After 9-0 SCOTUS rejection, Democrats devise Putinesque new plan to keep Trump off the ballot

What did Trump mean when he said in his speech on January 6, and in a tweet that morning, if Mike Pence does the right thing, we win?
What did he mean in his speech when he said “Peacefully and Patriotically let your voices be heard”?
They can't pass legislation that is directed at one individual, that would be a Bill of Attainder. So they will need to go further.

Perhaps, but they know it ain't going anywhere so they'll just draft some Resolution nonsense to work up the cult. (e.g., anyone charged with any crime connected to January 6th was engaged in insurrection)
I think he wants to setup some kind of a Congressional Star Chamber that has the authority to declare someone is an insurrectionist under 14-3, without a criminal charge and from behind closed doors. That would give the Congress veto power over any State or Federal candidate. Trump would be the first target, but we all know they wouldn't stop there...
Of course they were asked to. Trump appealed all the way to SCOTUS and they absolutely did punt on deciding whether Trump was an insurrectionist and thus disqualified. Instead they left it entirely up to Congress to decide. That means for instance, if abortion is the driving issue of the election and Democrats win a super majority in Congress, they very well could use the political process now approved to them by SCOTUS to disqualify Trump through a purely political process. That is the effective result of their ruling.
That wasn’t an issue before the court.

Cry more.
Well for instance down in Fulton County some of the charges are

  1. Making false statements and writings.
  2. Solicitation of violation of oath of public officer.
  3. Impersonating a public office and conspiring to impersonate.
  4. Forgery and conspiracy to commit forgery.
  5. Filling false documents.
  6. Conspiracy to commit election fraud.
  7. Conspiracy to defraud the State.
Among others.
That one is going down in flames too, and faster than Fat Fani goes down on Loverboy.
Dress up and show us how effective you would be.
Could we get another pic of your arsenal, deputy?
Stupid you don't dress up to slit a throat. You go dressed as everyone else to get that close
What makes you think this?
We haven't had a decision on her disqualification yet.
You still want her? Do you want her to lose the case?

If there is one married woman on the jury they’ll hang her jury out of spite.

If it even gets that far.

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