever this guy was....he didn't fall far from the nut tree. Did you watch his dad speak in arabic with Obama standing there like an idiot? WTF??
What's wrong with his Dad saying something in 'Arabic', wasn't it a verse from the Koran? Do you have something against public prayer? What if the father just said "Thank God" and read a verse from the Bible, would you be offended?
Whatever this guy was....he didn't fall far from the nut tree. Did you watch his dad speak in arabic with Obama standing there like an idiot? WTF??
What's wrong with his Dad saying something in 'Arabic', wasn't it a verse from the Koran? Do you have something against public prayer? What if the father just said "Thank God" and read a verse from the Bible, would you be offended?

His father is a most interesting case. He was chosen to be on the US Olympic cycling team to compete in Moscow when Carter pulled the rug out from under Olympians and cancelled the US participation in the games.

It devastated him according to what I have read and he became very disillusioned with the American government.

I'm not saying it means anything, but it's just another oddity in what is turning out to be a very bizarre situation.

I mean he's promising to keep campaigning to get all the prisoners released from GITMO and more.

A new Cindy Sheehan appears on the horizon methinks.
Except unless his traitor son kills himself, this one doesn't have the advantage of being able to use a DEAD child to further the anti-American cause.
Whatever this guy was....he didn't fall far from the nut tree. Did you watch his dad speak in arabic with Obama standing there like an idiot? WTF??
What's wrong with his Dad saying something in 'Arabic', wasn't it a verse from the Koran? Do you have something against public prayer? What if the father just said "Thank God" and read a verse from the Bible, would you be offended?

I think it was tacky. I also think his dad is a nutbar. And I believe Bergdahls mates that he was a nutbar as well. And on top of that, I think he deserted his post to join the taliban and Dad knew it. Maybe it was planned in advance. Maybe he was released because he learned all he needed to learn and now is just another one let loose to cause havoc on this end, now that the 5 released can go home and cause havoc on that end. Whatever the case may be, it all stinks and anyone that doesn't see the red flags waving is fucking blind that Obama is so fucking stupid, he walked right in to it..just as they knew he would. He's an idiot.
This shit happened because Obama Administration needed a wag the dog scenario for the VA scandal. Problem is, they didn't count on it backfiring like it did. Which proves Obama is an idiot and his administration are morons.

It had been in the plans since 2012
Maybe Obama was smiling because he know it would make the right wing go bat shit crazy. I know that's something I would do.

Break the law then watch people get upset, yeah I guess that is what Barry is doing.

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