After 9-0 SCOTUS rejection, Democrats devise Putinesque new plan to keep Trump off the ballot

It doesn't sound like the DemoKKKrats are very confident in Poor Memory's ability to win this one without a whole lot of election interference...LOL

We must destroy democracy* in order to save democracy.

*Of course, we are a representative Republic, but the left keeps pushing the democracy nonsense because their handmaidens in the teachers unions have so miseducated several generations of Americans.

A Republic is about individual Liberty, and the left hates that.
The more conservative justices also noted that such a potential latitude of Congress is still subject to judicial review, which not surprisingly provoked the liberal justices to complain separately as to what unilateral federal remedy would remain to disqualify a candidate (meaning, how could the DNC otherwise still illegally block a candidate).

We must destroy democracy* in order to save democracy.

Of course, we are a representative Republic, but the left keeps pushing the democracy nonsense because their handmaidens in the teachers unions have so miseducated several generations of Americans.

A Republic is about individual Liberty, and the left hates that.

The DemoKKKrats' plan to "save our democracy" by making sure tens of millions of Americans won't be able to vote for the candidate of their choice. :spinner:
So now you all agree Congress is the only one that can charge him with an insurrection before it was nah they don't

Make up your loser minds
Nope. I said that's what the court said. Are you gonna listen to them or not?

You morons need to make up your alleged minds.
Congress did, they passed 18 USC 2383 to provide a federal criminal statute for insurrection.
You cant claim that 18 USC 2383 was passed as a means to enforce the amendment since it was passed before the amendment was.
What did Trump mean when he said in his speech on January 6, and in a tweet that morning, if Mike Pence does the right thing, we win?

That they wanted Pence to introduce the alternate slates of electors, and then each House would separately debate them among themselves, and hopefully, the Senate would not accept the alleged official slates from several states.

Pence promised he would do just that a day or two earlier. He lied.

The memo didn’t say he had to declare them winners first

The memo said Pence had to commit fraud, right here:

3. When he gets to Arizona, he announces that he has multiple slates of electors, and so is going to defer decision on that until finishing the other States. This would be the first break with the procedure set out in the Act.​

Pence had said he knew they lost Arizona so if he announced that he recognized a multiple slate of electors, he would be lying. He would be committing fraud against the United States of America and the people who voted for Joe Biden.
I read that Raskin and Swallow-well are going to try and punish MANY Republicans including Trump.
Raskin wants bike lanes on both sides of any roads in Mont Co . Our area is part of another torturous experiment with reducing travel lanes from 3 in each direction to two in a 35 mph speed zone.
It does cause back ups at stop lights requiring two cycles now and the tally of bikes observed in their shiny new lane after 6 weeks is Absolute Zero
Raskin is the poster child for dim bulb virtue signaling dumb ass actions

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