African-American Candidates Polling at 1 Percent in Iowa

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Well, they are polling higher than the NYC Mayor! Guess All those DemonRAT ZWhite folk in Iowa are fucking RACISTS!!!

One day, black Democrats will wake up and say, "We've been had." For a half century, African Americans have been giving Democrats a huge majority of their votes in national elections--91 percent for Hillary in 2016, 90 percent in the 2018 Congressional contests--and in return Democratic kingmakers have not seen fit to take a single presidential candidate of African American heritage seriously.

Yes, there was Barack Obama. He looked the part, and sometimes he even tried to sound it, but as Obama's part-black Hawaiian friend Keith Kakugawa said of pal Barry, “He wasn’t African American, at least not with the connotation that term has taken on: a meaning that includes a heritage of slavery.” Added Kakugawa, “The only Black influence he had in his life was television."

From the beginning, Democratic power brokers knew the rootless internationalist was in a class apart. They never confused Obama with homegrown activists like Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson. In 2007, then Senator Joe Biden made this point altogether clear, “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American presidential candidate who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”

Dems are racists. Especially the black ones.

Do you know they still think OJ was framed?

Complete disaster.
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Dems are racists. Especially the black ones.

Do you know they still think OJ framed?

Complete disaster.

Actually, I posted a thread on this yesterday and as it turns out.....

White Liberals are THE most Anti-White scumbags of anybody in this Country.

Which Ethnic Group Is The Most Radical Left??

It got very few hits but I'm sure that f it does, our resident dimocrap scum will bombard the Mods with complaints until it gets moved.

It couldn't possibly be that Kamala and Cory are TERRIBLE CANDIDATES....

Both were "in" on the Jussie Smollett HATE HOAX.... a good clue as to the "integrity" of the candidate....
The fallacy I see in the OP's attached article is that it compares Cory Booker's and Julian Castro's numbers here at the start of the race to the final Iowa Caucus numbers of the 2016 Republican's Hispanic candidates. Primarily though, I'm also not hip to setting fault for failure to anybody but the candidate themselves.
Julian Castro is so meaningless he can't even get on Univision....

How much has he raised?

What are his credentials?

The guy is, like, hey, I'm latino, so vote for me, or you are racist/anti-latino....
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Well, they are polling higher than the NYC Mayor! Guess All those DemonRAT ZWhite folk in Iowa are fucking RACISTS!!!

Ummmmmmmmmmyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeah. That's what it must mean.

What a fucking dumbass. How do you even put your socks on? Does the nurse do it?

One day, black Democrats will wake up and say, "We've been had." For a half century, African Americans have been giving Democrats a huge majority of their votes in national elections--91 percent for Hillary in 2016, 90 percent in the 2018 Congressional contests--and in return Democratic kingmakers have not seen fit to take a single presidential candidate of African American heritage seriously.

Ummmmmmmm yyyyyeah. Once again, the black vote has gone Democratic since the 1930s. That's closer to a century than half of one. You see, one day black Republicans woke up and said "we've been abandoned". And it was long before you or I were born.

>> Negro voters are preparing to break "their historical allegiance" to the Republican Party and vote against candidates supported by the Ku Klux Klan, no matter by what party they have been nominated, President Coolidge was told in a letter sent to him by James Weldon Johnson, Secretary of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. << --- NY Times, September 1924
The Ku Klux Klan endorsed Coolidge that year, because he was the only major POTUS candidate who would not denounce them.

Are you just allergic to history books, or what?

SMGDH What the fuck is wrong with you?
For all the whining about ists and isms....

Many Dem insiders will quietly admit that Hillary lost in 2016 in part because Black Dem voters simply did not "motivate" and get out to vote for a white....
Well, they are polling higher than the NYC Mayor! Guess All those DemonRAT ZWhite folk in Iowa are fucking RACISTS!!!

One day, black Democrats will wake up and say, "We've been had." For a half century, African Americans have been giving Democrats a huge majority of their votes in national elections--91 percent for Hillary in 2016, 90 percent in the 2018 Congressional contests--and in return Democratic kingmakers have not seen fit to take a single presidential candidate of African American heritage seriously.

Yes, there was Barack Obama. He looked the part, and sometimes he even tried to sound it, but as Obama's part-black Hawaiian friend Keith Kakugawa said of pal Barry, “He wasn’t African American, at least not with the connotation that term has taken on: a meaning that includes a heritage of slavery.” Added Kakugawa, “The only Black influence he had in his life was television."

From the beginning, Democratic power brokers knew the rootless internationalist was in a class apart. They never confused Obama with homegrown activists like Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson. In 2007, then Senator Joe Biden made this point altogether clear, “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American presidential candidate who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”

This is some pretty funny stuff, I must admit. :71:
No doubt.

When Smollett first Hate Hoaxed, Booker and Harris were co-sponsoring an "anti-lynching" bill.

Both responded with the EXACT WORDS, "talking points," that Smollett was a "modern day lynching" and hence their bill needed to pass because of Smollett...

Of course, we know who was really behind all of that, right down to rigging his home town to make fellow cocksucker Smollett above the law....


Hey you about getting off your lazy asses and fight for reparations...BUT use your fucking brain for a change and go after the DemonRATS instead of everyone else! Who were the people that enslaved you and NOT Republicans who were the ones who CHAMPIONED your cause all those decades ago! Unfortunately Pog doesn't have 2 synapses that work in unison to see the logic and fact of these statements!!
Ummmmmmmm yyyyyeah. Once again, the black vote has gone Democratic since the 1930s. That's closer to a century than half of one. You see, one day black Republicans woke up and said "we've been abandoned". And it was long before you or I were born.

>> Negro voters are preparing to break "their historical allegiance" to the Republican Party and vote against candidates supported by the Ku Klux Klan, no matter by what party they have been nominated, President Coolidge was told in a letter sent to him by James Weldon Johnson, Secretary of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. << --- NY Times, September 1924
The Ku Klux Klan endorsed Coolidge that year, because he was the only major POTUS candidate who would not denounce them.

Are you just allergic to history books, or what?

SMGDH What the fuck is wrong with you?

THE biggest reason the Black vote went dim in the 30's 40's 50's and 60's is that the dimocrap scum-controlled South didn't even have a place for Republicans to vote.

I shit you not. During Republican Primaries, there was only one, maybe two, places in the entire State that had a polling booth open. I know. I was fucking there in the mid-60s while in the Army. Trust me, it was totally dimocrap scum-run. Totally. Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina..... The entire South.

And they were watched closely by the DEMOCRAT KKK.

A Black Republican shows up there and he could expect to be tarred and feathered. At best.

(And oh, why did they change to Republican? Because the South hates communists more than they used to hate Blacks. Now they tolerate Blacks but still HATE communists. As should every living thing)

As to the rest? Unmitigated bullshit.

The 1924 dimocrap scum National Convention was known as the "KLANBAKE"

1924 Democratic National Convention - Wikipedia

Of course, the scum at Google is currently trying to scrub this information from history and re-write. But it just happens to be accurate.

dimocraps lie. Dogs bark, babies cry, dimocrap scum LIE --

Remembering Calvin Coolidge's Record on Civil Rights

Libertarians often point out that Progressive-era President Woodrow Wilson (in office 1913-1921), together with his other bad qualities, was thoroughly awful on the subject of civil rights for black Americans: he re-segregated the federal civil service, demoted and snubbed black federal officials and dignitaries, and wrote favorably about the Ku Klux Klan, even helping bring in D.W. Griffith’s Klan-fest “The Birth of a Nation” as the first motion picture to be screened in the White House. Soon a revived version of the Klan had picked up enormous momentum, peaking by the early 1920s at a membership of millions, hostile not just to blacks but to Catholics, Jews, urban intellectuals, and cosmopolitan influences in general.

Then the spell broke. In the second half of the 1920s the Klan’s ranks collapsed, and by 1930 it was but a shadow of its former self, down from millions to perhaps tens of thousands. What happened?

Many things happened, but one of them was the presidency of Calvin Coolidge, who served from 1923 to 1929. The Coolidge Presidential Foundation recently published a piece by University of Baltimore president Kurt Schmoke, formerly mayor of Baltimore, entitled “The Little Known History of Coolidge and Civil Rights.” As Schmoke makes clear, the Vermont-born president’s record was a shining spot in an era that otherwise reflected little credit on American race relations.
Oboy! Low hanging fruit, mah favrit! Lemme get my bib on.

Ummmmmmmm yyyyyeah. Once again, the black vote has gone Democratic since the 1930s. That's closer to a century than half of one. You see, one day black Republicans woke up and said "we've been abandoned". And it was long before you or I were born.

>> Negro voters are preparing to break "their historical allegiance" to the Republican Party and vote against candidates supported by the Ku Klux Klan, no matter by what party they have been nominated, President Coolidge was told in a letter sent to him by James Weldon Johnson, Secretary of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. << --- NY Times, September 1924
The Ku Klux Klan endorsed Coolidge that year, because he was the only major POTUS candidate who would not denounce them.

Are you just allergic to history books, or what?

SMGDH What the fuck is wrong with you?

THE biggest reason the Black vote went dim in the 30's 40's 50's and 60's is that the dimocrap scum-controlled South didn't even have a place for Republicans to vote.

I didn't say the black vote "went dim". I said they'd been voting Democrat since the 1930s. Which is historically factual.

Oh and this just in ---- "Republicans" don't vote in a different place than "Democrats" or "Independents". They all go to the same place. Fun fact.

Can't believe you tried to get away with that. Yum. Bounteous fruit.

I shit you not. During Republican Primaries, there was only one, maybe two, places in the entire State that had a polling booth open. I know. I was fucking there in the mid-60s while in the Army. Trust me, it was totally dimocrap scum-run. Totally. Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina..... The entire South.

Again, we weren't referring to "the South". We were speaking of the black vote, irrespective of regions, and how the poster I quoted (the OP) tried to paint it as "half a century", which would be 1969. And that's bullshit.

And they were watched closely by the DEMOCRAT KKK.

The KKK who endorsed Coolidge? The KKK who worked to get Republicans elected into Governor's chairs and Senate seats in Maine, Kansas, Colorado, Indiana and regional offices in Ohio and New Jersey and Oregon? The KKK who worked to get Jack Walton removed from the Governorship in Oklahoma when he tried to drive them out? That KKK?

Yeah I don't think so.

The Klan has never had a political affiliation. It would support or oppose a Democrat or a Republican (or in the case of a mayor election in Detroit, a no-party) depending on what it thought would serve their interests. And in the 1924 election, that was Calvin Coolidge.

A Black Republican shows up there and he could expect to be tarred and feathered. At best.

(And oh, why did they change to Republican?

Now you're admitting I'm right. Could have done that at the outset without stepping in all this..
And once again ---- number one you don't need to register with a political party to VOTE FOR that party, and number two, regardless what your party affiliation is or isn't, you all vote in the SAME PLACE. There isn't a separate line for "Republicans".

Because the South hates communists more than they used to hate Blacks. Now they tolerate Blacks but still HATE communists. As should every living thing)

:lmao: NOTHING here is about freaking "communists". Desperate to shift the subject now?

As to the rest? Unmitigated bullshit.

Indeed, that's what you're about to continue with. Do go on. I can be a real glutton when presented with all-you-can-eat low-hanging fruit. Burp.

The 1924 dimocrap scum National Convention was known as the "KLANBAKE"


That's an internet myth, born in 2000, 76 years after the event. No such term was used in the twentieth century. The Klan was having a picnic in New Jersey, down the coast from the New York area (Long Branch), unrelated to the convention., which ran its course before the convention adjourned in New York. "Klanbake" was used one time in jest by a contemporary writer referring to the Klan influence at the convention, just as "Konvokation in Kleveland" was used for the Republican convention that year for the same purpose. In both conventions the Klan operatives were trying to undermine any attempt by each political party's platform to denounce the Klan by name. In both cases the Klan succeeded in preventing that from happening.

In the Democratic convention (which your fellow traveller mythologist partisan hacks on this site would have us believe took place on wet trolley tracks in Wisconsin a month after the election), two of the POTUS candidates, Al Smith and Oscar Underwood, were leading the charge to denounce the Klan; both were denied getting enough votes for nomination by Southern blocs owing to the party's two-thirds requirement for nomination which let those Southern blocs put a stranglehold on the process (and which procedure was eliminated in 1936 by FDR, thereby undermining that Southern bloc's inordinate power). This led to the longest convention in history, over 100 ballots, which finally settled on John Davis of West Virginia ---- who immediately then denounced the Klan by name.

Coolidge wouldn't do that, which is why the Klan endorsed him. Four years later the KKK endorsed Hoover, running an active national smear campaign against the Democratic candidate Al Smith, because he was Catholic. Which is kind of an odd thing to do for a "Democrat" organization, don't you think. You see Sparkles, the Klan was against Catholics, Jews, immigrants, labor unions and blacks, all of which were Democratic Party constituents. You don't tend to run smear campaigns against your own constituents here in the real world.

I mean mythologies are fun and all, but when you fling 'em like so much skeet, they gonna get shot down.

1924 Democratic National Convention - Wikipedia

Of course, the scum at Google is currently trying to scrub this information from history and re-write. But it just happens to be accurate.

Ah, so history books are "wrong" --- it can't be that you're full of shit in the first place. Must be "them".

dimocraps lie. Dogs bark, babies cry, dimocrap scum LIE --

Remembering Calvin Coolidge's Record on Civil Rights

Libertarians often point out that Progressive-era President Woodrow Wilson (in office 1913-1921), together with his other bad qualities, was thoroughly awful on the subject of civil rights for black Americans: he re-segregated the federal civil service, demoted and snubbed black federal officials and dignitaries, and wrote favorably about the Ku Klux Klan, even helping bring in D.W. Griffith’s Klan-fest “The Birth of a Nation” as the first motion picture to be screened in the White House. Soon a revived version of the Klan had picked up enormous momentum, peaking by the early 1920s at a membership of millions, hostile not just to blacks but to Catholics, Jews, urban intellectuals, and cosmopolitan influences in general.

Wilson was a racist asshole from the South. Grew up in Georgia. But he didn't solicit the film, nor did he make the comments attributed to him, which is another after-the-fact mythology.

You can't run on mythologies. They gonna get shot down. But I already covered this.

The Klan expanded in the 1920s --- not because of Wilson who was gone by then and not because of Harding or Coolidge, but because it hired a PR firm to advertise itself. That was the whole point of Simmons' re-creating this Klan --- to put money into his own pocket by making the Klan depicted in Birth of a Nation into a real thing that people could join, for a fee of course.

Oh and for those keeping score at home, or even if you're alone --- Simmons had no known political affiliation. In fact he described it as quote, ""the most powerful, secret, non-political organization in existence" (Wade, The Fiery Cross p. 151)

Then the spell broke. In the second half of the 1920s the Klan’s ranks collapsed, and by 1930 it was but a shadow of its former self, down from millions to perhaps tens of thousands. What happened?

What happened was in 1925 D.C. Stephenson, who had controlled the entire Republican state government of Indiana right up to the Governor, got arrested for murder, rape and cannabalism of a schoolteacher. When the Governor wouldn't pardon him he exposed his backroom deals and brought them all down. And when that story came out the hypocrisy of the Klan went viral.

Here ya go, more on that:.

What also happened was the Governor of Georgia Ellis Arnall got their charter to exist rescinded, while FDR's IRS slapped the Klan with a 2/3 of a million dollar tax bill. So the Klan officially folded April 23, 1944 and everything since then has been wannabes playing dress-up. You know, like you do with this mythology. That's what David Duke did --- just appointed himself Grand Whizzo -- he didn't need approval from a national organization because there isn't one.

What also happened was that a writer (and Governor candidate) named Stetson Kennedy infiltrated the Klan and wrote a tell-all book about what went on inside there. Kennedy also wrote a series for the wildly popular national radio show "Superman" (before TV days) called "the Clan of the Fiery Cross" which denounced and ridiculed the Klan and seriously tarnished its image further.

(click the image for more)​

Fun fact: Arnall and Kennedy were Democrats too.

Many things happened, but one of them was the presidency of Calvin Coolidge, who served from 1923 to 1929. The Coolidge Presidential Foundation recently published a piece by University of Baltimore president Kurt Schmoke, formerly mayor of Baltimore, entitled “The Little Known History of Coolidge and Civil Rights.” As Schmoke makes clear, the Vermont-born president’s record was a shining spot in an era that otherwise reflected little credit on American race relations.

Ah, time to change the subject again. Are you actually trying to tell the board that Calvin Coolidge set up Madge Oberholtzer to be raped and bitten to death on a train??

Once AGAIN for the slow readers, the statement was that the Klan endorsed Coolidge because he was the only major POTUS candidate who would not denounce them by name. And that's factual, and there's nothing you can do about it. Although it is interesting that I put up a bunch of links and the only one you put up you immediately started whining about how it doesn't support your mythology. YOUR OWN LINK.
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So, as always happens. Some wingnut tries to say Democrats are racist and then either their friends jump in or they themselves get racist to try to prove their point.

"Halfricans"? "Get off their lazy asses".

Fun fact, Republicans have very few politicians of color compared to Democrats. I mean, its not even close.
Fun fact, Republicans have very few politicians of color compared to Democrats. I mean, its not even close.


Substance, character, patriotism do not

Face it, you hated Colin Powell, and you cheered when Black Dem Canvas Boards in FLA deliberately tossed Black Republican ballots in 2000.

You HATE "people of color" who disagree with you. YOU are the source of the "intolerance..."
Fun fact, Republicans have very few politicians of color compared to Democrats. I mean, its not even close.


Substance, character, patriotism do not

That's the thing, there are no quotas, it's people of all colors voting for people of all colors and there is at least less of a hindrance if one is not white. Democrats don't placate blacks, Democrats are black...and white and Hispanic, Asian as well as have multiple religious faiths. Republicans...very little difference from one of you all to the next with few exceptions.

Face it, you hated Colin Powell, and you cheered when Black Dem Canvas Boards in FLA deliberately tossed Black Republican ballots in 2000.

Nope, I was disappointed with Colin Powell's push for the Iraq war however early on he was the one that almost had me thinking we should invade. I support the right that all citizens votes should be counted regardless of political affiliation.

You HATE "people of color" who disagree with you. YOU are the source of the "intolerance..."

No, I'm not you.

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