Afghanistan: The 7/11 problem


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
Interesting article.
Afghanistan: The 7/11 problem
By Charles Krauthammer
Friday, June 25, 2010

The administration is hoping that Petraeus can replicate his Iraq miracle. This includes Democrats who, when Petraeus testified to Congress about the Iraq surge in September 2007, accused him of requiring "the willing suspension of disbelief" (Sen. Hillary Clinton) or refused to vote for the Senate resolution condemning that shameful "General Betray Us" newspaper ad (Sen. Barack Obama).
The surge succeeded in Iraq because the locals witnessed a massive deployment of U.S. troops to provide them security, which encouraged them to give us intelligence, which helped us track down the bad guys and kill them. This, as might be expected, led to further feelings of security by the locals, more intelligence provided us, more success in driving out the bad guys, and henceforth a virtuous cycle as security and trust and local intelligence fed each other.

But that depended on a larger understanding by the Iraqis that the American president was implacable -- famously stubborn, refusing to set any exit date, and determined to see the surge through. What President Bush's critics considered mulishness, the Iraqis saw as steadfastness.
Interesting article.
Afghanistan: The 7/11 problem
By Charles Krauthammer
Friday, June 25, 2010

The administration is hoping that Petraeus can replicate his Iraq miracle. This includes Democrats who, when Petraeus testified to Congress about the Iraq surge in September 2007, accused him of requiring "the willing suspension of disbelief" (Sen. Hillary Clinton) or refused to vote for the Senate resolution condemning that shameful "General Betray Us" newspaper ad (Sen. Barack Obama).
The surge succeeded in Iraq because the locals witnessed a massive deployment of U.S. troops to provide them security, which encouraged them to give us intelligence, which helped us track down the bad guys and kill them. This, as might be expected, led to further feelings of security by the locals, more intelligence provided us, more success in driving out the bad guys, and henceforth a virtuous cycle as security and trust and local intelligence fed each other.

But that depended on a larger understanding by the Iraqis that the American president was implacable -- famously stubborn, refusing to set any exit date, and determined to see the surge through. What President Bush's critics considered mulishness, the Iraqis saw as steadfastness.

This "win" in Iraq as you call it, has led to how many additional murders of our US military forces in Iraq?
Interesting article.
Afghanistan: The 7/11 problem
By Charles Krauthammer
Friday, June 25, 2010

The administration is hoping that Petraeus can replicate his Iraq miracle. This includes Democrats who, when Petraeus testified to Congress about the Iraq surge in September 2007, accused him of requiring "the willing suspension of disbelief" (Sen. Hillary Clinton) or refused to vote for the Senate resolution condemning that shameful "General Betray Us" newspaper ad (Sen. Barack Obama).
The surge succeeded in Iraq because the locals witnessed a massive deployment of U.S. troops to provide them security, which encouraged them to give us intelligence, which helped us track down the bad guys and kill them. This, as might be expected, led to further feelings of security by the locals, more intelligence provided us, more success in driving out the bad guys, and henceforth a virtuous cycle as security and trust and local intelligence fed each other.

But that depended on a larger understanding by the Iraqis that the American president was implacable -- famously stubborn, refusing to set any exit date, and determined to see the surge through. What President Bush's critics considered mulishness, the Iraqis saw as steadfastness.

This "win" in Iraq as you call it, has led to how many additional murders of our US military forces in Iraq?

Where did I call anything a "win"? My comment was simply.. "Interesting article" I do find it quite interesting that General Petraeus suddenly goes from liar to hero in the eyes of so many Democrats. I'm also curious as to how the Afghan strategy was supposed to accomplish anything with a timetable in place.
As to McChrystal, I think that he was removed as a salve to Obama's thin skin instead of being removed for his rules that allowed our soldiers to die calling for air support.

“We are pinned down,” a Marine major explained to his Afghan counterpart as they waited helplessly, according to a report from McClatchy Newspapers. “We are running low on ammo. We have no air. We’ve lost today.” In the end, four Marines, eight Afghan troops and an Afghan interpreter were dead, and 22 others wounded.

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The timetable in Afg isn't going to make the locals trust or help us no matter how much they would like to. After all. We will be pulling out starting July of 2011 and they will still be there with the Taliban and whatever other dirtbags occupy Afg.

Of course anyone who helped our troops will be killed.

I'd really wanna help the US if I were and Afghan civilian. NOT.
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I hope that Gen. Petraeus set strict policy guidelines to Obama in order to be willing to take this job. Obama has made it clear that he doesn't have a damn clue as to how to prosecute what he called the "right war".
Persian people can smell a limpwrister a mile away. They respect only strength and laugh at those who they perceive as weak. Culture has been that way for thousands of years. Anybody who has had a Persian person for a me by chance.........knows that you play the hand of a fairy, you'll be eaten for lunch.

Say what you want about Bush..........peoople in that part of the world most definately didnt view him as a fcukking limpwrister. That part of the world KNOWS who they are dealing with these days!!!

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