African-American Nurse banned from caring for white child


VIP Member
Jul 1, 2012
So what in the hell is she suing the hospital? What in the hell were they suppose to do if what she is saying is true? The guy is a jerk for sure but what if they had told him to screw off and he brought a gun to the hospital? Being PC sure would have worked. People have to realize there are aholes in the world and they are not always going to like someone for some reason.

How about this blantant racism:

Parents upset over minority-only tutoring ad
As sad as it is to say, the father's request has to be honored.

I have seen Muslims request that no Jews care for their children and family members.

I know that I had a nurse banned from caring for my father because I didn't like the way she was treating him while he was in a coma.

Her case is not that strong, despite how offensive the situation is. She didn't lose anything by not being allowed to care for that child. She suffered no lose of income nor did she lose any professional standing.
Just another minority person looking to sue someone for discrimination and cash in on the big bucks........ :cool:
The nurse isn't a victim of discrimination because she was prohibited from caring for this one child. She is a victim of a growing mistrust that the baby would not get appropriate care from a black nurse. Judging from her behavior the father was correct in not trusting the nurse.
The father is no doubt a racist however he should have some control as to who cares for his child. I think if I ran the hospital and the nurse was capability of providing the care the child needs, I would tell the father he should take his child elsewhere if he doesn't like the care being given.
So what in the hell is she suing the hospital? What in the hell were they suppose to do if what she is saying is true? The guy is a jerk for sure but what if they had told him to screw off and he brought a gun to the hospital? Being PC sure would have worked. People have to realize there are aholes in the world and they are not always going to like someone for some reason.

How about this blantant racism:

Parents upset over minority-only tutoring ad
Good points made here... I think it was disgusting what the father asked such a thing, but hey it is his kid and it should be respected as such, even though it was an unusual request these days, and in fact it was an ignorant shocking one to boot these days. However, is there a law saying that a person cannot request that a certain individual not attend to their family member, if the individual is black, yellow, white or has other supposed attributes (language barriers) or characteristic traits that don't meet with the persons standards in what they think would make their family member comfortable whether in birth and/or in a near death situation according to them ? I agree with your alerting of the PC senario that could be involved in such a thing, where as people are just crazy these days.

It was or now is a sad sad commentary to be found upon such a request in this situation I think, but what do you do when it gets that personal and up close in peoples lives ? If I was the nurse, I would have gladly not attended to the child upon the ignorant fathers request, and to have let someone else take over in that situation, but No the hospital is not at fault here at all, especially in such a weird and outrageous situation as that one was.. The hospital did the right thing in the situation, because keeping their staff safe is paramont over and above what happened as far as her feelings being hurt goes. It seems there's always money involved isn't there ?
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Tonya Battle is suing her employers at Hurley Medical Center, in Flint, after they ordered her not to look after the baby in the neonatal intensive care unit following a request from its father.

The lawsuit states: "The father told the [nurse in charge] that he did not want an African Americans taking care of his baby."

Nurse ?banned? from caring for newborn because of skin color, lawsuit claims* - NY Daily News

What are your thoughts on this?

thing is......... you can refuse any medical personal you don't like or want treating you. Granted what he did was pretty racist... but it is what it is.
The nurse isn't a victim of discrimination because she was prohibited from caring for this one child. She is a victim of a growing mistrust that the baby would not get appropriate care from a black nurse. Judging from her behavior the father was correct in not trusting the nurse.

Yeah neo-nazis sure make good judgements
There might just be a little more to the story here.
Maybe he asked the nurse to do something or just answer a question and he didn't
like her attitude.It could be he had a problem with her abilities and not her color.

I have heard many reports about how the right did something like vote on a bill only to learn
later on from another source the reason why they voted that way.

the Liberal run media has a history of distorting the facts to suit their agenda.
There might just be a little more to the story here.
Maybe he asked the nurse to do something or just answer a question and he didn't
like her attitude.It could be he had a problem with her abilities and not her color.

I have heard many reports about how the right did something like vote on a bill only to learn
later on from another source the reason why they voted that way.

the Liberal run media has a history of distorting the facts to suit their agenda.

The article said he had a swastika tattoo. Now what does that tell you? And that man's request was inclusive for all Blacks in the hospital.
I don't think she should have sued the hospital,it's a really dumb decision and the case will be dropped. However I hope that Nazi bastard's child dies. People like him don't deserve children nor happiness.

And before any of you say anything, if Nazis are willing to kill my children why should care for theirs?
I don't think she should have sued the hospital,it's a really dumb decision and the case will be dropped. However I hope that Nazi bastard's child dies. People like him don't deserve children nor happiness.

And before any of you say anything, if Nazis are willing to kill my children why should care for theirs?

However I hope that Nazi bastard's child dies. People like him don't deserve children nor happiness.

This statement tells us all we need to know about race relations in this country....
One guy doesn't want a black person caring for his child...
Another person because of that wishes his child dies.

Pretty scary stuff here.
There might just be a little more to the story here.
Maybe he asked the nurse to do something or just answer a question and he didn't
like her attitude.It could be he had a problem with her abilities and not her color.

I have heard many reports about how the right did something like vote on a bill only to learn
later on from another source the reason why they voted that way.

the Liberal run media has a history of distorting the facts to suit their agenda.

The article said he had a swastika tattoo. Now what does that tell you? And that man's request was inclusive for all Blacks in the hospital.
Yes, sounds like a racist type situation for sure, but he made the request, thus causing the situation, where as her employer had to abide by the fathers wishes in the situation, and this in order to keep trouble down at the hospital, but now were their civil rights violations involved in this? If so then it needs to be reviewed only that it involves the father, her (the victim) and the law as it is written, but she sounds like she is after money maybe or has taken that route in the situation to be found in an opportunistic way.
I don't think she should have sued the hospital,it's a really dumb decision and the case will be dropped. However I hope that Nazi bastard's child dies. People like him don't deserve children nor happiness.

And before any of you say anything, if Nazis are willing to kill my children why should care for theirs?

However I hope that Nazi bastard's child dies. People like him don't deserve children nor happiness.

This statement tells us all we need to know about race relations in this country....
One guy doesn't want a black person caring for his child...
Another person because of that wishes his child dies.

Pretty scary stuff here.
To wish a childs death, based upon the fathers ignorance is complete idiocy also. Hooray for all the idiots we now have in America today, they make for some serious entertainment, but it is entertainment that no sane person wants to buy tickets for.

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