After 9-0 SCOTUS rejection, Democrats devise Putinesque new plan to keep Trump off the ballot

As you seem to acknowledge, you asked whether Donald Trump “has been arrested?” He has, whereas I for example, have not.

If you have another question about him being currently incarcerated, no he is not. Only because we still have due process in this country, however inconvenient you may find that.
Unfortunately, it has nothing to do with "due process". He is an elite. A member of the inner circle. A founder of the Deep State. Architect of The Swamp. :)
The rules for him are different than for us. We'd be sitting in prison or under house arrest.
Yes. The States have no power to enforce 14-3. None.

18 USC 2383 bars someone who is convicted from holding any office.

States do not need to rely on 14-3, the statute gives them the all authority they need.
States are illegally reacting to charges and suppositions and want him to prove himself innocent . There are zero convictions. Feelings oh feelings and wishes.
Please link to anything in the congressional record that has determined that an insurrection occurred. While you are at it, link to anyone who has been charged with insurrection.
The second Trump impeachment occurred a year later in the waning days of the Trump presidency following the events on January 6, 2021, at the U.S. Capitol in which some supporters of President Trump attempted to disrupt the congressional certification of the 2020 presidential election as having been won by Joseph Biden. The House moved quickly following those events. Passing on an investigation, the Judiciary Committee staff compiled publicly available evidence relating to the President’s actions on January 6 and within one week had introduced and approved a single article of impeachment charging the President with incitement to insurrection.21 Specifically, the article alleged that in the months running up to January 6th the President had consistently issued false statements asserting that the Presidential election results were the product of widespread fraud and should not be accepted by the American people.22 He then repeated those claims when addressing a crowd on January 6, and willfully made statements that, in context, encouraged—and foreseeably resulted in—lawless action at the Capitol. . . .23 Notably, although the House ultimately impeached President Trump prior to the expiration of his term, the Senate did not commence a trial until after President Trump had left office.24

The second Trump impeachment occurred a year later in the waning days of the Trump presidency following the events on January 6, 2021, at the U.S. Capitol in which some supporters of President Trump attempted to disrupt the congressional certification of the 2020 presidential election as having been won by Joseph Biden. The House moved quickly following those events. Passing on an investigation, the Judiciary Committee staff compiled publicly available evidence relating to the President’s actions on January 6 and within one week had introduced and approved a single article of impeachment charging the President with incitement to insurrection.21 Specifically, the article alleged that in the months running up to January 6th the President had consistently issued false statements asserting that the Presidential election results were the product of widespread fraud and should not be accepted by the American people.22 He then repeated those claims when addressing a crowd on January 6, and willfully made statements that, in context, encouraged—and foreseeably resulted in—lawless action at the Capitol. . . .23 Notably, although the House ultimately impeached President Trump prior to the expiration of his term, the Senate did not commence a trial until after President Trump had left office.24

Acquitted. Next.
The second Trump impeachment occurred a year later in the waning days of the Trump presidency following the events on January 6, 2021, at the U.S. Capitol in which some supporters of President Trump attempted to disrupt the congressional certification of the 2020 presidential election as having been won by Joseph Biden. The House moved quickly following those events. Passing on an investigation, the Judiciary Committee staff compiled publicly available evidence relating to the President’s actions on January 6 and within one week had introduced and approved a single article of impeachment charging the President with incitement to insurrection.21 Specifically, the article alleged that in the months running up to January 6th the President had consistently issued false statements asserting that the Presidential election results were the product of widespread fraud and should not be accepted by the American people.22 He then repeated those claims when addressing a crowd on January 6, and willfully made statements that, in context, encouraged—and foreseeably resulted in—lawless action at the Capitol. . . .23 Notably, although the House ultimately impeached President Trump prior to the expiration of his term, the Senate did not commence a trial until after President Trump had left office.24

And the senate rejected the impeachment. So, as previously stated, you've got NOTHING.

And the senate rejected the impeachment. So, as previously stated, you've got NOTHING.

It was an insurrection and even the Senate Majority Leader said that Trump was responsible for it.
As you would know if you had opened the second link and read McConnel's statement, he went on to say that the only reason the Senate didn't vote to convict was because Trump was already out of office at the time.
Instead, McConnel said, it was going to be up to the courts to dispense the proper justice to Trump.
And yesterday The SCOTUS determined that Mitch was mistaken back in 21.
Congress DID have the authority to convict.
So now we know.
And it is not too late.
Unfortunately, it has nothing to do with "due process". He is an elite. A member of the inner circle. A founder of the Deep State. Architect of The Swamp. :)
A particularly odd description of Trump.
The rules for him are different than for us. We'd be sitting in prison or under house arrest.
We would never have been subjected to such silly charges, not being threats to the entrenched bureaucracy and its political patrons.
It was an insurrection and even the Senate Majority Leader said that Trump was responsible for it.
As you would know if you had opened the second link and read McConnel's statement, he went on to say that the only reason the Senate didn't vote to convict was because Trump was already out of office at the time.
Instead, McConnel said, it was going to be up to the courts to dispense the proper justice to Trump.
And yesterday The SCOTUS determined that Mitch was mistaken back in 21.
Congress DID have the authority to convict.
So now we know.
And it is not too late.
So now you figure you'll say that the turtle preaches the gospel, eh? Try again. 9-0. Bench Slapped.
And yesterday The SCOTUS determined that Mitch was mistaken back in 21.
Congress DID have the authority to convict.
No, the Congress only has the power to impeach and remove. McConnell said it makes no sense to remove someone who is already out of office.

Congress resolved the question about the 14th amendment disqualification in 1948 by passing 18 USC 2383. If someone is convicted of insurrection, he is not eligible to hold office. That is why the Colorado Supreme Court decision was reversed.

The Supreme Court didn't say McConnell was mistaken. They were saying this question is already settled.

McConnell said it's up to the courts to hold Trump accountable. He was already out of office, so removing him from office (the remedy conviction demands) was nonsensical.

Had the Senate voted to convict, they could have had an additional vote to then bar him from public office.

This is what the impeachment was all about for the Dems. They were trying to get to that vote to make Trump ineligible to hold office.

The Dems are admitting to the Stalin thepry of “Find me the man, I will find you the crime.”

They just want Trump off the ballot at all costs because they do not think thry can win.

These are evil people antithetical to democracy.

The Dems are admitting to the Stalin thepry of “Find me the man, I will find you the crime.”

They just want Trump off the ballot at all costs because they do not think thry can win.

These are evil people antithetical to democracy.
They are not seeking any ultimate resolution including incarceration. It’s just a barrage of font page charges followed by page 33 acquittal or dismissal 2-6 months later. It’s an effective media ploy they implement well
So now you figure you'll say that the turtle preaches the gospel, eh? Try again. 9-0. Bench Slapped.
I am not denying the SCOTUS ruling.
The decision did not say that Trump was exonerated for insurrection though.
It only said that individual states cannot kick federal insurrectionists off state ballots.
I am not denying the SCOTUS ruling.
The decision did not say that Trump was exonerated for insurrection though.
It only said that individual states cannot kick federal insurrectionists off state ballots.

We have no idea what they would’ve said if Trump actually were an insurrectionist. Since he has not been convicted of being an insurrectionist, and since it really is a pretty anbsurd idea that he is one, they based her decision on that.

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