African Woman Immigrant Stand Tall for America in Front of BLM, Liberals Cringe


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
That woman has courage and will not betray her adopted home just so she can play the victim.

Instead of kowtowing to her hostile critics, Yumga persisted in standing up for the country that has provided her with so much.
"I’m proud of my country, and I don’t want my country to be portrayed like this,” Yumga told Breitbart News.
She also refused to fall into the victimization trap to which so many have succumbed.
"The idea is to create a group of people who feel oppressed, OK?” Yumga said.
"Because the more they feel oppressed, the more they are going to look for some kind of equalization.
"Nobody is oppressed in America,” she said, explaining that as a foreigner she values the opportunities this country provides.
"I am not oppressed,” Yumga confidently declared.

This woman puts all Hate America First Liberals to shame, if they had any shame.

Many people don't know this, but African immigrants look down on American black people as lazy, illiterate, and always begging for free stuff. ... :cool:
African Americans didnt use to be like that at all, and most still arent.

Used to be, in any profession, blacks were the best because the HAD to be the best.
Most naturalized AMERICAN citizens are far more truly patriotic and loyal than the big mouth douche bags who post here about how much they hate this or that ‘category.’

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