After 9-0 SCOTUS rejection, Democrats devise Putinesque new plan to keep Trump off the ballot

Yes, the Confiscation Act preceded the 14th amendment (it was actually a model for the Amendment if you read it). Here's your cookie

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But as the Court says, Section 2383 is the Congressional legislative enforcement mechanism. No further COngressional action is required as a result of yesterday's decision. It's already on the books.

As you know, asshole Raskin is simply trying to gin up more anger from your cult already pissed off at the 9-0 decision.
Actually Raskin is simply preparing to do what SCOTUS gave Congress the power to do, bar insurrectionists from holding office.

Jamie Raskin One-Ups Supreme Court With Plan to Kick Trump off Ballot
They don’t dangle out clues like you feel they may have done for you
Again, you guys are pissed because Raskin is proposing legislation consistent with constitutional principles.

He was described as “Putin-esque”
Yes, the Confiscation Act preceded the 14th amendment (it was actually a model for the Amendment if you read it). Here's your cookie

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But as the Court says, Section 2383 is the Congressional legislative enforcement mechanism. No further COngressional action is required as a result of yesterday's decision. It's already on the books.

As you know, asshole Raskin is simply trying to gin up more anger from your cult already pissed off at the 9-0 decision.
Raskins said USSC was not clear and punted with that 9-0 ruling
Again, you guys are pissed because Raskin is proposing legislation consistent with constitutional principles.

He was described as “Putin-esque”
I would say his reaction is denying the reality of how it was ruled. He’s on to yet another Got Trump
Unanimous verdicts are always vague and barely a win in lib loon land
Did he say vague or did he say SCOTUS wasn't clear on whether Trump was or wasn't an insurrectionist and instead left the decision completely up to Congress? You sure you understand the ruling Short Bus? Cause it seems like you doesn't.
I’ve been correcting you a lot today.
Yes, your pretentious condescension is noted. A really bad habit of yours. Makes you look small and insecure in your argument.
Your opinion of what is “required” is irrelevant. Congress is constitutionally empowered to write the law.
Raskin can obviously write whatever he thinks will rile up his cult. However, no further legislation is required. You even quoted the court.
"Instead, it is Congress that has long given effect to Section 3 with respect to would-be or existing federal officeholders." Note the past tense. They've already done it.
I would say his reaction is denying the reality of how it was ruled. He’s on to yet another Got Trump
He just want to rile up the brain dead cult who they had promised this scam would get Trump off the ballot.
Did he say vague or did he say SCOTUS wasn't clear on whether Trump was or wasn't an insurrectionist and instead left the decision completely up to Congress? You sure you understand the ruling Short Bus? Cause it seems like you doesn't.
You need to go back to screwing and then eating goats because your current diet has you far more addled than your typical addledness.
Again, you guys are pissed because Raskin is proposing legislation consistent with constitutional principles.
What exactly is Raskin proposing? Have you seen it? I haven't.

“In any event, the Supreme Court punted and said it’s up to Congress to act,” the Maryland representative continued. “And so I am working with a number of my colleagues, including Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Eric Swalwell, to revive legislation that we had to set up a process by which we could determine that someone who committed insurrection is disqualified by Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment.”

Okay, lol. Not sure whatsername shultz and swillwell are the best legal minds available, but hey, it's cool.

There is already a process to disqualify someone who has committed insurrection.
1. Charge them with insurrection
2. Get a verdict of guilty.
3. Voila!
How would that be denying reality when he was pursuing the exact course of action that SCOTUS indicates is the only way to enforce the amendment?
Told you,
Stop asking for further explanation after each post. If you can’t decipher then don’t participate
Thinkers know that the “question” for further explanation is a ruse
But kicking the decision back to Congress to decide what is insurrection and what isn't, is a punt.
That's not what they did. They said Congress has already acted. Section 2383.

"Instead, it is Congress that has long given effect to Section 3 with respect to would-be or existing federal officeholders."
He just want to rile up the brain dead cult who they had promised this scam would get Trump off the ballot.
Now they will try to sell that a dozen congresspeople will vacate the will of 75million+
A 9-0 ruling shows how bad the Democrats overplayed this. The states that were trying to subvert a federal election should be investigated.

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