African-American GIs of WWII: Fighting for democracy abroad and at home

/——/ You forgot this part. DemocRATs filibustered the CRA and VRA led by Al Gore Sr. Republicans broke the stalemate to get them passed.

…...and who led the charge in that filibuster? Strom Thurmond, that great Republican Senator from SC.
On this day in 1964, Everett Dirksen (R-IL), the Republican Leader in the U.S. Senate, condemned the Democrats’ 57-day filibuster against the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Leading the Democrats in their opposition to civil rights for African-Americans was Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV). Byrd, who got into politics as a recruiter for the Ku Klux Klan, spoke against the bill for fourteen straight hours. Democrats still call Robert Byrd “the conscience of the Senate.”

In his speech, Senator Dirksen called on the Democrats to end their filibuster and accept racial equality.
Amazing how Byrd transformed from ex klansman to a respected defender of civil rights
When he died, he was honored by the NAACP
/——/ A racist democRAT never changes his stripes.
Byrd was respected by the NAACP when he died

Republicans are still not respected
/——/ Byrd said and did what he had to stay in office. If Trump or Reagan had done the same you libtards would be screeching non stop,
Kap also wore police/pig socks and Che Guevara shirts. He is an American Hating POS. I am glad he is out of the league for years now, and also IRRELEVANT. He can keep his Radical, Muslim anti American girlfriend too, who filled his head with all this misguided, idiotic hate.

He isn't that irrelevant, folks like you are still talking about him.

You are absolutely correct. We need to keep him relevant in order to not make that MISTAKE again.

However, politically, socially, and otherwise he is irrelevant, and OBAMA guaranteed we will not have another Black President for decades.

That is what the racist are hoping for.
…...and who led the charge in that filibuster? Strom Thurmond, that great Republican Senator from SC.
On this day in 1964, Everett Dirksen (R-IL), the Republican Leader in the U.S. Senate, condemned the Democrats’ 57-day filibuster against the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Leading the Democrats in their opposition to civil rights for African-Americans was Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV). Byrd, who got into politics as a recruiter for the Ku Klux Klan, spoke against the bill for fourteen straight hours. Democrats still call Robert Byrd “the conscience of the Senate.”

In his speech, Senator Dirksen called on the Democrats to end their filibuster and accept racial equality.
Amazing how Byrd transformed from ex klansman to a respected defender of civil rights
When he died, he was honored by the NAACP
/——/ A racist democRAT never changes his stripes.
Byrd was respected by the NAACP when he died

Republicans are still not respected
/——/ Byrd said and did what he had to stay in office. If Trump or Reagan had done the same you libtards would be screeching non stop,
Byrd had a long législative history supporting equal rights

Trump does not
Kap also wore police/pig socks and Che Guevara shirts. He is an American Hating POS. I am glad he is out of the league for years now, and also IRRELEVANT. He can keep his Radical, Muslim anti American girlfriend too, who filled his head with all this misguided, idiotic hate.

He isn't that irrelevant, folks like you are still talking about him.

You are absolutely correct. We need to keep him relevant in order to not make that MISTAKE again.

However, politically, socially, and otherwise he is irrelevant, and OBAMA guaranteed we will not have another Black President for decades.

That is what the racist are hoping for.

Only a RACIST would assume it was because of his race and skin color that people didn't like him. It was really because of his terrible policies, politics, and anti American rhetoric like "You didn't build that!".

Thank you for confirming how big of a racist you really are.
You stupid fuck, he shat on all the black American soldiers' sacrifices you were talking about in the OP.

The only stupid fucks are ass clown fools like you who are in denial.

If you can't see that, you're a fucking retard. We sang The National Anthem in church on Sunday, how ya like that, hmm?

Explain it to me shit for brains, racist paraded around carrying the American flag when they were terrorizing, brutalizing and lynching folks never heard any of you racist cocksuckers whine about they were disrespecting the flag doing that.

Are you proud to be an American, or are you a piece of shit, which is it?

I am a disabled veteran I am pretty damn sure that speaks for itself, assholes like you are only proud to be an American when white folks have the upper hand on everyone else.

If you don't like the National Anthem and the Constitution and America, what the fuck were you doing in the military? Were you drafted?

Who in the fuck said I don't like the National Anthem or the Constitution? You pulled that stupid shit out of your ass. No I volunteered as many black men have before and after me.

You said you were supporting Kap, no? He kneeled because he doesn't like the National Anthem. Did you not know that? Something some leftist prof misinterpreted and filled his head with about the 4th verse that nobody ever sings. But he went full retard and lost his job.
When did Kap ever say he hated the national anthem?

He protested black lives matter

Right here, stupid. You asked a question that had already been answered.

Is the National Anthem Racist?
On this day in 1964, Everett Dirksen (R-IL), the Republican Leader in the U.S. Senate, condemned the Democrats’ 57-day filibuster against the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Leading the Democrats in their opposition to civil rights for African-Americans was Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV). Byrd, who got into politics as a recruiter for the Ku Klux Klan, spoke against the bill for fourteen straight hours. Democrats still call Robert Byrd “the conscience of the Senate.”

In his speech, Senator Dirksen called on the Democrats to end their filibuster and accept racial equality.
Amazing how Byrd transformed from ex klansman to a respected defender of civil rights
When he died, he was honored by the NAACP
/——/ A racist democRAT never changes his stripes.
Byrd was respected by the NAACP when he died

Republicans are still not respected
/——/ Byrd said and did what he had to stay in office. If Trump or Reagan had done the same you libtards would be screeching non stop,
Byrd had a long législative history supporting equal rights

Trump does not

Trump's still a better president and a worse Klan leader, 'sup? You prefer the klan leader? I'd rather kill klan bastards, straight up. I don't like 'um, you?
Kap also wore police/pig socks and Che Guevara shirts. He is an American Hating POS. I am glad he is out of the league for years now, and also IRRELEVANT. He can keep his Radical, Muslim anti American girlfriend too, who filled his head with all this misguided, idiotic hate.

He isn't that irrelevant, folks like you are still talking about him.

You are absolutely correct. We need to keep him relevant in order to not make that MISTAKE again.

However, politically, socially, and otherwise he is irrelevant, and OBAMA guaranteed we will not have another Black President for decades.

That is what the racist are hoping for.

Only a RACIST would assume it was because of his race and skin color that people didn't like him. It was really because of his terrible policies, politics, and anti American rhetoric like "You didn't build that!".

Thank you for confirming how big of a racist you really are.

The only racists are idiots like you, just the dumbass statement you made that America wouldn't see another black president because of Pres. Obama. How many sorry ass white presidents have we had, didn't stop you from voting for another white man. Pres. Obama inherited a economy that was trash, unemployment rate that was trash. Now today Trump is patting himself on the back for work he didn't do, it was work by the black president that racist ass clowns like you don't want to give credit to. So explain why another black man won't be elected again.
Kap also wore police/pig socks and Che Guevara shirts. He is an American Hating POS. I am glad he is out of the league for years now, and also IRRELEVANT. He can keep his Radical, Muslim anti American girlfriend too, who filled his head with all this misguided, idiotic hate.

He isn't that irrelevant, folks like you are still talking about him.

You are absolutely correct. We need to keep him relevant in order to not make that MISTAKE again.

However, politically, socially, and otherwise he is irrelevant, and OBAMA guaranteed we will not have another Black President for decades.

That is what the racist are hoping for.

Only a RACIST would assume it was because of his race and skin color that people didn't like him. It was really because of his terrible policies, politics, and anti American rhetoric like "You didn't build that!".

Thank you for confirming how big of a racist you really are.

The only racists are idiots like you, just the dumbass statement you made that America wouldn't see another black president because of Pres. Obama. How many sorry ass white presidents have we had, didn't stop you from voting for another white man. Pres. Obama inherited a economy that was trash, unemployment rate that was trash. Now today Trump is patting himself on the back for work he didn't do, it was work by the black president that racist ass clowns like you don't want to give credit to. So explain why another black man won't be elected again.

Obama poisoned the well. I would rather had a real black American president. I was liking Herman Cain, but they kneecapped him early on because they knew people liked him. Obama was a half-white, Muslim/Communist piece of shit that should probably hang for the treason he committed. You know like, trading 5 terrorist leaders in exchange for a traitor? That right there is treason, son.

I'd vote for Medea over Obama, you bet your ass Tyler Perry would make a better president. I know real American when I see it, and Obama is not it. I bet he don't even know what grits are n shit.
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Rightly so. Shitting on our country isnt a smart business move.

How did he shit on his country?

You stupid fuck, he shat on all the black American soldiers' sacrifices you were talking about in the OP.

The only stupid fucks are ass clown fools like you who are in denial.

If you can't see that, you're a fucking retard. We sang The National Anthem in church on Sunday, how ya like that, hmm?

Explain it to me shit for brains, racist paraded around carrying the American flag when they were terrorizing, brutalizing and lynching folks never heard any of you racist cocksuckers whine about they were disrespecting the flag doing that.

Are you proud to be an American, or are you a piece of shit, which is it?

I am a disabled veteran I am pretty damn sure that speaks for itself, assholes like you are only proud to be an American when white folks have the upper hand on everyone else.

I'm proud to be an American because I am one, so are naturalized citizens that jumped through all the hoops. What's your lame excuse, bitch?
I'm American by birth and Southern by the grace of God.
I am the cracker.
When they talk about "the crackers", that's me.
My white friends call me cracker, and my black friends call me cracker. Know why? I'm a cracker.

Cracker proud too, boy. I can skin a gator, snake, deer, rabbit, hog, clean fish, IDGAF.

We gonn' shoot summin and have some dinner 'round heanh. I'll make it happen.

What do you want a fucking trophy, Kap is a proud American as well and he was using a right that is afforded ALL Americans. The right to PROTEST and if racist like you don't like it, TOUGH FUCKING SHIT.
We used our right to protest too, which cost his his job. America haters lost while the patriots won.
Until the 21st century, the contributions of African-American soldiers in World War II barely registered in America’s collective memory of that war.

The “tan soldiers,” as the black press affectionately called them, were also for the most part left out of the triumphant narrative of America’s “Greatest Generation.” In order to tell their story of helping defeat Nazi Germany in my 2010 book, “Breath of Freedom,” I had to conduct research in more than 40 different archives in the U.S. and Germany.

African-American GIs of WWII: Fighting for democracy abroad and at home

At a time when we are celebrating the 75th Anniversary of D Day, we can not forgot that many of America's black soldiers who served in that event and WWII as a whole are being left out of those celebrations.

Think of how they must have felt when they were fighting for someone else's liberation and freedom while they were being denied those precious gifts at home.
And even today, with the likes of Charlottesvilles KKK, other white supremacists, and some of these alt-right radicals, given the power, those people would line them up and kill them all without giving it a second thought. They are hated and feared that much.
Kap also wore police/pig socks and Che Guevara shirts. He is an American Hating POS. I am glad he is out of the league for years now, and also IRRELEVANT. He can keep his Radical, Muslim anti American girlfriend too, who filled his head with all this misguided, idiotic hate.

He isn't that irrelevant, folks like you are still talking about him.

You are absolutely correct. We need to keep him relevant in order to not make that MISTAKE again.

However, politically, socially, and otherwise he is irrelevant, and OBAMA guaranteed we will not have another Black President for decades.

That is what the racist are hoping for.

Only a RACIST would assume it was because of his race and skin color that people didn't like him. It was really because of his terrible policies, politics, and anti American rhetoric like "You didn't build that!".

Thank you for confirming how big of a racist you really are.

The only racists are idiots like you, just the dumbass statement you made that America wouldn't see another black president because of Pres. Obama. How many sorry ass white presidents have we had, didn't stop you from voting for another white man. Pres. Obama inherited a economy that was trash, unemployment rate that was trash. Now today Trump is patting himself on the back for work he didn't do, it was work by the black president that racist ass clowns like you don't want to give credit to. So explain why another black man won't be elected again.

R U serious? I give Obama full credit for "Cash 4 Clunkers" that took all the affordable used cars off the road and sold them to China to be possibly be hurled back at us in the form of high-velocity shells, you stupid fuck! Obama never did 1 day of work in his life, if you hadn't alluded he had, I wouldn't have known you were a super-retard. Now I do.

Obama has never done 1 day of work in his life, ever. He is a piece of shit, bitch.

Ask him! Retard, write that POS and ask him, and I'm gonna laugh.
Dozens of times a month on these forums republicans are trying to convince that democrats are the racists. Wonder what their excuse is for blacks voting democratic in huge numbers and only a fairly small percentage of blacks voting republican?
He isn't that irrelevant, folks like you are still talking about him.

You are absolutely correct. We need to keep him relevant in order to not make that MISTAKE again.

However, politically, socially, and otherwise he is irrelevant, and OBAMA guaranteed we will not have another Black President for decades.

That is what the racist are hoping for.

Only a RACIST would assume it was because of his race and skin color that people didn't like him. It was really because of his terrible policies, politics, and anti American rhetoric like "You didn't build that!".

Thank you for confirming how big of a racist you really are.

The only racists are idiots like you, just the dumbass statement you made that America wouldn't see another black president because of Pres. Obama. How many sorry ass white presidents have we had, didn't stop you from voting for another white man. Pres. Obama inherited a economy that was trash, unemployment rate that was trash. Now today Trump is patting himself on the back for work he didn't do, it was work by the black president that racist ass clowns like you don't want to give credit to. So explain why another black man won't be elected again.

R U serious? I give Obama full credit for "Cash 4 Clunkers" that took all the affordable used cars off the road and sold them to China to be possibly be hurled back at us in the form of high-velocity shells, you stupid fuck! Obama never did 1 day of work in his life, if you hadn't alluded he had, I wouldn't have known you were a super-retard. Now I do.

Obama has never done 1 day of work in his life, ever. He is a piece of shit, bitch.

Ask him! Retard, write that POS and ask him, and I'm gonna laugh.

Obama worked as a law professor. That takes some brain power also, no? My problem with Obama was that he was a little too far to the right. I don't know where people come up this stuff he was a wide eyed radical or the second coming of Eugene Debbs.
Think of how they must have felt when they were fighting for someone else's liberation and freedom while they were being denied those precious gifts at home.
Dude. They were fighting because war had been declared on the US. Not much of a fuck had been given for other people's liberation and freedom up until then.
Dozens of times a month on these forums republicans are trying to convince that democrats are the racists. Wonder what their excuse is for blacks voting democratic in huge numbers and only a fairly small percentage of blacks voting republican?

Yeah, once the word gets out, that's not happening anymore. I was taught about these things by an old black man from Mizzuruh. He converted me to being a Republican. He was a smart man.
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You are absolutely correct. We need to keep him relevant in order to not make that MISTAKE again.

However, politically, socially, and otherwise he is irrelevant, and OBAMA guaranteed we will not have another Black President for decades.

That is what the racist are hoping for.

Only a RACIST would assume it was because of his race and skin color that people didn't like him. It was really because of his terrible policies, politics, and anti American rhetoric like "You didn't build that!".

Thank you for confirming how big of a racist you really are.

The only racists are idiots like you, just the dumbass statement you made that America wouldn't see another black president because of Pres. Obama. How many sorry ass white presidents have we had, didn't stop you from voting for another white man. Pres. Obama inherited a economy that was trash, unemployment rate that was trash. Now today Trump is patting himself on the back for work he didn't do, it was work by the black president that racist ass clowns like you don't want to give credit to. So explain why another black man won't be elected again.

R U serious? I give Obama full credit for "Cash 4 Clunkers" that took all the affordable used cars off the road and sold them to China to be possibly be hurled back at us in the form of high-velocity shells, you stupid fuck! Obama never did 1 day of work in his life, if you hadn't alluded he had, I wouldn't have known you were a super-retard. Now I do.

Obama has never done 1 day of work in his life, ever. He is a piece of shit, bitch.

Ask him! Retard, write that POS and ask him, and I'm gonna laugh.

Obama worked as a law professor.

And he did a day of work when?! You don't even know what that means, do you?

Apparently you've never done one. You're useless, next!
That is what the racist are hoping for.

Only a RACIST would assume it was because of his race and skin color that people didn't like him. It was really because of his terrible policies, politics, and anti American rhetoric like "You didn't build that!".

Thank you for confirming how big of a racist you really are.

The only racists are idiots like you, just the dumbass statement you made that America wouldn't see another black president because of Pres. Obama. How many sorry ass white presidents have we had, didn't stop you from voting for another white man. Pres. Obama inherited a economy that was trash, unemployment rate that was trash. Now today Trump is patting himself on the back for work he didn't do, it was work by the black president that racist ass clowns like you don't want to give credit to. So explain why another black man won't be elected again.

R U serious? I give Obama full credit for "Cash 4 Clunkers" that took all the affordable used cars off the road and sold them to China to be possibly be hurled back at us in the form of high-velocity shells, you stupid fuck! Obama never did 1 day of work in his life, if you hadn't alluded he had, I wouldn't have known you were a super-retard. Now I do.

Obama has never done 1 day of work in his life, ever. He is a piece of shit, bitch.

Ask him! Retard, write that POS and ask him, and I'm gonna laugh.

Obama worked as a law professor.

And he did a day of work when?! You don't even know what that means, do you?

Apparently you've never done one. You're useless, next!

If he worked as a law professor for several years..... Then he held down a job which you said he never did. Ok, enough, I tried.
Only a RACIST would assume it was because of his race and skin color that people didn't like him. It was really because of his terrible policies, politics, and anti American rhetoric like "You didn't build that!".

Thank you for confirming how big of a racist you really are.

The only racists are idiots like you, just the dumbass statement you made that America wouldn't see another black president because of Pres. Obama. How many sorry ass white presidents have we had, didn't stop you from voting for another white man. Pres. Obama inherited a economy that was trash, unemployment rate that was trash. Now today Trump is patting himself on the back for work he didn't do, it was work by the black president that racist ass clowns like you don't want to give credit to. So explain why another black man won't be elected again.

R U serious? I give Obama full credit for "Cash 4 Clunkers" that took all the affordable used cars off the road and sold them to China to be possibly be hurled back at us in the form of high-velocity shells, you stupid fuck! Obama never did 1 day of work in his life, if you hadn't alluded he had, I wouldn't have known you were a super-retard. Now I do.

Obama has never done 1 day of work in his life, ever. He is a piece of shit, bitch.

Ask him! Retard, write that POS and ask him, and I'm gonna laugh.

Obama worked as a law professor.

And he did a day of work when?! You don't even know what that means, do you?

Apparently you've never done one. You're useless, next!

If he worked as a law professor for several years..... Then he held down a job which you said he never did. Ok, enough, I tried.

You do not get it. Those who can't do...teach.

Ask me how I know you've never worked a day in your life, you sorry sack of shit troll?
The only stupid fucks are ass clown fools like you who are in denial.

Explain it to me shit for brains, racist paraded around carrying the American flag when they were terrorizing, brutalizing and lynching folks never heard any of you racist cocksuckers whine about they were disrespecting the flag doing that.

I am a disabled veteran I am pretty damn sure that speaks for itself, assholes like you are only proud to be an American when white folks have the upper hand on everyone else.

If you don't like the National Anthem and the Constitution and America, what the fuck were you doing in the military? Were you drafted?

Who in the fuck said I don't like the National Anthem or the Constitution? You pulled that stupid shit out of your ass. No I volunteered as many black men have before and after me.

You said you were supporting Kap, no? He kneeled because he doesn't like the National Anthem. Did you not know that? Something some leftist prof misinterpreted and filled his head with about the 4th verse that nobody ever sings. But he went full retard and lost his job.
When did Kap ever say he hated the national anthem?

He protested black lives matter

Right here, stupid. You asked a question that had already been answered.

Is the National Anthem Racist?
Wasn’t Kap moron

One of the players was asked by a reporter why he kneeled during the song, the player responded, "I'm not going to stand and sing a song that is racist."
If you don't like the National Anthem and the Constitution and America, what the fuck were you doing in the military? Were you drafted?

Who in the fuck said I don't like the National Anthem or the Constitution? You pulled that stupid shit out of your ass. No I volunteered as many black men have before and after me.

You said you were supporting Kap, no? He kneeled because he doesn't like the National Anthem. Did you not know that? Something some leftist prof misinterpreted and filled his head with about the 4th verse that nobody ever sings. But he went full retard and lost his job.
When did Kap ever say he hated the national anthem?

He protested black lives matter

Right here, stupid. You asked a question that had already been answered.

Is the National Anthem Racist?
Wasn’t Kap moron

One of the players was asked by a reporter why he kneeled during the song, the player responded, "I'm not going to stand and sing a song that is racist."

And his 1st name just happened to be Colin, amirite? Derp!

What position does he play now, again?

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